There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 21, the family has a good wife

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Daohua has been in Linyi County for more than a month.

In the past month, she has also roughly figured out the situation in the backyard of the county government, and she has also gained some understanding of the situation of the Yan family.

The elders are quite tolerant towards her, as for the juniors, apart from occasionally saying a few sour words, there is nothing else to do.

Overall, she was quite happy here.

One afternoon, three sisters, Yan Yihuan, Yan Yishuang, and Yan Yile, finished their lessons for the day and walked to Mrs. Yan's Songhe Courtyard. Before they entered the courtyard, there were sounds of laughter and slaps in the courtyard.

Yan Yile pouted and said enviously, "Big sister went out to play with the third and fourth brothers again."

Yan Yihuan said with a light smile: "Big sister just came to the county seat and is not familiar with this place. It would be good to go out and see more."

Yan Yile retorted: "It's been more than a month, the county is so big, and it's long overdue to get familiar with it. I think it's the aunt who is taking care of the eldest sister. Whatever she wants to do, the aunt is used to it."

Yan Yile first glanced at Yan Yishuang next to him, and then glared at Yan Yihuan: "Shut up, the elders are not allowed to be ignored by our juniors."

Yan Yile was a little dissatisfied, but she didn't continue, but looked at Yan Yishuang with a smile: "third sister, do you want to go out and play like big sister?"

Yan Yishuang pursed her lips and said nothing.

Do you want to?

Of course I did.

However, her mother took her very seriously and seldom let her go out.

Yan Yile immediately leaned over: "Third sister, the uncle loves you so much, you go and tell him, let's go out for a walk with the big sister too."

Yan Yishuang was a little moved, but still shook her head: "My aunt won't agree."

Yan Yile's face collapsed: "Aunt Lin is too strict with you."

Yan Yishuang did not allow others to say that Aunt Lin was wrong, and immediately said, "Auntie Lin is for my own good."

Mother said, only if she is better than the eldest sister, my father will like her more.

Yan Yihuan hurriedly stopped the two who were about to quarrel again: "Okay, let's go in and say hello to grandma."

Please follow this rule, it was only erected after Mrs. Yan came.

Once in the morning and once in the evening.

Mrs. Yan didn't object, and she was also happy when she saw her son and grandson Chenghuan's knees.

Yan Yihuan and the three entered Mrs. Yan's house, and saw Daohua dressed as a boy, holding something, explaining to Mrs. Yan with a smile on her face, Yan Wentao and Yan Wenkai standing on both sides, interjecting a sentence from time to time .

Seeing this, the three of them were a little envious.

One is for Daohua to go out, and the other is for Mrs. Yan's preference for Daohua.

Although the old lady was also kind to them, she couldn't compare to Daohua.

After greeting the old lady, Yan Yile smiled and looked at Daohua: "Big sister, when are you going to class with us?"

Mrs. Li hired a female teacher for several girls in the Yan family, who was responsible for teaching the girls to read and write, as well as embroidering female red.

Hearing this, Daohua froze.

Mrs. Yan thought about it seriously, and then said, "It's time to go to class."

Others in the room thought Daohua would be unwilling, but she didn't say anything.

Daohua glanced at Yan Yile, who was a little disappointed, and laughed in her heart.

Feeling in their hearts, she is an ignorant?

"Grandmother, don't worry, I will study well."

She knew very well that if she wanted to live well in this ancient times, she had to adapt to the rules here.

In ancient times, there were a lot of requirements for women, and there is no harm in learning more skills.

The next morning, Daohua had breakfast in Mrs. Yan's courtyard, and was called by Mrs. Li when she returned to the main courtyard.

"I heard the old lady say you want to go to school?" Mrs. Li smiled and pulled Daohua to sit beside her.

Daohua nodded: "My sisters are all in class, so I can't be left behind as a sister."

Mrs. Li smiled softly: "Even if the old lady doesn't mention it, I will arrange it for you. It's good for this woman to read more books, whether it is a housekeeper or a husband and a child, she can use it."

"By the way, Nvhong also needs to learn. In the future, if you look at others, if Nvhong is outstanding, it will give them a good impression."

Hearing this, Daohua had a black line on her head: "Mother, my daughter is only 9 years old, is it too early to say this?"

Mrs. Li nodded to Daohua's forehead: "It's early, some people decide their family as soon as they are born."

Daohua shuddered: "Fortunately I didn't."

Mrs. Li smiled helplessly.

At this time, Pingxiao, the maid next to Mrs. Li, came in with a few account books: "Madam, this month's accounts have been prepared, please take a look."

Mrs. Li looked at Daohua: "Mother is busy, you can play elsewhere."

Daohua didn't mean to leave, but looked at the account books: "Mother, can I have a look?"

Mrs. Li smiled: "Let's Daohua want to learn to be a housekeeper now?"

Daohua smiled shyly: "Let's take a look first."

Mrs. Li didn't decide, just said, "Don't break it."

Daohua: "Mother, I know." After saying that, she picked up an account book and read it.

Mrs. Li smiled and shook her head, and began to calculate the family's income and expenditure this month.

a quarter of an hour later

Two quarters later.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Li looked at Daohua in surprise.

She thought that her daughter was just a child, and she would definitely not be able to sit still in front of the dense accounts, but she did not expect that after reading one book, her daughter immediately read another book, as if she was about to read the account book, and she could still read it. Especially carefully.

The old lady mentioned in her previous letters that Daohua helped her to read and keep accounts in her hometown, and she did a good job. She used to think that the old lady was exaggerating, but looking at it now, she really knew how to do it. .

Ping Xiao, who was waiting on the side, was also secretly surprised.

During this period of time, I saw the eldest girl running wildly with the third and fourth masters. I thought she was a lively and impatient person, but I didn't expect to have such a calm and demure side.

Here, Daohua, who was immersed in reading the accounts, naturally didn't know what the two were thinking. The reason why she had to look at the account books was to understand the Yan family's income and expenses.

After coming here, she found that her family was not very well-off.

There were not many servants in the house when I came here, like her, like the newly arrived Sanfang, so far they haven't arranged servants to run errands for them.

Second, the cost of food and clothing is not very good, whether it is Yan Zhigao or Mrs. Li's clothes are half-new and not old, and Yan Wenxiu, the eldest brother who is studying in the county school, wears a little better.

From these points of view, her father is quite honest.

After reading the account book, Daohua thought, no wonder her grandmother always said that the Yan family had a weak foundation.

It's really thin.

In the whole family, only Yan Zhigao has a salary, but he has to support a large family. The others have no income, but they have a lot of expenses.

"Mom, Dad is thankful for marrying you."

Rice Flower sighed.

If it weren't for Mrs. Li's generous dowry, with Zhuangzi and shops in the dowry, there would still be some income every day, otherwise, the family would really not be able to run.

Mrs. Li glared at Daohua: "What are you talking about, it's my mother's blessing to be able to marry your father."

Seeing that Mrs. Li was smiling, Daohua covered her mouth and snickered. She could see that her mother really liked her father.

Daohua smiled and said, "Dad is also blessed. If it wasn't for my mother to help my father take care of the house, my father would not be able to do things outside with peace of mind."

Mrs. Li smiled and didn't say Daohua this time: "Your father worked hard as an official, so I naturally have to share more for him."

Daohua: "Mother, you are so kind."

She is a really good mother. A typical good wife and mother, in addition to taking good care of her family, she has never been embarrassed by her favored concubine, and she has carried out the family and everything to the extreme.

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