Ganzhou City.

Li House.

Fang Liangji rushed here for a few days, but he couldn't even enter the gate.

Without him, the master of the Li family is not at home.

After Li Chenzhi came back from Liangdu, he guessed that Fang Liangji would come to him. He, who had wanted to help his sister clean up this guy for a long time, naturally would not miss this opportunity and decided to toss this guy.

Since the Fang family and the Li family got married, Fang Liangji's lineage has been linked with the Fang family's direct branch again, and has helped the Fang family's direct branch to make money over the years.

He knew that Fang Liangji came to Xiliang this time for a big fight. Many people in the Fang family had invested money. If he went back to Zhongzhou in a disheartened way, it would not only make people laugh, but also make Fang Fang suffer. The family's heirs are underestimated.

Fang Liangji, who was a bit inferior because of his status as a side member of the Fang family, would never allow such a thing to happen, and would definitely come to him.

He had already instructed the concierge, Fang Liangji asked to see him, and directly said that he and his wife were not at home.

Looking at the perfunctory face of the Li family concierge, Fang Liangji felt a little heavy in his heart, took a deep breath, and asked with a smile, "I don't know where the third uncle went, and when will he come back?"

Concierge: "My grandfather and wife went to visit the winery. We can't tell when this little one will come back."

Fang Liangji looked at the fake door of the Li family, and knew in his heart that the third uncle was deliberately making him look ugly. Otherwise, as the uncle of the Li family, even if the master of the Li family was not at home, he should have been invited into the house. Well received.

But the Li family didn't!

Is the third uncle really not at home?

He knew that the Li family had a lot of dissatisfaction with him over the years because of Jiayue's incident, but he felt worthy of his wife. The mid-feeder at home was always taken care of by his wife. He also gave his wife enough respect. How do you want him?

Brother Third Uncle should know about this time. Given the relationship between the Li family and Princess Weiyuan, Brother Third Uncle will definitely be informed.

Now that the third uncle doesn't want to see him, does that mean he doesn't want to help him?

But if he is not good, can his wife and four children be better?

Thinking of the goods temporarily stored in the Bamu Inn, Fang Liangji endured the grievance in his heart, smiled and said to the doorman, "I will stay in Ganzhou for a few days, and I will stay at the Sihai Inn in the city. Please send someone to let me know."

The porter smiled.

Fang Liangji glanced at the door of Li's house again, and then turned and left with the servant.

At the same time, in the backyard of Li's house.

Li Chenzhi's wife, Mrs. Qiu, watched her husband play leisurely with her son in the garden, and hesitated for a while, but then stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Fang came to the door, shall we avoid seeing each other?"

Li Chenzhi's expression was indifferent: "We used to be too good to let the Fang family slap their noses on their faces again and again."

Mrs. Qiu: "Uncle Fang is not a good person, but we have to think about sister Zixuan more. Now that Uncle Fang has been embarrassed by us, what if he goes back and spreads fire on sister Zixuan?"

Li Chenzhi handed over his son to the nanny, and then snorted coldly: "We are too scruples about these things, so that our attitude is not strong enough when facing the Fang family, which will allow the Fang family to condone Fang Liangji's favor again and again. Sun's."

"This time, the big cousin has already taken the initiative to help us out. If we don't be tougher and firmer, then it will really be a waste of her hard work."

Hearing this, Mr. Qiu couldn't say more.

Fang Liangji stayed at the inn for a few days, during which he did not wait for the Li family, and finally had to send a servant to wait in front of the Li residence.

In this way, half a month passed, Fang Liangji was worried about Sun Jiayue and the goods in Bamu, and wanted to see Li Chenzhi earlier, he had to shamelessly come to Li's house again.

Before he could open his mouth, the concierge said, "Uncle Fang, neither the master nor his wife have come back yet."

Fang Liangji took a deep breath: "They didn't say when they would come back?"

