There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1047, drive out of the house

"You bold slaves, don't let me go quickly. If my family Yile is injured by you, I have to ask Yi to kill you."

"Did you hear what I said? You damn slaves!"

Sun's words full of anger resounded in the main courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, the servants in the main courtyard saw Gu Yu and the old ladies escorting Yan Yile into the courtyard. Behind them, the rambunctious Sun and the anxious and panicked Yan Yihuan followed.

The main door of the upper room opened wide, and Daohua sat on the main seat, clearly seeing this scene in his eyes.

Seeing that the main courtyard had arrived, Mrs. Sun didn't bother with Gu Yu anymore. With a loud wailing, he went straight to the main hall. As soon as he stepped into the door, he issued an order to Dao Hua:

"Yiyi, what kind of servants are you raising? Look at how they bullied Yile? Hurry up and tell them to let Yile go."

Daohua just looked at Sun so quietly, turning a deaf ear to what she said, and turned her eyes to Yan Yile, who was escorted in behind.

The old woman had strength in her hands, and pushed Yan Yile forward, and Yan Yile fell to her knees on the ground.

Seeing this, Mrs. Sun felt distressed and looked at Daohua angrily: "Yiyi, what do you mean? You're not as cruel as you, Yile is your sister!"

Daohua's eyes turned cold: "Second aunt, it seems that over the years, I have really given you too much face, so much that you have forgotten who you are."

Daohua's voice was calm, but there was no warmth in it, and Yan Yihuan's back was cold.

Sun shi was also startled by Daohua's indifferent expression. She, who was still aggressive just now, was like a balloon that was punctured, and she was suddenly discouraged.

But for the sake of her daughter, she still bite the bullet and said, "Yiyi, what's your attitude, I'm your elder."

Daohua looked indifferent: "Second aunt, the second uncle almost destroyed the Yan family's hard-earned family business because he raised the outer room outside. According to the family rules, the second room should be expelled from the Yan family."

"The reason why I just split you out is for my grandmother's sake. Over the years, the big house and the third house have been tolerant enough to you, and they have also supported you. Why, you have forgotten the mistakes you made? "

"Even if my grandmother is present today, if I really don't recognize you, her old man won't say anything."

Sun shi was stunned. She knew that she was wrong, and she didn't dare to put on the air of elders. She said with a guilty conscience: "You child, why are you turning over the old accounts?"

Daohua's expression was indifferent: "Isn't this someone too thick-skinned? In the past, I didn't care about it, it was to save each other a little face, but now someone's nose is on the face, then I have to tear up the skin."

What else Sun wanted to say was stopped by Yan Yihuan.

Yan Yihuan looked at Daohua: "big sister"

Daohua interrupted her, looking at her eyes that were no longer as affectionate as they used to be, and became a little indifferent: "Second sister, although I don't like to take anger, but I'm angry, and I'm just a mortal."

Yan Yihuan's heart tightened, and the words in her mouth suddenly got stuck in her throat.

Big sister is saying that if she wants to plead for Yile, will she be angered too?

Daohua was not looking at Sun and Yan Yihuan, and her eyes fell on Yan Yile, who was kneeling on the ground with a troubled face: "I'm sorry? You are smarter than other women who are eyeing Xiao Yeyang."

Yan Yile's eyes flashed, she bit her lip and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Daohua sneered: "Don't you understand, then let me guess what you planned and planned in your heart."

"You know very well in your heart that Xiao Yeyang won't like you at all, and you also know that I will never accept you."

"But you just want to stay in the palace forever, what should you do?"

"Xiao Yeyang values ​​three children, what better way than to please the children and let them say good things for you?"

"During this period of time, you actually did a good job. At least most people didn't realize your true purpose. You have indeed succeeded in getting the children to constantly mention you in front of Xiao Yeyang."

"Because the children are close to you, Xiao Yeyang's attitude towards you is also a lot more polite. When you run into him with the children, you will also take the initiative to greet you."

In the inner room, Daozi's mouth was pouting high, and he looked at Xiao Yeyang as if asking for evidence: "Father, did Fourth Aunt really approach us on purpose?"

Xiao Yeyang was silent for a while and said: "Rice, no one treats others well for no reason, especially those who are very attentive after meeting a few times. You have to be extra vigilant."

Outside, Daohua's words continued.

"Xiao Yeyang's change in attitude towards you has made your inner desire stronger and stronger, and you see more hope. Therefore, you are working harder to please the three children."

"You have successfully won the sympathy of the children with the loss of your children. Originally, things are developing step by step according to your expectations."

