Bamu Town.

Master Fang and Master Du waited for Fang Liangji at the gate of the yamen with anticipation on their faces.

Master Fang: "I heard that there are many shops for rent this time. It's a pity. It doesn't matter if you and I are here. Otherwise, if you open a few more shops, you can make more money."

Master Du had a look of envy on his face: "If you want me to say, the Fang family's luck is really good enough. After marrying the Li family, they went straight to the Yan family."

"Now the Yan family is getting better and better, and there is a prince concubine. King Weiyuan is in charge of all affairs in Xiliang. With the relationship with the palace of Weiyuan, the Fang family will be able to gain a firm foothold in Xiliang soon. already."

Master Fang was also very envious of this: "I can only blame you and me for not having the old house's eyes." Back then, the Li family's business was not as big as the two of them.

But now, it has long been incomparable!

Not long after, Fang Liangji came out of the yamen.

Master Fang and Master Du hurriedly stepped forward, and as soon as they got close, they saw Fang Liangji's sad face: "Nephew, is the shop available for rent?"

Fang Liangji had no intention of paying attention to the two at the moment, but thinking of the 10,000 taels of silver notes they had given before, he said perfunctorily, "All the shops that were rented out this time have been rented out."

Master Fang and Master Du suddenly changed their expressions, pulled Fang Liangji and asked, "Nephew, have we rented our shop? You promised us before that you would help us rent the shop."

Fang Liangjili was annoyed, and said impatiently: "The shops are all rented out, and I can't do anything about it, even I couldn't rent a shop myself."

Master Fang and Master Du sank in their hearts. Seeing Fang Liangji's ugly face, they quickly said, "Nephew, this is not the place to talk, why don't we go back to your shop first."

Fang Liangji also wanted to go back to the shop and think about what was going on? It was clear that the last time I saw the mayor Ma Teng, the other party was polite to me, but this time, the other party ignored me.

The shops that were originally reserved for a long time, the other party also directly said that there are no more.

Where is the problem?

Room Kee Satin Shop.

Sun Jiayue is happily directing her maid to pack the items bought from the merchants in the Western Regions: "Send all of these back to Fang's house."

Maid: "Girl, why don't you give the master and wife some so many things?"

Sun Jiayue said with a smile: "It won't be long before my eldest brother will come, and I will ask him to buy it for my parents. This time my husband promised to help my brother to get the qualification to sell tea, and I have to show my filial piety to my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

The maid smiled and said, "My lord is so kind to the girl. The slaves have heard that the qualification to sell tea is very rare, but when the girl mentioned it, the lord agreed without saying a word. It can be seen that the girl is on the top of his heart."

Sun Jiayue liked to hear such words, smiled and glanced at the maid, and was about to say something, when she heard Fang Liangji's voice coming from the front, and her face suddenly cheered: "Xiang Gong is back!"

After saying that, he walked out quickly.

As soon as Sun Jiayue came to the front, he saw Fang Liangji who looked unhappy and sent Master Fang and Master Du away: "Xiang Gong, why did you come back so soon? Didn't you say that you rented a shop, and you still have to go to the shop to see it? "

Fang Liangji waved his hand: "Don't mention it, I haven't rented a single shop this time."

Sun Jiayue's face changed: "Why is this happening? Didn't you say that the mayor promised you that he would leave a shop for you?"

Fang Liangji frowned: "I'm also thinking about the reason. When I met Mayor Ma this time, his attitude towards me was completely different from the last time."

Said, looking at Sun Jiayue.

"Jiayue, please help me think about it, did I offend him in some way during this time?"

Hearing this, Sun Jiayue's heart throbbed suddenly, and she couldn't help thinking of the lady she met when she bought the tapestry.

"During this period of time, Xianggong, you have been busy with things in the store, and you have no chance to offend Mayor Ma, right?"

Fang Liangji shook his head: "Mayor Ma can't ignore me for no reason, there must be something going on here." After that, he invited the servant and asked him to go out to inquire about the news.

