There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1026, advanced maternal

Gu Jian sent a letter to the emperor and asked Xiao Moren to return to Beijing, and he did not hide it from Xiao Yeyang and Daohua.

Before the emperor replied, Xiao Yeyang took Daozi and Xiao Moren to Ganzhou horse farm, and then led two little guys to tour the town of the Twelve Army, and finally, got close to the Gobi Desert. Look at the mining of salt lakes.

After Daozi and Xiao Moren came back, their faces were filled with unsatisfactory meaning.

"Mother, the horse farm in Ganzhou is very big. There are many horses in it. Dad even took me and the fourth brother to go hunting. Unfortunately, I was weak and didn't hit anything, but the fourth brother hit a rabbit. We also had roast rabbits."

After knowing that the horse farm was built by Xiao Yeyang, Daozi was very proud.

"Mother, my father is really good. The fourth brother said that after building a military town and building a border wall, the Hu people in the north will not be able to attack us in the future."

"Mother, in the future, I will be as powerful and capable as my father."

Daozi danced and talked to Daohua and Gu Jian about what they had seen along the way.

Xiao Moren was also deeply touched. When he came to Xiliang, he was not very willing at first, feeling that his studies were delayed, but after he came, he realized that he had come right.

Just the things that Uncle Wang brought him to see for more than a month opened his eyes.

Some things, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't have much feeling at all, let alone, Uncle Wang's point from time to time, these are not things that can be learned from books.

In mid-July, the Du and Chang families both received letters from the Second Prince, asking them to send Xiao Mobao back to the capital.

At the same time, Daohua also handed the letter from the fourth prince to Xiao Moren.

Xiao Moren was already mentally prepared, knowing that his father had let him go back to Beijing. Although he was a little reluctant, he was not surprised.

Daohua said with a smile: "You guys came here in mid-July last year, and it's just one year now. Although Xiliang is not as prosperous and lively as the capital, every place has its own customs and people, so it should be the right one. Come out and play."

Daozi heard that Xiao Moren was going back to Beijing, and said with a face full of reluctance: "Fourth brother, can you not go back? Don't you like our house very much, so you just stay here, okay?"

Hearing this, Xiao Moren was embarrassed.

Daohua pulled Daozi to her side and explained, "Your fourth brother came to Xiliang to see our ancestors. Now that he has seen it, he naturally wants to go back."

"What do you think, your fourth brother's parents, as well as younger siblings are all in the capital. If he stays with us all the time, how homesick he must be."

Daozi pouted and stopped talking. After a while, he looked at Xiao Moren and said, "Fourth brother, will you come to play with me in the future?"

Xiao Moren moved his lips and did not dare to promise that it was not up to him to decide whether he could leave the capital or not. At least before he reached the crown, he had to obey his grandfather and father.

Daohua smiled and said, "It doesn't have to be your fourth brother to come to Xiliang, you can also go back to Beijing, and then you can still play together."

Daozi's eyes lit up: "Yes, I still have a palace in the capital waiting for me to inherit." After speaking, she ran to Xiao Moren, took his hand and said, "Fourth brother, we can still play together in the future."

Xiao Moren patted Daozi's head and nodded with a smile, "Yes."

After negotiation by the Du and Chang families, it was decided to send Xiao Mokuan a few back to Beijing on July 26.

As usual, Daohua prepared Cheng Yi for Xiao Mokuan, but more for Xiao Moren.

Daozi gave Xiao Moren his favorite storybook 'Gourd Baby': "Fourth brother, remember to write to me when you return to Beijing, I can write a lot now, and I will reply to you. ."

Xiao Moren took the storybook with a smile. This book was drawn by my aunt. The rice is so precious. I didn't expect that I would be willing to give it to him: "I will write you a letter."

After Xiao Moren left a few times, Daozi lost his playmate and became bored. Daohua saw him and gave him a set of storybooks, asking him to tell stories to the twins.

