Zhang Huahan, who felt mother's love for the first time, walked out of the Wutong Courtyard excitedly, and until she returned to her own yard, she was still thinking about how she and Yan Yile got along.

"Aunt Anran, my mother said just now that she will personally teach me about burning incense and arranging flowers tomorrow. Did I hear it right?"

Looking at Zhang Huahan who was excited, An Ran felt a little sad and said with a smile, "You're right, burning incense and arranging flowers are all essential homework for all ladies. I think back then, when the master and the princess studied together, many of them were among the sisters. It's all top-notch."

Zhang Huahan took a look: "Princess?"

what princess?

Who is the princess?

Could it be that there is a princess among the mother's sisters? !

An Ran thought about it for a while and decided to tell Zhang Huahan about the situation of the Yan family carefully, so as not to go to the provincial capital in July and make an oolong because he didn't understand the situation.

"The Yan family has three rooms in total, and the master is from the second room of the Yan family."

"Among the three houses of the Yan family, the most prominent is the big house of the Yan family. There is no other reason, because the famous Princess Weiyuan came from the big house of the Yan family."

Zhang Huahan was stunned.

Princess Weiyuan

Even though she seldom goes out, she still hears about Princess Weiyuan who spreads high-yield grains to all parts of Daxia.

"Princess Weiyuan turned out to be"

An Ran sighed and nodded: "Yes, Princess Weiyuan is the girl's aunt... You not only have an uncle who is a prince, but also a eldest cousin who is a prince, a second cousin who is a prince, and a cousin who is a prince. The princess' cousin."

Zhang Huahan didn't know what to express anymore. She was the daughter of a small businessman, and suddenly there were so many relatives of the royal family.

She has to slow down!

An Ran continued: "The Yan family's big house not only produced a princess, but also a household minister and a naval chief. Before your grandfather started his official career, you were also the second-rank official residence."

"The third house of the Yan family is weaker, but now the commander of Jinlingwei is your third cousin. Your fifth and sixth cousins ​​started later, but now they are both in important positions in the locality."

"Among the three rooms, the second room is the weakest. Whether it's the big room or the third room, there are brothers to help. There is only the second room, and the girl's uncle alone supports it."

"But fortunately now, the uncle and the master have also made a breakthrough. The governor of a province is also the official of the imperial court."

Listening to this, Zhang Huahan couldn't calm down for a long time. Although she knew that the Yan family was taller than the Zhang family, she never thought it would be so much taller!

So how did the mother marry the father?

Zhang Huahan didn't dare to think about it, so he could only force himself to ignore this problem.

An Ran looked at Zhang Huahan and said, "The slave maid said something arrogant, the Zhang family's existence today is all thanks to the Yan family's light, so girl, you can straighten your back in the Zhang family, and you don't need to be afraid of anyone."

The situation of the Yan family was too unexpected. Zhang Huahan's mood was a little fluctuating, but he just nodded randomly.

No wonder.

The Yan family is so prominent, no wonder the grandmother can only avoid the edge of her mother and choose to give in and compromise;

No wonder no matter how dissatisfied other people are, Zhang Jiaming's good things must be her first choice.

The confusion that once lingered in my heart has all been answered today.

An Ran didn't say any more, just quietly waited aside, waiting for Zhang Huahan to digest slowly.

After a night of digestion, when Zhang Huahan came to Wutong Court again, he couldn't see anything on his face. Just looking at his mother who taught him how to burn incense and arrange flowers, Zhang Huahan couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

The more prominent the Yan family, the more pitiful she felt for her mother.

In front of his father, he had his first wife, and afterward he had several concubines.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad and worthless for her mother.

In the past, she felt that her mother ignored Zhang's family and her father, and her actions were too extreme, but at this moment, she no longer had such thoughts.

Also from this day on, Zhang Huahan went to Wutong Court more and more frequently.

When I eat, I prepare the dishes myself, and when I drink tea, I make the tea. As long as I can make it myself, Zhang Huahan tries his best to do it by himself.

Her mother was too bitter and lonely. She was the only relative left in the entire Zhang family. As for the rest of the Zhang family, they were only concerned about the Yan family standing behind her mother.

Yan Yile naturally felt Zhang Huahan's attentiveness, and was a little uncomfortable at first, but gradually got used to it.

The servants of Wutongyuan keenly found that the number of times the eldest lady was angry became less, and she no longer kept her face straight every day, and occasionally saw her showing a soft expression.

Time slipped away little by little, Zhang Huahan learned more and more etiquette and rules, and his relationship with Yan Yile became more and more harmonious.

Under An Ran's training, the servants of Champs Elysées also became more disciplined, and the rest of the Zhang family couldn't find a place to start if they wanted to inquire about Zhang Huahan.

