There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1154, Redemption 5

The end of the year and the beginning of the year are the peak times for various parties. When other girls in the Zhang family are busy attending various parties, Zhang Huahan practices various etiquette rules in Wutong Courtyard.

After the first month of the month, everyone in the Zhang family slowly calmed down.

"I heard that the new chief envoy has already taken office with his family. Given the relationship between our two families, should we take the initiative to visit?"

In Mrs. Zhang's room, Mrs. Zhang asked Mrs. Zhang tentatively.

Hearing this, the others also perked up their ears.

The old lady Zhang was silent and did not speak.

Doesn't she want to have contact with the Yan family?

She thought, even in her dreams, but how could the Yan family take care of the Zhang family, unless the one from Wutongyuan came forward.

Mrs. Zhang San smiled and said, "Mother, sister-in-law rarely leaves the house, so she may not know what's going on outside. How about we talk to her?"

Mrs. Zhang still didn't speak.

Others don't know, but she is clear that the one from Wutongyuan has hardly been out of the Zhang family, but he is not ignorant of external affairs. . .

Not to mention anything else, I just said that the accompanying roommates that he brought were a little capable, and helped him buy a number of shops and villages in Qingshi County.

It is impossible for her not to know about Yan Bu's political envoy.

Mrs. Zhang sighed inwardly, although Yan Yile was the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, but after this person married into the Zhang family, she was a mother-in-law, and she never even drank a bowl of tea, let alone like she was ruling other daughters-in-law. Make rules for her.

What is that person going to do, not only does he not need to report to her, but she doesn't even dare to ask any more questions.

Every time she thinks of this, she becomes very depressed.

To be a mother-in-law to do her share, it is estimated that it is also the first.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhang's face was wrong, Miss Zhang immediately smiled and said, "Hasn't the fifth sister been studying the rules at Wutong Academy all the time? When she comes, we can just let her say no?"

It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived, and at this moment, the announcement of the maid sounded outside the door: "The fifth girl is here!"

Immediately afterwards, the door curtain was lifted, and Zhang Huahan walked in unhurriedly, accompanied by Yan Yile's personal maid An Ran.

Looking at Zhang Huahan, the people in the room, from Mrs. Zhang to the girls of the Zhang family, all looked surprised.

Without him, Zhang Huahan has changed too much.

"Grandma Wan An."

"Second aunt."

"Three aunts."

Zhang Huahan stepped forward to salute Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang Er and Mrs. Zhang San.

The voice is neither high nor low, and the smile on his face is just right, Yingying Yifu, both decent and generous, but also indescribably pleasing to the eye.

Mrs. Zhang took the lead to recover, and let Zhang Huahan sit down with a stiff smile.

Seeing her granddaughter whose words, deeds, and demeanor had changed drastically, Mrs. Zhang sighed in her heart, and deeply realized the difference between a merchant's family and an official's family.

The fifth girl went to Wutong Academy to learn the rules. It only took more than a month before and after. In such a short time, she was immediately distinguished from the other girls in the family.

Mrs. Zhang looked at the dignified and decent Zhang Huahan, and then looked at the other granddaughters. It was better if there was no comparison. After a comparison, she suddenly felt that the other granddaughters were not sitting or standing, and they were awkward and petty.

Not only Mrs. Zhang noticed the difference, but other people in the room also felt it, and the girls felt the deepest feeling.

In the past, Zhang Huahan was the same as them, but now Zhang Huahan is like a lady from a noble family, and he compared them all at once.

A few of Mrs. Zhang faintly gave birth to some inferiority complex.

Zhang Er girl, who had justly wanted to assign Zhang Huahan to work before, stopped talking at this time, pursed her lips and said nothing.

An Ran had a panoramic view of the expressions of everyone in the Zhang family. Seeing that no one spoke or noticed her, she could only stand out with a smile: "Slave, please greet the old lady, and the second and third ladies."

At this time, Mrs. Zhang noticed An Ran, and she sat up straight. Maybe she felt that she was overreacting, and she looked a little uneasy.

An Ran smiled and said, "It's really a small matter. A few days ago, the eldest lady asked about the fifth girl's yard, and found that the servants who served were not very thoughtful. I wanted to change some, and I wanted to add a few more."

Mrs. Zhang Er and Mrs. Zhang San listened, and their expressions fluctuated.

It's a small matter to replace another person, and another person to add another person?

Mrs. Zhang's face did not fluctuate, she said with a smile: "I was negligent about the matter in the yard of the fifth girl, the eldest daughter-in-law is the head mistress of the Zhang family, she wants to change the servant for the fifth girl, just tell the steward that already."