"Unfortunately, in February, Daozi will go to school."

"You know very well that as soon as the rice leaves, I won't let the twins run around. In this way, wouldn't your method of using children to attract Henry Zhang go to waste?"

"In addition, we have started to look for candidates for you again. You know that you can't shirk for long. Even if you don't like the people we help you look at, I won't let you live in the palace forever."

"So, you planned the lotus pond falling into the water today!"

In the room, only Dao Hua's calm voice could be heard, but it was extremely heavy.

Yan Yile's face was extremely pale because her heart was pierced by someone. Although her back was straight, she was only trying to support her.

On the side, Mrs. Sun fell into the chair long ago, and her face was full of disbelief.

She really didn't know that her little daughter had such thoughts.

As for Yan Yihuan, she looked down at the ground with shame on her face, and wished she could find a crack to burrow in.

It's too embarrassing, Yile peeps at her brother-in-law, and was picked out by the big sister in public!

Daohua continued: "You know that Xiao Yeyang likes Daomang the most. When he sees Daomang falling into the water, he will definitely go into the water to save people."

"You are holding Daomang, how could Xiao Yeyang even save you at that time?"

"You are soaked all over and your skin is close to each other. You are trying to get out a little bit, ripping up your clothes and exposing your skin. So many people are watching. At that time, Xiao Yeyang will have to recognize it even if he doesn't recognize it."

"You fell into the water because of saving Daomang. Even if you rely on Xiao Yeyang, I can't say anything. Even if you don't want to, with the ability of second uncle and second aunt to mess around, the probability of your wish is very high."

"You are really well calculated. If you use other means, even if you enter Xiao Yeyang's backyard, it will also attract Xiao Yeyang's disgust. Don't expect to have a good life in the future."

"You're really smart. By saving Daomang from the throne, even if Xiao Yeyang doesn't like you, he has to take pity on you."

Everyone knew what she was thinking. Yan Yile couldn't hold it any longer. She swayed and fell to the ground. However, she still looked up at Daohua and sneered:

"Big sister, these are just your guesses. You didn't like me since you were a child, and now you are using such indiscriminate means to smear me. I can't compare to you."

A sarcastic smile appeared on Daohua's face: "Yan Yile, you think too highly of yourself, why are you worthy of my action against you?"

As he spoke, his eyes became sharp.

"Yan Yile, I still underestimated your brazenness and viciousness. For your own selfish desires, you actually murdered a two-year-old child."

"In such a cold day, if the rice awn falls into the lotus pond, even if it doesn't die, the body will be frozen to death. How can you do it, the conscience will be eaten by the dog!"

Sun Shi, who had been in a sluggish state, came back to his senses at this time, and quickly retorted: "No, no, Yiyi, you must be mistaken. Yile will not harm Daomang and the others, certainly not."

Daohua turned back suddenly, and looked at the Sun family indifferently: "Second Aunt, we have done our best to the second room over the years. If you have any trouble, we are all helping you deal with the aftermath."

"Now your daughter spy on my husband and harmed my daughter. In the youngest case, she did not care about her sisterhood, in the oldest case, it was a kindness and a vengeance. You are still here to excuse her."

Mr. Sun was unable to refute what he said. He looked at Daohua and Yan Yile, and ran over to beat Yan Yile in anger: "You really piss me off."

Looking at the angry Daohua, Yan Yihuan knew that today's events could not be good, and after thinking about it, she knelt down in front of Daohua with a 'puff'.

"Big sister, I know that Yile's mistakes are unforgivable, and I don't have the face to ask you for mercy, but we are sisters who grew up together, and I would like to ask you to see that in Yile and Li, your mind is blinded, and you can bypass her. once."

After speaking, he gave Daohua a kowtow.

Daohua looked at Yan Yihuan expressionlessly: "Yan Yile is not only a white-eyed wolf, but also knows how to stab in the back. I can't afford such a sister."

"Yihuan, I always thought you were a rare understanding person in the second room, but now... you are still begging for Yile at this time, which really disappoints me."

"Although you keep calling my eldest sister, but in your heart, in the end, you can't compare to the Yile of a mother's compatriots. I don't blame you for the difference in kinship."

"The matter of Yile harming Daomang, as long as you have a bottom line in your heart, you won't open it up. If you still treat me as a sister, you won't treat me like this."

"What do you think I will do to Yile? Hit her? Or kill her?"

"No, I won't get my hands dirty because of such a person."

Saying that, his face sank.

"I don't want to see you anymore, come here, send the three of them out of the house, and we won't have to continue to communicate in the future."

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