There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 52, The Importance of Her Maternal Family

Mrs. Li and Yan Zhigao returned to the way they used to respect each other, but the atmosphere between the two made Daohua feel a little weird.

Her mother doesn't seem to be as thoughtful and meticulous as she was when she first came here.

As for the cheap dad, he often looked at her mother from time to time, and sometimes he would hesitate to say something when he said something, which was very strange.

"Could it be that the cheap dad finally found out that her mother was good and changed his mind?"

"What are you mumbling about?"

Mrs. Li tapped Daohua on the forehead.

Daohua immediately shook her head: "It's nothing." After speaking, she immediately lowered her head, flipped through the ledger with one hand, and slapped the abacus with the other, her speed slipping too fast.

During this time, seeing that Mrs. Li's eyes were red in order to check the accounts, she felt that as a daughter, she should help share some of the burden, so she recommended herself to Mrs. Li.

With so many things to do, Mrs. Li didn't have time to teach her daughter to read accounts, keep accounts, and settle accounts, but she knew that this was her daughter's filial piety, and she couldn't bear to let it go. She also thought that her daughter was now 9 years old, and it was time to learn about housekeeping.

So Mrs. Li took some time out of her busy schedule to teach Daohua how to read the ledger.

Compared with the big family, Mrs. Li's dowry is nothing, but it can definitely be called rich in the Yan family who came from a poor family.

Although the family's expenses and the money for Yan Zhigao have been spent a lot over the years, Mrs. Li, who has always been able to increase income and reduce expenditure, has continued to add some family resources.

Therefore, at the end of each year, you have to look at the ledger.

Mrs. Li looked at her quirky daughter with a full smile, and asked in a soft tone, "If you think there is any problem in the account book, write it down first, and then I will explain it to you when my mother comes back."

Daohua didn't lift her head: "I know, I know, mother, you can do other things, and you can leave the account book to me at ease."

Mrs. Li smiled silently, stared at her daughter who was earnestly reckoning for a while, and then quietly left the room and went to the next door.

"Ma'am, this is the annual gift list sent by some people over the years."

At the end of each year, the annual ceremony is a very important matter, which is related to the maintenance of the relationship between the families.

In previous years, Mrs. Li had to check the account books for another year and prepare annual gifts for each family, so she was often top-heavy.

This year, she did not expect that she would actually enjoy the blessing of her daughter.

She was ready to stay up late at night when she taught her daughter to read the accounts, but who would have thought that she only gave her daughter a rough guide, and her daughter took over the account book directly.

She has checked that every expenditure in the account book, her daughter's score is accurate, and her daughter has carefully changed the bookkeeping method to make the account book look more clear at a glance.

This gave her a new understanding of her daughter's intelligence.

"This year is probably the most relaxing year for Madam."

Seeing that Mrs. Li always had a smile on her face, Ping Tong jokingly said.

Ping Xiao took over the words: "Isn't that right, since the eldest girl came, the lady's smile has not stopped every day, and the slave maid looks at it, the lady's complexion is much better than before."

Ping Tong also laughed and said: "The old lady said that the eldest girl is a lucky star. She used to be an old lady in her hometown, but now she comes to the county government office, and she is a good lady again."

Mrs. Li also felt the same way.

She knows how bad the old lady Zeng Jin is, but looking at it now, some people who are younger than the old lady may not be as strong as her old man.

I don't know if it's her illusion, she also feels that her skin has gotten better during this time.

"Okay, you two are not allowed to praise that girl anymore, and you can't say anything like a lucky star."

Fame is very important to women, but too much is not necessarily a good thing.

Some women are so famous because of their reputation that they have attracted some snakes, ghosts, cows and gods, and finally ended up with a bad life.

Her rice flower only needs to be safe and happy for a lifetime, and she doesn't need to use her ethereal reputation to attract the attention of outsiders.

Seeing that Mrs. Li didn't want to say more, Ping Tong and Ping Xiao honestly began to help organize the New Year's gift list.

"There is still no New Year gift from the capital this year?"

After reading all the gift lists, Mrs. Li sighed.

Her mother's family is not hard-hearted, the little girl's life at her husband's house is probably very difficult, and she can't even send New Year's gifts to her mother's house.

Pingtong: "Madam, do we still send New Year gifts to the capital?"

Mrs. Li nodded: "Send, of course I will. Even if the Yang family doesn't like what we send, we must let them know that the little girl has a family."

Mrs. Li thought about it, and added another 10% to the New Year's gift to the capital.