An Ran smiled and blessed her body: "Thank you for your understanding, old lady. My wife means that the fifth girl will be ready next year, and this time the replacement will be in place at once."

Mrs. Zhang thought for a while and said, "Do you want to buy new ones from outside, or do you just want to choose from the house? How many people do you want in total?"

An Ran: "If you can, it's best to buy a new one from outside." Seeing that Mrs. Zhang Er and Mrs. Zhang were unhappy, after thinking about it, she explained it, "This is mainly for the convenience of training."

"As for the number of people, I will tentatively choose sixteen first. When my wife is at home, there are four first-class maids, four second-class maids, a number of third-class maids and rough women. Only in this way can it be convenient for five The girl calls."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked over, including Zhang Huahan.

This time An Ran came over to ask for someone. Zhang Huahan knew about it in advance, but she didn't expect that Aunt An Ran would need so much as soon as she opened her mouth.

Mrs. Zhang pondered for a while, then agreed with a smile, and turned to look at Mrs. Zhang Er: "You go to Mrs. Ya tomorrow, and make sure the fifth girl chooses the one you like."

Mrs. Zhang Er hurriedly nodded in response.

After that, Zhang Huahan chatted with Mrs. Zhang and others for a while, then got up and went back to Wutong Courtyard to continue learning the rules.

As soon as she left, the Zhang family girls couldn't help but start talking.

"Does Fifth Sister need so many people to serve?"

"That is, how much money does it cost to raise so many people a month?"

Mrs. Zhang was silent for a moment, and looked at Mrs. Zhang Er and Mrs. Zhang: "Tomorrow, I will call a few more girls to come over. How to prepare the girls around the fifth girl, and the older girls will follow."

Their family background is not enough, so follow along.

Yan Yile would never harm her own daughter, so she chose so many people at one time, and she thought about the fifth girl's marriage in the future.

A few girls listened with joy on their faces.

Who would think that there are too many people under their hands?

The next day, Mrs. Zhang Er and Mrs. Zhang swiftly found several well-reputed yams, and they followed An Ran actively and enthusiastically throughout the whole process.

The ideas of the two are the same as Mrs. Zhang. If they don't know it, they will learn it.

An Ran didn't care about this, and took Zhang Huahan with him throughout the process. First, he explained to her the doorways that the next person might encounter, and then let her choose by herself.

At the beginning, only Zhang Huahan was making the selection. Afterwards, Mrs. Zhang also came.

On Zhang Huahan's face, An Ran would also make a few comments, but it benefited a few people a lot and chose several good maids.

After choosing the maid, An Ran was officially assigned by Yan Yile to Zhang Huahan, who helped Zhang Huahan manage the yard.

As soon as the news came out, not only the rest of the Zhang family, but also Zhang Huahan was surprised for a long time.

Zhang Huahan looked at An Ran suspiciously: "Aunt An Ran, how could my mother let you come to me?"

An Ran smiled and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Huahan: "A letter from Xinrong's family came in two days ago, and it came from the provincial government."

Zhang Huahan of Xinrong's family knew that it was his mother's room.

Seeing that Zhang Huahan was still puzzled, An Ran knew that she didn't know anything, she thought about it and said, "It's the uncle of the girl's direct relative who has come to work in the provincial government."

Zhang Huahan was taken aback: "Uncle?"

This was the first time someone mentioned her grandfather's family in front of her.

An Ran nodded: "My uncle came to Huai'an to serve as the chief envoy, and he and the master are brothers and sisters of the same mother."

Zhang Huahan looked a little stunned, she was ignorant, and she knew that the governor was a second-rank official, the highest official of a province.

Uncle is such a great character!

At this moment, she instantly understood the reason why her father and elder sister's attitude towards her changed during this period.

When my uncle came, even if my mother didn't want to contact him, it was a deterrent to my father and Zhang family.

At the same time, I also understand that the mother can ignore the source of confidence of everyone in the Zhang family.

A second-rank officer, even the richest man in the provincial government, would not dare to make trouble in front of him, let alone the Zhang family who was only the richest man in Qingshi County.

An Ran continued: "The girl has a second aunt who is directly related, but the girl's second uncle has now been transferred back to the capital as an official. If you want to see him, you can only go to the capital to meet him."

"As for the girl's grandfather and grandmother, they did not follow the uncle to take office, but stayed in their hometown."

"The letter was written by the girl's aunt. July is the birthday of the uncle. She said that she wanted to see the master and the girl."

