There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1156, Redemption 7

Going to the provincial capital to pay Yan Wenjie birthday greetings, the Zhang family attaches great importance to it. Master Zhang knows that he is not welcomed by the Yan family and has no intention of showing up, but he is worried that the three children will go on the road alone. People were sent to the provincial capital.

"After arriving in the provincial capital, I will not enter the city for my father, so I will find an inn outside the city to live in, and then go home together after you both celebrate your birthday."

On the way, Mr. Zhang carefully instructed his eldest son.

The uncle of the Zhang family was a little hesitant to say anything. They and the Yan family were in-laws, but his father didn't even dare to go to the Yan family's door, which made him very uncomfortable.

Master Zhang was silent for a while and then said: "When you arrive at Yan's house, ask your fifth sister's opinion. She is Zhang's family after all."

"This time, she was able to persuade your mother to agree that you and the eldest girl should go to the Yan's house together. It can be seen that there is still the Zhang family in her heart. Brothers and sisters should get along and support each other. If you are well, it will also help her."

The uncle of the Zhang family nodded: "Father, don't worry, the son will discuss with the fifth sister in case of trouble."

After that, Mr. Zhang didn't say anything, and soon, the group arrived at the pier. . .

Huai'an has a well-developed water system, and there are many boats going to the provincial capital. Usually, even if you go to the provincial capital temporarily, you can get on the boat, but this time, Mr. Zhang clearly booked a passenger boat in advance. others too.

Uncle Zhang was very angry and went straight to the ship owner for a theory, while Uncle Zhang went back to the carriage and looked at his two younger sisters.

"Big sister, fifth sister, we may have to wait a while before boarding the ship."

Miss Zhang lifted a corner of the car curtain and asked, "Brother, what happened?"

The uncle of the Zhang family was a little depressed: "The ship we ordered was intercepted first, and my father went to the ship owner to negotiate."

Miss Zhang frowned immediately: "What's the matter with the ship owner, does he do business like this?"

Zhang Huahan also frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything, sitting in the carriage and waiting quietly.

Just waited for half an hour.

Seeing that it will be noon soon, Master Zhang has not returned yet. Master Zhang glanced at the tea shop beside the pier and said, "Eldest sister, fifth sister, there is a tea shop in front of you, why don't you get off the car and sit inside. , by the way, have something to eat?"

Miss Zhang had long wanted to get out of the car for activities, but she didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Huahan.

After riding in the carriage for a long time, Zhang Huahan naturally wanted to get out of the carriage to get some fresh air, especially since it was her first time to go out.

Hearing the hustle and bustle on the pier, Zhang Huahan also wanted to see, so he nodded and said to An Ran who was waiting outside the car, "Aunt Anran, my eldest sister and I want to go to the tea shop."

An Ran listened, looked at the tea shop, and then replied: "The girl will wait for a while, wait for the servant to lead someone to arrange the tea shop, and then the girl will get off."

Having said that, I took a few wives to the tea shop first, talked to the boss, chose a corner, hung bamboo curtains around, and soon, a small private room was arranged.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of the people around.

"I don't know which big family's female family is going out?"

"People from big families are very particular about it."

Even the uncle of the Zhang family looked sideways. In the past, his father took him and the eldest sister out to play, and the eldest sister should wear a hat at most, so why would you pay attention to this.

After everything was arranged, An Ran went back to the carriage: "Girl, the servants in the carriage have prepared a hat, and you can get off after putting on the hat."

Zhang Huahan put on the curtain cap, got off the carriage with the help of the maid, and walked quickly into the small private room surrounded by bamboo curtains.

"This bamboo curtain is really special!"

Uncle Zhang and Miss Zhang were amazed. When you look inside this bamboo curtain, you can't see anything at all, but when you look inside, you can see what's going on outside.

The things in my mother's hands are really not ordinary.

Just when the uncle of the Zhang family was about to ask the guys to order food, he was surprised to find that An Ran was orderly instructing the maid to unload the tea stove, food boxes, tea sets and dishes from the carriage.

Even Zhang Huahan was a little surprised.

