There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 53, Self-assertion

Near the end of the year, the county government is generally very leisurely.

The common people of this era are very conscious, knowing that officials are going to prepare for the Chinese New Year, and generally they will not come to feel uncomfortable at this time.

At this moment, in the office room of the county magistrate of Linyi County, the magistrate and others were surrounding a pot of red plums to praise.

"My lord, your pot of red plums is of the highest quality. I don't know where you bought them?" Zhu Chengyu stared at the red plums in front of him with a coveted look. His eyes were shining brightly, and he could see Magistrate Yan. He was startled, for fear that he would take Hongmei away as soon as he couldn't help it.

"This red plum was cultivated by the little girl."

Feeling the envy of everyone, Magistrate Yan felt a little complacent.

Although he is the highest official in Linyi County, in terms of family background, there are several people present who are richer than him.

Such as teaching Zhu Chengyu.

The Zhu family can be regarded as a long-established family in Zhongzhou Mansion. Although they have slipped a bit in recent years, the camel is bigger than a horse, and its family background is not comparable to anyone.

Another example is Xu Rong, the county magistrate.

Although the Xu family is not a noble family, it is definitely a big family. Usually Xu Rong is very rich. The wife and young lady of the Xu family are also better than ordinary people in terms of dress.

However, Xu Rong was born in a concubine, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for this person to nest with him and give him his subordinate.

These people come from extraordinary backgrounds and have seen a lot of good things. As an officer, he seldom comes up with things that make them look up to him.

For this reason, some people ridiculed him for being shabby in private.

Now that Hongmei has entered the eyes of everyone, he also feels a lot of face.

To be honest, when he saw Hongmei in his wife's room, his eyes lit up. He is a scholar and the head of a county, and he likes this plum blossom, which symbolizes high quality.

Zhu Chengyu said with envy: "I am so blessed to be an adult. Now I can receive my daughter's filial piety, unlike the children in my family who are only naughty and mischievous."

Hearing this, Magistrate Yan's smile froze for a moment, and he suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

This is how to honor him!

He had the cheek to ask for Hongmei from his wife so that he could show it off in front of his colleagues. After that, he would return it.

Madam can treasure this red plum, she said it was the filial piety of the eldest daughter, she could not live up to it.

When he thought of the two pots of red plums cultivated by his eldest daughter, one for his mother and one for his wife, but he had nothing, his heart was a little sour.

Master Lin looked at Zhu Jiaoyu, who was staring at Hongmei and didn't want to look away, and an idea came to his mind: "Isn't Master Jiaoyu going to participate in a poetry party tomorrow, or ask the county magistrate to borrow Hongmei Give you a day? With this red plum, if you want to come to the poetry festival tomorrow, the adults will be able to shine."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Jiaoyu immediately cast a grateful glance at Master Lin. He wanted to say these words the first time he saw Hongmei, but he could see that Magistrate Yan also treasured this red plum. Mei, a gentleman does not win people's love, so he endured and did not say anything.

Now that Master Lin took the initiative to help him, he was very grateful.

He dared to say that.

In the whole county government, who doesn't know that Master Lin is the brother-in-law of the magistrate Yan, although from the perspective of etiquette, this relationship is a bit unrefined, but now that he has received benefits, he can't control that much.

Looking at Zhu Jiaoyu, who looked at him expectantly, Magistrate Yan couldn't say anything to refuse, even though he was reluctant in his heart. happiness.

Master Lin knew that it was a bit rash to do so, but when he thought about his sister and two nieces and nephews who were bullied in the backyard of the county government, he couldn't care less.

In the end, Zhu Jiaoyu got what he wanted and left with Hongmei in his arms.

Seeing that Magistrate Yan didn't even look at him, Master Lin turned and left, and immediately caught up with him.

"Brother-in-law, wait for me."

The county magistrate Yan frowned, and his tone was a little bad: "What are you calling me? Pay attention to your identity."

Lin Shiye didn't care, and immediately apologized with a smile: "I know my brother-in-law is annoyed at me, but I did this for my brother-in-law's consideration."

The county magistrate stopped and snorted coldly, "You didn't even call me to say hello, so you pushed Hongmei out on your own as a gift, or for my own good?"

Master Lin explained patiently: "Brother-in-law, you will go to Fucheng to report your work after the new year. Zhu Jiaoyu's family has something to do with Fucheng. Now we are just giving him the red plum for a day. Isn't it worth it to say a few words for my brother-in-law?"

Hearing this, Magistrate Yan's anger disappeared a little, but he still warned: "In the future, no matter what, you are not allowed to make your own decisions."

The superior, no one likes the subordinates who make their own decisions, and he is no exception.

If it wasn't for Concubine Lin's sake, he wouldn't give Master Lin a good face.

Lin Shiye immediately nodded and assured, and he was relieved.

This pass is over.

Then he smiled and said, "I know I was reckless today, so, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will personally ask Zhu Jiaoyu to ask for the red plum, and send it back to my brother-in-law intact."

Magistrate Yan snorted and said nothing, turned and went to the backyard.

When the county magistrate could no longer be seen, Lin Shiye left, and when he walked out of the gate of the county government, he met Xiao Shiye.

Master Xiao glanced at Master Lin with a half-smile, and left without saying a word.

After walking for a distance, the servant said worriedly: "Master, Master Lin is the county magistrate's brother-in-law after all. If you don't give him face like this, will he wear small shoes for you?"

Master Xiao sneered: "What kind of brother-in-law is he? Mrs. Li's maiden brother is the first brother-in-law of the county magistrate, a younger brother of a concubine, but his status is only slightly higher than that of the servant."

"Lin Cailiang is so ignorant. Don't look at how powerful the jumping is. In fact, it's nothing to be afraid of. If Magistrate Yan really alienated me because of his deaf ears, then I don't need to stay here any longer."

The servant nodded: "Yan county magistrate is fine, but he is not upright, he favors the concubine's room, and indulges Lin Shiye."

Master Xiao turned his head and glanced in the direction of the backyard of the county government office, and smiled: "Master Lin, it is said that life is very difficult during this period of time."

Hearing this, the young servant immediately regained his energy: "The eldest girl from the Yan family really dares to say anything, she sneered at Lin's words, but she really confessed and tore off Lin's face and left it on the ground. "

"Also, even the county magistrate dares to speak out, she is too bold."

Master Xiao smiled and said: "You only see her boldness, but not her heart to protect her mother. The eldest lady of the Yan family is good, but she is a little reckless. Now that she is still young, this shortcoming is not a problem. What, if you grow up like this, you will have to suffer."

The little servant glanced at Master Xiao: "Master, do you like Miss Yan very much?" You know, his master didn't even praise Master Yan.

Master Xiao: "Who doesn't like a straightforward little girl?"

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