There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1157, Redemption 8

After getting on the Su family's boat, Zhang Huahan was careful about everything, always paying attention, for fear of showing his cowardice in front of the Su family and humiliating the Yan family's reputation, and at the same time not wanting outsiders to look down on the Zhang family too much.

Mrs. Su and the two girls from the Su family had been reminded in advance, and they warmly received Zhang Huahan and Mrs. Zhang, while Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhang's family accompanied Mr. Su and Mr. Su to drink tea on the deck.

As for why Yan Yile didn't come, the Su family did not mention the interesting, nor did they mention Zhang's family affairs, but just talked about the scenery and anecdotes along the way.

The Su family intends to accommodate, and the Zhang family tries hard to accommodate. In this way, the two families get along well.

A day later, the provincial capital pier arrived.

It is not easy for Mr. Zhang to go to Yan Mansion. After disembarking, he made an excuse and left.

In this regard, the Su family did not ask much. When they came to the provincial government this time, they also went to Yan's residence to celebrate their birthday, and they entered the city with the three brothers and sisters of the Zhang family.

In the carriage, thinking about the uncle's family that he was about to see, Zhang Huahan's heartbeat quickened. . .

Although she was her own uncle, she hadn't seen each other since she was born, and her knowledge of her uncle's family was limited to what An Ran told her. She wondered if they would welcome her?

Coupled with the fact that her mother and the Yan family had cut off contact, she became more and more uneasy.

Zhang Huahan was able to maintain a calm face, but Miss Zhang couldn't hide her nervousness.

After contacting the girl from the prefect's family, Miss Zhang was overwhelmed by her inferiority complex. No matter how the other party was dressed, how she spoke, or how she looked, every single thing was enough to crush her to the ground.

At this moment, listening to the hustle and bustle in the city, she gave birth for the first time, maybe she should not follow Zhang Huahan to the provincial capital.

Walking beside Zhang Huahan, she felt that she was not even a maid.

As the daughter of Zhang's family, she has gotten more than anyone since she was a child. Even if her stepmother has a strong family background, she had to let her fifth sister in the open, but in private, her father and grandmother would subsidize her.

Therefore, she always felt that she was the most honorable girl in the Zhang family.

But at this moment, this pride was destroyed to pieces, and the huge gap made her almost run away.

Thinking of her grandmother's earnest instructions when she left home, the expectant look in her father's eyes when she left, and the family of the county magistrate who was about to marry, Mrs. Zhang forcibly suppressed the inferiority complex and anxiety in her heart.

If you lose face, you will lose face. As long as she survives this time and has seen a big scene, she will marry into her husband's family in the future and face her husband's social circle, she will be able to take it easy.

In the two sisters' different thoughts, the Yan residence arrived.

Although Yan Wenjie's birthday will be two days away, many guests have already come to the door at this time. Zhu Qiyun wants to receive other people and can't escape, so he sent the steward Yan Fang's family to welcome the Su family.

The Yan Fang family didn't notice the Zhang brothers and sisters at first, thinking that they were the sons and daughters of the Su family, so they only greeted Mrs. Su with greetings.

The three Zhang Huahan faced such a situation for the first time, and they didn't know how to introduce themselves, so they could only stand beside the Su family in embarrassment.

Finally, An Ran saw that the Yan Fang family was about to lead the Su family directly into the door, so she had to stand up: "Sister Fang!"

Yan Fang's family froze for a while, and looked at An Ran suspiciously. After a while, his eyes widened and he looked at An Ran in surprise: "Are you. An Ran next to the fourth girl?"

An Ran smiled and nodded: "Sister Fang Fang still remembers, isn't it me?"

The Yan Fang family came over excitedly and pulled An Ran: "How is the fourth girl all these years?"

The smile on An Ran's face was slightly stagnant, and she nodded with a smile: "Okay, everything is fine." After speaking, she looked at Zhang Huahan, "This is the daughter of the fourth girl."

Yan Fang's eyes shifted to Zhang Huahan instantly, looking at Zhang Huahan, whose brows at the corners of his eyes were very similar to Yan Yile's, his eyes were red with excitement: "Biao girl, you are here, Mrs. and Mrs. have been talking about it all this time. And you."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly bowed his knees to salute Zhang Huahan, "Old slave, please pay my respects to Miss Biao."

