There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1015, coming and not going indecent

Since the surrender of Xiliao, Xiliang has stabilized. In addition, the sand robbers and bandits in the territory have been gradually eliminated, and the security of Xiliang has jumped a big step directly.

Personal safety has been guaranteed, and the number of caravans willing to come to Xiliang to do business has increased, especially after the official roads and post stations have been repaired, more and more people come and go.

When there are more merchants, the exchange of materials becomes cheaper, which further improves the quality of life of the common people.

After entering December, there is an endless stream of camel teams at the gate of Liangdu City.

A camel carried a large number of goods into Liangdu, and after the sale and exchange, it left with another batch of newly purchased goods.

Under Xiao Yeyang's intentional promotion, Xiliang also has its own special products. Wool fabrics, cattle, sheep and camels, and Ganzhou cotton are all the favorite things that merchants in other places buy.

Merchants also brought goods from other places to Xiliang, which enriched the people's clothing, food, shelter and transportation.

As soon as Laba is over, the New Year's flavor in Liangdu begins to thicken, with lanterns everywhere, and the streets are full of people.

The people outside were happily preparing for their new year, but the sky above An Residence was bleak.

After An Zhixing was found to have dug the Wei family's gold burial ground privately, he was immediately suspended by Xiao Yeyang. For this reason, Mrs. An went to the door of the Weiyuan Palace several times to ask to see Xiao Yeyang, but unfortunately, they were all rejected.

On December 15th, Mrs. An came directly to Dusi Ya's door, intending to go out and kneel in public, and also asked Xiao Yeyang to open up.

Who knows, before she could play, Xiao Yeyang took the initiative to come out to see her.

Xiao Yeyang did not avoid others, and stood directly on the steps of the yamen and said, "Old Madam An, you don't need to force this king, what Master An has committed is too great, this king has already reported the matter to the emperor, Now I am waiting for the emperor's order."

Hearing this, Mrs. An suddenly felt a little dark in front of her eyes, and after calming down for a while, she pointed at Xiao Yeyang with a trembling hand: "Xiao Yeyang, you are going to tear your face with our An family!"

Seeing Madam An's frantic look, Xiao Yeyang's face remained calm: "Mrs. An, since you are old enough, this king will not hold you accountable for trespassing."

"However, this king would like to remind you that even if you are the mother of the noble concubine, you must obey the laws of Daxia. If Mr. An commits a crime, he will be punished."

Mrs. An got angrier and laughed: "Okay, okay, Xiao Yeyang, you are ruthless!" She stared at Xiao Yeyang for a while before letting the maid help her away.

Xiao Yeyang watched the Anjia carriage go away with a blank expression, then turned around calmly and returned to the yamen.

As soon as he left, the officials who were concerned about him started talking in a low voice.

Master Du, Master Chang, and Master Yuan looked at each other, and could not help but tell himself to keep a low profile in the future.

Xiao Yeyang dared to attack An Jia ruthlessly today. If they were caught in the wrong place, they believed that the outcome of waiting for them would definitely not be much better.

"Xiao Yeyang has beaten An Guifei and the eldest prince in the face this time."

"Tell me, how could Xiao Yeyang dare not care about Concubine An and the eldest prince at all?"

"He did this to vent his anger to Princess Xiao, and to prove to the emperor that he was a staunch royalist. At the same time, he also showed everyone that he would not depend on any prince."

"King Weiyuan achieved everything today by working hard on his own. He is a little more confident and bloody than other nobles. It's useless for such people to coerce and lure him."

An Jia helped them explore the way.

On December 20, the An family received an urgent letter from the first prince.

An Zhixing learned that the emperor had dismissed him, and his own carelessness also implicated Concubine An Gui and the eldest prince, who were scolded by the emperor, and fell directly on the chair in a dejected manner.

Even more ugly than his face is Mrs. An San. It was hard for her husband to win the opportunity to be released. He has only been away from Beijing for less than a year, and he will go back again.

Still in such an ugly way.

Before she went back, she could imagine how the people in Anfu would ridicule and laugh at their room.

