There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1016, the red lantern hangs high

The Anjia affair did not affect the atmosphere of the Weiyuan Palace for the Chinese New Year.

On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, the servants of the palace began to decorate the lanterns. Daozi and Xiao Moren were on their way back to the main courtyard after training their fists and feet. They saw someone hanging red lanterns and went up to take a look curiously.

Seeing the red lanterns hanging under the eaves, Daozi became interested and said to the servants, "Give me the lanterns, and I'll try it too."

The servants dared not give the lanterns to Daozi: "Little Prince, it's very dangerous to hang lanterns, and the servants dare not let you risk it." If there is something wrong with the little prince, they can't afford to pay even ten brains.

Daozi looked unhappy: "You lied to me, I just saw that you hung up, it's obviously very simple."

The servant replied with a wry smile: "Little lord, you look simple, that's because the slaves are doing this work and are already proficient, but you are still young, if you don't hold the ladder firmly, you will fall."

Daozi was the most displeased when others said he was young, and when he saw that the servants didn't listen to him, he was very angry: "You wait for me, I told my mother to go and say you don't listen to me."

After saying that, he dragged Xiao Moren to the main courtyard.

On the way, Xiao Moren saw Daozi's mouth pouting high, and said with a smile, "Those servants just now are for your own good, don't say you are so young, even me, I am not allowed to do these dangerous things at home."

Daozi wrinkled his face, and there was still a lot of unhappiness on his face: "But I just want to try it."

While talking, the main courtyard arrived.

Daozi ran into the house quickly, and saw Daohua sitting on the slump beside the bed reading the gift list, trotted to her side, and said aggrievedly: "Mother, the servants in the house do not listen to my little prince. "

Daohua looked away from the gift list, fell on Daozi, and asked calmly, "What do you want to do again?"

The servants in the house dare not treat the son slowly, unless the son does something 'bad' again.

Daozi pouted: "Mother, I want to hang red lanterns, but they won't let me."

Daohua looked at Daozi: "Then why do you think they won't let you hang up?"

Daozi hummed: "They said that hanging lanterns is dangerous, but I clearly saw the process of hanging them. It's very simple." Saying this, she shook Daohua's arm.

"Mother, I want to hang a lantern."

Daohua knows that a child's curiosity can't be suppressed blindly. Otherwise, the more you don't let him do it, the more he wants to do it. If he refuses this time, next time he encounters something curious, he may secretly try it.

After thinking about it, Daohua said, "The eaves of our house are taller than you. If you fall from the top, it will hurt a lot. So, do you still want to try?"

Daozi hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively: "I want to hang lanterns for my mother, and I also want to hang lanterns for my ancestors, grandmother, and grandpa Chu."

Daohua smiled and rubbed Daozi's head: "Okay, my mother promised you, but I have to wait for your father to come back."

Xiao Moren was a little surprised when he saw that his aunt had agreed to his younger brother's request.

He still remembered that when he was seven or eight years old, the imperial grandfather sent a few palace lanterns to the Fourth Prince's Mansion. At that time, he also wanted to hang them on his father's and mother's wife's house in person, but unfortunately the mother-in-law rejected them severely.

He knew that the mother concubine was for his own good, but he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

Because for his own good, from childhood to adulthood, he couldn't do many things, and he didn't even know the reasons for many of them.

Seeing his aunt talking to his younger brother in a low voice, Xiao Moren suddenly felt a little envious in his heart.

The mother-in-law is very busy, and rarely accompanies him like his aunt accompanies Daozi.

Daozi was a little anxious, and with Daohua's permission, he couldn't sit still, and kept asking when Dad would come back so he could hang the lantern.

Daohua took out the storybook and asked him to be quiet. When he raised his eyes, he noticed that Xiao Moren looked a little lonely, and walked over with a smile: "But you're homesick?"

Xiao Moren regained his senses, raised his eyes and fell into a pair of concerned eyes: "Auntie, I don't."

Daohua smiled and pulled Xiao Moren to sit down: "I'm not ashamed of my homesickness, and I'm afraid my aunt will laugh at you? If I were you, I would be homesick too."

Xiao Moren looked embarrassed.

Daohua laughed: "When your uncle Wang comes back, let him take you and Daozi to hang lanterns. It's boring in winter, so you can also be active."

Seeing Daozi staring at him, Xiao Moren smiled and nodded: "Okay."

As the New Year was approaching, there was not much to do in the yamen. Xiao Yeyang came back earlier, and as soon as he came back, Daozi hugged his legs.

"Father, mother asked you to take me and my fourth brother to hang lanterns."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua, and Daohua explained to him with a smile: "The little guy is curious, if he doesn't satisfy him, I'm afraid he will keep thinking about it, you have the right to accompany them to relieve their boredom."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daozi: "I can show you guys to hang lanterns, but we have to make a contract with three chapters. Such a dangerous thing is not allowed to try privately, you must get the permission of the adults, you know?"

Rice nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Yeyang went back to the house and changed into his regular clothes, and then brought Daozi and Xiao Moren to hang lanterns all over the house.

Don't look at the small rice man, because he was well-raised, he was as tall as the six-year-old Xiao Mobao, and his body was strong. He practiced fists and feet with Chu Lang for a period of time.

Hanging up the lantern in the main courtyard in person, the curiosity was satisfied, and the rice was more than happy.

"Fourth brother, let's go, let's hang red lanterns in the yard of our ancestors."

When Gu Jian's yard was covered with red lanterns, the two turned to Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang's yard.

After a long time, looking at the red lanterns hanging high in the yard, Daozi and Xiao Moren both gained a full sense of achievement.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve. Early in the morning, Xiao Moren accompanied Xiao Yeyang's family of three to Nanshan Hall to pay New Year's greetings to Gu Jian.

Daozi and Xiao Moren were very happy when they got the red envelopes from the elders.

"Fourth brother, you have to keep your red envelopes. These are your wife's books."

Listening to Daozi's words, Xiao Morong looked a little embarrassed. He knew what his wife meant, but wasn't this all prepared by the father and mother?

Also, Daozi is only four years old, is it too early to think about this kind of thing at such a young age?

Daozi has swiftly put the red packet into his pocket, and muttered, "The more my wife saves, the more choices you will have."

Xiao Moren laughed: "Are you afraid that Uncle Wang and Aunt will not care about you?"

Daozi thought for a while: "Theirs are theirs. If I use theirs, should I choose what I like, or what they like? So, it's better to save it yourself."

Xiao Moren was taken aback for a moment, and after a while he asked, "Why do you think so?"

Daozi shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands with a sad face: "My mother said it." After speaking, she straightened her waist, and imitated Daohua's lesson, and pointed the little orchid: "Eat my food, drink my food, you have to listen to me."

Xiao Moren looked at Daozi in amazement and gave him a thumbs up: "It's pretty similar."

Daozi raised his eyebrows shyly: "No, I'm my mother's son."

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