In fact, Daohua wasn't very angry with Yan Wenxiu, although she didn't agree with what he said that day, but she didn't always care about it.

Especially when she thought that her eldest brother was only a teenager in his teens, she was embarrassed to keep holding on to it.

So, under Yan Wenkai's stubborn stalking, he went to Zheguiyuan.

As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the courtyard, they heard laughter from inside.

I walked in and took a look, only to find that Yan Wenjie, Yan Yihuan, Yan Yile, Yan Wenbin and Yan Yishuang were all in the second room.

Several people are gathering in the hexagonal pavilion in the courtyard, drinking tea and chanting poetry.

Seeing that the interaction between her eldest brother and Yan Wenbin and Yan Yishuang was very close, Daohua was a little surprised, turned her head and asked Yan Wenkai: "Fourth brother, eldest brother has a good relationship with Wenbin and Yishuang?"

Yan Wenkai didn't think much and said, "My eldest brother's enlightenment was taught by Master Lin. He has been close to Wen Bin and Yishuang since he was a child."

Hearing this, Daohua was stunned, and asked very speechlessly: "How can the enlightenment of the eldest brother let Concubine Lin's younger brother come to teach?"

Don't you know that the main room and the concubine's room are born to be enemies?

Even if the two parties can coexist peacefully, the younger brother of the concubine's room can teach the eldest son of the main room, which is not good to say!

You must know that according to the rules of this era, the status of the concubine's room is not high, and the family members of the concubine's room will not receive the courtesy of relatives when they come to the door. Send two or three servants to get rid of.

Isn't the cheap dad paying attention to the status and status, and even the business-born wife doesn't like it? How could you agree to something so absurd?

Yan Wenkai didn't react as much as Daohua, and scratched his head: "I can't remember what happened when I was a child, it seems that when my father just became the county magistrate, things were busy, and my mother wanted to be the director of the house, which happened to be Concubine Lin's younger brother. When I came to see her at home, Concubine Lin offered to let Master Lin open the door for my eldest brother."


Daohua sneered.

No need to ask, as soon as the sweet wife opened her mouth, her cheap father agreed in confusion.

Daohua once again took a look at the eldest brother and the younger sister who were behaving intimately in the pavilion, and had a deeper understanding of Concubine Lin's methods in her heart.

In the inner courtyard, there is the favor of the head of the family, and he is friendly with the eldest son; in the county office, the younger brother is also the master who helps out with advice. Aunt Lin was also poorer in her parents' family. Otherwise, her influence in the Yan family would definitely be greater than that of Mrs. Li.

Daohua: "Fourth brother, is eldest brother still very close to Shuangxinyuan now?"

Yan Wenkai saw that Daohua's face was a little wrong, and then he thought that this sister didn't seem to like the people in Shuangxinyuan, and immediately shook his head: "No, since I went to the county school, my eldest brother has spent all his time on reading, usually Except for Wen Bin and Yishuanghui, who came to ask the elder brother for some questions, they have almost no contact with Shuangxinyuan."

To be honest, he didn't like Aunt Lin either. As for Wen Bin and Yi Shuang, he couldn't play with them anyway.

"Fourth brother, eldest sister!"

Several people in the pavilion noticed Daohua and Yan Wenkai standing at the gate of the courtyard, and immediately shouted.

"Come on, let's go."

As soon as Yan Wenkai pulled over the rice flowers, he walked quickly to the pavilion.

"Fourth Brother!"

As soon as the two entered the pavilion, Yan Yishuang, Yan Yile, and Yan Wenbin stood up and greeted with smiles.

And for rice flowers

Yan Yile couldn't wear beautiful clothes for Chinese New Year because the materials were out Yan Yihuan who said hello.

On the other hand, Yan Yishuang and Yan Wenbin will not take the initiative to talk to Daohua. Aunt Lin has no face to show Shuangxinyuan now. It is all thanks to Daohua, and both of them have great opinions on Daohua.