This kind of change, everyone in the Zhang family watched silently.

In the blink of an eye, it was June, and when Yan Yile sent people out to buy things several times, everyone in the Zhang family knew that Zhang Huahan was about to go to the provincial capital.

This time, everyone in the Zhang family couldn't sit still.

Go to the provincial government to pay birthday wishes to Yan Bu's political envoy, and let's not talk about other things. Just talking about it is enough for people to take a look at it, not to mention, it may be able to make friends with dignitaries.

Especially the second girl and the third girl who are discussing marriage are the most eager. As long as they can go to the government envoy's office, even if they make a trip for nothing, it will be beneficial to talk about marriage.

Miss Zhang naturally wanted to go too. She was about to marry into the county magistrate's family. If her husband's family knew that she had contacts with the government's envoy, she would definitely be looked at when she walked in.

On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, Zhang Huahan came to greet Mrs. Zhang as usual. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Second Mrs. Zhang and the others looking at her with bright eyes.

Today's Zhang Huahan really doesn't look like a girl from the Zhang family. Every gesture is like everyone's style, and the style of the whole body is elegant.

Miss Zhang smiled and broke the silence first: "Fifth sister, your dress doesn't seem to be made of ordinary materials, where did you buy it, and I'll make it tomorrow?"

Zhang Huahan: ". This material was not bought from outside, it was given by my mother."

Miss Zhang's expression froze, and she smiled embarrassingly without saying a word.

The stepmother came from the Yan family. She heard from her grandmother that when the stepmother married into the Zhang family, although the dowry was not very generous, most of them were good things that the Zhang family could not buy.

Miss Zhang Er stared at the emerald jewelry on Zhang Huahan's head, and asked in seconds, "Then the jewelry on your head was also given by your aunt?"

Zhang Huahan nodded.

Miss Zhang Er pouted her lips sourly: "The aunt is enough to spoil the fifth sister. What you are wearing and wearing is something we have never seen before."

The other girls also had similar expressions. The Zhang family had money, but in the ancient times with strict hierarchies, there were many things that money could not buy.

Zhang Huahan directly ignored Miss Zhang Er and got up to say goodbye to Mrs. Zhang. Who knows, Mrs. Zhang said at this time.

"Hua Han, we heard that you are going to the provincial capital some time soon?"

Zhang Huahan glanced at her, then looked at Mrs. Zhang again, and nodded: "Yes, my mother asked me to pay my uncle's birthday."

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet.

Mrs. Zhang quickly returned to her senses and said with a smile, "You child, why didn't you tell us about such a big thing in advance? Since it's Uncle's birthday, our family should show something."

Zhang Huahan pondered for a moment: "Grandmother, this is Huahan's first visit to his uncle's house. Mother means that everything should be kept simple."

Mrs. Zhang took a look, and then smiled again: "It's your mother who thought it through, but no matter how simple it is, she can't let you go out alone as a little girl, right?"

Mrs. Zhang Er immediately answered: "That's right, we don't worry about you going out as a little girl. In this way, if you ask your second sister and the others to accompany you, there will be someone to accompany you on the road."

Zhang Er and several girls also followed suit.

Zhang Huahan was noncommittal, but said, "I have to ask my mother about this."

Mrs. Zhang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang looked at Zhang Huahan kindly: "It's time to ask your mother what she meant, but it's not suitable for you to be on the road as a girl. You have to talk to your mother about this."

Zhang Huahan said "um", then got up and left.

After arriving at Wutong Courtyard, Zhang Huahan told Yan Yile that the Zhang family wanted to go with them to the provincial government.

It's not surprising to Yan Yile, businessmen seek profit and drill wherever there is a benefit. She knows the temperament of the Zhang family all too well.

"What do you think about this?"

Zhang Huahan looked at her face carefully, and thoughtfully said, "Mother, that's what I think. It's really not convenient for me to go out alone. Since I have to be accompanied by someone, it's better to call eldest brother and eldest sister."

Yan Yile didn't speak, and seemed to be waiting for Zhang Huahan to continue.

Zhang Huahan continued: "eldest brother and big sister, and I, after all, came from the same father, we are naturally one level closer than the people in the second and third rooms, and the interests between us are stronger."

Hearing this, Yan Yile had a slight reaction.

For the Zhang family, she was instinctively disgusted, and it was impossible for her to support them.

If Hua Han wanted to tell her that it was a family, she would definitely reject it directly, but when she heard the word "interest", she was willing to continue listening.

"My daughter knows that my grandfather's family is very prominent, but my daughter is Zhang's family after all. She gets married in the future and suffers grievances in her husband's family. Maybe she can rely on her grandfather's family, but she relies more on her mother's family."