Zhang Huahan was a little flustered, but his face was still calm, and he quickly helped him up: "Mommy, please get up."

Yan Fang's family looked at Zhang Huahan excitedly, and quickly pulled the maid next to her: "Quick, go and tell Madam that the Biao girl is here."

After giving the order, he immediately welcomed the three of Zhang Huahan and the Su family into the mansion with a smile.

Before the group reached the Chuihuamen, Zhu Qiyun rushed over with her maid.

Along the way, the guests and the servants watched curiously. If they could be welcomed by the owner and mother, I don’t know what kind of honorable guests they were.

"Are you Hua Han?"

As soon as Zhu Qiyun arrived, she stared at Zhang Huahan closely.

Zhang Huahan hurriedly bowed his knees and saluted: "Huahan has seen my aunt."

"Get up!"

Zhu Qiyun lifted Zhang Huahan up and held her hand tightly: "Quick, let my aunt take a good look." After saying that, she looked at Zhang Huahan carefully, and said with surprise and joy: "Like, these eyebrows and these eyes are like your mother."

Zhang Huahan's eyes drooped slightly, and his expression was a little shy, allowing Zhu Qiyun to look at it.

Zhu Qiyun took Zhang Huahan to look at it for a while, until she had seen enough, and then looked at Madam Su next to her apologetically: "Mrs. made me laugh."

Madam Su said kindly: "Madam, don't say that. I understand. I haven't seen my niece for a long time, so I can't kiss her."

Zhu Qiyun smiled and nodded straight, holding Zhang Huahan's hand: "Don't stand here, come with me to the main courtyard for tea." Said, holding Zhang Huahan to the front.

Feeling his aunt's closeness to him, Zhang Huahan's tense mood finally relaxed.

Main courtyard.

The ladies and the ladies saw that Zhu Qiyun was pulling a girl in, and they looked at it curiously. After Zhu Qiyun introduced it, they realized that this was actually the niece of Yan Buzheng's direct relative, and they paid more attention to her.

Zhu Qiyun smiled and introduced Zhang Huahan to the wives and girls present. Seeing Zhang Huahan's progress and retreat, and his demeanor, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Before that, she was afraid that the fourth sister's daughter would also inherit her temperament.

The Yan family sister was the fourth younger sister who married the worst. After marrying into the Zhang family, she directly cut off contact with the family, which often caused her father-in-law and mother-in-law to worry.

This transfer to Huai'an was also deliberately won by Xianggong. First, it was for the heart of Mrs. An, and secondly, she wanted to help this sister.

People in the world sympathize with the weak. Brothers and sisters are now living a better life. Whenever I think of Yile, I can't help but sigh.

Zhu Qiyun looked at Zhang Huahan next to her. Yile didn't come, which was what she expected. With her temperament, she probably didn't have the face to see her family.

As long as this niece is sensible and knows how to advance and retreat, she is also willing to seek a good future for her.

Before Zhu Qiyun finished introducing the people in the room, a maid came in to report: "Madam, the master came back from the front yard and said he wanted to meet the cousin."

Hearing this, the lady who was present had a slight expression on her face.

The chief envoy left the guests and rushed back to the backyard impatiently, which shows that he values ​​this niece.

The ladies' eyes drooped slightly, and the emphasis on Zhang Huahan in their hearts was once again raised to a new level.

Zhu Qiyun is not good at leaving the guests, and invites his eldest daughter-in-law and asks her to accompany Zhang Huahan to see Yan Wenjie.

Zhang Huahan saw Yan Wenjie with an uneasy heart, perhaps because of blood relationship, the first time she saw Yan Wenjie, her nose was a little sore.

Yan Wenjie looked at Zhang Huahan with pity, and asked her and Yan Yile's life in Zhang's house in detail.

It's not easy to show family ugliness, and Zhang Huahan didn't want to see his uncle for the first time, so he complained to the other party for sympathy and only vaguely said that everything was fine.

Yan Wenjie saw her nephew and the goddess being restrained, so she did not continue to embarrass her, but said: "When you arrive at your uncle's house, it is no different from your own. Tell your aunt what you want to eat and what you lack, don't be embarrassed, you know?"