For a while, the atmosphere in the pavilion became a little weird.

Yan Wenjie sat next to him and watched this scene with a smile, and didn't want to stand up to ease the atmosphere at all.

Yan Wenxiu glanced at Daohua, who was isolated by her younger brother and sister, and sighed: "Why did the eldest sister think of coming here?"

Hearing this, Daohua raised her eyebrows.

She doesn't care about the ignorance of others.

Anyway, she has no real feelings for these so-called brothers and sisters.

But she still cares a bit about this eldest brother of a fellow mother.

"Brother, you don't welcome me?" Daohua asked with a smile.

Yan Wenxiu frowned, he really felt that the eldest sister's temper was a bit wild, and her words were not gentle at all.

"What's the big sister asking? How can the big brother not welcome you?" Yan Yishuang stood beside Yan Wenxiu with a smile, and pulled his arm affectionately, "Big brother, are you right?"

Yan Wenxiu smiled and nodded, looking at Daohua: "Eldest sister is worried, you can come, brother is very happy, we are even poetry, you can come too."

Daohua smiled: "Brother, it seems that you don't pay much attention to me? How long have I been in school, where can I write poetry?"

Yan Wenxiu's expression froze, he really didn't take this into consideration.

Yan Yishuang looked at Yan Wenxiu and took the message: "Big sister, don't blame big brother. Big brother is usually busy with reading, and sometimes he has to answer my fifth brother's doubts. He didn't mean to ignore big sister."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the pavilion looked at Yan Yishuang.

Yan Wenjie seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Mother said it well. As soon as the eldest sister came, the good drama of the big room never stopped.

The eldest sister is not easy to provoke, and the third sister is not easy.

A faint trace of displeasure flashed across Yan Wenxiu's heart. As he grew older, he understood more and more, and he has been deliberately alienating Shuangxinyuan, but he is not good at overdoing it with Yishuang and Wenbin. .

Daohua glanced at Yan Yishuang lightly, ignored her, pointed to the dim sum on the table and said, "Mother is really partial, she actually bought so many delicious dim sum for eldest brother, but eldest brother, why don't you call me the third brother? And the sixth brother? He and the two like to eat the most." After speaking, he reached out and picked up a piece of cake.

Yan Yishuang spoke again, and said with a guilt expression: "Big sister, the cakes were sent by my uncle, and I forgot to invite the third and sixth brothers. We used to do this before, so I didn't remember the three Brother and sixth brother, don’t be angry, big sister, I’ll call the third brother and you right away.”

"Are you tired?" Daohua interrupted Yan Yishuang suddenly.

"Ah?" Yan Yishuang was taken aback, she didn't quite understand what Daohua meant.


Daohua threw the cake in her hand back on the table, clapped her hands, and then looked at Yan Yishuang: "I think you and your aunt are tired."

After speaking, he looked at the other people in the pavilion: "You can write poetry, and I will not disturb you." After speaking, he turned around and left.

"Big sister, wait for me, I don't know how to write poetry either."

When Yan Wenkai saw Daohua was gone, he immediately put down the cake in his hand and chased after him.

When she walked out of the courtyard, Daohua looked back at the brothers and sisters who were busy comforting Yan Yishuang in the pavilion, and smiled contemptuously.

"Big sister, why are you walking so fast?"

Looking at the fourth brother who was chasing after panting, the smile on Daohua's face became more sincere: "I'm afraid that I will be slow and infected with hypocrisy."

"Come on, go to grandma, I'll treat you to something delicious."

Hearing this, Yan Wenkai's eyes lit up: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" After speaking, he pulled up the rice flower and ran.

As for the matter of persuading the eldest brother and the eldest sister, he had long since thrown them out of the sky.

In the corner pavilion, Yan Wenxiu looked at the disappearing figures of the two, and his eyes flashed.

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