Yan Yile was beaten, and everyone else present was stunned.

Daohua rarely gets angry like this, let alone beats someone personally. At this moment, everyone present felt her anger.

Xiao Yeyang was also a little surprised. Seeing that Daohua was so annoyed, thinking of the incident where his daughter almost fell into the pool just now, his eyes on Yan Yile suddenly became sharp.

Yan Yile's body trembled when she was seen, but she quickly reacted, and tears appeared in her eyes: "Big sister, it's my fault, I shouldn't have brought rice and the others to the lotus pond, you punish me me."

Because of falling into the pool, Yan Yile was soaked all over at the moment, and with her crying face, she couldn't tell how pitiful she was.

It's a pity that no one cares about her like this.

The little girl Daomang was still crying so badly that Daohua's heart throbbed, she didn't have the heart to talk to Yan Yile, soothed her daughter in a low voice, and carried her back to the main courtyard.

Xiao Yeyang took the rice seedlings from the maid's hand, and then took the rice that was obviously frightened, and followed the Daohua mother and daughter.

As soon as the family of five left, the servants also left, but after a while, only Yan Yile and her two maids were left in front of the lotus pond.

The two maids quickly supported Yan Yile: "Girl, let's go back and change clothes."

Yan Yile's face turned pale and let the two maids help her away, with regret in her eyes. Thinking of Yan Yiyi's expression of wanting to eat her just now, there was also a look of anxiety on her face.

Big sister, did you see something?

No, no, she deliberately approached the three children, and even the second sister didn't notice anything, didn't she?

In today's incident, at most, she brought three children to the lotus pond by mistake. What happened after that was just an accident. Not only was she not wrong, but she also had merit.

She was desperate to save Daomang, otherwise she would not have fallen into the lotus pond.

Thinking of this, Yan Yile's face improved a little, but because she was soaked all over, she was still shivering from the cold.

"My son, what's wrong with you?"

When Yan Yile returned to the guest house, Mrs Sun cried out in surprise when she saw her drenched appearance.

Yan Yihuan, who came out one step behind, saw her sister like this, but she couldn't help but stunned for a while, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Yan Yile glanced at her, but did not speak, but the two maids beside her spoke.

"The girl fell into the water to save the eldest lady of the palace."

"Unfortunately, the kindness was not rewarded, but the princess blamed the matter on our girl and beat the girl in public."


Yan Yile interrupted the two maids and frowned when she saw Yan Yihuan's pale face, "I'm going to change first."

Hearing this, Mr. Sun quickly followed into the room.

Yan Yihuan didn't follow, grabbed one of the maids, and said coldly, "Tell me clearly, what happened?"

Seeing that Yan Yihuan's face was full of frost, the maid didn't dare to hide it, and hurriedly told the story.

After Yan Yihuan heard this, her body couldn't help shaking.

My younger sister, who has grown up since childhood, knows too well that what happened in front of the lotus pond was definitely not an accident.

What does Yile want to do?

Falling into the water with the rice awn, the eldest brother-in-law just came back

Yan Yihuan closed her eyes in pain. She never knew that Yile had such thoughts!

Big sister slapped Yile in public

She also saw Yile's true purpose, right?

Yan Yihuan hated Yan Yile's boldness again, and she was worried about how to solve the headache. She knew the big sister too well, so it wouldn't be a problem.

Yan Yihuan stood under the eaves and walked anxiously.

Not long after, several women with big arms and waists suddenly rushed into the yard, and Gu Yu was the leader.

Seeing the menacing Gu Yu and the others, Yan Yihuan's heart skipped a beat, and panic appeared in her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, Gu Yu said first, "Second girl, the princess wants to see the fourth girl."

Yan Yihuan suppressed the panic in her heart and forced a smile: "Is there anything wrong with Big Sister looking for Yile?"

Gu Yu looked at Yan Yihuan, and said with a blank expression: "The fourth girl almost killed my eldest girl, the princess asked her to come over and ask questions, isn't it too much?"

Yan Yihuan instinctively retorted: "No, Yile would not do such a thing, you must be mistaken."

Gu Yu's face sank: "I'm not mistaken, the princess will know after asking. Second lady, please step aside, otherwise, the servant will be offended."

Yan Yihuan stood still, and Yile was really going to be escorted by these old ladies to see her eldest sister. What face will she have to meet in the future? "Yile is still changing clothes. I'll pay her up to meet the big sister in person later."

Gu Yu was no longer entangled, waved his hand, and a few old women rushed into the room directly over Yan Yihuan.

Yan Yihuan stared at this scene in a daze, and looked at Gu Yu in disbelief: "How dare you do this? Yile is also the elder sister's younger sister."

Gu Yu's expression didn't change: "Second girl, the slave girl said something arrogant. If the princess recognizes her, she is the younger sister. If the princess doesn't recognize it, then she is just a daughter of Bai Ding."

"There are also two girls. You seem to have forgotten your identity. The princess takes care of her sisterhood, but you can't take the princess's kindness to you for granted."

"This time it was the four girls who violated the princess' bottom line."

Looking at Gu Yu with a tough attitude, Yan Yihuan's heart fell to the bottom.


"Where did you come from, you are so brave. I am the second aunt of the princess, and Yile is the sister of the princess. Stop it for me."

The two old ladies walked out with Yan Yile, and Mrs Sun kept roaring and obstructing from behind, but was stopped by the other two old ladies.

Yan Yile had just changed her clothes, but before she had time to dress up, she was held by the two old women with brute force. She was extremely embarrassed, and her face was full of humiliation.

She guessed that her shrewd big sister would get angry, but she never thought that she would treat herself like this, and she would not give herself a trace of decency.

Gu Yu saw that Yan Yile was taken out, and instead of messing with the Sun family, he directly signaled the old woman to escort her to the main courtyard.

Seeing that Yan Yile was taken away like a prisoner, Mrs. Sun was in a hurry: "You stop for me, and when I go to see the princess, she must sell you."

Yan Yihuan hurriedly stepped forward to support the Sun family: "Mother, don't make trouble, let's follow up and have a look."

Sun shi came back to her senses, let go of the old woman who was blocking her, and quickly went after Gu Yu and the others.

main courtyard.

Daomang had been coaxed by Daohua to stop crying, but the little girl was still lying in her mother's arms and twitching. Xiao Yeyang looked at her daughter's red eyes and felt extremely distressed.

Daozi sat on the small kang with his neck shrunk, holding his younger brother Daomiao in his arms.

Dao Miao just saw Dao Mang cry, and followed him for a while, but now he has been comforted. The little guy is also a good-looking man. He feels that his parents' faces are not good. He didn't cry or make trouble. arms.

Daozi's mood at the moment is much more complicated, and he blames himself. He thinks that he knocked down the wet nurse and made his sister almost fall into the pool.

At the same time, my heart is also full of doubts, I don't understand why my mother is so angry, and I don't understand why my mother wants to beat the fourth aunt.

Daohua heard the movement in the yard, put her daughter in Xiao Yeyang's arms, and then walked towards Daozi: "You will be seven years old soon, and you have reached the age to be sensible."

"Let's take a good look at how the mother lifted the mask on your fourth aunt's face, and then re-evaluate what kind of person she is."

After speaking, he left the inner room and went to the outer room.

The inner room and the outer room are connected, and there are several screens in the middle. Daozi asked his younger brother to sit next to his father and sister, walk to the screen, and carefully watch the situation in the outer room.

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