Having said this, An Ran sighed: "Back then, the master and the family were having some unpleasant troubles, and he didn't really want to go to the provincial capital. But the master thinks that the girl should go to see her aunt and uncle."

Hearing this, Zhang Huahan moved his lips, wanting to ask his mother what was wrong with the Yan family, so that after her mother married into the Zhang family, she never had contact with her parents' family again.

But when the words came to his lips, Zhang Huahan dismissed the idea again.

She is not stupid. Contacting her mother's attitude towards Zhang's family, her father's attitude, and her attitude over the years, she thought, that unpleasantness must be a huge scar in her mother's heart, and she didn't want anyone to mention it.

Although An Ran came to her side, Zhang Huahan could also learn etiquette and rules in her own yard, but she still went to Wutong Courtyard to practice etiquette and rules as usual.

In the upper room, Yan Yile sat in front of the window, looking at Zhang Huahan, who was studying in the yard, with a dazed expression.

She hated Zhang Wan so much that her hatred for him was transferred to Zhang Huahan.

However, this is her own daughter after all, and every time she ignores her, her heart is also throbbing.

Looking at the small world of Wutongyuan, Yan Yile's eyes were full of regret. During these years in the Zhang family, she had tasted all the evils she had sown due to her ignorance and willfulness.

Marrying into the Zhang family, of course, fell into Zhang Wan's plan, but if she hadn't given him a chance, he wouldn't have been able to approach her even if he had the ability.

In the end, it was her who was at fault!

Yan Yile closed her eyes in pain. Over the years, she tried not to think about it, but she just couldn't let it go.

"Girl, rest for a while."

"Without Aunt An Ran, I can still persevere."

The conversation in the yard interrupted Yan Yile's full of sadness, and opened her eyes again to look over.

Looking at the stubborn and struggling girl in the courtyard, Yan Yile's eyes flashed, as if she saw herself when she was young.

Once upon a time, she was like this.

Just then, the maid came in with a food box.

Watching the maid set the meal, Yan Yile glanced at Zhang Huahan in the yard, looking a little struggling, and finally said, "Let the fifth girl come over and have dinner with me."

The maid was stunned for a moment before she happily ran to invite Zhang Huahan.

After a while, Zhang Huahan entered the room nervously and excitedly. Seeing Yan Yile at the dinner table, her eyes turned slightly red.

Having grown so big, she can finally eat at the same table as her mother.

"sit down!"

Yan Yile didn't know how to get along with Zhang Huahan, and looked a little awkward.

Zhang Huahan cautiously walked to the table and sat down opposite Yan Yile.

After that, the mother and daughter did not speak, and each ate the food in front of them.

An Ran and the others, who were waiting on the side, felt a little sad when they saw the mother and daughter being so unfamiliar and reserved.

After the meal, Yan Yile drank the tea silently.

Zhang Huahan saw that she didn't tell him to go, so he resisted and stayed, and imitated Yan Yile, sipping tea in small sips.

"An Ran will follow you in the future. If you don't understand anything, just ask her more."

Yan Yile's sudden voice startled Zhang Huahan and almost choked. Fortunately, etiquette was not learned in vain during this period of time, and there was no gaffe.

"It's the mother, the daughter knows."

Looking at Zhang Huahan, who was respectful and didn't dare to look at her, Yan Yile was silent for a while, and then she said, "Did An Ran tell you about your aunt's letter?"

Zhang Huahan nodded: "I said it."

Yan Yile said with an "um": "Let An Ran stay by your side, one is to continue to teach you etiquette and rules. The words and deeds of young ladies from large families are cultivated since childhood."

"Although you have learned quite well during this time, there is still a big gap between you and the real ladies. If you want to make up for these gaps, you have to have someone by your side to make corrections from time to time."

"Secondly, it's to help you train the servants in the yard."

"Girl's family, whether it's in her mother's family or married into her husband's family, you must have your own confidants, or if you encounter something, there will be no one to run errands for you."

"For the people in your yard, you have to use more snacks, sincerity is the first, then ability, like those useless, who will only cause trouble for the master, find one and send the other, don't be unbearable, you have to be kind to them , then you have to bear the mistakes they made."

Zhang Huahan listened carefully: "Daughter remember her mother's teachings."

Yan Yile was silent for a while: "Yan's family is the highest, and the people who come and go are all dignitaries. Not only you, but also the maids by your side must be decent."

"Follow An Ran to learn more during this time. When you go to your uncle's house, you will be more confident and not be timid in front of others."

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