Daozi felt that his family didn't love him anymore, and his mood was very low: "Since you don't like me, then I don't like you either, let's see who is better than who!"

The little guy angrily packed his bags and moved to Xiao Moren's yard to live.

In this regard, whether it is Daohua, Xiao Yeyang, Gu Jian, and Guo Ruomei, they all thought that Daozi and Xiao Moren were close, living together, and the two children could play with each other, and they all smiled and expressed their support.

The rice that did not get any retention was even more depressed and depressed.

After the temperature warmed up in February, Daozi continued to follow Xiao Moren to the National Defense Academy to study, because he was not at home most of the time, Daohua and others didn't notice anything unusual about the little guy.

One evening after school, Daozi saw that his father didn't come to pick him up again. He was very unhappy, and his face was a little stinky.

Xiao Moren noticed Daozi's unhappiness and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Daozi pouted: "Dad didn't come to pick me up several times."

Xiao Moren thought that he heard the concierge talking about it before going out this morning. It seems that the coal mine on Jinweiwei's side has collapsed. During this time, Uncle Wang left early and returned late, so he should be dealing with this matter.

Xiao Moren smiled and said, "That's because Uncle Wang is busy with his official business during this time."

Daozi hummed, with a look of disbelief, he felt that his father must be in a hurry to go home to see his younger brother and sister, and forgot to pick him up.

Daozi looked sad, hey, he has become a little cabbage that no one loves and no one loves, his life is so bitter!

At this moment, Xiao Mobao came over and said, "Moxi, how is it, I'm not mistaken, after your parents have your younger siblings, they no longer like you."

Hearing this, Daozi was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He blew his hair and retorted angrily: "You are talking nonsense, my father and my mother, as well as the ancestors and grandmother, all like me the most."

Xiao Mobao sneered: "Who are you lying to? Your father and mother want to like you as before, so why are you unhappy?"

Rice stalked his neck and retorted: "I'm not unhappy!"

Xiao Mobao said with a 'cut': "We won't laugh at you, what's there to admit?" Saying that, the elder brother patted Daozi on the shoulder.

"We all understand your feelings. We also have younger brothers and sisters at home. Every time a concubine is born, my father doesn't like to pay attention to me."

Xiao Moxu nodded in agreement.

Xiao Moren pulled Daozi behind him and looked at Xiao Mobao with a displeased face: "Eighth brother, don't talk nonsense here. If Wang Shu and Aunt know about it, be careful not to let you play in the palace."

Xiao Mobao didn't care: "If you don't go, we won't go, my mother said that we came to Xiliang to get close to Duke Fuguo, and now that Duke Fuguo has passed the title to Mo Xi's younger brother, then we don't have to go anymore. Pray for him."

Hearing this, Xiao Moren's face sank: "Shut up, the more you talk, the more unruly you are. Duke Fu is an elder, so it's natural for us to ask Anben for him. If you talk nonsense again, be careful that the second emperor will teach you a lesson when you return to Beijing."

Xiao Moren is the elder brother. When he got angry, Xiao Mobao was still a little scared. Instead of staying, he hurriedly got into the Du family's carriage.

Watching the Du family's carriage leave, Xiao Moren looked at the sullen Daozi: "Don't listen to the eighth brother, Uncle Wang and Aunt love you the most."

Rice is a little uncertain: "Really?"

Xiao Moren nodded affirmatively: "Of course." Just like the father and the mother, although he doted on his younger brother more, he knew that because his younger brother was young, he was the eldest son that his father and mother valued most.

With Xiao Moren's solution, Daozi was in a better mood.

But Xiao Moren studied in the big class and couldn't stay with Daozi all the time. After a while, Xiao Mobao often said in Daozi's ear that some parents didn't love the boss when they had younger siblings, which made Daozi feel more and more dissatisfied. .

On April 26th, Daohua finally finished her two months of confinement, and could go out to meet people.

The temperature in March and April in Liangdu is neither too cold nor too hot. Although the confinement time is relatively long this time, Daohua has not suffered anything.

The two little buns have grown white and chubby. The elder sister loves to cry and make trouble, but the younger brother is very quiet.

"It's said that the twins have opposite personalities. They were quiet and moved, but I didn't expect it to be true." Guo Ruomei looked at her grandchildren lovingly, "But is this personality reversed?"

Ask her to say that the elder sister is quiet and the younger brother is noisy.

Daohua was looking at the two boxes of clothes sent by her mother-in-law in surprise, and when she heard this, she immediately smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good, the girl's temperament is more pungent, and she won't be bullied."

Guo Ruomei laughed: "That's true."

Daohua looked at the things that Guo Ruomei had brought: "Mother, why did you bring so many things?"

Guo Ruomei got up and walked to Daohua's side, pointed to the box and said, "One is for the rice, the other is for the rice seedlings. I didn't have anything to do, so I made some clothes for the three children. , In the future, the children will be able to think of my grandmother when they wear the clothes I made."

Daohua heard this was wrong: "Mother."