An Ran saw it and explained: "Most of the things outside are not very clean, especially this pier, where fish and dragons are mixed. When you go out, you better be careful about what you eat. If you can't eat it, it's better not to eat it."

Uncle Zhang and Miss Zhang sneered, and they didn't say anything about what to eat.

When An Ran placed the refreshments, Zhang Huahan couldn't eat it alone, so he invited the two of them to eat together.

At this moment, a group of servants also came to the opposite position. The movement was bigger than what An Ran had made before, and they directly separated the surroundings with a screen.

The bamboo curtains only need to be hung high, occupying a small area, and An Ran only surrounds a table, and does not disturb other people.

But the screen occupies a large area, and it is still a precious object. When people around see it, they can't help but avoid it, for fear of touching it, and then they can't afford to sell it.

For a while, there was the sound of pulling stools in the tea shop, and after a while, a vacuum was left on the three tables next door.

Immediately afterwards, several women in brocade clothes with hanging curtains walked into the tea shop.

When Mrs. Zhang saw it, she muttered in a low voice: "What a big show! When they come, most of the tea shops can't sit."

An Ran glanced at it lightly: "It should be the female family member of the official family." After saying that, she looked at Zhang Huahan, "It is best to avoid publicity when doing things outside. There is a saying that there are people outside the sky. If you don't make it right, you may bring disaster to the family. Don't learn to do pie this way."

Zhang Huahan nodded, and Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang also took it seriously in their hearts.

After the three brothers and sisters finished drinking a cup of tea, Master Zhang came to the tea shop with an ugly face.

Uncle Zhang quickly opened the bamboo curtain and got up to greet him: "Father, but the boat hasn't been negotiated yet?"

Master Zhang said in a cold voice, "The boat packaged for my father was directly transferred by Boss Lu to the Dong Zhizhou family from Xuzhou next door."

The uncle Zhang frowned, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Boss Lu has a lot of boats, and the boat we ordered was misappropriated, so we should arrange a new one for us, there will never be no boats left. Bar?"

Just as Mr. Zhang was about to say something, he saw a few people walking outside the tea shop.

Among them is Boss Lu.

Boss Lu, who was facing the middle-aged man who was leading a smile, noticed that someone was looking at him, looked up and found that it was the Zhang family and his son, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

The Zhang family also has a store in the provincial capital, and they go to the provincial capital a lot every year. It is inevitable to rent Boss Lu's boat. There are many opportunities to deal with each other.

This time, Zhang Jiading's boat was misappropriated. Boss Lu knew that he was not doing it properly. When the middle-aged man entered the tea shop, he hurried to Zhang's side.

As soon as it comes, make amends directly.

"Brother Zhang, this time it's my younger brother, isn't it? I'll apologize to you, but please understand me. Lord Zhizhou wants a boat, and I don't dare not give it."

Saying that, he glanced at the screen next door.

In an instant, Master Zhang understood that the people who occupied most of the inn were the Xuzhou Dong Zhizhou family.

Master Zhang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. When a businessman encounters an official, he is naturally inferior. At this time, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

After being silent for a while, Mr. Zhang said, "Brother Lu, I'm really in a hurry to go to the provincial capital. You can help me think of a way to get me a boat. I'll keep you in my heart."

Hearing what Master Zhang said, Boss Lu looked embarrassed, sighed, and said in a low voice, "Brother Zhang, let me tell you something about our relationship."

"In two days, it will be the birthday of the new governor. The prefects and magistrates of all the prefectures and prefectures in Huai'an will all attend his birthday banquet. Our wharf happens to be the only wharf to go to the provincial capital, so these days the ship Very tight."

"It's not that I'm not busy with you, it's my brother and I can't do anything. All the boats under my hand have been rented out."

The three of Uncle Zhang stood outside the bamboo curtain, so Zhang Huahan and others who were sitting inside also heard their conversation.

Zhang Huahan frowned. When they came to the provincial government this time, they were choking on time. If they couldn't rent a boat, they might miss the time to pay their uncle's birthday.

