Xiao Yeyang has no special hobbies. The only thing he likes in his spare time is painting. Suddenly, he saw a painting with good painting skills, which really attracted his attention.

Looking at the picture of the snow-blooming plum blossom in the painting, Xiao Yeyang nodded in approval, but he felt that the painting was not perfect and there were too many blank spaces. It might be better if one or two characters were added.

At this time, Xiao Yeyang thought of Daohua. He didn't seem to have painted a snow scene for Yiyi. Well, he had to draw a picture when he got a chance.

Hongmei, Baixue, and beautiful women must be beautiful.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the corridor not far away.

"Girl, it's all the slave's fault. I forgot to take the painting back."

"Okay, let's go and take the painting back right away."

A gentle and soft female voice came into Xiao Yeyang's ears, and then, a beautiful girl in a red cloak and two maids came into view.

When the girl saw that there was someone in the garden, her face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, but she quickly recovered, and then walked towards Xiao Yeyang.

"The little girl An Xin has seen the prince."

The graceful figure is graceful and bowed, and the movements are gentle and elegant.

Xiao Yeyang looked at An Xin: "Do you know this king?"

An Xin nodded, looking a little nervous, half-blind her eyes, and replied slightly shyly: "An Xin was fortunate to have met the prince a few times." After speaking, he paused, "The prince may not know, because every time the little girl is far away Looking at the lord from a distance."

Xiao Yeyang gave a 'um', without saying anything, he stepped forward and was about to leave.

Seeing that Xiao Yeyang was leaving, An Xin felt a little anxious, but she also knew that people like Weiyuan Wang were too rushed and would not catch his eye.

After Xiao Yeyang took a few steps, he instructed the maid behind him to put away the paintings on the drawing board.

When Xiao Yeyang heard that the painting was painted by An Xin, he did not stop, and after a while, he left the garden.

Seeing this, An Xin was a little disappointed.

The maid next to her comforted: "Don't worry girl, anyway, you have already spoken to King Weiyuan this time."

An Xin forced a smile, which was not enough.

King Weiyuan was not as interested in her as she had expected, and he just said a few words politely.

She knew that King Weiyuan wouldn't go to An's house often, and she wouldn't have many chances to see him, so she had to seize it every time.

"Let's go, let's go to my grandmother. The third uncle said just now that the prince will take the fourth prince and the young prince to visit the grandmother later."

Xiao Yeyang found Daozi, Xiao Moren and Xiao Moqing in the stable.

Sure enough, Daozi was already riding on the horse's back.

Fortunately, the servants of the Anfu knew the importance of the power, and they just walked slowly on the racecourse with the foal and the rice.


Seeing Xiao Yeyang, the rice on the horse's back immediately waved his hand happily, and then asked the groom to carry him off the horse's back.

"Father, are you here to pick me up?"

Daozi ran to Xiao Yeyang and hugged his thigh.

Xiao Yeyang squinted his son: "You are really energetic, you have the energy to ride a horse after a day's class!"

Daozi took Xiao Yeyang's hand and shook it: "I just came to see the pony. I didn't ride a horse, I just walked around on horseback."

Xiao Yeyang: "You are still young. After two years, Dad will teach you how to ride horses. When you learn it, the family will no longer restrict you from riding horses. But now you are not allowed to ride indiscriminately, you know?"

Daozi nodded straightly: "I know, I won't let you worry."

Xiao Yeyang snorted, took the little guy's hand, and took Xiao Moren and Xiao Moqing to Mrs. An's yard.

"After seeing Mrs. An, we will go back to the manor."

As soon as he entered Mrs. An's house, Xiao Yeyang saw An Xin standing beside Mrs. An with a smile, holding a painting and talking softly.

The painting was the one he had just seen in the garden.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang coming, Mrs. An hurriedly got up: "I see the prince in my old age."

Xiao Yeyang helped him up: "Old lady, don't be too polite, are your feet okay?"

Mrs. An smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, I just slapped it. Thank you for your concern."

Xiao Yeyang nodded, and when he was about to say what he was about to leave, Mr. An on the side said with a smile: "My lord, just now my niece showed off to us and said that you were admiring her paintings in the garden."

Hearing this, An Xin immediately lowered her head in embarrassment: "Third uncle, how can I have."

However, Lord An laughed loudly, looked at Xiao Yeyang and said: "My lord, my niece's painting skills are ranked among the ladies in the capital. I heard that the lord is also a master of painting, since I have encountered it, Why don't you comment on my niece's painting?"

Having said that, An Xin directly walked to Xiao Yeyang holding the painting.

If it was said that he just met An Xin in the garden, Xiao Yeyang didn't think about it, but now that he saw the An Xin family's strong sales and An Xin's shy and timid demeanor, what else could he not understand?

In an instant, Xiao Yeyang felt a deep anger in his heart.

If the An family was just plotting against him, he wouldn't be too angry, but the An family shouldn't use the rice!

Xiao Moren also saw the An family's thoughts, and the fourth prince also had several concubines. He grew up watching concubines compete for favor.

The eyes of Miss An's family looking at Uncle Wang are exactly the same as the eyes of the concubine in the mansion looking at the father and the king.

Seeing the rice beside him who knew nothing, happily eating dim sum with his seventh brother, Xiao Moren sighed.

The younger brother is still too simple, and he doesn't even know that he was sold by others!

It seems that he will take more care in the future.

Xiao Yeyang didn't take a look at the painting, and waved An Xin away directly: "This king has painted these years to make his wife and children into the painting, but I don't have the heart to think about painting skills, so just comment."

Saying that, he paused.

"Besides, Miss An is the daughter of a boudoir, how can her paintings be freely commented on by an outsider, and she is not a woman of the past. This is not good for her and the reputation of the An family."

As soon as these words came out, An Xin's face instantly turned pale.

Is King Weiyuan saying that she has no self-respect?

Mrs. An and Lord An were also stunned.

Mrs. An San felt ashamed of being slapped in the face, and sighed inwardly, it really wasn't that the family didn't enter the house, Princess Xiao didn't show her mother-in-law's face, and King Weiyuan dared to say it.

Not only did he point out that his niece had no self-respect, but he also said that the An family would no longer teach daughters.

Xiao Yeyang stood up: "It's getting late, this king will take the child back to the house, and leave." After saying that, he took the rice and left with Xiao Moren.

Mrs. An and Lord An did not expect that Xiao Yeyang would leave as soon as they left, and they didn't even have a chance to keep anyone.

Seeing that Xiao Yeyang took Daozi and Xiao Moren out of the house, Mrs. An San tugged on Lord La'an's sleeve, and Mr. An hurriedly followed.

Seeing Mrs. An's face sinking and An Xin biting her lip deeply, Mrs. An San didn't want to say anything and took Xiao Moqing out of the house.

She really didn't know what her mother-in-law and master thought, and they foolishly used the son of King Weiyuan to approach him!

Don't say that King Weiyuan is not a lecherous person, even if King Weiyuan is a hungry ghost, no matter how beautiful the person who uses his son to approach him, he probably will be disgusted.

How stupid!

Mrs. An San looked back at An Xin, who was on the verge of collapse, with a slight irony in her heart, and she was a person whose heart was higher than the sky and thinner than paper. Why did she think that King Weiyuan would treat her differently?

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