There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1059, Myocardial Infarction

Xiao Yeyang, who was reprimanding his servants, heard that the first prince was coming, and a trace of unhappiness flashed across his eyes. He still wanted to go shopping with his wife and children today, but these annoying people ran out at this time to be annoying. Suspect.

"Let's go, follow Dad to meet some princes."

Face is still important, although Xiao Yeyang was not happy, he still took the rice to greet the eldest prince.

Daozi restrained his expression, imitated Xiao Yeyang's appearance, and appeared in the sight of the eldest prince with a sullen face and a serious face.

Daozi's little face was originally tense, but after seeing Xiao Moren, she couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted happily, "Fourth Brother!"

When Xiao Moren saw Daozi, he was also happy, but he was older than Daozi, and he was so angry in front of his elders that he just smiled and nodded to Daozi.

Daozi also knew that he had to meet his elders before he could talk to his fourth brother, so he patiently watched his father and the eldest prince have a few greetings. See you.

"Fourth Brother!"

After salute, Daozi trotted to Xiao Moren's face. As soon as he got close, he naturally took Xiao Moren's hand: "Fourth brother, do you miss me? I miss you."

The younger brother is still so straightforward and enthusiastic, Xiao Moren, who has turned fifteen, is embarrassed to say such nasty words in front of so many elders like him.

Xiao Moren squeezed Daozi's hand, then nodded quickly.

Daozi's brows and eyes suddenly curved: "I knew the fourth brother would miss me."

The first prince looked at Xiao Yeyang's eldest son so close to Xiao Moren, and raised their eyebrows to look at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince was as calm as a pine tree, as if he didn't notice the gazes of the first prince, but just like an ordinary elder, kindly watching the interaction between Daozi and the eldest son.

The eldest prince didn't pay much attention to this, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Without him, the crown prince would not fall to a person with ear disease.

"Fourth brother, this is my brother's mansion. On behalf of my brother, I welcome you to come and play here."

As soon as Daozi said these words, the hearts of the eldest princes who had peeped at the title of Duke Fuguo's mansion were filled with consternation.

The sin of sending my son to Xiliang for a year, and in the end I didn't get anything, I was nauseous just thinking about it.

The eldest prince is the one who is the most troubled. There is no benefit at all, and he offends Prince Ping's family for no reason.

Xiao Yeyang didn't bother to pay attention to the thoughts of the eldest prince and others. Seeing that his son and Xiao Moren were chatting vigorously, he didn't care much. He stretched out his hand and invited the eldest prince to the living room for tea, and talked casually while walking.

"After returning to Beijing, I heard that several princes are usually very busy with official duties. I didn't expect to see several of them at the same time today.

The eldest prince deliberately pretended not to understand the underlying meaning of Xiao Yeyang's words. This guy Xiao Yeyang was kidnapped when he was young. After getting married, he went to Xiliang. Don't look at it as a son of the royal family, but he can communicate with the royal family. are not very close.

Now that Prince Li's remarks have spread widely, as an important minister in charge of the border of Xiliang, and his identity does not need to be blessed by Dragon Power, he is naturally unwilling to have too much contact with them.

Today they came without notice, it's no wonder that this one is not angry.

The eldest prince smiled and said, "I have heard that the garden of the Fuguo Gong's mansion is a masterpiece, but after the mansion was given to the uncle by the emperor, the old man never came to live there, so even if I wanted to enjoy the scenery, I didn't have a chance. ah."

"No, today I and a few imperial brothers and I heard that you are here with your brother-in-law and three children, so we came here cheeky."

For this, Xiao Yeyang obviously did not believe it.

For the position of the prince, the eldest princes have been busy in recent years, and he does not think that these few will have the leisure to enjoy the scenery at this time.

Xiao Yeyang guessed in his heart the eldest prince's purpose for coming here, but he didn't show it on his face: "My uncle hasn't come to live all the year round, and the servants in the house are very lazy. Don't be disappointed."

When the first prince saw that Xiao Yeyang didn't mention the emperor at all, they could only ask others.

The second prince: "Yeyang, we haven't seen your twins yet. It's better to hit the sun when you choose a day. Why don't you ask your younger brother and sister to bring the children to us to see?"

Xiao Yeyang glanced at the eldest prince and did not refuse: "Yiyi is busy in the backyard, the two children should play in the yard."

Saying that, he looked at the rice.

"Go and bring your brother and sister here."

Daozi nodded and looked at Xiao Moren with a smile: "Fourth brother, do you still remember my younger siblings, I'll take you to see them now."

"Let me tell you, they are naughty. They can make me mad every time, but they are still young. When you see them, be a little bit more accommodating."

Watching Daozi lead Xiao Moren away, Xiao Yeyang continued to lead the eldest prince to the living room.

The eldest prince looked at Xiao Yeyang's calm and calm demeanor, and felt a little puzzled.

Didn't the royal father come to Fuguo Gongfu?

If the royal father was here, Xiao Yeyang shouldn't have reacted like this.