Guo Ruomei interrupted Daohua and pulled her to sit down: "Anjia went back to Beijing to spread the news that I lived in the palace, you should know?"

Daohua nodded: "Mother, we are far away in Xiliang, we really don't need to care about those rumors."

Guo Ruomei smiled and shook her head: "For people like us, some gossips can be ignored, but some can't be ignored." If she stayed in the Weiyuan Palace, others could talk to Yeyang and his wife.

She could not care about reputation, but she couldn't affect her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.

"The An family dares to arrange me like this, doesn't it just feel that I'm not in the capital, so I can't do anything about them? I'm going back to Beijing now, so I can settle accounts with them, otherwise, I won't be able to let it out.

Seeing that Daohua still wanted to persuade her, Guo Ruomei smiled and said, "I have lived with you for five years, and my grandchildren were born under my watch. I'm satisfied, and now it's time to go back."

The relationship between the son and the Prince of Peace has finally eased up, and it is not because of her that their father and son have a quarrel.

There is also the emperor's place. She knew that the emperor had opinions on her about Heli at the beginning. Now that her daughter-in-law has finished her confinement, she wants to stay, but it is really annoying.

Daohua respects Guo Ruomei, her mother-in-law, from the bottom of her heart.

When Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang first came, she also worried about the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but in getting along, she found that her mother-in-law not only did not have much trouble, but helped her a lot, and slowly accepted her from the bottom of her heart.

Now that she is leaving, it is all for the sake of the palace, and she is really reluctant to part with it.

Seeing that Guo Ruomei had decided to leave, Daohua could only say in a muffled voice, "I can't take care of the big family matters, and my mother has to talk to Ye Yang." Thinking of her mother-in-law's love for Daozi, she added, "And rice."

Guo Ruomei laughed: "Okay, I'll tell them tomorrow morning."

Guo Ruomei has always been very decisive in her work, otherwise she would not have been able to reconcile the prince with peace at the beginning. When breakfast was about to end the next day, she said in front of everyone: "After breakfast, Chu Lang and I will Back to Beijing."

Xiao Yeyang, who had just been informed by Daohua last night, raised his head in astonishment and looked at Guo Ruomei with various emotions flashing in his eyes: "Do you need to be in such a hurry?"

Guo Ruomei smiled and said, "It's not that I'm in a hurry, I mainly think that the weather is good now, so I can hurry up."

Xiao Yeyang was silent.

Daohua couldn't say anything at this time. She knew that her mother-in-law was afraid that they would not give up, so she left in such a hurry.

Daozi was stunned when she heard Guo Ruomei say she was going to leave, she recovered, and quickly ran to Guo Ruomei's side and hugged her: "Grandma, I don't want you to leave."

Could it be that because he intentionally ignored his grandmother during this time, his grandmother was going to run away from home in a fit of anger?

"Grandmother, I will visit you more in the future. Don't go back to Beijing, okay?"

Seeing the reluctance in her grandson's eyes, Guo Ruomei's eyes turned a little red: "Good boy, grandma has something to do when she returns to Beijing, and she has to go back. If you miss your grandmother in the future, write a letter to grandmother and draw pictures, okay?"

Daozi hugged the person and shook his head: "No, no, I want you to stay with me in the palace. I'm not angry with my younger siblings anymore. You can like them as much as you want. Anyway, I don't want you to leave."

Guo Ruomei didn't understand Daozi's words, but she heard her grandson's reluctance, and hugged him tightly to comfort her.

Why did she decide to leave today? I was afraid of seeing my grandson's tears.

The parting of relatives is the most sad. Her grandson should always be happy and happy, and should not be troubled by the sadness of parting.

Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang had already packed up their salutes long ago. Seeing that their grandmother was really leaving, Daozi burst into tears.

Hearing Daozi's cry, Gu Jian felt very uncomfortable. He looked at his grandparents who were crying together, moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Guo Ruomei and Xiao Jiu have left, and if the An family doesn't bring the matter to the fore, he won't say anything.

But now, with Xiao Jiu in the middle, it would be difficult for him to keep Guo Ruomei.

Amid the cries of Daozi, Guo Ruomei resolutely got on the carriage back to Beijing.

Daozi was reluctant to part with her grandmother and Grandpa Chu. She chased the carriage for a while, but was finally stopped by Gu Jianqiang.

In the carriage, Guo Ruomei cried to tears, especially when she saw her grandson chasing the carriage, she felt anxious to settle down.

The Anjia ruined her family's happiness, and she would not let them go.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang kept sending Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang out of the city, and then accompanied them for a long time. On the way, neither of them said a word.

"Okay, don't give it away, there are still three children at home, you can go back quickly."

Guo Ruomei asked the couple to stay, took a deep look at the two of them, and lowered the curtain of the car.

Chu Lang said to the two of them: "Let's go, we will see you again when we are free in the future." After that, he ordered the team to leave.

Xiao Yeyang and Daohua kept watching the convoy disappear and then turned back to the city.

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