There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 55, a slap in the face

"Why do you think this red plum blossoms so well? I have never seen such a potted plant in the Zhu family's courtyard." Zhu Xiuyun sighed and glanced at Yan Yishuang beside him.

She really likes this red plum, she really wants to take it home and enjoy it.

In winter, the house is deserted, and there is such a pot of red plums, which can also add some color to the room.

She has a good relationship with Yan Yishuang, and I don't know if she asks for it, will she agree to give her Hongmei?

She doesn't want it for nothing, doesn't Yan Yishuang like her ink-stone inkstone? She exchanged inkstone with her!

Just when Zhu Xiuyun was hesitating whether to speak to Yan Yishuang, Master Lin's voice sounded.

"Miss Yan!"

When Yan Yishuang and the four turned their heads, they saw Daohua and Wang Man'er entering the pavilion.

Yan Yile saw that Daohua was wearing a brand-new dress, which was made of the Fuguang Brocade sent by the Li family before, her face suddenly became ugly, and she said in a bad tone: "Big sister, you usually don't like to pay attention to us. Oh, why are you thinking of sharing a pavilion with us today?"

Daohua ignored Yan Yile's yin and yang anger, and glanced at Master Lin, who was standing by the side. She didn't want to come, anyway, Hongmei was back, and sooner or later she would be sent back to the main courtyard.

However, she wanted to see the methods of Aunt Lin, who is said to be extremely smart.

She knew in her heart that this person must have some purpose in appearing in the pavilion that she must pass by so coincidentally today.

Although she can ignore it, there is a saying that only those who are thieves for a thousand days are not able to prevent thieves for a thousand days.

Now that you know that Shuangxinyuan is holding back, let's show it.

Daohua looked at the red plum on the table, and said softly, "I'm here to get the red plum, I won't disturb you." After speaking, she looked at Wang Man'er and motioned her to hold the red plum.

However, just as Wang Man'er stretched out his hand, someone stopped him.

Daohua was greatly surprised by the person who stopped her. She thought about Yan Yishuang and Yan Yile who would stop her, but she didn't expect Zhu Xiuyun, an outsider, to jump out first.

"Miss Zhu, what do you mean?"

Zhu Xiuyun looked a little arrogant and a little contemptuous: "Sister Yan, there is something I wanted to tell you a long time ago. You can't be too domineering, especially our women." Exchange with Yan Yishuang, how could the eldest Yan family take it away?

Daohua frowned, feeling a little impatient, she really didn't want to argue with a group of children whose stomachs were full of twists and turns, and said indifferently: "Miss Zhu has time to talk about others here, she should first consider whether her behavior is appropriate. ?"

"Man'er, hold Hongmei, let's go back to the main courtyard."


This time, Zhu Xiuyun wanted to stop her, but unfortunately Wang Man'er didn't give her a chance. She moved past her nimbly and quickly picked up the red plum on the table.

"No, you can't take Hongmei."

Just as Wang Man'er was holding Hongmei and was about to leave, Zhu Xiuyun reached out and grabbed Wang Man'er's arm, refusing to let go.

This time, Daohua's face sank: "Miss Zhu, although you are a guest, it doesn't mean that you can mess around in Yan's backyard, Zhu Jiaoyu has always attached great importance to the rules, please don't give it to you. Daddy's face is black."

Hearing Daohua mentioning Zhu Jiaoyu, Zhu Xiuyun suddenly remembered the conversation between his father and mother last night.

The mother said that the magistrate of Yan County was pointing at the uncle who was a confidant in Fucheng to give him some good words when he was debriefing, but he was reluctant to give a pot of red plums to their home, which was really poor and stingy.

He also said that even if his father really asked for Hongmei, the magistrate Yan would not refuse to give it for the sake of his future.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xiuyun felt that it was very likely that she could get to Hongmei, so she was even more reluctant to let go of Wang Man'er's arm: "Miss Yan, I have never seen a domineering sister like you who robbed herself. Sister's stuff!"

"I know, you are from the country, and you don't know anything about etiquette and rules. This can be seen from the fact that you even dared to contradict Master Qin. It's okay if you don't know this, but respect the old and love the young, brother. You should understand the truth of Youdi Gong, right?"

Daohua sneered and glanced at Lin Shiye next to her: "Miss Zhu, what are you talking about, what did I steal from my sisters?"

Zhu Xiuyun glanced at Daohua contemptuously: "How dare you do it? So many people in the pavilion have seen it. As soon as you came, you grabbed Yishuang's Hongmei, do you still want to argue?"

Hearing this, Yan Yishuang, Yan Yile, and Yan Yihuan were all stunned for a moment.

Daohua glanced at Zhu Xiuyun with the eyes of a fool: "You don't even know who Hongmei belongs to, so you dare to make nonsense here?"

Daohua was very bored with such a pointless argument and didn't want to waste time in the pavilion, so she called Wang Man'er: "Man'er, let's go."

"I said don't go!"

Zhu Xiuyun's temper came up, and he held Wang Man'er tightly.

Seeing this, Daohua frowned tightly and glanced again at Lin Shiye and Yan Yishuang who were watching the play. She didn't want to make a big deal of it, she thought about it, stepped forward, and took it from Wang Man'er. Hongmei, ready to take it away.

But then, an accident happened.

Just as Daohua hugged Hongmei, Zhu Xiuyun suddenly rushed over and slammed into Daohua.

In an instant, the red plum fell from his hand.