"The relationship between my grandfather's family and my daughter thinks that it should be used on the edge of the knife. Try not to trouble you if you can. After all, affection can't stand it."

"Furthermore, the relationship between the daughter and the Zhang family is constantly separated. As long as it's not too much, it's better not to tear up the face as much as possible."

"This time, grandma and the others are so active that if they really don't agree to them at all, I'm afraid there will be a rift."

"Once there is disgust, they may not do anything excessive, but it is still very simple to cause me some trouble by relying on the identity of the elder."

Hearing this, Yan Yile was a little stunned, staring blankly at her childish daughter.

Zhang Huahan didn't notice, and continued to say: "Tell my mother from the bottom of my heart, these years my grandmother and the others have treated me like that, and there is nothing to talk about. Since this is the case, then my daughter will only talk to them about benefits and losses."

"If the Zhang family wants to benefit from me, they have to give something correspondingly. Correspondingly, if the daughter wants to get the support of the Zhang family, she should also give something."

"In this way, everyone gets what they need, and no one owes anyone."

Yan Yile stared at Zhang Huahan without saying a word for a long time.

Zhang Huahan couldn't help but said, "Mother, this is just what my daughter is thinking about. If you think your daughter is wrong, please correct me."

Yan Yile returned to her senses and shook her head: "No, you're not mistaken, you are all right." She was silent for a while, "Just do as you said."

After speaking, he waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Huahan can retire.

After Zhang Huahan left, Yan Yile was distracted for a while, and then sighed after she recovered: "Huahan is more transparent than me."

Back then, if she could figure this out, how could she have gotten to the point where she had to be trapped in the Zhang family's back house.

After Zhang Huahan came out of Wutong Courtyard, she went directly back to her yard. She didn't plan to immediately tell the story that her eldest brother and sister could go to the provincial government together, which made people anxious for a few days. Maybe it would be better for her and the Zhang family. .

However, halfway through, he met Mr. Zhang.

Ever since he knew the real situation of the Yan family, Zhang Huahan felt a little uncomfortable every time he faced Mr. Zhang.

The father must have used the means to marry the mother.

Mr. Zhang came to find Zhang Huahan in person this time, naturally to go to the provincial government to pay Yan Wenjie's birthday. He knew that the Yan family didn't want to see him, and he didn't want to go by himself, but he wanted his son-in-law to accompany Zhang Huahan.

In any case, the relationship between the Zhang family and the Yan family can't be just cut off.

Zhang Huahan felt a little sad in his heart as he looked at his father, who was hard-hearted and who analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of himself, for himself and for his mother.

The mother is the springboard for the Zhang family to cling to the powerful, and she is only a tool to maintain the relationship between the Zhang family and the Yan family.

"Father, I've already told my mother about this. I'll let you know when the results come out. I practiced making tea for a day today, and I'm a little tired. I want to go back to rest first."

Mr. Zhang moved his lips and wanted to say something, but he finally nodded: "Well, go back and rest."

Looking at Zhang Huahan's back, Master Zhang frowned.

He couldn't see how his daughter was alienated, and he didn't want to talk to his daughter about the gains and losses, but as the head of the family, he had to think about the future of the Zhang family.

Hey, his relationship with Yile's mother and daughter is a little shallow after all.

In the anxious waiting of the Zhang family, it was not until mid-June that Zhang Huahan told everyone that the uncle of the Zhang family and Mrs. Zhang could accompany them.

As a result, the Zhang family's eldest room was happy, but the second and third rooms were not.

It's a pity that Zhang Huahan didn't care about their unwillingness at all. Except to say goodbye to Mrs. Zhang, he stayed in the Wutong Courtyard at other times. The Zhang family just wanted to annoy her, but they didn't dare to come to her.

On June 29, Zhang Huahan, accompanied by Uncle Zhang and Miss Zhang, got on the carriage to the provincial capital.

In the Wutong Courtyard, Yan Yile stood in front of the window and was lost for a long time.

After marrying into the Zhang family, she never saw her family again, didn't she want to? She thought, but she didn't have the face to see her brother and sister-in-law.

Maybe not seeing is the best.

At least this way, looking at the sibling relationship, the second brother and the second sister-in-law will treat Hua Han more sincerely.

Hua Han has already reached her aunt, and the Zhang family is in such a situation. If you want to talk about a good family, you have to rely on the help of your brother and sister-in-law.

Yan Yile smiled bitterly. In the past, she always thought that her eldest sister could rely on herself to be happy, but she naively thought that she could too, but in the end, she still asked to go to Yan's house.

On the carriage to the provincial capital, Zhang Huahan was a little silent.

She didn't know what was the conflict between her mother and the Yan family, but she knew that her mother, who had not been in contact with her family for so many years, had given up her inner pride for her this time.

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