In the small courtyard at the back door, the emperor and the twins were standing opposite each other, and the two sides were still arguing about their identities.

"Are you really our grandfather?"

Daomang tilted his head and looked at the emperor: "My father said that the emperor's grandfather is the most powerful person in the world. If you are really my emperor's grandfather, why would you climb over the wall and come in? It's like a thief."


The expression on the emperor's face is a bit indescribable, when will the thief be over?

"Look at me carefully, where do I look like a thief?"

Daomang and Daomiao glanced at each other, then shrugged at the same time, and spread their hands: "My mother said, thieves don't write on their foreheads that they are thieves, how do we know?"

The emperor didn't want to talk anymore. After thinking about it, he pointed to the maid and the old woman who were kneeling on the ground: "They will never lie to you, right?"

Daomang pouted, "That's not necessarily true."

Dao Miao also nodded his head and said, "That's right, they, like us, have never seen Grandpa Huang, how do you know if you are real?"

The emperor didn't know what to do anymore, he stretched out his hand to cover his head, looking like he had a headache.

An Gong Gong, who was standing on the side, looked at the twins with all eyes on the ground. These two little ancestors are really difficult to deal with. Look, what kind of torment the master has been?

The master probably didn't expect that he would have such a day, and he needed to prove to the two little dolls that he was the honor of ninety-five.

At this moment, the sound of rice calling came from a distance.

"younger sister!"

"younger brother!"

Hearing the voice, the twins showed joy on their faces: "It's my brother! My brother is here to save us."


The corner of the emperor's mouth couldn't help twitching again, and then he saw the twins covering their faces with their hands, making a call.

Rice Miao: "Brother, we are here!"

Daomang: "Brother, come quickly, there is a thief here, I have to say that it is our grandfather."

The emperor: "." is very heartbroken.

Daozi heard the voice of his younger brother and sister, and quickly pulled Xiao Moren to run towards the voice.

However, running and running, Daozi found that the fourth brother was more anxious than him. The moment before, he was pulling the fourth brother to run, but at this moment, it was the fourth brother who was pulling him to run.

Xiao Moren can't be in a hurry when he hears the words "Grandpa Huang", the father and the king took him out of the house, and met with the uncle and the others, isn't it just to see the grandfather?

Soon, the figures of the emperor and the twins appeared in the sight of Daozi and Xiao Moren.

"elder brother!"

After the twins saw the rice, they didn't care if the emperor was not the emperor, and ran straight towards their brother.

"Sister and brother."

The three little bears hugged each other like bears reunited after a long absence.

Daozi held one in one hand and rubbed the twins' heads with his head: "You guys are running around again, let me find it easy, and don't do this next time."

It is a quick thing for twins to admit their mistakes. As for whether to change it next time, it depends on the mood.

Leaning on her brother's arms, the little girl Daomang felt safe, and she pointed to the emperor not far away and started to complain: "Brother, that thief said he was our grandfather, do you think it's funny? He took us Be a fool."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Moren, who was just about to salute, was stunned.



Oh my god, who's going to tell him what happened?

Looking at Daozi, who looked at the grandfather with vigilance on his face, Xiao Moren twitched the corners of his mouth and decided to save this silly younger brother.

Daozi was still angry that someone coaxed his younger brother and sister, but when he saw the fourth brother salute, he was stunned.

Fourth brother will not lie to them, so, is that person really their grandfather?

Daomang looked at the emperor with surprise.

The emperor also raised his brows and looked at the rice, and the eyes of the two collided.

After looking at each other for a while, the emperor smiled. Ye Yang was a good eldest son, with clear eyes and a bright mind.

Seeing that Daozi was standing still, Xiao Moren pulled his sleeve and motioned for him to greet him quickly.

At this time, Daozi knelt down: "Mo Xi greets Grandpa Huang, Grandpa Huang Wanfu Jinan."

The emperor smiled and raised his hand: "Get up." Then he walked to the twins, "Now you know I didn't lie to you?"

The twins looked at their brother and then at Xiao Moren.

Daomang pointed at Xiao Moren: "Brother, who is he?"

Daozi hurriedly taught the twins what to call: "This is the fourth brother, the fourth brother."

The twins called out obediently, "Fourth brother."

Daomang huddled in Daozi's arms and secretly glanced at the emperor: "Brother, is he really our grandfather?"

Daozi looked at the prince, then at Xiao Moren, and nodded: "It should be."

At this point, the emperor was speechless.

Yes, why should you add another one?

How did Ye Yang and his wife educate their children? They are so wary?

The emperor smiled and looked at Daomang: "I am your grandfather, can I hug you now?"

Daomang thought that before going out, her ancestors had warned her that if anyone dared to bully her in the capital, she would ask the emperor for help, hesitated, and stretched out his arms towards the emperor.

The emperor was overjoyed, and hurriedly bent down and hugged the little girl.

Looking at the little girl's face that resembled her biological mother, the emperor's eyes flashed a complicated look, but she was soon replaced by pampering.

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