"Mother, are you going out?"

Daozi saw that Daohua was wearing a convenient dress, her eyes lit up, and she ran to hug her: "Are you going to Daoxiang Village again? I'm going too."

Since the younger brother and sister turned one year old, this is the third time my mother has gone out.

Daohua shook her head and refused: "No, you still have to go to the academy for class."

Daozi Duzui: "Then I won't go today."

Daohua looked at Daozi seriously: "There must be a beginning and an end in doing things. When you were going to the academy, how did you promise me and your father?"

Daozi was discouraged, thought for a while, and then said: "Then you are going out, what are you going to do with your brothers and sisters?"

Daohua said with a smile: "Isn't there still an ancestor watching? Besides, your father will take a rest today, and he will help to watch."

Seeing that Daozi was downcast, Daohua explained with a smile: "The canal in Daoxiang Village was dug last year. This year, I will try to plant newly cultivated rice. Mother should go to see the actual situation."

Daozi nodded: "Okay, but next time you go to Daoxiang Village, you must take me with you." He quite likes to go to Zhuangzi to play, and I wonder if the pig he raised last year is still there?

Daohua: "When you go next time, if you are on vacation, mother will take you with you."

Soon, the packed rice flowers went out with the maid and mother-in-law.

Daozi stood at the gate of the palace, and watched his mother's carriage go away with the eyes of a heartless man, and Baozi's face was wrinkled.

At this time, Xiao Yeyang said, "Let's go, Dad will take you to the academy."

Daozi glanced sadly at Henry Zhang beside him, and said old-fashioned: "Father, why did you fall in love with my mother who likes to run outside when she's not doing anything?"

Xiao Yeyang squinted at his son who was a little kid, and then he really stuck his chin in thought.

Yes, why did he fall in love with that woman?

silent for a while

Xiao Yeyang shrugged: "Who knows, your brain is caught in the door!" From the moment he met, his family seemed to like to run into the ground.

It was probably because of this love that she was able to cultivate high-yielding grains.

The abandoned father and son, who had the same fate, looked at each other and let out a helpless sigh at the same time.

What should I do with a woman who doesn't have a home on the stall?

My own princess (mother) can only be spoiled!

Daohua didn't know the careful thoughts of the father and son. After arriving at Daoxiang Village, he went to the paddy field cultivation area.

Today's Daoxiang Village has a very large scale. Originally, there were many wastelands around, but now many famous people have moved to the neighborhood to build houses.

Looking around, the smoke is curling up, and the fields are lush and full of life.

On May 11th, Daozi turned six years old. This time, Daozi was satisfied with the birthday cake made by his mother.

When the twins were gluttonous, they fed them with rice.

Daozi dislikes the troublesome twins, but she is very skilled in feeding the two little ones.

Daohua took the opportunity and said, "In the past, you were the only child in the family, and you could only eat birthday cake once a year, but when you have younger siblings, you can eat it more than once, aren't you very happy?"

Daozi thought about it for a while, isn't that the case, and nodded hurriedly.

After turning six years old, Xiao Yeyang stopped indulging Daozi, and specially asked Prince Ping to invite a famous scholar from the capital to Xiliang to teach Daozi.

This time, the days of Daozi's happy life are gone forever. Every day when he comes back from the National Defense Academy, he is called by the master at home to check his homework.

The National Defense Academy implemented a two-day break every five days. If the rice did not do well in homework, the rest time would be used to make up lessons.

This can be sad with rice.

But when it comes to learning, whether it is his parents or his ancestors, there is no room for negotiation.

In addition to being a little uncomfortable at the beginning, the rice gradually got used to the master's inspection. The little guy has a good memory and a flexible head, and the time to play has not been reduced much.

Daozi is relieved now, and continues to live his carefree childhood happily, teasing his younger brothers and sisters when he has nothing to do, anyway, he is idle.

In the blink of an eye, it was the autumn harvest season.

On July 30, after breakfast, Daohua was pulled out by the mysterious Xiao Yeyang.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yeyang took Daohua and got on the carriage, and then said, "Tomorrow is your birthday. I will take you out to Bamu to relax, just to see the situation of the mutual market over there."

Hearing this, Daohua's face suddenly showed a smile, and then she restrained: "But children."

Xiao Yeyang: "Don't worry about the children, Daozi is on vacation these two days, there are uncles watching at home, and there are so many maids and wives, nothing will happen."

Daohua didn't say much. After leaving the city, she opened the curtain of the car and stretched her head out, blowing the oncoming breeze.

Xiao Yeyang saw it and said with a smile, "Would you like to go down and ride a horse?"

Daohua smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's been a long time since I rode a horse recklessly."

The two got off the carriage, turned on their horses, the whip fell, and the two horses flew out like arrows from the string.


Dao Lace rode his horse and roared from time to time. Seeing that Henry Zhang was just smiling at himself, he immediately smiled and said, "You can also roar loudly, this will make your mood smoother."

After coming to Xiliang, Xiao Yeyang's pressure was actually quite high. In the past two years, the courage on his shoulders has relaxed a little, but to manage the entire Xiliang, all kinds of troubles must be indispensable.

Xiao Yeyang shook his head and refused, but in the end he roared under the entanglement of Daohua.

Once this starts, you can't stop.

After that, Defu and others who followed behind often heard Xiao Yeyang and Daohua roaring from time to time.

However, the result of going crazy is that Daohua's voice is hoarse.

In this regard, Xiao Yeyang wanted to laugh a little: "Please don't try so hard, you still don't listen, now you know it's amazing."

Daohua rubbed her throat and snorted: "After I get to the station, I'll just take the medicine and drink it."

After a night of rest at the inn, the next morning, Xiao Yeyang brought Daohua to Bamubian Town again.

Ma Teng, as the mayor, knew that Xiao Yeyang would come, so he was at the town entrance early.

Today's Bamu Town is completely different from when Daohua first came. Not only has it expanded a lot, but it is also very lively.

The camel team and the chariot team almost blocked the town entrance.

Under Ma Teng's introduction, Daohua learned that the resident population and floating population here have more than doubled than before.

There are not only Daxia people and Xiliao people in the town, but also merchants from other countries in the Western Regions.

Today's Bamu Town can be said to be an inch of land and an inch of gold. Businessmen all want to have their own shops here. Unfortunately, the expanded shops are in the hands of the government. Only businessmen recognized by the government are eligible to lease the shops here.

Since the opening of the mutual market, the supply of shops has exceeded the demand. It doesn't matter if you only have money, and you can't rent shops.

And businessmen without shops can only go to the designated commercial area to conduct trade.

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