Seeing Mrs. Li adding something to the Yang family gift list, Pingtong thought about it and couldn't help but say, "Madam, if this happens, the family will be a little tight in the coming year."

Mrs. Li did not stop writing: "There are not many people who can help my sister-in-law at home. She looks better at the New Year's ceremony, and she can live better at her husband's house."

She is deeply aware of the sufferings of Gao married women.

She herself is a high-married woman!

In Yan's family, everyone seemed to respect her, but she knew very well that most people were looking at her for bringing a lot of dowry and having a fairly wealthy family.

Even the old lady, who agreed to her marriage with the master, also valued this.

Her family is very important to a married woman.

Her life is good, and she has two brothers who love her dearly. Even if the lintel of the Li family is not as high as that of the Yan family, the gifts that the Li family brings during the festival every year can make her stand upright in the Yan family.

After that, Mrs. Li was carefully sorting out the New Year gifts sent by each family, and then sent back the corresponding New Year gifts in the past.

Here, Daohua finished calculating a book, stood up and stretched.

The ancient ledger is really ugly, it makes her eyes hurt and swell.

She has to take a break.

In ancient times, she was short-sighted, but she didn't have glasses to wear.

Daohua walked in front of the window and watched the cold orchid that she specially gave to Mrs. Li to relieve eye fatigue.

Han Lan was found in the mountains of her hometown, and she has been raising her in the space since then. At this moment, it is blooming green.

At this moment, Ping Xiao came in, holding a bowl of freshly boiled milk in his hand.

"Girl, Madam specially made milk for you, come and drink it."

Daohua went to the table and sat down, took a sip of milk and said, "Sister Pingxiao, where is the pot of red plums I gave to my mother? Didn't you put it out?"

Ping Xiao smiled and said, "The master is resting in his wife's room these days. Seeing that Hongmei is looking good, he said that he wants to take the former government office to show everyone."

Daohua curled her lips: "Father is too embarrassed to take it."

In order to see the red plum blossom earlier, she planted the red plum in the dark soil of the space for half a month, so that the red plum not only bloomed well, but also fragrant and pleasant.

In this cold weather, smelling the faint fragrance of plum blossoms makes people feel refreshed.

Her mother was so busy and tired during this period of time, and at first glance, her energy was not enough. It was better for a cheap father to take Hongmei directly away.

Daohua: "Father will be on annual leave in a few days, right?"

Ping Xiao nodded: "Master began to rest on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month."

Daohua: "Help me remember, I have to ask my father to get Hongmei back."

Ping Xiao looked at the eldest girl who was stingy with the master and smiled secretly.

In the past, although the master valued his wife, he was not less angry with her because of Concubine Lin.

Well now, the eldest girl is here. Thinking of the scene where the eldest girl stood up for her, Ping Xiao couldn't help but admire it.

At the same time, the capital Yang's house.

Seeing her mother-in-law and three sisters-in-law laughingly talking about how to give their parents a New Year's gift, Yan Siyu pursed her lips tightly, and held her hands tightly hidden in her long sleeves, letting her fingernails dig into her flesh.

At the end of each year, such a scene will come once.

Her husband's family looked down on her mother's family, she knew and was prepared. But she never thought that the Yang family would be able to do so much, and they would not even prepare a New Year's gift for the Yan family.

Although the eldest brother has been the county magistrate for 9 years, this does not mean that he has no possibility of promotion.

The Yang family treats the Yan family like this, terribly indifferent!

If it wasn't for her two children, she really wanted to escape from the Yang family.

Old Madam Yang glanced at the unhappy little daughter-in-law, and snorted coldly in her heart.

She knew that her younger daughter-in-law was still dreaming of her eldest brother's promotion, but unfortunately, this dream was about to shatter.

If they didn't know that Yan Zhigao had no chance of rising, how could they have done so much?

The reason why she agreed with her younger son to take Yan Siyu, who was from a poor family, was that she valued his eldest brother's future?

Who knows, this Yan Zhigao is a arrogant and arrogant person, and he doesn't know the way of being an official at all. When he first entered the officialdom, he offended the nobles he couldn't mess with.

If it weren't for the fact that he could really do something, he wouldn't even be able to do it as a county magistrate.

Now even in front of the county magistrate, he will only be dispatched to the backward and remote Xia County to be an ox and a horse, adding political achievements to the people above.

Such a person's life is over. She can keep her little daughter-in-law for the sake of her two grandchildren.

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