There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1058, catch a thief

Fuguo Gongfu is relatively close to the imperial city and next to the Prince's Palace. The emperor did not want to attract too much attention, so he did not go through the main entrance, turned around, and appeared at the back door.

Looking at the closed back door, the emperor didn't need to give any orders, and the guards who were secretly protected had already climbed over the wall and opened the door.

After the door opened, the emperor walked in with Eunuch An.

Looking at the fallen leaves in the yard, the emperor frowned and snorted: "The servants in this house should take care of it." When the master was away, he even dared not to sweep the yard.


The guard looked in the direction of the bushes by the wall, and whispered to the emperor, "There are two children hidden behind the bushes."

Hearing this, the emperor raised his eyebrows in surprise.


Where did the Fuguo Gongfu come from? Could it be from Ye Yang's family?

The emperor was filled with interest, motioned the guards to step back and walked towards the bushes.

Before they got close, the emperor saw the two groups of small figures hiding behind the bushes.

The two children put their hands on their knees and put their heads next to each other, and glanced at their clothes, the emperor knew the identities of the two children.

The twins born by Ye Yang!

The corner of the emperor's mouth couldn't help but rise a little. The two little dolls had just turned three years old. When they bumped into a stranger, they didn't cry and scream, but hid it, which is smart.

"Cough cough~"

The emperor deliberately teased the two children, coughed deliberately, and then saw the two children shiver.

"No, he found us."

"Sister, what are you going to do now?"

"Father and mother are in the house, as long as we shout, they will come to save us, don't be afraid."

Daomang comforted his younger brother, then stood up fiercely, put his hands on his waist, and looked at the emperor angrily: "Are you a thief?"

At this moment, the emperor on the opposite side was stunned by the little girl's little face that resembled her biological mother, and there was no response for a while.

"Brother, he was frightened by me!"

Seeing the emperor staring blankly at her, the little girl Daomang showed a smug smile.

Dao Miao, who stood up with her sister, saw that the prince was really frightened and stupid, and immediately looked at his sister with admiration: "Sister, you are amazing."

As he said that, he glanced at Eunuch An who was standing behind the emperor and did not dare to make any rash moves.

"Sister, isn't that person behind you a fool? Look, he just stared at us, and didn't say he came to arrest us!"

The little girl Daomang glanced at Eunuch An, nodded her head with approval, the fluffy tassels on the left and right buns flickered, matched with the little girl's big black eyes and cute little expression, it was heartwarming to see. To be melted.

When Eunuch An heard Dao Miao say that he was a fool, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching, but when he thought that the emperor had become a thief, it seemed that he was a fool.

At this time, the emperor recovered from the shock, stared at Daomang with surprise and joy, and walked towards the two children.

This shocked the twins. Dao Miao thought of her father's usual advice to protect her sister when she was outside, and immediately pulled Dao Mang behind her and pointed at the emperor.

"Little thief, stop and don't come close to us, otherwise, my father will arrest you and beat them."

Daomang stretched out his little head from behind Daomiao: "My daddy is very powerful. If you don't run, you won't be able to escape. You should run, it hurts to be beaten."

Seeing that the two children were on guard and nervous, the emperor stopped and smiled at the twins: "Don't be afraid, I am not a thief."

The twins returned the emperor's expression of "don't lie to us".

Dao Miao puffed up her face: "You are a thief. Mother said, only thieves can climb over the wall and enter other people's homes."

Daomang nodded again and again: "You are not a good person, you are obviously a thief, and you still don't admit it. I tell you, this mansion belongs to my brother, you are not allowed to steal things here."

Looking at the eloquent twins, the emperor couldn't help laughing and crying, and couldn't help but walk closer again.

"You stop, if you don't stop, we'll call someone!"

In the end, it was a child. Daomiao Daomang saw the emperor getting closer and closer, and was so frightened that he retreated again and again.

"Father, mother, someone wants to arrest us, come and save us!"

Don't look at Dao Miao who doesn't usually like to talk, but her voice is really loud. When she made a sound, even the emperor was too frightened to walk.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang naturally wouldn't let the twins run around alone. Apart from the maids and wives who served on the bright side, there were secret guards watching in the dark.

The twins were hiding in the yard just now, and the maid and the old woman retreated behind the stone arch. The emperor and Eunuch An just appeared, and they and the dark guard found out.

The reason why he didn't show up was because he was stopped by the guards.

Now the two little masters were frightened, and the maid and the old woman didn't dare not show up again, and ran out one after another.

When the twins saw that someone was coming, they were more confident.

Daomang waved his little hand domineeringly: "Nanny, you are here just in time. My brother and I encountered two thieves, you should arrest them quickly."

However, before the words fell, the twins saw the maid and the old woman kneeling on the ground.

This confused the twins.

Seeing the confused expressions of the two children, the emperor stepped forward with a smile.

He took a step forward, and the two children took a step back.

Seeing this, the emperor had to stop at a distance of about two meters from them, and asked kindly, "Are you two rice shoots?"

The twins grew their mouths together.

With the maid and the old lady around, Daomang became more daring and stood up from behind Daomiao, looking at the emperor suspiciously: "Little thief, how did you know our names?"

When the emperor heard the name of the little girl, his eyelids couldn't help but jump, and just as he was about to say something, he heard the stinky boy on the side say: "Sister, it's wrong, you see he has white hair, not a thief, but thief."

As soon as these words came out, the maids and wives who were kneeling on the ground were quite frightened.

The nanny was worried that the twins would anger the emperor, so she quickly kowtowed and pointed out the emperor's identity: "The servants meet the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."


The twins opened their mouths slightly and looked at the person in front of them in surprise.

At the same time, the eldest princes who met by chance on the street came to the main entrance of Fuguo Gongfu. They all received news that the emperor came to Fuguo Gongfu after leaving the palace. followed over.

"After the Fuguo Gongfu was given by the emperor, he has not received outsiders. I heard that the Yeyang couple brought the children to clean up today. Let's go in and take a look."

"That's a good idea. I heard that the royal father asked the Ministry of Industry to make great efforts to repair it. Today, I just happened to take a look at the scenery inside."

The first prince and the second prince sang a harmony, the fifth prince and the sixth prince came to knock on the door, and the fourth prince took Xiao Moren to stand at the end.

Originally, the fourth prince did not intend to participate in the affairs of the eldest prince, but since his eldest son, Moren, came back from Xiliang, he was valued by his father and became the most concerned grandson.

This made the fourth prince's calm heart also turbulent. He didn't dare to think too much. He just wanted to let his son have more saints and have a good future. Therefore, he couldn't bear the news that his father was leaving the palace today. I went out with my son.

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