The brocade incident was calmed down by Aunt Lin's sullen fainting and the tacit silence of the Yan family.

Since then, Daohua's reputation as not being easy to mess with has been branded in the hearts of the Yan family.

This is a ruthless man who dares to slap even the head of the family!

"Mother, is this brocade originally called Fuguangjin?"

Seeing that her daughter was stroking the brocade with joy, Mrs. Li finally felt less depressed: "Mother didn't expect that the material your uncle sent was floating brocade."

Daohua looked up: "Is Fuguang Jin expensive?"

Mrs. Li nodded: "Expensive is one aspect, mainly because it is difficult to buy. This kind of material is generally only reserved for high-ranking officials and nobles, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to touch it."

Daohua was a little moved: "Uncle is so kind to me."

Although merchants are rich, in ancient times with strict hierarchies, many things were difficult to buy with money.

These few Fuguangjin don't know how much her uncle, who has never met before, has spent much effort to get them. Fortunately, they are coming back, otherwise, they will really fail the uncle's love.

Mrs. Li touched Daohua's head, her eyes full of love and tenderness.

Before her daughter stood up for her, she was really relieved.

However, thinking about the ugly face of the master before he left, after thinking about it, he still said: "You will be better when you talk to your father in the future."


Daohua snorted coldly: "I've been restrained enough today. If it were my temper, I would be able to say more ugly things."

She has a big disadvantage, that is, she can't tolerate sand in her eyes. If someone makes her unhappy, she will not and will not tolerate it.

After the brocade incident, the cheap father in her eyes has risen from being a little biased to the point of a scumbag. She can get along with each other calmly, which is already the greatest tolerance.

"You child, why are you talking more and more vigorously?" Mrs. Li nodded to Daohua's forehead.

"Mother~" Daohua took Mrs. Li's arm, "Mother, you are so kind, you think about everything for your father, but he takes your contribution for granted and doesn't know how to cherish it at all."

She also wanted to say that the scumbag was not worth nostalgia for, but she was afraid of hurting Mrs. Li, so she moved her lips and swallowed the words.

Mrs. Li sighed: "In the end, your father is still blaming his mother. Your mother came from a family of merchants, and marrying your father is definitely a high-end. You are still young, and you don't know how much the world values ​​your status."

"Especially a scholar like your father, most of them have prejudice against businessmen. Before marrying your father, my mother was already mentally prepared to be unpopular."

"However, my mother is a blessing. Although your father prefers the Lin family, he still respects me, and he can still be a bowl of water in important matters."

"My mother also had some sisters when she was a child, and their situation was a bit difficult. The married men squandered their dowry while spoiling their concubines and destroying their wives. Some of them were tortured to the point of death."

"Look, compared to others, is mother much happier? As long as you and your two brothers are fine, it doesn't matter what mother does."

Daohua stared blankly at Mrs. Li, not ignoring the melancholy in her eyes, feeling sour in her heart, she was silent for a while, and hugged the woman who forced a smile.

How can a woman not want to be loved by her husband? But there are too many helpless in real life, so they have to choose tolerance and compromise.

"Since my father looks down on the businessman, why did he marry you? Since he has married you, he has to be responsible for you."

Mrs. Li patted her daughter's back: "Your father is not irresponsible. After your mother married your father, he still took care of your uncle and the others. Having a county magistrate's brother-in-law can save a lot of trouble. "

"Marriage is good for both sexes. So far, whether it's for the Yan family or the Li family, it's good for your mother to marry your father."

Daohua looked up: "But what about you?"

Mrs. Li smiled: "You and your two brothers are the best gift your father gave me."

Daohua saw that there was no trace of resentment on Mrs. Li's face, her heart was swollen, and she didn't know what to say, so she turned her head back to her bad.

As a mother, she put her father, her two brothers and her at the top of her heart, she was thoughtful and considerate everywhere, but she didn't take herself to heart.

Seeing the distressed expression on her daughter's face, Mrs. Li felt warm in her heart. Now she has a deep understanding of the meaning of the saying "a daughter is a mother's caring little padded jacket".

Isn't it kind?

Knowing her hardships, knowing to stand up for her. . . . . .

Mrs. Li patted Daohua's back dotingly, but after a while, the smile on her face faded, and when she thought of her daughter's stubborn and fierce temperament, she felt a little sad.

The world prefers demure and docile women. With such a character as her daughter, she is really afraid that she will suffer in the future.

If the mother's family is tougher, it's fine, and the daughter's strong character is straightforward, but if the master has never been able to be promoted and is just a county magistrate, the daughter's temperament is afraid to be called domineering.

This time the refugee resettlement, the master has done a good job, and I don't know if it will be able to move up next year?