Zhang Huahan nodded obediently.

After talking for a while, Yan Wenjie asked the eldest daughter-in-law to take Zhang Huahan down to rest. As soon as she left, she called An Ran over.

An Ran didn't want to hide it, the master and the fifth girl needed the support of the second master, so he carefully explained how Yan Yile had spent these years in Zhang's house.

After Yan Wenjie heard this, his expression was very complicated, and he did not speak for a long time.

Yi Le is the most lively, but unexpectedly married into the Zhang family, and was trapped in a yard for more than ten years!

It wasn't until An Ran said that Yan Yile didn't care about Zhang Huahan, and Yan Wenjie lost her temper: "Why is Yile still like this? She only depends on her own temperament and never cares about other people's feelings. That is her own daughter!"

An Ran sobbed: "Second Master, don't blame the girl, she is also bitter. Zhang Wan used such sleazy methods on her, how could she be willing to bear children for him?"

"Every time she sees the fifth girl leaving in disappointment, she will cry silently. As a mother, how can you not love your own flesh and blood? The girl can't let go of her hatred for Zhang Wan."

Hearing this, Yan Wenjie's full of anger turned into a sigh: "This is the cause that she planted by herself. It hurts Hua Han to have such a pair of parents."

An Ran hurriedly said: "The girl has changed a bit now, the five girls went to say hello, and it melted the girl's heart. Before they came, their mother-daughter relationship was already very harmonious, and the girl personally taught the five girls to burn incense and arrange flowers. Woolen cloth."

Yan Wenjie sighed and asked some more about the Zhang family. After inquiring about everything he wanted to know, he waved An Ran back.

After An Ran left, Yan Wenjie sat in the study for a while before getting up and going to the front yard to receive guests.

At dinner, Yan Wenjie saw Zhang Huahan again, with a little more pity in his eyes, and showed his importance to her with practical actions, making people dare not neglect her.

When sleeping, Yan Wenjie told Zhu Qiyun what he had learned from An Ran.

After Zhu Qiyun heard it, she was also silent for a long time.

Yan Wenjie: "For Yile, she has to let go by herself. We can't help her, but here in Huahan, you can get dim sum."

"You also know the situation of Zhang's family. I hope that Huahan can find some kind of in-law's family. As an aunt, you can choose a good one for Huahan. Don't let this child suffer any more."

Zhu Qiyun nodded, knowing what life Zhang Huahan lived in Zhang's house, she also sympathized with this little girl whose father did not love her mother: "Don't worry, I will."

"Yi Le agreed that Hua Han would come to see us, probably because he wanted us to help Hua Han choose a good marriage. I just asked An Ran, Hua Han will be married in September."

"That's what I plan to do, let Hua Han stay in our house for a while, and her wedding ceremony will be held directly in our house. I will invite more people to come. Once I come, let Hua Han follow me to learn some rules and housekeepers. The director's ability, secondly, shows that we value Hua Han, which is also good for her to say kiss."

Yan Wenjie nodded: "You still think thoughtful, just do as you said." Saying that, he looked at Zhu Qiyun gratefully, "Thank you for your hard work, fortunately you are by my side."

Zhu Qiyun laughed and said: "It's an old husband and wife, you still say something like this, and you're not afraid that the children will hear the joke." After speaking, she paused, "I'm both a sister-in-law and an aunt, and Yile's mother and daughter are not doing well. , I don't feel good about it."

With Yan Wenjie's statement, the Yan family was considerate and thoughtful towards Zhang Huahan, and did not dare to be slow in the slightest. Even the Funing Residence where Zhang Huahan temporarily lived was not an ordinary guest house, but Zhu Qiyun specially sent someone to clean it up.

Miss Zhang was with Zhang Huahan, and she experienced a golden and precious life lived by a real lady.

"Fifth sister, I really envy you. You have an uncle and aunt who treat you so well."

Miss Zhang looked at the precious ornaments on the Duobao Pavilion and the elegantly and warmly kept boudoir, and the envy on her face could not be concealed.

Zhang Huahan didn't respond. Her aunt and uncle were kind to her, but sometimes the kindness of others was a burden. She was afraid that she would not be able to repay the kindness.