Mr. Zhang also knew that the time was running out, and immediately said: "It's okay to be on the same boat with the others, Brother Lu, I really have something important for my brother. I would like to ask you to Zhou Xuan for one or two, and there will be a heavy thank you afterwards."

When Boss Lu saw Mr. Zhang like this, he also saw that he was really in a hurry, he hesitated, and looked at the person behind the screen next door: "Then I'll try, Dong Zhizhou is still good at talking, I'll ask and see if they want to. Don't want to take you with me?"

Master Zhang quickly clenched his fists and thanked him.

Boss Lu went to the screen, and after a while, a slightly arrogant male voice came from there.

"Boss Lu, you really dare to speak. Anyone dares to take it from us. My uncle is a state magistrate. You actually let the businessman ride with him on the same boat. Are you looking down on my uncle?"

After that, Boss Lu continued to make amends.

When the Zhang family behind the bamboo curtain heard this, their faces couldn't help showing anger.

Miss Zhang hummed: "They robbed our boat and made insults. What happened to them?"

"To shut up!"

Master Zhang reprimanded in a low voice, then quickly looked over at the screen, and was relieved when he saw that there was no movement there.

Zhang Huahan on the side looked at the forbearance on Mr. Zhang's face, his eyes flickered a little, and he had a deep understanding of the reason why the Zhang family desperately wanted to cling to the Yan family.

Zhang Huahan was silent for a while and looked at Mr. Zhang: "Father, if you can't get on the boat, why don't you take the land route. Let's hurry up, it should be in time."

Master Zhang frowned: "You can get to the provincial capital in one day by boat, and it takes three days to travel by land. The journey is too fast, and your sisters can't bear it. You went to see your uncle and aunt with a haggard face. Isn't this worrying them? ."

"If I ask my father to think of a way, I don't believe it anymore. With such a big pier, I can't even find a boat."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sound from next door.

The Zhang family looked over and saw that Dong Zhizhou eagerly trotted out of the tea shop, and greeted the middle-aged man in blue robe who passed by outside the tea shop with a smile on his face.

An Ran, who was standing behind Zhang Huahan, saw that person, her eyes flashed, and she quickly looked at Master Zhang: "Master, do you know that person?"

Master Zhang nodded: "He is the prefect of our Pingyun Mansion, what's wrong?"

Without replying, An Ran asked, "But the surname is Su?"

Mr. Zhang didn't care about An Ran's attitude, and nodded again: "The prefect is indeed surnamed Su, from the Su family in Zhongzhou. The two-story passenger ship docked at the dock belongs to the Su family."

An Ran smiled and blessed her body: "The servant has a way to find the boat, wait a moment, the servant will return when she goes." After speaking, she walked out of the tea shop.

Under the watchful eyes of the Zhang family and the people around, An Ran came to the middle-aged man in Lanpaozi: "My servant, please give Mr. Su a greeting, Mr. Su is well."

Su Zhifu looked at An Ran in astonishment, and before he could say anything, Dong Zhizhou, who was beside him, spoke up first.

"Go, go, which family's servant are you, and dare to intercept Su Zhifu, don't you die?"

An Ran ignored him and blessed Su Zhifu again: "The slave's master is the fourth girl of the Yan family, and the fourth lady of the Yan family is the fourth sister-in-law of the slave master. When the fourth lady married into the Yan family, the slave was still in the Su family. I've seen Master Su in the sending off team."

Hearing this, Su Zhifu's expression froze, and he looked at An Ran.

The fourth girl of the Yan family. Could it be the one who married the merchant's family after He Li?

He is not a direct descendant of the Su family. As for the Yan family, who is married to Shiyu's cousin, he only knows more about the situation of the Yan family's first and third rooms, and he is not so clear about the second room of the Yan family.

Su Zhifu glanced at the bamboo curtain in the tea shop, and recognized it as a tribute at a glance. He understood that the person in front of him should not be tricking him, and said with a smile, "Is there something wrong with you?"

An Ran replied with a smile: "My girl was going to the provincial capital to celebrate her uncle's birthday, but unfortunately, the boat that Zhang's family had ordered was cut off. In a hurry, when he learned that Master Su was also going to the provincial capital, the servants came over cheeky. Please help."