What worries her even more is what the eldest prince is seeking. It really is like a sharp sword hanging above her head.

Mrs. An hated Xiao Yeyang and his wife very much: "Xiao Yeyang is so arrogant that he doesn't care about the imperial concubine and the eldest prince. Let's wait for the future, we will have a day to settle accounts."

Seeing that Mrs. An San had arrived at this time, her mother-in-law was still saying some disobedient words, and she was extremely annoyed. If her mother-in-law didn't come, she was confident that she could persuade the master to stay in Xiliang in peace.

Unfortunately, all of this was ruined by my mother-in-law.

Is it really good to have such a stubborn old Fengjun in the An family?

Also, can the eldest prince really become a prince?

Outside the door, An Xin listened to the conversation in the room, her face was also pale, she did not expect King Weiyuan to be so ruthless to the An family.

Back to Beijing again.

An Xin stared blankly at the sky. After she went back, where would her way out be?

Weiyuan Palace.

When An Jia was recalled to Beijing, Xiao Yeyang knew one step ahead of An Jia. When he turned his head, Xiao Yeyang told Daohua.

Daohua was painting with Daozi in the house. After hearing the news, she was a little silent: "We have offended both the First Prince and Concubine An this time."

Xiao Yeyang didn't care: "If you offend, you will offend. They are not afraid of offending us when they settle down. Is it possible that we are afraid of offending them?"

Daohua: "It's not a question of whether we're afraid or not. We are far from the capital. Concubine An Gui is always with the uncle of the emperor, and the eldest prince is the son of the uncle of the emperor. From time to time, the two seriously hurt you and me with a sentence or two. It can always make the royal uncle feel bad about us."

Xiao Yeyang was silent, he knew better than Yiyi the truth of accompanying a king as a tiger, and emperors were the most suspicious since ancient times.

Daozi suddenly raised his head, he understood what his father and mother said, and someone said bad things about his father and mother in front of the imperial grandfather:

"Mother, if others can speak ill of you in front of the grandfather, you should also find someone to speak ill of them in front of the grandfather."

"Didn't you say that you don't want to be indecent, so why don't we go back?"

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang were both stunned for a moment, then Daohua laughed and said, "Do you think anyone can speak in front of your imperial grandfather?"

Daozi tilted his head: "Can't my grandfather?"


Daohua and Xiao Yeyang looked at each other, they really didn't expect to ask Prince Ping to help, mainly because Prince Ping usually doesn't care about these things.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Daozi said again: "Father, mother, you haven't answered me yet, can grandfather be okay?"

Daohua: "Your grandfather is fine"

Daozi smiled: "Well then, I'll write to my grandfather right away. The hungry wolf in the An family has taken a fancy to his father's fat and bullied his mother. I will let my grandfather beat the hungry wolf."

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang: "What do you think?"

Xiao Yeyang: "."

Knowing that Xiao Yeyang was a bit embarrassed, Daohua said directly: "I think my son's idea is very good." As she said that, she looked at Daozi with a smile: "Can you write? Do you know how to write a letter?"

The rice got stuck and shook his head: "Mother teach me."

So Xiao Yeyang saw the mother and son writing and drawing next to each other.

Daozi can write very few words, but he can draw a lot of animals. Taking this into account, Daohua instructed him to draw a picture of a hungry wolf rushing towards food, and briefly indicated the relationship between the characters.

"You show it."

After painting, Daohua showed it to Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang took a look, the painting was not complicated, he drew An Jia's fancy to him and bullying Daohua.

The only downside is that the painting of Prince Ping is too grandiose.

It gave him the feeling that their family was bullied by the An family, and in the end they needed the father and king to stand up and save them.

"Dad, do you understand?" Daozi asked anxiously.

Xiao Yeyang glanced at his son: "Just your two brushes, do you still want to embarrass your father and me?"

"You can understand it."

Daohua took the painting back, and while teaching Daozi to write some simple words to say hello to Prince Ping in the blanks of the painting, he said to Xiao Yeyang, "The New Year is coming soon, so you can also write a letter to your father to say hello. "

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