There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1033, the tortoise

Fang Liangji's incident made Daohua unhappy, but it did not affect her interest in shopping. This time, she and Xiao Yeyang were the only ones who came out. After returning, the three little ones would definitely make trouble, and they had to pick a few for them. A gift to appease.

Xiao Yeyang walked behind, watching Daohua eagerly watching this, trying that, and couldn't help thinking of some pictures of them in Zhongzhou.

At that time, Yiyi was as bright and radiant as the summer sun. Wherever he went, he was always smiling. That carefree and bright smile always made people unable to take their eyes off.

Since marrying him, it has caused her a lot of trouble.

In the capital, she had to deal with all kinds of relationships, and when she came to Xiliang, the conditions were so poor, and now that she had three children to take care of, the light smile on her face disappeared.

"We will come out every year to relax, just the two of us."

Daohua was choosing masks for the children from the Western Regions, and she was a little surprised when she heard Xiao Yeyang saying this, but she would not refuse to go out to play: "Okay, as long as you have time, I have no problem at all. of."

After strolling around the foreshadowing opened by the merchants in the Western Regions, Xiao Yeyang and Daohua were ready to go home.

Before leaving, Xiao Yeyang called Ma Teng and gave him a few words: "Unless I say hello in person in the future, you don't need to pay attention to whoever is in the name of the palace, let alone give it any convenience."

Ma Teng responded quickly. Today, he has been following the prince and princess, and naturally he can see their dissatisfaction with Fang Liangji, the owner of Fangji's silk and satin shop.

"The humble office is recorded."

After returning to the palace, Daohua did not write directly to Li Chenzhi, but asked Yan Wenxiu to come to the palace to discuss with him.

After Yan Wenxiu heard what happened, he was also very angry.

The two uncles helped the Yan family a lot in the early years, and the two cousins ​​lived at home for a while when they were children, and they were not much different from their own sisters.

"I still have to ask Chen Zhi about this. You and I don't know the situation of the Fang family. If we intervene rashly, it will make it difficult for cousin Zi Xuan."

Daohua expressed her approval: "I think so too, with my temper, I can't wait to drive Fang Liangji away, but I'm worried that when he goes back, he will spread the fire on cousin Zixuan and the child, then I'm doing bad things with good intentions. ."

"I'll send a message to cousin Chen Zhi and let him come to Liangdu."

The Li family's business in Xiliang is mainly concentrated in Ganzhou. The Bamu mutual market is open. Li Chenzhi naturally wants to make money from the merchants of the Western Regions. However, the Li family's business has not settled in Bamu.

This is because through the relationship between the Li family and the Weiyuan Palace, he knows that Ganzhou will open up a mutual market in the near future, and the scale is larger than that of Bamu.

After all, Ganzhou is the state that directly borders the countries in the Western Regions. Bamu only borders Xiliao. Businessmen from other countries have to pass through Xiliao, which is not convenient.

Li Chenzhi pays attention to a stable word in business. Now that he is alone in Xiliang, he does not want to spread the business of the Li family too much, so as to avoid the problem of poor management.

Knowing that Ganzhou will also open a mutual market, I am no longer going to Bamu.

Li Chenzhi was a little surprised when he received Daohua's letter. After reading the content of the letter, his face was a little ugly, and he rode to Liangdu that day.

This time Fang Liangji came to Xiliang, he knew that Fang Liangji had sent him a letter, but he did not go to Ganzhou to see him in person.

A few days later, Li Chenzhi came to the Weiyuan Palace.

Daohua called Yan Wenxiu and Han Xinran. Although they were all in Xiliang, they usually had their own business to do, so they didn't see each other very often.

After dinner, several people sat in the living room and talked about Fang Liangji.

Daohua was the first to speak: "Third cousin, Sun Yongyi is Fang Liangji's friend, how could you agree to let Fang Liangji take his sister as his concubine?"

Although it was legal for men to take concubines in this era, the first wife had the right to deny it.

Fang Liangji and Sun Yongyi are good friends. Sun Jiayue has known Fang Liangji since he was a child, and taking such a concubine to go home, isn't this adding to himself?

Speaking of this matter, Li Chenzhi was also full of anger and sighed: "It's not because Zixuan married into the Fang family and gave birth to three daughters in succession. The Fang family was worried that Zixuan would not be able to give birth to a son, so they proposed to take a concubine."

It is related to the inheritance of the Fang family's descendants, and the Li family can't object even if they want to.

Yan Wenxiu frowned: "Then you shouldn't take the Sun family girl."

Li Chenzhi sneered: "Then Sun Jiayue has always admired Fang Liangji. At first, it was only Sun Jiayue who was thinking about it, but later, the Fang family married our family, and in the light of the Yan family, the Fang family's business became bigger and bigger, and Master Sun also I'm starting to get excited."

"Sun Yongyi is a friend of Fang Liangji. The two often get together to eat and drink. Once Fang Liangji went to Sun's house as a guest, Sun Jiayue took the opportunity to climb on Fang Liangji's bed."

"At that time, Zixuan had just given birth to her third daughter, and the Fang family used this as an excuse to force Zixuan to allow Sun Jiayue to enter the house."

"Zixuan naturally didn't want to, and told the family. After we knew about it, of course we didn't agree. The Fang family didn't want to be too stiff with us, so the matter was deadlocked."