The concierge shook his head: "Every time the old lady goes out to visit the winery, it will be as short as half a month, and it will last for two or three months. It's impossible to say."

Hearing that Li Chenzhi might not be back until two or three months later, Fang Liangji was not feeling well.

Does he have to wait here for two or three months, wasting so much time in vain?

Fang Liangji returned without success. After that, he would come to Li's house every few days. He wanted to see when Li Chengzhi would cool him down.

After hitting a wall several times, Fang Liangji would still complain in his heart for the ruthlessness of the Li family at first, but later, he slowly began to regret bringing Sun Jiayue to Xiliang.

It was not until the end of August that Li Chenzhi agreed to meet Fang Liangji.

But the location is not Li's house, but Li's textile factory outside the city.

At this moment, Fang Liangji didn't have the strength to care about this, and he was cold for nearly a month. Now, as long as Li Chen volunteered his opinion, it would be fine.

Fang Liangji was led into the textile factory.

Looking at the scale of the Li family's textile factory, Fang Liangji was very jealous. He heard that the military uniforms of the soldiers of Xiliang were produced by the Li family. Just like this, they can earn a lot of money every year.

Moreover, the cotton grown in Xiliang is of high quality, and the cotton cloth produced is very popular in many places. The Li family’s silk and satin shop in Zhongzhou sells the cotton cloth produced here, and the sales volume is particularly good.

The Fang family also wanted to order cotton cloths from the Li family, but unfortunately, the old husband directly refused.

Thinking of this, Fang Liangji couldn't help but shudder for a while, and suddenly realized that the Li family's dissatisfaction with him was actually very deep and deep.

"Three uncles!"

Seeing Li Chenzhi walking out of the factory building, Fang Liangji quickly restrained his emotions and stepped forward to greet him with a smile.

Li Chenzhi glanced at him lightly, and continued to talk to the steward around him about cotton purchases this year.

Fang Liangji saw that Li Chenzhi ignored him, even if he was angry, he didn't dare to intervene at this time, he could only stay by the side carefully.

Li Chenzhi explained everything, signaled the steward to step down, and then looked at Fang Liangji.

Fang Liangji was about to say a few words to ease the atmosphere, but unexpectedly heard Li Chenzhi's unceremonious question.

"I heard that you married another wife outside?"

Fang Liangji's face froze, looking at Li Chenzhi's ugly face, and quickly denied: "Brother Third Uncle, what are you talking about, my wife is only Zi Xuan."

Li Chenzhi sneered: "Really, but as far as I know, you are a layman, and you are always accompanied by a 'Mrs. Fang'."

Fang Liangji froze for a moment, knowing that Li Chenzhi was talking about Sun Jiayue.

It was his fault that Sun Jiayue claimed to be his wife, but he wanted to make things more convenient.

In layman's business, it is necessary to deal with people. He can receive male relatives, but only Jiayue can come here. The concubine's hostess said that it would be a bit ugly to go out, so he acquiesced that Jiayue called herself Mrs. Fang.

Fang Liangji defended: "Uncle, you may have misunderstood."

Li Chenzhi interrupted Fang Liangji directly: "Misunderstanding, your concubine is very good, and you call yourself Mrs. Fang in front of Princess Weiyuan. If the princess hadn't told me about this, our family would still be kept in the dark by you. ."

"Fang Liangji, ask yourself, since you and Zi Xuan got married, how much the Li family has taken care of your family, and you treat Zi Xuan like this, it's so deceiving!"

"In the past, for the sake of Zi Xuan and the four children, as long as you didn't do too much, we would turn a blind eye. I didn't expect you to be so aggressive and openly use a concubine as a wife outside. You still have Did you not regard Zi Xuan as your wife, and did you take the Li family in your eyes?"

Fang Liangji knew that he was wrong and wanted to justify a few words, but Li Chenzhi didn't give him a chance at all.

