There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1036, one more brother

September 9, Double Ninth Festival.

This year, the Weiyuan Palace did not hold any banquets. Thinking that the twins had not been out since the birth of the twins, on this day, Xiao Yeyang waved his hand and took the whole family out of the city to climb a mountain to look into the distance.

On the Longfeng Mountain outside Liangdu City, wild chrysanthemums are in continuous bloom, attracting countless people to climb the mountain.

On the lawn at the foot of the mountain, Daohua is bringing her maids to spread tablecloths on the lawn, and then put all kinds of food and fruits on it.

Next to him, Xiao Yeyang was happily making kebabs.

Gu Jian sat directly on the ground, smiling and looking at Daozi and the twins who were chasing and playful around him.

"Brother, wait for the goose!"

The twins are walking very neatly now, but they are still wobbly when they run.

Daozi is flying a kite, and the little guy's attention is all about putting the kite into the sky, and he has no time to pay attention to his younger siblings.

Daomang is a lively and active person. Seeing his brother running, she also wants to follow, but after running a few steps, seeing that his brother didn't wait for him, his small mouth dropped, and his black almond eyes slowly filled with water mist. It looked so pitiful.

Gu Jian couldn't bear to see the little girl crying, he got up quickly, ran over to hug the little girl in his arms and comforted him: "Don't cry, don't cry, will my ancestor play with you?"

The little girl leaned against Gu Jian's arms, looking at the rice in the distance who was laughing because the kite was flying high, her mouth pouted high: "Brother is bad!"

Gu Jian nodded again and again, and carried the little girl to the rice seedlings.

Dao Miao doesn't like to move very much, Dao Hua spreads the blanket, and the little guy lies on it comfortably.

When Gu Jian came over with Daomang in his arms, Daomiao was slowly nibbling on an apple, and his feet were still swaying, making Gu Jian burst into laughter: "This stinky boy!"

Gu Jian put the rice awn on the blanket, and the little girl was still a little unhappy at this time.

Daomiao glanced at her sister, sat up slowly, slowly climbed to the side of the tablecloth, reached out and took a piece of cake, then slowly climbed back and gave the cake to Daomang.

The little girl Daomang glanced at her brother, took the cake reluctantly, and then happily nibbled it.

Seeing the little girl being so coaxing, Gu Jian was a little amused, and then looked at the rice seedlings: "Why do you only get cakes for my sister, what from the ancestors?"

Dao Miao looked at Gu Jian's outstretched hand, her eyelids seemed to roll up, and then she slowly crawled towards the tablecloth.

All of this, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang in front of the barbecue saw them all. They brought out some experience with their children. As long as the children didn't cry too much, neither of them would care about them.

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said, "Have you noticed that my uncle treats rice awns better than rice seedlings?"

Daohua glanced at him: "Why didn't you find it, aren't you the same?"

Xiao Yeyang touched his nose and forcibly defended: "Don't I think that girls are weaker than boys, so I have to protect them more."

Daohua 'haha' twice, too lazy to dismantle him: "Do you think Daomang looks familiar?"

Xiao Yeyang looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Daohua glanced at the doting master who was playing with her daughter: "Daomang's eyes are like yours, and your eyes are very similar to your mother-in-law's."

Xiao Yeyang was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at Gu Jian and the twins: "You mean"

Daohua nodded: "My mother-in-law's face was burnt. You and I have never seen her face, but I remember those eyes very clearly. Daomang, I guess she looks like her mother-in-law."

"You don't spend much time at home. Maybe you didn't notice it. Several times I saw Master look at Daomang with a dazed expression, as if looking at others through Daomang."

Xiao Yeyang looked at his daughter carefully, Yiyi didn't say that he didn't feel it yet, but after saying it, he really felt that the daughter looked a bit like old mother-in-law.

Daohua saw that the twins and Gu Jian were having a good time, and Daozi also leaned over.

Xiao Yeyang also had this intention, and handed the grilled skewer to Daohua: "You eat first, and I'll let Defu prepare it."

In the afternoon, Daohua stood beside Xiao Yeyang and watched him sketch out a scene of family happiness.

On this day, the whole family had a great time, and it was already dark when we returned to the house.

Daohua coaxed the three children to sleep, and went back to the room to see Xiao Yeyang holding a letter and saying, "Whose letter is it?"

Xiao Yeyang handed the letter to Daohua: "You can read it yourself."

Daohua took a look, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face: "Amitabha, mother gave birth safely, we finally don't have to worry about it." Said, smiled and gave Xiao Yeyang a congratulations, "Congratulations, being a big brother already."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua speechlessly: "What's there to be happy about." As he said that, his face was a little awkward, "It's even smaller than the rice seedlings, what is this called?"

Daohua walked over and beat him: "What's the matter, you have a younger brother, Daozi and the others have an uncle, it's a good thing."

Said, smiled.

"Little brother's full moon ceremony is definitely not in time, but we also have to make up for the gifts, what should we give?"

Xiao Yeyang lacked interest: "You can figure it out."

Daohua looked at him like this and asked with a smile, "Are you really jealous with a milk baby?"

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua, put his arms around her waist, and put his head in her arms: "I know this child is what my mother and Uncle Chu were looking forward to, but I feel a little empty in my heart."

Daohua understood Xiao Yeyang's mood. Despite his usual indifferent appearance, he actually wanted to be close to his parents.

The mother-in-law has a young son, and even if she still loves Xiao Yeyang in her heart, her attention will definitely be reduced.

"You and me, and the rice and the twins, we will always be by your side."

Xiao Yeyang nodded, and then took a long breath: "Uncle Chu helped us a lot when he was in Xiliang. I'd better prepare a present myself, lest... lest he call me stingy."

Daohua smiled and said, "My mother will be very happy when she receives it."

On September 15th, Han Xinran handed over a post to the palace.

"Why is the second sister so cold at this time?"

Looking at the content of the post, Inohua was a little surprised.

Although Yan Yishuang and Yan Yihuan both work in Xiliang with their respective husbands, because they are busy at home, they usually get together less often except during New Years and festivals.

The next day, Daohua met Han Xinran and Yan Yihuan.

Daohua knew that Yan Yihuan went to Yan's Mansion first, and then came to the Wang Mansion after the eldest sister-in-law handed over the post, and asked with a smile, "Second sister, when did you come to Liangdu?"

Yan Yihuan smiled and replied, "I came the day before yesterday." As she said that, she looked embarrassed, "I'll cause trouble for my sister-in-law and sister-in-law as soon as I come here."

Daohua glanced at Han Xinran, who didn't answer, and said with a smile, "What are your sisters talking about, what are you doing here at this time?"

Yan Yihuan's expression paused, and she said uncomfortably, "eldest sister, my mother sent me a letter not long ago, saying that she came to Xiliang with Yile."

As soon as these words came out, Daohua's eyelids jumped, and she quickly glanced at Han Xinran. At this moment, she understood why her sister-in-law didn't smile.

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