There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1045, sinister intentions

"Daozi, do you like playing with Fourth Aunt?"

Daohua smiled and looked at Daozi, while paying attention to the twins who were fighting on the kang.

Daozi nodded hurriedly: "Mmmm."

Daohua smiled and asked, "Why?"

Daozi replied without thinking: "Because Fourth Aunt is not like others, they won't let me do this for a while, and they won't let me do that for a while, climbing a rock in the amusement park, they all think that I will be in danger."

"Mother, nanny, they are too careful. You built a climbing wall in the amusement park just for me to play, but they are good, for fear that I will fall."

Daohua's eyes flashed, and she touched Daozi's head: "Daozi, you have to slowly learn to distinguish between good intentions and malicious intentions of others."

"Sometimes, the people who are ignorant of you may not be really good to you, and those who persuade you may not say what you want, but they are actually doing it for you."

Daozi tilted his head, although he didn't quite understand it, he still remembered the mother's words: "Mother, I know that the nanny and the others are worried about me, but I just don't want them to control me all the time."

Daohua said with a smile: "Mother will talk to the nanny about this, so that they don't take you too seriously. In fact, they are your people. If you have any opinions about them, you can communicate with them in person. "

Rice's eyes lit up: "Can I do it?"

Daohua smiled and nodded: "Of course, your people, you can naturally make your own decisions."

Daozi pressed his chin and pondered: "Then I have to think about it."

Daohua smiled and interrupted the little guy: "However, since you are still young, you can't tell right from wrong, mother, you have to supervise."

Daozi doesn't mind this at all. Mother takes care of him as it is right and only, if she wants to leave him alone, he will cry.

Yan Yile found that San Xiao did not go to the amusement park anymore, but fortunately, the Chinese New Year would be over in two days. On the 30th day of the Lunar New Year, he saw three children in Nanshan Hall.

As usual, the mother and daughter of the Sun family used to eat in the guest house, but during this happy family gathering, Daohua could not leave them alone, so she still called them to Nanshan Hall to celebrate the New Year together.

After arriving at Nanshan Hall, Yan Yihuan didn't pay any attention to the sumptuous meals on the table, and all her attention was on Yan Yile.

No way, she was really worried that Yile would make trouble on this festive day.

Fortunately, after coming here, Yile didn't do anything strange, just walked up to Daozi and the twins and played with them.

"Dad, do you know how to play the rope flip game? I can, the fourth aunt taught me."

Daozi held a red rope and insisted on finding Xiao Yeyang to play with.

Seeing that his son was having a good time, Xiao Yeyang asked with a smile, "Then did you thank the fourth aunt?"

Daozi immediately looked back at Yan Yile: "Thank you Fourth Aunt."

Yan Yile didn't deliberately go to Xiao Yeyang to talk to her, but just smiled and shook her head at Daozi: "I'm your fourth aunt, no need to thank you."

Daohua has been paying attention to the three children, and naturally saw this scene. Although Yan Yile was a little attentive to the three children, there was nothing unusual about it.

"After the new year, it is still necessary to settle the matter of Yile earlier."

Again, relatives can come and go occasionally, but they cannot live there.

During the Chinese New Year, Daohua kept her children in the house, which gave Yan Yile the opportunity to contact her three children.

For the next few days, Yan Yile would come to find three children every day.

"Mother, Fourth Aunt is so pitiful."

On the fourth day of the new year, Daozi came back from outside with the twins, and suddenly said this to Daohua.

Daohua looked at Daozi in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Daozi sighed: "The fourth aunt's child died. When we separated from her just now, she cried. She said she missed her child."

Hearing this, for some reason, Daohua didn't have any sympathy for Yan Yile, but subconsciously frowned.

Gu Yu on the side was also displeased: "It's a big New Year's Eve, why did the four girls tell the little prince and the others? It's not too taboo."

Daozi spoke again: "Mother, the fourth aunt is so pitiful, I want to bring my younger brother and sister to accompany her more, do you think?"

Looking at her son's innocent and sincere eyes, Daohua's eyes flashed, and she nodded with a smile: "Okay, but I have to let Bi Shi accompany you, and the nanny and the others must follow."

Rice had no objection, smiled and took the twins to change clothes.

As soon as the third child left, Daohua's face became a little dark and unclear.

Gu Yu frowned and said, "Princess, Fourth Young Lady is clearly taking advantage of the little prince's sympathy, what exactly does she want to do?"

Daohua sneered, with a cold glow in her eyes: "It's a fox, and sooner or later, its tail will be exposed. Send more people to pay attention to the guest house. Let's watch it for now."

