Daohua didn't entangle with the mother and daughter of the Sun family, and as soon as she finished speaking, she got up and went back to the inner room.

Seeing that Daohua wanted to distance herself from them, Sun was naturally unwilling, and immediately wanted to step forward to stop her, but Gu Yu reached out and stopped her.

"Second madam, the slaves advise you to stop making trouble." After saying that, she looked at Yan Yihuan and Yan Yile who were kneeling on the ground, "You better leave with the two girls, or let the old ladies do the trick. That really leaves no face at all."

Sun shi looked at Gu Yu angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "You dare!"

Seeing that she still couldn't figure out the situation at this time, Gu Yu didn't bother to chat with her. She glanced at the old women who were waiting beside her, and the women immediately drove the three Suns and daughters away.

At the moment when she was forcibly pulled up by her mother-in-law, Yan Yihuan finally regained her senses. Thinking of the extremely disappointed eyes her eldest sister had just looked at her, panic appeared on her face.

"big sister"

Yan Yihuan wanted to say something else, but unfortunately the old women didn't give her a chance, so they pushed her, Sun and Yan Yile out of the room in two or three times.

At this moment, Gu Jian, who received the news, hurried over.

Seeing the mother and daughter of the Sun family, Gu Jian's face was ugly.

Dare to hurt Daomang, if he hadn't taken care of his apprentice, he really wanted to end Yan Yile directly.

Gu Yu knew how much the old man favored the big girl, so he quickly said, "Old man, the princess ordered the servants to send them out of the house."

Gu Jian gave a sullen 'um' and said coldly, "Don't put anyone in the palace in the future, even some relatives don't want it."

After finishing speaking, the three Sun clans, who were all white-faced, trotted into the house.

Gu Yu looked at Sun's mother and daughter: "Second Madam, two girls, your servants in the guest house have already packed up, and the carriage is already waiting at the back door, please."

Looking at Gu Yu who was extremely tough, and thinking about the attitude of Duke Fu Guo just now, Yan Yihuan realized that they really annoyed the Weiyuan Palace this time.

Although Sun shi was frightened by Gu Jian's indifferent eyes, she still did not want to leave the palace like this. Yan Yihuan wanted to make trouble when she saw her. Although she had a splitting headache, she stepped forward and forcibly suppressed her.

If she really annoyed the eldest sister or Duke Fu, she was afraid that they would be directly blasted out of the gate of the palace by the servants of the palace.

At that time, there was really no face at all.


Gu Jian ignored Daohua and Xiao Yeyang, walked directly to the edge of the kang, hugged Daomang, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, and coaxed the little girl softly.

Daomang is also very close to Gu Jian, hugging Gu Jian's neck and burying his head on his shoulder.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang looked at each other and whispered, "You are here with Master, and watch Daomiao by the way, and Daozi and I will go outside to talk."

Xiao Yeyang nodded, looked at Daozi who was sitting by the window with a sullen expression, and said, "I want to get rid of that kid."

Daohua walked in front of Daozi, and Daozi raised her head quickly, with confusion and doubt in her eyes, as well as slight grievances: "Go out with mother for a walk."

Daozi nodded and let Daohua lead him out of the house.

Daohua looked at her son's eggplant, and sighed in her heart, the mansion is simple, and Daozi has been carefully protected by them since she was born.

"What do you think of Mama Li?"

Daozi didn't know why her mother suddenly asked this, but she still replied: "Mama Li is very kind, very kind and kind."

Daohua smiled and said nothing, and took Dazi to the yard where the maid lived.

When they arrived, Daohua didn't bring the rice in, but stood outside the courtyard door, looking at the courtyard, Li Ma was holding a ruler and admonishing the maids in the mansion with a serious expression.

Mammy Li in front of the maid, where is the kindness and kindness when facing the rice, as if she has changed her personality, she is stern and stern, and mercilessly slaps the ruler in the palm of the hand of the maid who has made a mistake.

Rice stared at this scene in a daze.

Daohua waited for Daozi's expression from surprise to calm before taking him away.

Later, Daohua asked Daozi again, "What do you think of the guard leader?"

This time Daozi didn't speak immediately, but thought for a while before saying, "The leader of the guards is very heartfelt."

Daohua smiled and nodded: "What else?"

Rice: "He is still very powerful and powerful."

Daohua: "Apart from these, is there anything else?"

Daozi thought hard, and after a while: "The guards all listen to him. He is like mother, and he has clear rewards and punishments." After speaking, he immediately glanced at his mother. Seeing that she nodded in satisfaction, her eyebrows could not help loosening.

Daohua did not continue to ask, and took Daozi to the Yanwu Hall in the front yard.

When the mother and son arrived, the guard leader was allocating the mission of inspecting the palace.

They didn't go in either, the two of them just stood outside watching silently.

Daozi watched intently, and when the guard leader had assigned the task, he was secretly relieved.

Did he not see the wrong person this time?