Soon, it was Yan Wenjie's birthday.

At the birthday banquet, Zhu Qiyun personally took Zhang Huahan to walk among the female relatives. In addition to being a little nervous at first, Zhang Huahan gradually became familiar with the social entertainment with the official's family.

It is impossible to hide that Yan Yile married into the Zhang family, and the Zhang family brothers and sisters also came this time. After a little inquiries, everyone quickly learned about Zhang Huahan's life experience.

Originally, everyone just looked at Yan Wenjie's face and treated her a little more politely, but now that she was neither humble nor arrogant, her behavior was moderate, and she did not have the bad habits of the merchants, but many people gave her a high look.

After her birthday, Yan Wenjie talked with Zhang Huahan in person, and wanted her to live in Yan's residence for a while.

"As for your aunt, I want to give you a wedding ceremony. Besides, your mother hasn't taught you about housekeeping and directorship in all these years. Your aunt wants to take you with you."

Hearing this, Zhang Huahan's face was moved. In Zhang's house, the eldest sister was taught by her grandmother, and the second and third sisters also had their own mothers. She was the only one who had never been taught about housekeeping.

As for the wedding ceremony, no one mentioned it.

Zhang Huahan is not someone who doesn't know what to do. Knowing that his uncle and aunt are pitying him, he immediately thanked him: "Huahan, thank my uncle and aunt for your pity, but will this bother my uncle and aunt?"

Looking at the cautious niece, the pity in Yan Wenjie's eyes became stronger and stronger, and he immediately smiled: "Don't bother, we are relatives of the direct relatives, the uncle's house is your own home, you just need to live here."

Feeling his uncle's attention and love, Zhang Huahan's nose is a little sore: "Thank you uncle."

Seeing her consent, Yan Wenjie showed a smile: "That's right, we are a family, don't be embarrassed. For your mother's side, I will write to her in person. As for your father, there is your brother. There will be no problem if my sister spreads the word."

Zhang Huahan saw that his uncle was so thoughtful, his eyes were a little hot, he didn't dare to look up, and nodded with his head down.

Zhang Huahan wants to live in Yan's house, and Zhang's uncle and Mrs. Zhang are very envious when they find out.

Apart from the discomfort and apprehension of being among the dignitaries at the beginning, the two have lived in Yan's house for a few days now, and they are in contact with people and things they have never met before. The two seem to have opened a new door. would like to leave.

However, the two of them still had some eyesight, and they didn't want to stay with them. They left the Yan family the next day, left the city, and went to meet up with Mr. Zhang outside the city.

Mr. Zhang knew that Zhang Huahan stayed at Yan's house, not only was not unhappy, but very happy.

The better the Yan family treats Zhang Huahan, the better Zhang Huahan's marriage will be. This is undoubtedly the most beneficial to the Zhang family.

"Come on, let's go back."

On the way back, Master Zhang and the three of them immediately experienced the benefits of the Yan family's in-laws.

Some officials took the initiative to invite them to take a boat, not one or two!

In the past, how could officials look down on these businessmen!

This time I came to the provincial capital to celebrate my birthday, and the fact that the Zhang family and the Yan family were in-law families was over.

No matter how puzzled everyone is, I don’t know why the Yan family has come to look at the Zhang family, but for the Zhang family, this is enough. As long as people know that they are standing behind the Yan family, the Zhang family will have a strong backing for protection. .

Mr. Zhang was still sober, and he didn't get carried away. He rejected the official's invitation and warned his two children: "The name of the Yan family cannot be used casually."

"You have also seen the relationship between me and your stepmother. The Yan family is also very dissatisfied with being a father."

"Using the Yan family's name to avoid some troubles in trivial matters, they may not manage the meeting, but if it exceeds a certain limit and damages the reputation of the Yan family, the Yan family will not be soft on the Zhang family. Remember."

Uncle Zhang and Miss Zhang nodded earnestly. The Yan family's attitude towards the Zhang family was also obvious to them when they went to He Shou this time.

The big families valued their reputation, and although they didn't shy away from them, the alienation and rejection of them were clearly felt.

If there is no fifth sister, they are afraid that they will be driven out directly.

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