The fact that Hongmei was lent to Zhu Jiaoyu somehow reached Daohua's ears.

In this regard, Daohua did not respond, what to do and what to do.

Wang Man'er glanced at Daohua in surprise: "Girl, aren't you angry?" She knew that in order to make the two pots of red plums bloom earlier, the eldest girl would spend time pampering her every night before going to bed.

Daohua's expression was light: "I have given the red plum to my mother. As long as my mother is not unhappy, I will not be angry."

After Mrs. Li knew that Hongmei had lent Zhu Jiaoyu, she came over and explained to her that her father had a hard time in the officialdom, and he had to spend some effort to win over the colleagues and subordinates around him, otherwise, a county without foundation order, it is difficult to carry out the work.

She understands this.

Wang Man'er: "But, the red plum was borrowed by Master Lin who encouraged him to borrow it."

Hearing this, Daohua put down the needle and thread in her hand and pondered for a while: "Man'er, why don't you think the people at Shuangxinyuan don't know how to stop?"

Wang Man'er didn't have any scruples, and said directly: "It's not that the master condoned it." In private, she didn't have so many scruples when talking to the girl. As long as no outsiders were around, she could speak freely.

Daohua picked up the needle and thread again. Now she can embroider something. Although it still doesn't look good, she can finally recognize what it is embroidering.

"Yeah, the root is in my father."

If it wasn't for the indulgence of Master Lin, how could he dare to do that?

Wang Man'er sighed: "It's not good for big families, and they can't avoid disputes between wives and concubines. When I used to run darts with my father, I heard a lot of private affairs in the backyard of the deep house."

"Either the wife sold the concubine to death, or the concubine gained the right, and in turn bullied and suppressed the main wife. Even more ruthless, it also affected the children, even the fetus and children were spared."

Hearing this, Daohua was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that a scene that only appeared in novels and TV in her previous life would actually appear in real life, and it was still so close to her.

She has always thought that men are very rational, and stupid things like spoiling a concubine and killing a wife will not happen.

Not to mention anything else, the main wife can be the director of the family, socialize and socialize, and contribute to the prosperity of the family; while the concubine, in addition to serving people in Israel, can not bring substantial benefits to the man, as long as the man is not a brain If you are sick, you should know how to treat your wife and concubines.

But there is a gap between reality and theory.

In reality, very few men can clearly face up to everything about themselves, especially ancient men, women are just subordinates of men, they prefer to be flattered, in order to satisfy their machismo psychology.

The concubine's status is low. If they want to live well, they will definitely know how to invite pets and please men. Therefore, some men who are not strong enough, or have some dark side in their psychology, are attacked by the concubine's gentleness and carelessness.

Isn't Mrs. Li beautiful? No, even though she was a few years older than Aunt Lin, the two of them stood together, and in terms of beauty, Mrs. Li was definitely better.

Isn't Mrs. Li virtuous? The Yan family can have what it is today, who dares to say that there is no credit for Mrs. Li?

But why does Yan Zhigao prefer Aunt Lin?

Daohua thought about it carefully, and felt that there were three reasons. One was her mother's background. In the feudal ancient times with strict hierarchies, most merchants were looked down upon by scholars.

The second is the unwillingness in her father's heart.

When he was young, he could have married a well-matched wife, one who raised eyebrows and adorned his sleeves, but because of his weak family background, he had to marry a businesswoman whom he himself looked down on.

Third, the cheap dad feels inferior.

In this era, it is only natural for a man to support his family, but he has to rely on his wife's dowry to live and manage his career. This is a great denial of his ability. When facing his wife, he is always somewhat Insufficient confidence.

With these three reasons, plus Aunt Lin's deliberate choice, it's not surprising that the cheap father would prefer Shuangxinyuan.


Daohua sighed and continued to practice needlework.

This situation in her family can't be changed for a while.

Hongmei borrowed it, but the main room didn't respond, but Shuangxinyuan stopped doing it.

Master Lin personally went to Zhu Jiaoyu's house to retrieve the red plum, and invited Miss Zhu's family, Zhu Xiuyun, to play in the backyard of the county government.

Zhu Xiuyun and Yan Yishuang have a good relationship and readily agree.

Master Lin held Hongmei and did not send it to the front yard to the magistrate Yan, nor to Mrs. Li in the back yard, but walked directly towards Shuangxin Courtyard.

When he was in the county government before, the magistrate of Yan did not name which daughter cultivated Hongmei. So, seeing Master Lin walking towards Shuangxin Courtyard, Zhu Xiuyun took it for granted that Hongmei belonged to Yan Yishuang.

And Yan Yishuang got Aunt Lin's order and came out early to meet Zhu Xiuyun, and the two met halfway.


"Yi Shuang!"

The two hadn't seen each other since they stopped attending classes, but when they saw each other, they immediately hugged each other happily.

Master Lin smiled and said, "Yishuang, please don't invite Xiuyun to sit in the pavilion."

Yan Yishuang looked stunned for a moment, looked at the ventilation pavilions not far away, and wondered in her heart, the weather was so cold, why did my uncle let them stay outside?

However, she had always listened to her uncle's words, and without thinking much, she took Zhu Xiuyun's hand and walked towards the pavilion with a smile.

Zhu Xiuyun didn't object, but said happily: "Yishuang, wait a moment, you have to let me take a good look at Hongmei. After my father brought it back, I wanted to see him up close, but he wouldn't give it, for fear of me. It's like breaking the red plum."

Yan Yishuang thought that Hongmei is now in the hands of her little uncle, and it's okay to show Zhu Xiuyun a look. She just happened to look at it too.

The red and bright red plums are in full bloom, and she wants to see them too.

Master Lin smiled and followed behind the two little girls. The three of them quickly entered the pavilion. Master Lin put the red plum on the stone table in the pavilion, and the two little girls immediately surrounded them.

After a while, Yan Yihuan and Yan Yile, who received the news that Zhu Xiuyun was coming to the backyard of the county government office, also came to the pavilion.

The four little girls chattered around Hongmei and laughed.

Master Lin looked at the four of them with a smile, and looked in the direction of Songheyuan from time to time.

He had already inquired clearly. At this time, Miss Yan had already finished walking with Mrs. Yan, and usually returned to the main courtyard from this road.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Dao Hua and Wang Man'er to appear in Master Lin's sight.

"Girl, look, it's the second girl and the others, as well as the girl from Zhu Jiaoyu's family. She should have come to return Hongmei!"

Wang Man'er's eyes were sharp, and he saw Hongmei surrounded by several people.

Daohua also saw the people in the pavilion, but her eyes were more on Master Lin who stayed in the pavilion.

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