There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 867 Chapter 867, the origin

After a night of rest at the inn, Daohua and his party continued to move towards Ganzhouwei.

The Wang clan members who were sent by Wang Qi to inquire about the news quickly returned to the mountain where the clan members temporarily lived after the convoy left.

"Sir, I found out that those people are the family members of the newly appointed Ganzhou Wei Zhenfu."

Wang Qi frowned: "Ganzhou Guard?" Jinwei Guard is adjacent to Ganzhou Guard, and he also knows a little about Ganzhou Guard's situation.

There are nine guards in the capital of Xiliang, and Ganzhou guard is located in the far west, which is the largest guard in the defense area among the nine guards.

During the autumn harvest in August this year, the commander of the Ganzhou Guard was shot with a cold arrow by the Xiliao people while patrolling the defense area. Because he did not receive timely and effective medical treatment, he died just like that.

I heard that the commander-in-chief had sent someone to the imperial court early in the morning, and wanted to let his confidant take over as the commander of the Ganzhou Guard. However, several months later, the imperial court did not reply.

What does the court mean?

Are you starting to pay attention to Xiliang, or still don't care?

What role can a 5th-grade soothing person play?

Wang Wu looked suspicious: "Did you inquire wrongly, the guards of the guards are only officials from the fifth rank, how can they have such a big pomp?"

Clan: "That's right, the people who come here are from the fifth grade Zhenfu, but they have another identity."

Wang Wu was impatient, so he gave the talking clansman a head: "You can't even speak a word, hesitantly, tell me quickly, what other identities do they have?"

Clan: "We heard that the lady who gave us the food is the concubine Shizi." After speaking, he looked at Wang Qi, "Sir, is the concubine Shizi the emperor's concubine?"

Wang Qi was stunned for a moment: "Prince Prince? Did you hear it right?"

The few people who went there shook their heads, saying that they heard it right.

Wang Qi was silent for a while before explaining: "Prince Concubine Shizi is not the emperor's concubine, but the wife of the heir to the king."

Wang Wu's eyes suddenly widened: "Sir, are you saying that the newly arrived Lord Zhenfu is the son of the prince?"

Wang Qi nodded.

Wang Wu was stunned, swallowing his saliva and said with difficulty: "We actually robbed and robbed the palace, this is luck." Is it too good or too much?

Wang Qi sighed. Although the newcomer's status is high enough, how long can a pampered prince of the royal palace stay in this bitter and cold Xiliang?

"Go down and rest."

Wang Qi waved his hand to let the people leave.

Wang Wu walked at the end, and as soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw Wang Lifu's little guy sneaking over, looking at the cotton jacket on his body and the cotton shoes on his feet, he couldn't help showing a look of envy.

Although it is a woman's clothes and shoes, it is thick and warm!

"Lifu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Wang Wu, Wang Lifu put his hand behind his back subconsciously: "I'm here to find Mr.

Wang Wu was speechless when he saw it, and he walked over to see what he was holding in his hand.

At this time, Wang Qi came out: "What are you doing?"

Wang Wu took back Wang Lifu's hand and smiled shyly: "I just want to see what this kid is doing."

Wang Qi glared at Wang Wu and beckoned to let Wang Lifu enter the room. When Wang Wu saw it, he followed up.

Wang Qi looked at Wang Lifu kindly, lifted his trousers to check the frostbite on his feet, saw that the wound was no longer bleeding, and smiled: "It seems that the medicine given by the noble is very effective. "

Wang Lifu nodded again and again, and handed the two packets of medicine in his hand to Wang Qi: "Sir, you also have frostbite on your feet, and you also take the bubbles."

Wang Qi smiled and pushed the medicine bag back, and silently said Wang Lifu's head: "Good boy, sir, the frostbite is not serious, you can keep this medicine for yourself."

Looking at the medicine bag, Wang Wu moved his feet subconsciously. He also had a lot of frostbite on his feet.

Lifu, this little guy, is lucky, women tend to soften their hearts when they see children, and they give cotton clothes and shoes, and medicine.

But thinking that the little guy will take care of an old lady in a medicine jar at such a young age, the envy in my heart dissipated.

Wang Lifu looked at Wang Qi hesitantly.

Wang Qi smiled: "Why, there are other things?"

Wang Lifu glanced at Wang Wu, who couldn't leave, and took out the silver peanut from his arms.

Wang Wu's eyes widened when he saw Silver Peanut, he rushed to Wang Lifu with a 'swish' and snatched the Silver Peanut.

"Is this silver?"

After speaking, he put the silver peanut in his mouth and bit it.

When Wang Lifu saw Wang Wu stole his silver peanut, he immediately reached out and grabbed it: "mine, you pay me back."

Wang Wu refused to do it, and twisted his body to prevent Wang Lifu from grabbing it.

Wang Qi was a little blind, and said, "Wang Wu, return the money to Lifu."

Wang Wu has always been afraid of Wang Qi, so he pouted, and reluctantly returned the silver peanut to Wang Lifu: "I'll just take a look at it, you're so anxious, stingy!"

Wang Lifu ignored Wang Wu's words and carefully wiped off the saliva on the silver peanut.

Seeing Wang Lifu's appearance of protecting money, Wang Wu hummed, "Did you bring this money?" It was the first time he had taken money when he was so old.

Wang Lifu: "That sister gave it to me yesterday."

Wang Wu: "Then why didn't you say it yesterday?"

Wang Lifu was silent: "Sister told me not to tell others."

Hearing this, Wang Qi's expression changed. The girl who gave Lifu money was worried that the clansmen would snatch Lifu's things.

Thinking of the grain seeds stored in the cave for good survival, Wang Qi couldn't help but have some hope in his heart.

Pity the poor and love the young, it can be seen that the newly arrived Zhenfu family are people who love the people.

Even if they can't stay for too long, even if they can't change anything in Xiliang, as long as the situation in Xiliang is passed on to the emperor, so that the emperor can understand the life of the people in Xiliang, and pay attention to the people's livelihood in Xiliang, this is also a great thing for them. .

Wang Lifu looked at Wang Qi and said, "Sir, can you help my mother bring back two pieces of medicine when you go out?" He handed the Silver Peanut over.

Wang Qi took the silver peanut: "Okay."

Wang Lifu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you sir, then sir, I will leave first, so I won't disturb you." After speaking, he put the medicine bag in his hand on the table, and then quickly ran out of the door.

"this child"

Looking at the medicine bag, Wang Qi smiled comfortably, instead of sending the medicine back, he accepted the child's intention.

There are few doctors in Xiliang, and there are also a lot of medicinal materials. It is very expensive to see a doctor. When people are sick, they almost always carry it to death. If they can handle it, they continue to live.

His feet were covered with frostbite, although they weren't festering, they tortured him every night until he couldn't sleep.

Seeing Wang Wu staring at the medicine bag with fiery eyes, Wang Qi said with a smile: "Okay, go and boil the water, and we'll soak it together later."

Wang Wu immediately became refreshed: "Thank you, sir, I'll go to boil water now."

Seeing his flamboyant appearance, Wang Qi shook his head, but his expression was the connivance of the elders to the younger ones.

Speaking of which, both this guy and Lifu had a bit of luck. Yesterday, if someone else robbed them, they and their clansmen would be sent to the guardhouse as a military household even if they didn't die.

On December 18, after two months of traveling, Daohua and his party finally arrived at Ganzhouwei.

Daohua lifted the curtain of the car, endured the cold wind howling on her face, looked at the tall city wall built with stones and rammed earth, and carefully looked at everything around her. No accident, the next few years or even longer. Time, she will live in this city.

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