Li Chenzhi looked at Fang Liangji indifferently: "Fang Liangji, you are so courageous, even my Li family would not dare to act in the name of the Weiyuan Palace, you are amazing, as soon as you arrive in Bamu Town, you say You are a relative of the Weiyuan Palace, who gave you the power?"

Said, snorted coldly.

"You came to me, I know why, but I'm sorry, I can't help you, even the Yan family dare not use the name of the palace, let alone you!"

"Go back, this time, even if father and second uncle come, it's useless."

Looking at Li Chenzhi who flung his sleeves and left, Fang Liangji chased after two steps, but then stopped again.

He knew that his business in Xiliang was over.

In the past, he had annoyed the Li family. At most, the Li family restricted some of the Fang families in terms of business transactions, but this time, he offended Princess Weiyuan. Princess Weiyuan was an existence that could uproot the Fang family from Xiliang.

Suddenly, Fang Liangji's expression was shocked. The Fang family's business in the south was able to expand rapidly. It was also because of the protection of the fourth master of the Yan family. If Princess Weiyuan sent a letter to the fourth master of the Yan family.

Fang Liangji didn't dare to think about it any longer, and left in a hurry.

Xiliang's business is gone, it hasn't started anyway, but if the business in the south is gone, the Fang family will be hurt.

Seeing that Fang Liangji was a little flustered, the young servant couldn't help but reminded: "Master, you don't have to worry too much. From the perspective of the lady, the girl, and the young master, the princess and the Li family won't do too much."

These words really calmed Fang Liangji, yes, although the Li family was dissatisfied with him these years, they didn't do too much, isn't it just because of his wife and several children.

After Fang Liangji returned to Bamu Town, when he saw Sun Jiayue, he felt a little irritable in his heart. This irritability reached its peak when he had to find someone to buy the delivered silk.

This time when he came to Xiliang, he was confident and content to gain a firm foothold here, so more silk and satin were delivered.

In order to sell the satin, he had to lower the price.

This batch of goods was paid for by the direct branch. After returning, he had to make up the difference. He didn't earn the money, so he had to subsidize some of it. Thinking about it, he was embarrassed.

Sun Jiayue was not in a good mood during this time. She was born in a businessman, and she knew that the most important thing for businessmen was profit. If the Fang family lost because of her, then she would try to please her again, but she would not be able to please her.

"Li Zixuan, why is she so lucky!"

Even if there is an uncle who is a servant of the household, she still has a cousin who is a princess to support her.

After processing the goods, Fang Liangji left Xiliang with Sun Jiayue with a sad expression.

After returning to Zhongzhou, Master Fang heard about their affairs in Xiliang, and scolded Fang Liangji fiercely: "You are not allowed to take the Sun family with you when you go out in the future."

Fang Liangji nodded, even if his father didn't say it, he wouldn't be taking it.

Some lessons are enough to take once.

Master Fang looked at his son and sighed: "I haven't taken care of you all these years. With your daughter-in-law, you will be good to others in the future. As for the Sun family, you should go less, and even the Sun family, it is best to stay less. ."

Li Jiazhen really wanted to get serious, but it was enough for Fang Jia to drink a pot.

The Li family helps the Fang family for the sake of their daughter-in-law and grandchildren. If their son can't even do this, they won't even think about getting help from the Li family.

Losing his business and offending the Yue family, how could Fang Liangji dare to refute his father at this time: "Dad, where is the direct branch."

Speaking of this, Master Fang also had a headache. The reason why the direct descendants have looked at them over the years is because they can have a relationship with the Yan family, as well as the Prince Ping Mansion and the Prince Weiyuan Mansion behind the Yan family.

Now that the son has offended Princess Weiyuan, and even his qualifications to do business in Xiliang have been refuted, if the direct branch finds out about this, I am afraid that they will be avoided again.

Master Fang sighed and said in pain: "Take out the money from the family to make up for the lost money from the direct branch. For the rest, let's take a step by step."

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