With a bang, it fell to the ground and shattered.

Daohua looked at the broken potted plants on the ground, and quickly moved her gaze to Master Lin who was beside her.

I thought to myself, this person is here to block her, just to smash the red plums she planted? !

Soon, Daohua knew that she underestimated the evil of human nature!


Screams rang out in the backyard of the county government office, and Zhu Xiuyun squatted on the ground hugging his feet and crying.

When Hongmei fell, Daohua avoided it, but Zhu Xiuyun was hit in the foot.

"Blood! Xiuyun, your feet are bleeding!"

Scarlet blood seeped out from Zhu Xiuyun's embroidered shoes and quickly dyed a large area of ​​red.

Seeing that Zhu Xiuyun was injured, Daohua's brows were directly twisted into pimples, and she quickly ordered Wang Man'er: "Go and tell my mother, let her send someone to invite the doctor over."

Wang Man'er did not dare to delay, and immediately ran to the main courtyard.

Daohua looked at Zhu Xiuyun and just wanted to comfort her when she saw Yan Yishuang pointing at her angrily and complaining loudly: "Big sister, even if you are angry again, how can you hit Xiuyun with a flower pot? She But it's just a wrong sentence, do you need it?"

Hearing this, Daohua's expression was just a moment of astonishment. According to the house fighting tactics she had seen in previous life novels and TV, she didn't have to look back, she could guess that there must be a big push.

A big push indeed.

Yan County magistrate and Zhu Jiaoyu, as well as Master Xiao and Yan Zhiyuan all came.

"Reverse girl!"

Magistrate Yan originally wanted to invite Zhu Jiaoyu and Master Xiao to dinner today, but he didn't expect to see such a scene as soon as he returned to the backyard, and immediately became furious.

When Zhu Jiaoyu saw that his daughter was injured, he didn't care, and ran into the pavilion immediately.

"Father, my feet hurt so much, am I going to be disabled?" Zhu Xiuyun burst into tears.

Zhu Jiaoyu saw so much blood on his daughter's shoes, and felt distressed: "No, Dad won't let you do anything. Let's go, Dad will take you home."

At this time, the county magistrate Yan also came to the pavilion and immediately stopped him: "The child is injured now, and it is difficult to move, so he should stay at my house first, and it will not be too late to leave after the doctor has seen it."

After finishing speaking, before Zhu Jiaoyu refused, Yanxian turned around angrily and slapped Daohua with his backhand.


The crisp and loud voice not only shattered the little remaining love in Daohua's heart, but also shocked the others present.

Zhu Jiaoyu, who was originally very angry, also calmed down at this moment, and even Zhu Xiuyun was too scared to cry anymore.

Master Xiao glanced at the eldest girl from the Yan family who swayed, but stubbornly straightened her body, and sighed in her heart.

Mrs. Li, Mrs. Sun, Mrs. Wu and others who rushed over upon hearing the news were all shocked and stunned.

Behind the crowd, Concubine Lin looked eagerly at Master Lin in the pavilion.

Master Lin nodded to her vaguely, and she was relieved.

A red palm print appeared on Daohua's fair face at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this moment, there was no fluctuation in her heart, and there was not a single tear in her eyes.

Daohua raised her head lightly and looked at Yan Zhigao sarcastically: "Father, do you usually decide cases so arbitrarily in court?"

"Don't ask why, don't ask what happened, don't ask right or wrong, whoever seems to be weak, whoever is justified?"

Seeing the irony in the eldest daughter's eyes, Yan Zhigao felt his face burning hot, and said angrily, "Xiuyun is a guest. As Yan's eldest daughter, you didn't take good care of the guest, that's your fault."


Daohua sneered: "So, then I can tell you clearly now, I won't do this Yan's family and daughter, and whoever wants it will take it."

"Presumptuous!" Yan Zhigao raised his hand again.

In this regard, Daohua not only was not frightened, but took a step forward, looking directly into Yan Zhigao's eyes coldly.

Looking at the eldest daughter who did not back down, Yan Zhigao was a little bit intimidated by a tiger, so angry and anxious, his raised arms trembled with anger.


At this time, Mrs. Li ran into the pavilion and hugged Yan Zhigao's arm, "Master, the doctor is here, let's see Miss Zhu's injuries first."

"Yes, yes, first look at the injury, first look at the injury." Yan Zhiyuan also reacted, and immediately led the doctor into the pavilion.

Zhu Jiaoyu and Zhu Xiuyun were very quiet at the moment, and they were very cooperative with the doctor.


Yan Zhigao snorted coldly, and took the lead in removing his gaze from his eldest daughter. For some reason, he was obviously an old man, so he slapped his daughter, and he felt a little guilty.

Seeing her daughter's swollen cheeks, Mrs. Li was so heartbroken that she trembled: "Daohua, there are many people here, let's go back to the yard first."

Mrs. Li pulled up the rice flowers and left the pavilion directly.

When passing by Master Lin, Daohua stopped, looked over with a blank expression, and said in a low voice, "Although the method is clumsy, the effect is very good."

"Master Lin, he's my father, I can't do anything to him, so today's slap is on your heads. You'd better pray that you will always be so lucky."

Lin Shiye was shocked, Daohua's calm eyes made his scalp numb, but his face did not show, and he smiled lightly: "I don't understand what the eldest girl said."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Daohua's mouth: "You will understand."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was forcibly pulled away by Mrs. Li.

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