The little guy is still a little brainy. After seeing Li Ma, he could roughly guess what his mother was going to say to him.

This time, he was deceived by his fourth aunt and almost made his sister fall into the water. Mother was teaching him to see people.

Soon, the guards disbanded.

Daohua did not leave immediately, but continued to watch with Daozi.

After a while, only the guard leader and a young guard were left in the yard.

The guard leader threw a token to the young guard: "The little prince is about to go to the academy for class. The prince asked me to choose someone to drive the carriage for the little prince, just you."

The young guard happily took the token: "Brother, you are really my brother, I will protect the little prince well and not embarrass you."

Doing things in front of the master naturally has a better future than being a guard in the mansion. If you get into the eyes of the little prince, you will be able to follow the little prince in the future.

The leader of the guard: "This kind of good thing was not our turn, that is, there is a lack of people on the prince's side. Now I have given you this only opportunity. You have to behave well."

The young guard nodded hurriedly.

After that, Daohua was not watching, and left with Daozi.

On the way, Daozi frowned and pouted.

He thought that the guard leader had clear rewards and punishments, fair and selfless, but he did not expect that he would secretly plan benefits for his younger brother and use the public for personal gain.

Daozi looked at Daohua: "Mother, I was wrong."

Daohua raised her eyebrows: "Where did you go wrong?"

Daozi's face is full of grievances: "I have bad eyesight."

Daohua couldn't help laughing out loud, hugging her son's shoulders and saying, "You are still young, so it's normal that you can't see through the masks on other people's faces."

Daozi was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head and asked, "Masks? They don't wear masks."

Daohua smiled and said: "The mask mentioned here is just a metaphor, you can understand it as a human disguise. Just like Li Ma, she is wearing a kind and loving mask in front of you."

Daozi's eyes lit up, and he understood what he said: "I understand, the guard leader wears a mask of impartiality and selflessness. In fact, he is not fair. He wears a mask, so he deceived me."

He said, snorted, squeezed his fists and said: "There is also the fourth aunt, she also wears a mask, wearing a mask pretending to like me and my younger brother and sister, deceived me so miserably."

"Mother, I hate people who wear masks."

Daohua was amazed at her son's ability to infer other things, and smiled and rubbed his son's head: "No one likes to wear a mask to live, they all want to be their true self."

"But in life, there will always be various difficulties and problems. In order to solve these difficulties and problems, people have to wear masks."

"Mama Li wears a mask to please you. Only with the favor of the master can she better manage the maids and live a better life in the mansion."

"The guard leader is wearing a mask out of selfishness, for the purpose of helping his younger brother."

Daozi took over the words: "The fourth aunt is wearing a mask, is she trying to seduce Dad?"

Daohua: "Uh, that's right."

Daozi said angrily, "she's really bad. The fourth brother told me before that concubines are not a good thing."

Daohua didn't refute her son, and continued with a smile: "So, when you look at people, you can't just look at the appearance of people, and you can't just look at the side they show."

"People are complex and changeable, all wear masks, and some wear multiple masks, so when looking at a person, don't draw conclusions."

Daozi pouted: "Can't I not wear a mask?"

Daohua thought for a while: "This is up to you. Like your father, he has strong ability and high status. In Xiliang, he doesn't need to wear a mask all the time."

Daozi nodded in understanding, but he still frowned and said worriedly, "If I can't see through the masks worn by others, won't I be deceived again?"

Daohua smiled and said: "You are not silver, so not everyone likes you. If someone approaches you, if you approach you, ask more why, and then observe and observe more, you may be able to find the strangeness."

Daozi asked again, "What if I didn't find anything unusual?"

Daohua: "Then feel with your heart. Whether a person is sincere and sincere can always be felt. If it can't be done in one day, then it will take more time."

"All in all, no matter whether someone really likes you or fakes, you must have the absolute initiative. Even if that person has been deceiving you in the end, you can quickly solve it."

Daozi was a little confused, although he didn't understand it very well, but he remembered it wholeheartedly in his mind.

Anyway, the mother will not harm him.

"By the way, Mother Li and the leader of the guards both lied to me, should I punish them?"

Hearing this, Daohua continued to analyze patiently with her son: "You said, what is the purpose of raising Mammy Li in the palace?"

Daozi frowned: "Tuning the maid?"

Daohua smiled and nodded: "Yes, as long as she can help her to train the maid, she doesn't make mistakes in the major aspects, and the others don't need to be too harsh. She pleases you, it's just an instinctive means of survival for the master, which is harmless. of."

"As for the guard leader, his greatest duty is to protect the safety of the palace. As long as he does this, even if he is selfish, it is understandable."

"His younger brother's mother knows that martial arts are considered top-notch among the guards. He chose his younger brother to be by your side. He is selfish, but he has not lost his responsibility to protect you."

"No one is perfect. You can't ask everyone to be the best in all aspects. As the master, you must learn to tolerate the shortcomings of those under your command."

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