There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 866 Chapter 866, internal and external troubles

The matter was resolved, Daohua returned to her carriage, and the team continued to move forward.

When the carriage passed the group of gangsters, Daohua saw the only little boy among the gangsters again through the curtain of the car.

The little boy was very thinly dressed. In this icy and snowy world, he actually had bare feet. The feet were covered with festering frostbite, and pus started to ooze in some places. Can't walk anymore.

"Gu Yu, go get a box of frostbite medicine for external application, and then take a few packs of foot soaking medicine and give it to the little boy, telling him to protect his feet so that he won't become lame in the future. You can find out if there are any small children. Get him some clothes and shoes that the child wears."

Gu Yu nodded and got off the carriage, and the medicine was quickly found. The convoy did not have children's clothes and shoes, so she took her own old cotton jacket and cotton shoes.

The little boy watched Gu Yu walking towards him, and instinctively stepped back.

Gu Yu glanced at the little boy's feet and couldn't bear to take a second look, so Dia went up to put a cotton coat on him, and then stuffed the medicine wrapped in cloth into his arms.

"Put your shoes on."

The little boy seemed to be too cold to think, and instinctively did as Gu Yu said.

After Gu Yu told the little boy how to use the medicine, he was about to turn around and leave. After taking two steps, he folded back and stuffed a silver peanut into the little boy's hand.

"Don't let anyone know."

After he finished speaking, he hurried to chase the carriage.

Holding the medicine, the little boy stared blankly at the convoy leaving without saying a word for a long time.

Like him, there are Wang Wu and others.

They didn't come back to their senses until a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar brought three or four women over.

"Did you rob someone else?"

Looking at the food by the roadside, Wang Qi looked at Wang Wu and the others angrily.

Wang Wu quickly explained: "No, we didn't." But when he thought that they had indeed carried out the robbery, he immediately stopped.

Wang Qi was so angry: "Didn't I tell you, I'm trying to find a way to rob others, this is the way of bandits, once a person becomes a bandit, he will be stabbed in the spine, why don't you listen to me What about?"

A middle-aged father and daughter who followed immediately answered: "Sir entered the Acropolis and borrowed a truckload of food."

Wang Wu's eyes lit up: "Really?" Seeing Wang Qi looking at him coldly, he slowly restrained his expression, and said weakly: "Now, if this food is not stolen by us, it was given to us by others. , do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Wang Qi became even more angry: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

At this time, the little boy Wang Lifu came over and pulled Wang Qi: "Sir, we really met the fairy sister. You see, the clothes, shoes, and medicine are all given by the fairy sister."

Wang Qi first looked at the little boy's clothes and shoes, and then took out the medicine to take a look. He also knew a little about pharmacology. As soon as the quality and taste of the medicine, he knew that this was the best treatment for chilblains. 's wound medicine.

After a moment of silence, Wang Qi looked at Wang Wu seriously: "Why don't you tell me carefully, what happened just now?"

Wang Wu hurriedly recounted what had happened.

"Sir, you don't even know how powerful those people are. I usually think I'm good enough, but I was restrained before I could do a few tricks with them."

"Sir, I really thought we were dead at the time. Who would have thought that the lady not only let us go, but also left us food for the winter."

Having said this, Wang Wu quickly pulled Wang Qi to the place where the grain was stacked: "Sir, look, this is the grain that the lady left for us."

Wang Qi grabbed a handful of wheat seeds in his hand, and saw that the wheat seeds in his hands were large, full, and smooth in color, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The land in Xiliang is barren. If the seeds are not good, the harvest will be very low.

"What kind of seed is this?"

Wang Qi grabbed another handful of corn and looked at it.

Wang Wu scratched the back of his head: "It seems to be called corn, and it is said that the yield is very high."

Watching Wang Qizhen put the seeds back and carefully tie up the bag, Wang Wu tentatively asked, "Sir, who do you think they are?"

"I looked at Haosheng's powerful appearance, and the lady also said that if we let her know that we continue to be bandits, she will directly send troops to destroy us."

Wang Qi's eyes flashed, someone who dares to say such a thing is definitely not small.

Wang Wu looked at Wang Qi eagerly: "Sir, after those people heard about Tu Zhen, but even the commanders dared to scold them, do you think they are high officials sent by the imperial court?"

Wang Qi was silent and did not speak, but turned his head to look in the direction of the capital.

Has the court started to pay attention to Xiliang?

After being silent for a while, Wang Qi chose a few more clever clansmen to come out: "Go back to the mountain for dinner, after eating, you all keep up quietly and inquire about the origins of those people."

"Not only is this Xiliang post station far apart, but it is also shabby and old. I really don't know how the Xiliang commander manages it?"

Gu Yu brought Li Xia and Bi Shi to clean up the house, replacing the damp and moldy bedding in the house with the ones they brought.

Daohua sat by the stove, staring at the medicinal meal in the ceramic casserole, and said, "The situation here in Xiliang is different from other inland provinces."

"This is the frontier, and there is no inland management system. The current commander is the Jiang army in Zhenxi who once stationed here."

"Xiliang has always been a defensive territory to resist the invasion of Xiliao people, and the emphasis is on military affairs. No one cares about things like governing Xiliang and developing Xiliang."

"This makes people living here miserable!"

Bi Shi frowned: "The slaves didn't even look at how powerful the military here is. Didn't the bandits just say that the people from Xiliao came to slaughter the town not long ago."

Daohua couldn't help giving Xiao Yeyang a headache: "This Xiliang is really troubled by internal and external troubles, and it's a big problem."

Seeing that the medicinal meal was almost cooked, Daohua personally delivered it to Gu Jian.

Gu Jian's house has been tidy up by Dongli and Caiju.

"Master, have some soup."

Seeing the apprentice making medicated meals again, Gu Jian felt comforted in his heart, but he said with a straight face: "You don't need to make medicated meals every three to five times. As a teacher, your body is not so weak. You have time to rest."

Daohua smiled and said, "After almost two months of travel, people are falling apart. It's always right to make up more."

Gu Jian picked up the medicated food and drank it: "Is it going to Ganzhou Wei in three or four days?"

Daohua nodded: "No accident, yes." Having said that, someone went to call Doctor Ge over.

She had to deal with the caravan, so she couldn't accompany Master all the time, so she had to ask Doctor Ge to accompany Master.

After Dr. Ge arrived, Daohua drank a bowl of soup and left to deal with other things.

"Fortunately, there is a prince concubine along the way."

Doctor Ge smiled and drank the medicinal food.

In the past two months, the road was still so difficult to walk, and the weather was cold. Almost none of the people in the convoy had gotten sick. As a doctor, he couldn't help admiring it.

"Previously, the concubine Shizi did a good job of giving food to the refugees. Those people will definitely ask about our origin. After they spread it, the prince will definitely have a good reputation."

Hearing this, the corners of Gu Jian's mouth suddenly twitched, and there was some pride on his face.

Ye Yang came to Xiliang not only to defend the people of Xiliao, but also to govern Xiliang.

It is enough to fight with a strong force and a hard fist, but it can govern one side's soil and water, but it cannot ignore the people's hearts.

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