Even if she doesn't move, it's better to move to a slightly richer county, so that she can think of ideas and save more money for her three children.

When she thought that the children of Wen Xiu's generation had grown up slowly, but the Yan family had no background, she panicked.

Betrothal gifts, dowries, where are you asking for money!

Although the brocade matter has subsided, the atmosphere in the backyard of the county government is a bit weird in the days that follow.

For example, Yan Zhigao has been resting in Shuangxinyuan since then. After being scolded by Mrs. Yan several times, he reluctantly agreed to return to the main courtyard to rest.

He is fine here, but Mrs. Li has not handed over the steps.

Several times, he walked outside the main courtyard, and finally turned around and went to Shuangxinyuan.

Because the New Year is approaching, Mrs. Li has to prepare things for the New Year, and she has to deal with the income of the dowry shop and the fields for the past year.

Daohua knew about this, but she never thought to remind Mrs. Li.

In her opinion, the cheap dad was spoiled. In the past, whenever anything happened, Mrs. Li bowed her head first, and this time the brocade matter was caused by him, but he didn't want to be busy. After the wife bowed her head.

Also, now that her mother is too busy to touch the ground, if the cheap father goes back to the main courtyard, her mother has to spend time serving him, then she really has no time to rest.

If so, let's do it!

And Shuangxinyuan is also rare quiet.

Being ridiculed by Daohua in front of so many people, no matter how thick-skinned Aunt Lin was, she was never ashamed in a short time.

As for the second room, they are all human beings, so naturally they won't make any noise at this time.

And the three rooms are never too busy.

Soon, the twelfth lunar month will come.

On this day, the county school began to have a holiday. Yan Wenxiu, Yan Wenjie, Yan Wenkai, and Yan Wenbin did not have to go to class. Only then did the county government have more energy in the backyard.

"Big sister, what are you and Wen Tao doing again?"

Yan Wenkai went to the main courtyard. He didn't see the rice flowers, so he went directly to the third room. Sure enough, he saw the rice flowers in the courtyard who were building a snowman with Yan Wentao.

Daohua turned around and saw him, her smile immediately covered her face: "Fourth brother, come quickly, you are very strong, come and help me shovel the snow."

Yan Wenkai: "If you dare to love me, I'll just work hard, right?" Although he was unwilling, his hands and feet were honest. He took the shovel on the side and started to build a snowman with the two of them.

Daohua smiled and said, "Fourth brother, let's try it out here, and when we're proficient, we'll pile it up for grandmother."

Yan Wenkai nodded: "Okay, I'm fine. By the way, where's your potted plant? Are you alive?"

Daohua: "Who am I, a little farmer, I must live."

Seeing their sister's arrogant appearance, Yan Wentao and Yan Wenkai both laughed.

Yan Wenkai: "After the New Year, Dad will go to Fucheng to report his achievements. If you can get those potted plants, you can ask Dad to take them to your uncle's house."

Hearing this, Daohua's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Yan Wenkai nodded, and his expression became a little heavy: "The county magistrate is tested every three years, I don't know if Dad can be promoted this time?"

He will be thirteen after the new year, and he already knows a lot of things. Whether his father will be promoted or not will be related to the future development of their family. Big brother has been talking about this a lot these days.

Daohua and Yan Wentao looked at each other.

For this matter, the two have no right to speak, and silence is the best choice.

Before long, with the cooperation of the three, a snowman was formed.

In the middle, when Yan Wentao went to find the snowman's nose and eyes, Yan Wenkai rubbed the rice flowers.

Daohua wondered: "What's wrong?"

Yan Wenkai looked left and right: "After you go back, go and apologize to Big Brother."

Daohua turned her head: "Why?"

Yan Wenkai had a headache: "Don't tell me you don't want to talk to eldest brother for the rest of your life?"

Daohua: "Then why didn't he come to apologize to me?"

Yan Wenkai tapped Daohua on the head: "You are the younger sister, he is the elder brother, how can any elder brother apologize to the younger sister?"

Daohua doesn't like to hear this: "Whoever is wrong will apologize, it has nothing to do with age."

Yan Wenkai's eyes widened: "Why are you so crooked?"

Daohua's eyes are not good: "Fourth brother thinks this is wrong? Then are you preparing to bully me in the future and wait for me to apologize to you?"

"How can I?" Yan Wenkai immediately denied it, rolled his eyes, and said again, "It's about to be New Year's Eve. If you are so stiff with eldest brother, mother will not be happy when she sees it."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Daohua's expression became a little loose.

Yan Wenkai was very proud, and sure enough, moving out of his mother was effective.

For the sake of her mother, the eldest sister even dared to say that her father would definitely be happy for her mother and go to reconcile with her eldest brother.

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