She also wanted to see what kind of tricks Yan Yile could pull out in the palace?

Daozi was so well protected by them that they didn't know that people's hearts were sinister. If Yan Yile really had a problem, he would take Daozi a lesson.

With Daohua's permission, Yan Yile saw the third primary school more often, and at the same time, the children mentioned Yan Yile more and more in front of Xiao Yeyang and Daohua.

There are so many that Xiao Yeyang sometimes asks a few questions.

In this regard, Daohua did not intervene, silently watching the development of the matter, but secretly sent some people to watch Yan Yile.

At this moment, if she didn't realize that Yan Yile had ulterior motives, she would be a fool.

Growing up together, she still understands Yan Yile's temperament, and it is definitely purposeful for her to work so hard.

In February, the weather is getting warmer, and Daozi is about to report to the academy. After Yan Yile knew about this, she stood on the bank of the lotus pond in front of the hanging flower gate and pondered for a long time.

On the twenty-seventh day of the first month, Daozi brought the twins to visit Yan Yile again. When Xiao Yeyang was about to leave the office, Yan Yile suggested to go out for a walk.

Then, the group walked and walked to the lotus pond.

The temperature in Xiliang is much colder than other identities. Even though it is about February, the water in the pond is still cold.

The nurse was worried that San Xiao would catch a cold, and said to Yan Yile: "Four girls, it's cold here, why don't we go somewhere else?"

Yan Yile smiled and said, "It's almost February, how cold can it be?" After saying that, she ignored it and looked at Daozi, "Didn't you ask Siyi what is lotus pond rafting before? Your lotus pond is not Small, unfortunately, there is no boat."

Daozi immediately said: "There is a boat. Last summer, my mother even let people pick lotus flowers and arrange vase by boat."

Thinking of the interesting scene where the fourth aunt described boating in the lotus pond, Daozi immediately became interested and said to the nurse, "Nanny, I want to go boating."

The nanny naturally refused.

Daozi was a little angry, and looked at Bi Shi next to him.

Bi Shi did not refuse, but said: "Little Wang Ye, you should go and ask the princess for instructions. If she agrees, the servant will take you on a boat."

Hearing this, Daozi was directly discouraged, no need to ask, my mother would definitely not agree.

While Nanny and Bi Shi were comforting Daozi, Yan Yile swept across the tall figure coming from the front yard, and immediately persuaded Daozi with a smile: "This weather is really not suitable for rafting, wait until summer, and Siyi is rafting with you, okay? ?"

Rice reluctantly nodded.

Yan Yile smiled and rubbed Daozi's head: "Then let's go back." After saying that, she stood beside the nurse who was holding Daomang.

The group walked towards the main courtyard.

Just when Xiao Yeyang stepped into the hanging flower gate, Yan Yile stretched out her foot and stumbled over the nurse.

The nanny staggered, but she held the rice awn firmly.

Everyone was taken aback and rushed towards the nurse, Yan Yile stretched out her foot again, this time it was the rice that stumbled.

Daozi was worried about her little sister and ran to the nurse, who was tripped like this, and bumped directly into the nurse. This time, the nurse didn't stand still and fell directly towards the lotus pond holding the rice awn.

Yan Yile suddenly looked terrified, and then went to grab Daomang regardless. She was already prepared, and at the moment of grabbing Daomang, she fell into the water with Daomang in her arms.

"Rice mango!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yeyang was so frightened that he lost his mind and hurriedly used Easy Fly.

Bi Shi next to him was faster than Xiao Yeyang. When Yan Yile fell into the pool, he desperately grabbed Daomang, and between the sparks of calcium carbide, he grabbed Daomang's clothes.

Bi Shi wanted to pull Dao Mang up, but Yan Yile didn't let go. During the tearing, Bi Shi threw Dao Mang ashore, but he and Yan Yile fell into the pool together.


When Xiao Yeyang rushed over, Daomang was just thrown up by Bi Shi, and the little girl fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Daohua was worried when she heard that Yan Yile took San Xiao to the lotus pond, so she came over to take a look. As soon as she got close, she heard Daomang's heart-breaking cry, which scared her to fly with her skirt up. ran over.

"What happened?"

Daomang was frightened, and when he saw Daohua, he cried and reached out to hug.

Daohua hugged the little girl and asked what happened while comforting her.

After listening, Daohua's eyes were about to breathe fire. When Yan Yile was rescued by her mother-in-law, she walked over with Daomang in her arms and slapped her hard without saying anything.

"Yan Yile, you are not human!"

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