Seeing the servant leave, Sun Jiayue's heart suddenly thumped, and she quickly recalled the day she bought the tapestry.

Although she wanted to buy a tapestry that day, after the lady said it, she was no longer bothered, and she should not offend anyone.

Therefore, it should not be her reason that the husband did not rent the shop.

Thinking of this, Sun Jiayue breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Fang Liangji's worried face, her eyes flashed, and tentatively said: "Xiang Gong, is it possible that someone doesn't want you to open a shop?"

Fang Liangji raised his head sharply: "Who?"

Sun Jiayue showed guilt on her face: "Because of me, the Li family has always been dissatisfied with her husband." At this point, she didn't say any more.

Whether it is the Li family or not, it is always right to push the Li family. Anyway, the Li family has been operating in Xiliang for many years, so it is not impossible.

Fang Liangji really pondered, and after a while, he shook his head again: "It shouldn't, I asked, the Li family did not open a shop in Bamu Town."

Otherwise, he would not openly let Sun Jiayue appear.

At this moment, the servant who was sent out to inquire about the news came back.

Fang Liangji hurriedly asked, "How is it, have you found anything?"

The servant looked at Sun Jiayue and didn't dare to answer.

Sun Jiayue felt nervous when she was seen.

Fang Liangji saw the little servant dawdling, and said angrily: "I asked you something, what are you dawdling for?"

Only then did the servant speak: "Master, Xiao Jiang gave the hundreds of silver notes you gave to Mayor Ma's personal attendant, and that personal attendant spoke up and said." He looked at Sun Jiayue again.

This time Fang Liangji also realized that something was wrong, and said solemnly, "What did you say?"

The little servant bit his head and said, "Said that a few days ago, King Weiyuan accompanied the princess here to relax, and met Aunt Sun on the way."

Fang Liangji's heart trembled. The last time he went to the palace, the princess talked about his wife in two of the three sentences, which shows that he has a good relationship with his wife.

The princess met Jiayue.

Fang Liangji didn't dare to think deeply, and turned to look at Sun Jiayue: "Have you met the princess?"

Sun Jiayue's face was a little pale, and she instinctively denied: "I don't know, Xianggong, I haven't seen the princess a few times, and even if I did, I wouldn't recognize it."

Fang Liangji's face was very ugly, and he didn't need to ask about anything after that.

Regardless of whether Jiayue offended the princess or not, she pointed at her as his concubine, and if he took her by his side, the princess would be able to hate him directly.

Now how to do?

If he offended the princess, he wouldn't even think about getting a foothold in Xiliang.

The little servant thought for a while and reminded: "Master, you have come here this time, and you haven't visited the third uncle yet."

Fang Liangji's eyes lit up, yes, the third uncle is in Ganzhou, maybe he can ask the third uncle to help him make peace.

"Get ready now, I'll go to Ganzhou tomorrow."

Before the words fell, a team of patrol officers and soldiers entered the store.

Fang Liangji's scalp was a little numb: "Master, what are you?"

The officers and soldiers took out a document: "Someone said that your shop is not in compliance with the rules. Now we have to take it back. You hurry up and remove the goods in the shop. We will close the shop tonight."

Fang Liangji's face changed greatly, and Sun Jiayue, who was beside him, was also shocked. She didn't expect things to be so serious.

Fang Ji's silk and satin shop was closed, which surprised Master Fang and Master Du. Both of them were talented people, and soon realized what Fang Liangji might have done.

The Fang family and the Weiyuan Palace are connected to each other, and the shop was closed just like that. It can be seen that the matter is not trivial. After the two received the news, they immediately came to Fang Liangji to get the 10,000 taels of silver back.

Fang Liangji hurriedly returned the 10,000 taels of silver notes to them, arranged the trembling Sun Jiayue in the inn, and then rode to Ganzhou.

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