There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1023, I don't like you anymore

After Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang left, Xiao Yeyang and Daozi both had a low mood for a long time.

May 11th is Daozi's birthday. Daohua specially instructed the kitchen to make him a birthday cake and some dishes that he likes to eat. He also invited Xiao Mokuan and some children from official families to celebrate his birthday for him.

There are people to play with and birthday cakes to eat. Rice is very happy.

When eating the cake, Daozi proudly said to his friends, "When you celebrate your birthday, your mother won't cook for you, right? But my mother will, this birthday cake is made for me by my mother herself. of."

Xiao Mobao said with a 'cut': "You lie, your mother has to take care of your younger siblings, so how can you make cakes for you? I see, it's clearly your cook."

Hearing this, Daozi was so angry: "My mother made it for me."

Xiao Mobao: "Then how do you prove it?"

Daozi thought for a while: "You go to see my mother with me, and I will ask my mother face to face."

Xiao Mobao nodded immediately: "Okay, okay."

So, Daozi went to the main courtyard with a group of children.

At this moment, Daohua was talking to Han Xinran and several female relatives of the official family. When she saw Daozi leading a group of children, she immediately asked with a smile, "Why don't you play outside?"

Daozi said angrily, "Mother, tell them, did you make the birthday cake for me yourself?"

Daohua was stunned for a moment, because she had to take care of the two little ones, and she didn't make this year's birthday cake. Looking at her son's expectant eyes, Daohua felt a little guilty for some reason.

Daozi always looked at people's faces. Seeing that her mother didn't answer immediately, she had an answer in her heart. In an instant, her nose began to feel sore.

Han Xinran and the few female relatives present only thought it was a child's joke, and changed the topic with a smile.

Daohua felt a little guilty, pulled Daozi to her side, and whispered: "Mother has to take care of my younger brother and sister, so I can't make cakes, so, after a while, my mother will make you your favorite yam and jujube kernel cake, okay? it is good?"

Rice didn't say anything, just turned around and ran away.

"Hahaha, I just said that your mother doesn't like you because of your younger brother and sister. You still don't believe it!"

Xiao Mobao chased after a few, and then laughed at the rice.

Daozi looked at Xiao Mobao angrily, but he couldn't find anything to refute, so he could only stare angrily.

His mother really doesn't like him anymore, and she doesn't even make cakes for him on his birthday.

After Daozi's birthday, Daohua intends to make up for it, and often instructs the kitchen to make Daozi's favorite pastries and meals.

It's not that she doesn't want to do it by herself, but she really can't get away. The two little ones are still too young. Even if there are nurses and maids watching, she must always pay attention.

Looking at the cakes he likes to eat, Daozi feels better, but the smile on his face is not as bright as before. What he wants is not cakes, but his parents to accompany him more.

At noon one day at the end of May, Daozi's servant ran back to the palace, sweating profusely.

"Princess, it's not good, little prince, he went to the moat with several senior students from the academy, saying that he wanted to swim in the river."

Hearing this, Daohua's complexion changed, and she stood up with a "bass": "Why didn't you stop him?"

The servant smiled bitterly: "The minions can't stop it, even if the Fourth Highness persuades me, it's useless. Now I'm going to the moat with the little prince."

Daohua was angry and anxious, and the moat was wide and deep, not to mention that Daozi was only a five-year-old child, even if an adult went into the river, there might be an accident.

"Come on, go and prepare the carriage."

Daohua instructed Gu Yu to prepare the carriage, and then called a team of guards to go and bring Daozi back in person.

Just as he was about to leave the house, Dong Li came over with the help of Gu Jian.

As soon as Gu Jian arrived, he hurriedly asked, "What happened to the rice?"

Daohua: "That stinky boy ran to the moat to swim with others."

Gu Jian was in a hurry when he heard it, and he had to get on the carriage in a hurry.

Daohua quickly stopped Gu Jian: "Master, you will help me watch the two little ones at home, and I will bring the rice back."

Gu Jian knew that it was useless for him to go. Instead, because he slowed down, he hurriedly urged: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up. By the way, take Dong Li with you."

This Daohua did not refuse, got on the carriage, and under the leadership of the servant, went straight to the moat.

When Daohua came to the moat in the carriage, she happened to see Daozi jumping into the river.

Seeing that the little body was submerged in the water, Daohua only felt a cold air suddenly emerge from the soles of her feet, straight to her forehead.

"Come on, go and catch me the rice!" The voice revealed infinite urgency and panic.

Dongli rushed forward like an arrow.

When Dongli carried the rice, which was like a chicken in soup, ashore, Daohua got out of the carriage with weak hands and feet.

Daozi saw that Daohua came in person, with a happy expression on her face, and then she raised her eyebrows proudly at Xiao Mobao and the others next to her.

Seeing that her son was fine, Daohua's heart fell back to her stomach, and her anger followed, and she showed a stern look at her son for the first time.

Looking at the gloomy mother, Daozi realized the seriousness of the problem, was a little scared, and called out weakly: "Mother."

Daohua took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in her heart, and asked coldly, "Do you still have my mother in your eyes? Now you're so bold that you dare to swim in the river privately!"

Seeing my mother speak so sternly to me, Daozi was a little hurt, and my mother really didn't like me anymore. I did wrong things before, and my mother always talked to herself well.

Thinking of her mother's neglect of her after her younger siblings were born, Daozi felt more and more aggrieved, and her eyes couldn't help turning red.

Seeing his son's red eyes, Daozi's anger subsided, but he still said coldly, "You're still crying, do you know that you did something wrong today?"

Daozi knew in his heart that he had done something wrong, and it could be seen that Daohua scolded him like this, and immediately became rebellious: "I'm just swimming in the river, others can, why can't I, I'm not wrong!"

These words ignited Daohua's fire: "If you make a mistake, don't admit it, you are really a good son of my teaching!"

When Daozi heard this, she thought that Daohua didn't want him anymore, and immediately cried: "I knew that after you have younger brothers and sisters, you don't want me anymore, and I won't like you in the future!"

Saying that, he threw off Dongli forcefully, and ran away crying.

Daohua was stunned by Daozi's words, and then quickly asked Dongli to carry the person onto the carriage, and followed by himself.

In the carriage, Daozi was sobbing all the time, with tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked very pitiful.

No matter how angry Daohua is in her heart, she can't get angry when she sees her son like this: "You're wet, come over and wipe it for you."

Daozi turned his head to the other side, gave Daohua the back of his head, and sobbed: "Don't you only have younger brothers and sisters in your eyes, what do you care about me? I don't want you to care!"

Daohua frowned, forcibly pulled the person over, and then forcibly changed the little guy into dry clothes.

Although the weather in late May was already very hot, Daozi was still worried that he would catch a cold when the wind blew in the river.

After changing clothes, Daohua wants to wipe Daozi's hair. Who knows, Daozi is angry, so she avoids it and wipes herself with a towel.

Halfway through, Daohua tried to reason with Daozi, but unfortunately, the little guy ignored her and didn't say a word until he returned to the palace.

Gu Jian has been thinking about the safety of Daozi. After hearing that Daohua came back with Daozi, he hurried over and saw the mother and son under low pressure.

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