There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 22, Food Delivery

"Mother, is Daddy very busy recently? I haven't seen him much." Daohua asked.

Mrs. Li put down the account book in her hand and said solemnly: "The imperial court sent King Rui to come down to relieve the disaster. Your father must not be busy."

Daohua wondered, "But isn't the disaster in Linyi County not serious?"

Mrs. Li sighed: "It's because it's not serious that your father is busy. He is busy relocating the homeless refugees. I heard from Butler Sun that the refugees dispatched to Linyi County have arrived one after another these days. Your father, these two The sky is so busy that my feet are not touching the ground, and I eat and drink in the county government in front of me, so I only go back to the backyard to sleep at night."

Daohua was slightly surprised: "In this way, Dad is very diligent in politics and loves the people."

Hearing this, Mrs. Li showed a proud look on her face: "The Yan family is a family of farming and reading. Your father understands the hardships and hardships of the people below. Since he took office, he has never cared about the people's affairs."

"Linyi County is the third county where your father took office. In the first two counties, when your father left, there were many people who came to send them off. Every time my mother received several carts of fruits and vegetables."

Hearing this, Daohua was really surprised: "Dad loves the people so much, why did my grandmother and I meet with the yamen who beat people when we arrived?"

The smile on Mrs. Li's face subsided a bit: "Where would there be no two or three mouse feces? Your father has already fined those yamen, and if there is another incident that hurts the people, just hit 30 big boards, and then rush out of the county office."

Daohua feels much better about her father at the moment.

"Mother, since Dad is so good, why didn't he get promoted?" Daohua asked the question in her heart.

Mrs. Li sighed: "How can you tell clearly about the affairs of the officialdom? Although your father is a good official, there is no one to help you, and our family does not have enough silver taels to manage, so this county magistrate has served one term after another. "

"This time, your father is so busy, and he also wants to make some political achievements to see if there is a possibility of promotion. Even if he cannot be promoted, I hope this assessment can be assigned to a better county."

Daohua: "Father is going to be assessed?"

Mrs. Li nodded: "All officials take a small exam every year and a major exam every three years. Those with outstanding political achievements can be promoted. Linyi County is not rich. Although your father is diligent and diligent, he has not made any political achievements."

"In this assessment, your father said that unless someone above speaks for you or has outstanding political achievements, there is not much chance of promotion."

Daohua put her hands on her cheeks: "Is there really nothing to do with our family?"

Mrs. Li's eyes drooped: "It does have something to do with it. Your fourth uncle is already a fourth-rank official in the capital. I heard that he has some friendship with the prefect of Zhongzhou, but our family and their family have not communicated for some years."

Daohua straightened up and said in surprise, "Why?" Fourth uncle, this relationship is definitely very close.

Mrs. Li's expression darkened: "Your fourth uncle's family probably thinks that your father's generation will be around the county magistrate, and there is no value in continuing deep friendship. In these years, your aunt has little contact with the family."

Rice Flower nodded.

She knew this, she had heard her grandmother heard it many times, and every time she looked melancholy.

"Can't we take the initiative to contact Aunt?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li touched Daohua's head and sighed: "Silly child, you don't know, if a woman gets married, if her parents' family is not strong, her life at her husband's house will be very difficult."

"Your uncle's family has made it clear that they don't look down on our family. If we are going to disturb your aunt, your aunt's life will be even more difficult."

"Three years ago, your aunt wrote to your father, saying that your uncle had a concubine, and the words were very sad. Unfortunately, our family couldn't support her."

"When your aunt needed us, we couldn't help her, so what face do we have to go to her now?"

Daohua didn't know how to answer the question, and after a while, she asked, "My grandmother doesn't know about this, right?"

Mrs. Li shook her head: "Your father didn't dare to tell the old lady, for fear that the old lady would be in a hurry."

Afterwards, both mother and daughter were silent.

Suddenly, Daohua asked with a smile, "Mother, can I go to the front yard of the county government to have a look?" She wanted to see how the ancients worked, and by the way, she used the food grown in the space to make up for her father's body. , and then contact the relationship.

Mrs. Li wondered: "That's where your father works. What are you going to do?"

Daohua: "Didn't you say that Dad has been eating in the front yard these days, and I'll bring him something to eat."

Mrs. Li thought about it and felt that this could lead to the relationship between father and daughter, so she agreed, but she warned: "You can go to deliver meals, but don't interfere with other people's work, you know?"

Daohua nodded immediately: "Mother, my daughter is measured, so don't worry."

Mrs. Li smiled and turned to look at Pingtong: "be optimistic about the big girl, don't let her run around."

Pingtong smiled and promised: "Don't worry, Madam, I will take good care of the eldest girl."

Soon, Daohua got busy.

County kitchen.

When the maid and old lady saw Daohua approaching, she hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Why are you here, eldest girl?" Mrs. Ren, the person in charge of the kitchen, said with a flattering smile.

"I want to give Dad something to eat, I'll see what I can do." Daohua wandered around the kitchen and carefully looked at some ingredients.

Mrs. Ren's face froze: "The eldest girl wants to cook by herself?"

Daohua nodded. Seeing Mrs. Ren, she seemed a little embarrassed. She smiled and said, "Mother Ren, I won't mess up the kitchen. As for me, I'm just here to make soup."

She knows her cooking skills, and she dares to say that the food in the space is better than the food outside.

Hearing this, Mrs. Ren was relieved, and then began to praise Daohua's filial piety with the other maids.

At this time, Ping Tong came over with a small bag of white noodles: "Girl, the white noodles you want."

Daohua nodded and motioned her to put it aside.

This white noodle was produced by the space. When she was still in Yanjia Village, she put the white noodle into other food, and asked the third uncle to bring it over together.

After she came, she took the white noodles to her room.

Ping Tong smiled and asked, "What is the girl going to do?"

Daohua picked and picked the ingredients, chose some shallots, a few eggs, and they were gone: "Pimple soup!"

Pingtong: "." Sure enough, there should be no expectations.

Daohua saw that she was speechless, and immediately said, "What kind of expression do you have? The nugget soup I made was delicious. Didn't everyone say it was delicious last time?"

Pingtong nodded on his face, but said in his heart.

That's a polite thing to say when everyone doesn't want to shame you.

Of course, this was because she had never drunk, so she thought so.

Daohua ignored the opinions of others and started to let the maid boil water. Then, under the stunned gaze of others, she poured the egg liquid into the white flour, stirred it a little, and poured it directly into the boiling water as soon as the water boiled.

Mrs. Ren, Ping Tong and others: .

This is the first time I have seen such a crude way of making soup.

Daohua said, there is space, willful!

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