Fang Liangji is the son-in-law of the second uncle Li Xingnian and the husband of the eldest cousin Li Zixuan. For the sake of the Li family, when this person comes to the door, Daohua always wants to see him.

Here, after Fang Liangji was led into the palace by the housekeeper, he did not dare to look around, but silently marveled at the grandeur and extravagance of the palace in his heart.

This is the first time in his life that he has entered the prince's mansion!

Fang Liangji pressed the excitement in his heart, and he was still a little nervous about the upcoming meeting with Princess Weiyuan.

Xiliang had always been very barren in his impression, but this time, he was amazed by what he saw and heard along the way.

The cement official road, the post station set up every tens of miles, the thriving crops, and the hopeful people, all these are different from what he imagined.

On the way here, he heard many people complimenting King Weiyuan and his wife, not only King Weiyuan, but also Princess Weiyuan.

A woman can be so loved by the people, and just this, makes him not dare to underestimate Princess Weiyuan.

Although because of his wife, the Fang family and the palace are also considered relatives, but the Fang family is only a merchant, and the status gap between the palace and the palace is too big, he has no confidence to show relatives in front of Princess Weiyuan.

Soon, the main courtyard arrived, and Gu Yu was waiting at the entrance of the courtyard in person. When Fang Liangji arrived, he first greeted him with a salute, and then led the person into the living room.

"Caomin has seen the princess!"

As soon as Fang Liangji entered the living room, he hurriedly gave Daohua a salute.

Daohua didn't have much reaction when she saw it. She was not familiar with cousin Zixuan's husband's family, but smiled politely and politely: "Cousin-in-law, please don't be too polite, please take a seat."

Fang Liangji thanked him before sitting down with a smile. During this period, he tried not to let himself look directly at the graceful and bright princess sitting in the main seat, so as not to make himself appear too cramped.

He still remembers the surprise when he first saw the eldest girl of the Yan family when he was engaged to his wife.

Now that more than ten years have passed, the sense of amazement is still there, but the aura of the other party has been so suppressed that he dare not look at each other, and he is so extravagant that he does not allow himself to be offended in the slightest.

Daohua smiled and greeted: "Cousin-in-law has worked hard all the way, how is cousin Zixuan all these years?"

Fang Liangji smiled and replied, "Zi Xuan is fine, Princess Lao has forgotten it."

Daohua smiled and said, "I only have two cousins, so naturally I think about it all the time."

Fang Liangji's heart moved, and he smiled: "Zi Xuan also often mentioned the princess to me, saying that she had studied at the princess' house and learned etiquette when she was a child."

Hearing this, Daohua was in a trance: "When I was young, I used to go to my uncle's house to play. After so many years, I don't know when will I be able to see the two cousins ​​again?"

Fang Liangji hurriedly said: "There will definitely be a chance. This time I came to Xiliang, and I wanted to bring Zi Xuan with me, but unfortunately, she can't worry about a few children."

Daohua smiled faintly, obviously not believing this.

Men in this era have always believed that women should stay in the back house to take care of the family and household chores. Few husbands take the initiative to take their wives out for sightseeing.

Thinking of this, Daohua thought of Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang was really tolerant of her, and did not limit her to the back house, and was supportive of what she liked to do.

In the subsequent conversations, Daohua mostly talked about the Li family and Li Zixuan. She knew that the life of women in this era in her husband's family was mostly difficult.

When it was almost noon, Daohua had no intention of staying in Fang Liangji for dinner.

Without him, Xiao Yeyang was not there, and she never thought to call Xiao Yeyang back from the yamen.

Fang Liangji saw what Daohua meant, and although he felt a little regretful, being able to enter the palace to see Princess Weiyuan already made it known that he was standing behind the palace.

With this relationship, he can quickly gain a firm foothold in Xiliang.

Fang Liangji took the initiative to say goodbye with discernment, and as soon as he walked out of the gate of the courtyard, he saw a small figure running over in a hurry.

Seeing Fang Liangji, Daozi was stunned for a moment, then quickly slowed down, restrained the emotions on his face, and walked over with his chest up and his head raised.

Gu Yu, who sent Fang Liangji out, hurriedly introduced: "Little Wang Ye, this is the husband of Aunt Zi Xuan from your second uncle's house. You should be called Uncle Biao."

Daozi said with an 'oh': "It turns out to be a relative of my uncle's family." As he spoke, he bowed his hands in a salute to the younger generation, "Hello, cousin."

Fang Liangji didn't dare to be this gift, so he quickly stretched out his hand to help someone: "Little Wang Ye, this is impossible."

Daozi tilted his head, with some doubts on his face, but he quickly smiled: "I made it, you are an elder."

Fang Liangji was very emotional when he saw the rice that was so polite and polite, and people couldn't help but love him.

Good upbringing is really important. At this moment, he can be regarded as agreeing to his father's practice of wanting to let his wife nurture all the sons and daughters in the family.

Etiquette should start from elementary school!

Daozi was in a hurry to see his mother. Seeing Fang Liangji standing still, his eyes rolled: "Cousin, are you leaving? Then I won't leave you any more. You are welcome to come to my house next time."

Hearing this, Fang Liangji laughed: "Okay, next time my cousin comes over and brings you something delicious."

Daozi nodded his head with a smile: "Thank you my uncle."

When Gu Yu led Fang Liangji away, the little guy immediately ran into the main courtyard like a small cannonball.

"Mother, go take care of my sister, she knocked down the castle I finally built."

"And my brother, he squashed all my clay figurines."

A childish voice filled his ears, and Fang Liangji, who had not gone far, sighed, "The princess really knows how to raise children."

The eldest son of King Weiyuan is not only strong and strong, he is polite and knows how to advance and retreat when he sees strangers, but he is only five or six years old, so he can greet him.

Thinking that when the two concubines in the family were so old, they still had to walk with their nanny holding them, so I couldn't help shaking my head.

After returning, he had to send his two concubines to his wife.

The son-in-law was raised well by his wife.

Daozi took Daohua to Nanshan Hall, pointed to the scattered building blocks, and then showed her the crushed clay figurine.

Gu Jian sat on the side and looked at it with a smile.

Every time the twins made the rice jump with anger, he would have a good day.

Daohua looked at Daozi: "This is a problem between you and your younger brother and sister. You should find a way to solve it yourself."

Daozi looked at Daohua with a dissatisfied expression. He called his mother here to help him solve the trouble, but she pushed the trouble directly onto him.

If he knows what to do, he won't find a mother.

Daomang is a little clever, as if feeling Daozi's displeasure, she crawled over with both hands and feet, and her eldest brother stood up, then pulled her brother to squat down, and then kissed Daozi with a 'baah'. On the cheek, and then smiled toothlessly: "Brother."

Seeing her sister's sweet smile, Daozi sighed helplessly and put her arms around her little body.

The rice seedlings lying on the blanket too lazy to move saw it, and after dawdling for a while, they also crawled over, hugged the rice, and sighed on the other side of the rice.

Afterwards, Daomang and Daomiao took one bite at a time, and directly washed their brother's face with saliva. It was not until Daozi laughed out loud.

Daohua stood aside and smiled and didn't intervene.

Seeing that his younger brother and sister were happily playing again, Daozi lamented in his heart that it was like this every time. As long as he was kissed by his younger brother and sister, he couldn't be angry anymore when he was so angry.

Hey, he was pinched to death by his younger brother and sister.

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