There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1009, women are tigers

On the carriage back to the palace, Xiao Moren looked at Xiao Yeyang, who was chatting with Daozi in a low voice, from time to time. He hesitated, but when Xiao Yeyang looked over, he quickly looked away.

He deliberately wanted to remind Uncle Wang that my aunt is pregnant now, and I can't stand it. Uncle Wang must not be really seduced by the Miss An family.

The mother-in-law said that men are all lecherous, and if Miss An's family seduces a few more times, he really can't guarantee that Uncle Wang will be able to sit still.

However, he is a junior, and it is really difficult to meddle in the affairs of the elders' rooms.

Filled with worry, Xiao Moren looked at the rice.

Usually Uncle Wang would hardly go to An Mansion, but this time he went to An Mansion to pick him up and Daozi. If they stopped going, Miss An would have no chance even if she wanted to seduce Uncle Wang.

When Xiao Yeyang and the three returned to the palace, Xiao Moren quickly pulled Daozi aside and instructed: "Moxi, let's not go to Anfu in the future."

Rice puzzled: "Why?"

Xiao Moren frowned: "The An family is uneasy and good-natured, they have bad intentions against Uncle Wang, and they are attacking Uncle Wang's ideas."

Daozi said "ah": "Why did they beat my father's idea?"

Xiao Moren snorted: "Of course I want to benefit from Uncle Wang."

Daozi's eyes suddenly widened: "I see, my father is now like the fat my mother said, and the An family wants to eat my father."

Xiao Moren: "Uh, almost, let's not go to settle down anyway."

Daozi nodded, wrinkled his bun face and said in doubt, "But my father is so powerful, the An family shouldn't be able to eat my father's meat."

Xiao Moren had a headache. After thinking about it, he decided to explain it carefully to his younger brother: "Uncle Wang is very powerful, but no matter how powerful a man is, he has a bad nature, that is, men are lustful."

"Do you remember the Miss An family we saw at the An family today? Men like beautiful women, so Miss An is seducing your father."

Daozi frowned and thought about it seriously, then shook his head and said, "I don't think Miss An can seduce my father, she is not as beautiful as my mother."

"." Xiao Moren was silent for a while, "But now my aunt is pregnant."

Well, he didn't really understand it, but he knew that a pregnant woman couldn't serve her husband.

Daozi: "So what, my mother is pregnant without becoming ugly!"

Xiao Moren was speechless again, and decided not to argue with Daozi, and said the decision directly: "Just listen to me, you don't want your father to seduce women outside, right?"

"I tell you, those concubines are so bad that they will occupy your father. If Uncle Wang has a concubine, he will have a child with the concubine, and he will spend less time with you."

Saying, humming.

"My father is like this. He is only in my mother's concubine's room fifteen days a month, and he is with his concubine the rest of the time. I can't see my father during this time."

"My father is pretty good, he didn't spoil his concubine and destroy his wife. You don't know Wu Huangshu, Wu Huangshu favors his side concubine. Mo Xu wants to see Wu Huangshu and he has to go to the concubine's courtyard to see him. It's very pitiful. already."

"You don't want your aunt to be sad, and you don't want to fight for Uncle Wang with the children of other women?"

Daozi opened his mouth in shock, and when he heard Xiao Moren's words, he nodded hastily.

Seeing that he had convinced Daozi, Xiao Moren said, "We won't go to settle down after that."

Daozi pouted: "I won't go even if I kill him." He didn't want his father to marry a concubine and come back.

In order not to let Daohuan slack off, Xiao Yeyang didn't tell him about Anjia, anyway, he would not go to Anjia again in the future.

Thinking that his son went to settle down because he was watching the foal, before dinner, Xiao Yeyang said to Daozi and Xiao Moren, "In two days, I will ask the horse farm to send you two foals, so don't settle down in the future. "

When Xiao Moren heard this, he felt relieved. It seemed that Uncle Wang didn't take a fancy to the Miss An family.

Daozi also breathed a sigh of relief. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt that what the fourth brother told him was terrifying, and he also said to Xiao Yeyang, "Dad, don't go to settle down again."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daozi in surprise, and then at Xiao Moren, not knowing what the two little guys had just muttered, he shook his head, too lazy to say anything.

Daozi didn't hear the answer, and his heart suddenly became nervous.

Dad, shouldn't he really be seduced by Miss An Jia?

Daozi ran to Xiao Yeyang quickly, pouted, stared, looked at Xiao Yeyang with condemning eyes, and said bitterly: "Dad, my mother is the best, right?"

Xiao Yeyang laughed: "Yes, your mother is the best looking."

Seeing Xiao Yeyang's admission, Daozi breathed a sigh of relief, took Xiao Yeyang's hand and clapped: "Mother is the best looking, then you should look more at mother, don't look at the women outside."

"The story my mother told me said that the woman outside is a tiger. If you encounter it, you must avoid it, do you know?"

"Don't go home with a tiger outside, you hurt your mother and me! By the way, and my two younger brothers and sisters."

Xiao Yeyang: "."

Women are tigers?

Encountered to escape?

What kind of messy stories did Yiyi tell her son? Does she still want to marry a daughter-in-law in the future?

With Xiao Moren's 'suggestion', after Xiao Moqing was looking for Daozi to play at his home, Daozi firmly shook his head and refused.

Thinking about what Xiao Moren said about the concubine, Daozi also specifically asked Xiao Moxu for confirmation, and learned that Xiao Moxu really didn't see his father a few times a month, and the little guy was horrified.

After that, even Xiao Mokuan and Xiao Mobao's invitations were rejected by Daozi.

Now Daozi has a sense of crisis. He is worried that his father will be taken away by the tiger outside, and he has to help his mother to watch his father. Even if Xiao Yeyang goes out to socialize, the little guy has to ask.

Seeing Daohua, she smiled and scratched her son's nose: "You little brat, it's your father's responsibility."

Daozi shrugged: "No way, there are tigers everywhere, of course I have to keep a close eye on my father."


Daohua asked curiously, "What tiger?"

Daozi: "Woman, mother, didn't you say that a woman is a tiger, and she has to avoid it when she encounters it."

Daohua: "." She seems to have told the wrong story.

However, why did Rice suddenly mention this?

Daohua smiled and looked at Daozi: "Why, did a tiger look at your father?"

Daozi gave Daohua a natural look: "The fourth brother said, my father is so powerful, it is normal for a tiger to look at him, but don't worry, mother, I will help you look at him when I am here, and I will not let you He brought the tiger back."

Daohua smiled: "Daozi is so good, you know how to protect your mother."

Receiving the praise, Daozi immediately laughed happily, and said with a big chest: "Mother, you can put one hundred and twenty hearts, and I will protect you, so that the tigers outside will not hurt you."

At this moment, Xiao Yeyang walked in from outside and asked with a smile, "What are your mother and son talking about? I heard you talking about tigers in the yard."

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang with a flowery smile: "I'm saying that I'm a tiger-fighting hero."

Rice: "." Isn't that what they said?

Xiao Yeyang: "." Why does it feel so cold in the room?

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