There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1027, Mutual Market

"I didn't feel it before, but since my mother left, I realized that she really helped me a lot when she was there."

After a year, Daohua felt that she was about to be paralyzed.

If the mother-in-law is here, let alone help her watch the three little ones, it will be a big help for her, not to mention that the mother-in-law can often give her some advice when she encounters problems.

Xiao Yeyang personally twisted a hot handkerchief on Daohua and asked her to wipe her face: "It's been a long time for you."

As the head mistress of the palace, she has to maintain the relationship with the capital, receive the female relatives from Xiliang, and take care of the uncle and three children. labor.

He was able to work hard outside without distractions, and it was thanks to Yiyi that he helped him take care of the housework and maintain the relationship with all parties.

Daohua took a quick shower and went to the Nuan Pavilion to see the child.

Daozi and the twins were lying on the kang, covered with their own little quilts, and Daozi was telling the story of the havoc in the Heavenly Palace to the two little ones.

The twins don't know if they can understand, anyway, they all stared at their brother with wide eyes, and their small mouths made babbling sounds from time to time.

Daohua didn't go in, she looked at the door for a while, instructed the nanny and the maid to take care of it, then went back to the inner room, saw Xiao Yeyang sitting on the bedside and flipping through a book, she couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at these days? "

Xiao Yeyang opened the warm bed and let Daohua go up, and then showed her the book.

"Map of the Western Regions!"

Daohua flipped through it, it was a book that introduced the situation of the countries in the Western Regions, "What are you looking at this for?"

Xiao Yeyang went down and put his arms under his head: "Xiliao has been fairly peaceful in recent years, and the tribute tributes are also given in time every year. Xiliang is close to Xiliao, and it is impossible for the people on both sides to not be at all. Come and go, do you still remember Bamubian Town?"

Rice Flower nodded.

Xiao Yeyang: "Since Xiliao and Daxia stopped fighting, there have been more and more people going to Bamubian Town to do business. I called Ma Teng to ask, and the annual transaction volume is not a small number."

"I was thinking that this kind of transaction cannot be prohibited. In this case, it is better to put the transaction on the surface, so that the skills can promote trade exchanges, and the court can collect taxes."

Daohua: "So you want to open a mutual market?"

When Xiao Yeyang saw Daohua, he guessed his purpose and took her hand and kissed her: "Whoever knows me, Yan Yiyi!"

Daohua glanced at him sideways, pulled back her hand, put the book under the pillow, and waded into the bed.

As soon as he lay down, he was embraced by Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang is a natural stove. Whenever winter comes, Daohua likes to use him to keep warm, and is happy to lean in his arms and listen to him.

"Xiliang is located in the frontier, and affected by the geographical environment, even if high-yield grains have been fully promoted, the people can only maintain food and clothing."

"If the people want to live a prosperous life, in addition to the government having to do something, it also needs to attract more foreign businessmen to do business here."

"Only when the commodities are circulated can the common people make profits, and when the common people are rich, the government can receive more taxes and better build Xiliang."

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang with a smile: "If you think it's good, then do it. Anyway, I support you."

Seeing Daohua's eyes shining brightly and looking at him with admiration on his face, Xiao Yeyang's heart moved, he lowered his head and kissed the pink cheek that was close to Chi Chi, and continued:

"In the past two years, the official roads in Xiliang have been gradually improved, and many post stations have been added. The security of the territory has also been significantly improved after the bandits were cleared."

"Caravan exchanges are more convenient. I think the news of the opening of the mutual market should attract many businessmen."

Daohua nodded: "The BMWs, spices, and gemstones from the Xiliao side are very popular in Daxia, and the silk and porcelain of Daxia are also very scarce in Xiliao, so there is a mutual market, sure. It can promote exchanges and development between the two sides.”

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "Forget about other things, horses and tea, these two materials can only be handled by merchants selected by the imperial court."

"I have to ask the royal uncle about this matter. It is not easy to open more exchanges. After thinking about it, I decided to use Bamubian Town as a demonstration first, and I will add more in the future."

Daohua was silent: "If you open a mutual market, anyone with a keen business opportunity can see that it is profitable, and I am afraid that it will attract a group of people to come over."

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "What's the matter, I will discuss with Master Wang to come up with a specific charter, but anyone who participates in the mutual market must get permission from the government and pay a certain amount of tax to the government according to the transaction amount. "

Seeing that Xiao Yeyang was thoughtful, Daohua didn't say anything more, snuggled in his arms and slowly fell asleep.

Seeing Daohua's sleeping face with stretched brows and slightly raised mouth, Xiao Yeyang smiled, kissed Daohua's forehead, pulled the quilt to cover it, and fell asleep.

In early February, after Xiao Yeyang and several officials visited Bamubian Town on the spot, the book about opening a mutual market in Xiliangbian Town was sent to the capital.

The capital, the palace.

After reading Xiao Yeyang's book, the emperor invited Yang Chenghua and several ministers to discuss it. After some intense discussions, several ministers felt that opening a mutual market would help Daxia and the countries in the Western Regions to carry out economic and cultural exchanges. Agreed to this proposal.

The emperor also agreed in his heart, and the next day he brought up the mutual market in the early morning and discussed it.

As soon as the news came out, the civil and military officials once again had a heated discussion, with some in favor and some against.

The eldest prince was silent, and everyone knew that since the emperor said this in the morning, most of the matter has been settled, and it is no longer unintentional.

At this moment, several people are thinking about whether this matter can benefit them.

Obviously, mutual market transactions must be profitable.

When the eldest prince thought that the An family had left Xiliang, and that he had no staff in Xiliang, he felt extremely depressed.

Thinking of Xiao Yeyang's mother coming back to Beijing, she went directly to the An family, and several times in public, the An family was not allowed to come off the stage, and her head ached.

Prince Ping, Guo Shi, Xiao Yeyang, and these people don't take him seriously!

While the eldest prince was still thinking about these bad things, the emperor announced his agreement to open a mutual market in Xiliang.

Some aristocratic families saw the benefits in the mutual market and wanted to take over this errand, but unfortunately, the emperor did not intend to assign officials to take charge in the past, and it was tacitly agreed to let Xiao Yeyang handle it with full power.

Although I didn't receive an errand, after the next court, the news that Xiliang was going to start a mutual market spread out at a very fast speed.

There are businessmen under the aristocratic families and officials who support them. Obviously, they all want a share of the market.

Xiao Yeyang knew that the emperor would probably agree. Before the imperial decree was issued, Master Wang and several officials worked out the rules and regulations of the mutual market, and sent craftsmen to expand the town of Bamubian and re-planned it. A bit of border town.

Before March, the first batch of businessmen who heard the news poured into Xiliang.

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