"However, a month later, Sun Jiayue was pregnant. Now, Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang came to the door to plead guilty. In the end, they knelt down directly to Zi Xuan and asked her to agree."

"The parents-in-law kneel for their daughter-in-law, no matter what the reason is, it's all Zi Xuan's fault. When things got to this point, for the sake of the three daughters, Zi Xuan could only agree with her teeth."

Daohua was so angry when he heard it: "In the final analysis, this is Fang Liangji's fault. He knew that Sun Jiayue was interested in him, but he went to Sun's house, and he didn't avoid suspicion at all."

Saying that, he paused.

"By the way, third cousin, after the incident, what did Fang Liangji do? Why did you only hear that Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang apologized?"

Li Chenzhi sneered: "Fang Liangji felt sorry for Zi Xuan, and went to the ancestral hall to copy the Buddhist scriptures."

Hearing this, Daohua was speechless: "This is just a tortoise with its head shrinking. If I did something wrong, I won't bear it, but let my parents bear it in front of me."

Yan Wenxiu said, "This is the strength of the Fang family. Sun Jiayue has already made it clear that there is no room for turning around when she enters the Fang's house, but the Li family is unwilling."

"At this time, if Fang Liangji is to come forward to plead guilty, one bad move will not only hurt the relationship between him and his cousin Zi Xuan, but also arouse the disgust of the Li family."

"If the Fang family still wants to rely on the Li family, Fang Liangji can't offend the Li family. In this way, only Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang can minimize the damage."

Daohua can probably think of what happened after that. For the sake of her three daughters, cousin Zi Xuan could only endure humiliation in the Fang family.

Daohua looked at Li Chenzhi: "Third cousin, why haven't you and your uncle mentioned these things to us? My mother and they don't know either?"

Li Chenzhi smiled and said, "Aunt and uncle, as well as cousins ​​and cousins, all of you have helped Li Jialiang a lot. How can you trouble you with anything?"

Seeing that Daohua and Yan Wenxiu were both sullen, Li Chenzhi smiled and said, "Don't worry about Zi Xuan, fortunately, after giving birth to three daughters, finally a son came."

"The Sun family now relies on the Fang family for their business. Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang know the importance of it. She is better than the other two concubines for Zi Xuansheng's direct son."

Daohua raised her eyebrows: "Two concubines? Are they both born by Sun Jiayue?"

Li Chenzhi nodded bitterly. At first, he said that Sun Jiayue took the initiative to climb into Fang Liangji's bed, but after that, if Fang Liangji had no feelings for Sun Jiayue, if he cared about Zi Xuan's feelings, how could he have a second child with Sun Jiayue? child?

Hearing this, Daohua hated Fang Liangji more and more in her heart.

Fang Liangji asked a concubine to have two sons, and this concubine obviously did not deal with Cousin Zixuan. He did this without considering Cousin Zixuan's feelings at all.

"Third cousin, Fang Liangji took Sun Jiayue out to do business, and it was also allowed by Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang?"

Li Chenzhi nodded: "We don't talk much about this kind of thing. After all, Fang Liangji needs someone to take care of and serve him when he is away from home."

Daohua asked again: "Now Sun Jiayue is openly calling herself Mrs. Fang, and she wears red silk and satin that only a full wife can wear. What are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Li Chenzhi looked ugly: "I will write back to tell my father and second uncle. This time the Fang family won't give an explanation to the Li family. This matter is not over."

Yan Wenxiu shook his head: "What can the Fang family explain? It's nothing more than not letting Fang Liangji take Sun Jiayue out of the house. Does this benefit the Li family or Zixuan?"

"No, not at all."

Daohua also said, "Third cousin, you don't want to teach Fang Liangji a lesson? In fact, everything is down to him in the end."

"Whether it's Nasun Jiayue entering the door, or taking Sun Jiayue out, and letting Sun Jiayue live as his wife outside, it's all done by Fang Liangji."

Li Chenzhi was silent and did not speak. The Li family wanted to teach Fang Liangji a lesson, but they had to take care of Zi Xuan and her four children.

Li Jiazhen was going to have a standoff with the Fang family, and in the end it was Zi Xuan and her children who suffered.

Yan Wenxiu: "It's not easy for the Li family to come forward in this matter. Zixuan is the daughter-in-law of the Fang family, and her child is the heir of the Fang family. Because of this, the Fang family has decided on the Li family, and it is expected that the Li family will not dare to treat the Fang family. how."

Daohua: "The Li family doesn't dare, I dare!" After speaking, she looked at Li Chenzhi.

"Third cousin, Fang Liangji is acting in the name of the palace in Bamu Town. Ye Yang and I are very annoyed by this. We are going to disqualify him from doing business in Bamu. What do you think?"

Li Chenzhi was overjoyed. His father and second uncle often warned him not to trouble his cousins ​​too much. Although everyone was relatives, they had to be measured.

Now that my cousin helps teach Fang Liangji a lesson, it is naturally the best.

"Since Fang Liangji made a mistake, he will naturally be punished."

Daohua smiled: "Since you agree, then I can ask someone to do it. He took the advantage of his wife's teeth and swallowed blood. There is no such thing in the world."

Don't let the Fang family suffer once, they really think the Li family is easy to deceive!

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