Su Zhifu smiled: "So that's the case, my boat is big, go and ask your girl to move, it just so happens that we have to leave."

An Ran once again blessed her body: "Thank you, Lord Su, for your help. This servant has thanked the Lord first for my girl."

Su Zhifu nodded, and after An Ran turned back to the tea shop, he looked at the servant behind him: "Go and tell Madam, let her clean up a nice guest room and come out."

Young Master Su beside him was a little puzzled: "Father, is this necessary?"

Su Zhifu smiled and said, "Of course it's useful, that is the niece of Yan Buzheng's direct relative. After getting on the boat, you go and tell your two sisters to let them get along well with the Zhang family girl."

In the tea shop, the Zhang family received the news that the Su family agreed to take them on the boat. Their faces were filled with joy, and at the same time they were also shocked by the power of the Yan family.

An Ran is just the maidservant next to Yan Yile, and Yan Yile can be said to be the worst offspring of the Yan family. In this way, the maidservant around her can also talk to a prefect and get help from him.

At this moment, the three brothers and sisters of the Zhang family clearly realized how big the gap between the Zhang family and the Yan family was.

An Ran told Zhang Huahan about the Su family while instructing the maid to pack up.

"The fourth lady of the Yan family is from the direct line of the Su family, and the prefect of Su is a collateral line of the Su family. When the fourth lady married into the Yan family, he also came to marry him. Later, he studied in the capital for a period of time, and he often went in and out of the Yan family. Just remember him."

Zhang Huahan listened carefully, looking a little nervous.

Growing up so much, the biggest official she has ever seen is the county magistrate. Now that she is going to see the prefect, she is inevitably a little apprehensive.

Seeing Zhang Huahan's nervousness, An Ran said with a smile, "You don't need to be nervous if you are practical. The Su family's background is good, but compared with the Yan family, it's still a bit worse."

"Girls just need to remember, behind you is a family of royal relatives. Even if you go to the government's envoy's office and meet other girls, your status is definitely second to none. You don't need to look down on anyone."

The reason is such a reason, but he has never experienced this, especially Zhang Huahan's mood is still not calm, especially since the Zhang family is still a businessman's family.

However, thanks to the training some time ago, Zhang Huahan can now keep his face calm even if he is uneasy.

When An Ran said these things, he did not avoid the three of the three masters, but of course there was no way to avoid it.

Zhang Huahan can borrow from the Yan family with confidence, but they can't. Except for Mr. Zhang, who often runs outside, he is slightly better. Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang both look a little uneasy.

When the maids were ready, and under the guidance of An Ran, the Zhang family went to see Su Zhifu. After getting to know each other, they boarded the Su family's passenger ship together.

Outside the tea shop, looking at Zhang's family who left with Su Zhifu, Dong Zhizhou and Boss Lu couldn't help swallowing, and cold sweat broke out on Dong Zhizhou's forehead.

"You hurt me!"

Dong Zhizhou looked at Boss Lu angrily.

Boss Lu's face changed greatly with fright: "Lord Zhizhou, where did you come from?"

Dong Zhizhou shouted angrily: "Why didn't you tell Ben Zhizhou that the Zhang family and the Yan family are related?" If he knew this, how could he rob the Zhang family's boat?

Boss Lu's face was bitter: "I don't know this."

No, I can't say I don't know, the Zhang family and Xungui in the capital are in-laws. He has heard of this rumor, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

The Zhang family has a bit of money, but to say that the Zhang family can enter the eyes of the nobles in the capital, he absolutely does not believe it.

In addition, the Zhang family has never responded positively to this. Every time it is mentioned, it is vague. Anyone who sees it will never think that this will be true.

If he knew that the Zhang family girl was the niece of the political envoy's direct relative, even if he tried to offend Zhizhou, he would not have misappropriated the Zhang family's boat.

That Mr. Zhang is not a thing, he has such a powerful relationship, but you say it, if you don't say it, Dong Zhizhou is here, he must be close to Dong Zhizhou first, you can't blame him.

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