Daozi frowned: "Mother, can Daomang and Daomiao understand?"

Daohua: "Why not, when you were still in your mother's womb, your father started reading to you."

Not wanting Daozi to feel that telling stories to your younger siblings is a burden, Daohua smiled and said, "Don't you like to tell stories to your classmates? If you tell your younger siblings now, it's just an exercise, and then you will go to the academy. Talking, it will be smoother.”

Daozi thought it made sense, nodded, holding the storybook, and shaking his head, he read the story to the twins in the shaker like the master of the academy in class.

Once he has something to do, Daozi is no longer bored. In addition, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang continue to let him study in the academy. With his classmates as company, the little guy will soon stop thinking about Xiao Moren.

Daohua balances the time to take care of Daozi and the twins. Xiao Yeyang also often takes Daozi out for horseback riding. He feels the care of his parents, and the flying between Daozi's eyebrows is back. He doesn't feel that his younger brothers and sisters have taken away his parents' love.

In addition, Daohua intends to guide Daozi to interact with the twins. After the twins can sit and crawl, Daozi takes care of them from time to time, and gradually Daozi gradually finds the feeling of being a big brother.

In the blink of an eye, it's December, and as the end of the year approaches, Daohua is very busy with things such as checking accounts and preparing for New Year's gifts.

After the academy's holiday, Daohua stared at Daozi, a child laborer: "Daozi, my mother wants to prepare a New Year's gift for your grandfather, grandfather and grandmother. Can you help my mother look after your younger brother and sister?"

Daozi was unraveling the nine series. Hearing Daohua's words, although he was a little reluctant, he climbed onto the kang swiftly and played with the twins who were crawling around on the mankang.

For a while, he held a rattle to attract his active sister Daomang, and for a while he held a red rag doll to tease his immobile younger brother Daomiao, and he was sweating profusely all by himself.

Tired is a little tired, but seeing his brother grinning at him and smiling straight at him, and his sister crawling over and throwing himself on top of him, Daozi was also very happy.

Especially when the younger brother and sister are crying, the nurse and the maid are not good at coaxing, but as long as he goes to hug the younger brother and sister, the younger brother and sister will stop crying immediately.

Whenever this time, rice is very satisfied and proud.

Look, how much younger siblings like him as an older brother!

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the day of the small year, Daohua handed a letter to Xiao Yeyang who was playing with the three children on the kang with an unnatural look.

Xiao Yeyang didn't answer: "Whose letter is it? Tell me directly, don't you see that I'm holding my daughter in my hand?"

Daohua took her daughter from him: "You better watch it yourself."

Xiao Yeyang glanced at Daohua, opened the letter and read it. Soon, his face became extremely complicated.

Daozi noticed that his father's face was wrong, took his hand from his brother's hand, wiped his saliva, and quickly climbed to Xiao Yeyang's side: "Father, are you upset?"

Xiao Yeyang forced a smile: "Dad is not unhappy." He said, looking at the rice, "You may have more uncles in the coming year, are you happy?"

Daozi was stunned for a while, and some did not understand: "What little uncle?"

Looking at his son's ignorant eyes, Xiao Yeyang didn't know what to say.

Daohua felt that there was nothing to say about this, and said with a smile: "Your grandmother is pregnant, and you will have a little uncle or aunt next year."

Daozi didn't feel these feelings too deeply, and with an 'oh', he went to stop his brother who gnawed on his feet again.

Seeing that Xiao Yeyang was in a low mood, Daohua put her daughter on the bed, sat next to Xiao Yeyang and comforted, "Mother actually really wants to give birth to a child for Uncle Chu."

Xiao Yeyang: "I know, but at her current age."

Daohua was silent, her mother-in-law is already in her forties, a proper elderly mother, took Xiao Yeyang's hand and said, "I still have a lot of medicinal herbs here, I will send someone to give them in two days. Mother sent it."

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