There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 868 Chapter 868, Refugees

As the motorcade got closer and closer to the city gate, Daohua noticed that there were many refugees gathered outside the city gate.

In the biting cold wind and snowflakes, the refugees shivered and snuggled together, and when they saw the convoy approaching, they all crowded up.

When the guards saw it, they immediately drew out their sabres and watched the refugees warily.

When the refugees saw the guards taking out the knives, they were so frightened that they stepped back.

On the city wall, the gatekeeper saw the convoy downstairs, and immediately guessed that this was the family of the newly appointed Lord Zhenfu, and hurriedly ordered the city gate to be opened, and then led people out to disperse the refugees, so that the convoy could Free passage.

"This is the family of Lord Zhenfu, don't make trouble."

Hearing this, the refugees who had been staring at the supplies on the carriage with green eyes silently retracted their gazes.

The newly arrived Lord Zhenfu was a good official. On the second day of his arrival, he set up a porridge hut at the gate of the city, and also had people build a straw hut to prevent them from freezing to death in this icy world.

In the carriage, seeing the refugees all skinny and wearing flimsy clothes, Daohua frowned tightly, the life of the people of Xiliang was worse than she imagined.

Seeing that the entire team went smoothly to the capital, the goalkeeper secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time the Xiao Mansion escort came into the city with a large amount of supplies, the refugees rushed forward desperately. That time, many people were killed and injured.

Fortunately, nothing happened this time.

The convoy entered the city, the city gate was closed again, and the refugees retreated to the grass hut, eagerly looking at the direction of the porridge shed, waiting for the porridge in the evening.

Xiliang implements the guards management system, which does not set up prefectures, states, counties and other regions. The guards also manage military construction and civil administration.

Liangdu, where the commander and envoy of the capital is located, is equivalent to the provincial capital of other provinces, and the nine guards below are equivalent to the government city.

Ganzhou Guard is the guard station with the largest defense area in Xiliang, and it is also the guard station closest to Xiliao. .

There are not many shops on the street that are open for business, and it is only a little lively when they reach the center of the city.

"The economy is too bad."

It didn't take long for the guards to bring Daohua's group to Xiao's residence.

Deshou, who received the news in advance, was already waiting in front of the gate.

"Prince Prince, you are here!"

Deshou gave the guards officers and soldiers a dime of silver, greeted Daohua and Gu Jian outside the carriage, and led the convoy into the mansion directly from the corner gate.

"This mansion is quite big!"

After entering the door, Daohua got off the carriage wearing a cloak, and carefully looked at the house she would live in in the future.

Deshou said with a smile: "This mansion is where the previous commanders lived, so naturally it should be bigger."

When Daohua heard it, she couldn't help but smile: "Your grandfather is not polite at all. He was a little gentleman and actually lived in the commander's mansion."

She understood why Henry Zhang did this.

What I saw and heard all the way after entering Xiliang fully shows that the situation in Xiliang is very bad.

In this case, Xiao Yeyang didn't have time to develop slowly, so he could negotiate with others.

When he moved into the mansion where the previous commanders lived, he wanted to tell everyone that Ganzhou Wei took over, and he had the final say here.

Deshou glanced at Daohua's expression, and saw that she was not surprised at all, nor did she feel inappropriate, and thought that the concubine of the world knew the master.

When the master wanted to move in, he and Defu had been persuading him for a while.

The master gave them a 'you don't understand' look directly.

Dao Lace asked as she walked, "Where's the prince?"

Deshou: "Master took someone to patrol the defense area."

Daohua asked again, "Why are so many refugees gathered outside the city gate?"

When he mentioned this birthday, he looked angry: "It's not a good thing for the people of Xiliao. Every winter, the people of Xiliao like to cross the border to snatch grain, and several villages and towns under the jurisdiction of hundreds of households are robbed by Xiliao people. already."

"Those people in Xiliao robbed things, but they also set fire to their houses. The people had no money for winter and no houses to live in, so they could only flock to Ganzhou City to find a way to survive."

Having said that, Deshou became more and more angry.

"Prince Concubine, you don't even know that before the master came, no official came out to take care of the refugees outside the city. I heard that many people died of freezing and starvation."

Daohua frowned: "The officials of Ganzhou Wei are too incompetent." Xiliang is vast and sparsely populated, and the population is already sparse, and the people cannot survive. Who will guard the border then?

There were five entrances to the mansion. After Xiao Yeyang moved in, he only cleaned the front yard and moved in. There was no time to tidy up the other yards.

Daohua walked around for a while, and then asked someone to clean up the two adjacent yards of Erjin.

There are only her, Xiao Yeyang, and Master at home, so she doesn't need to live too wide. Now that she has just arrived in an unfamiliar place, she is also worried that Master will not adapt to it, so she thinks it is better to live closer.

For other yards, we will talk about it when she is free.

After rushing the road for two consecutive months, Daohua and Gu Jian were too tired. After cleaning up the house, they ate something and then rested.

Early the next morning, while Daohua was still huddled in the warm blanket, Gu Yu came in and said she had something to do with her birthday.

Listening to the howling wind outside, Daohua didn't want to get up and asked, "What's the matter with me in Tshou?"

Gu Yu: "The eldest son had previously allocated a batch of food, and asked Deshou and the officials of the guardhouse to serve porridge to the refugees outside the city. Now it seems that the food has run out."

When Daohua heard this, she immediately sat up, dressed and washed, and went outside to see her birthday.

"Who is in charge of the porridge shed?"

Deshou replied: "It's a slave, and there is a governor of a guardhouse."

Daohua nodded and looked at Gu Yu and Li Xia: "You two take someone to check the warehouse."

Although she brought a lot of supplies, Xiao Yeyang called a lot. Now she has to see how many supplies are left to know how much.

Daohua looked at Deshou: "How much grain has been allocated by Shizi before, you can get another batch. Remember, you must be optimistic about these grains, but there should be no corruption."

Deshou nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Concubine Shizi, the slave will be optimistic."

Daohua gave an "um", and then pondered for a while: "I'm afraid it's not enough to give porridge alone, it's too cold outside, it's windy and snowy, it's too cold to stay in the house, how can the refugees outside the city survive? live?"

"In this way, after you have received the food, go to Gu Yu to get a batch of medicinal materials, and cook two pots of medicinal soup every day for the refugees to drink."

"By the way, if you don't have enough staff, go to Doctor Ge. He has several medical apprentices."

Deshou nodded in response: "The slave will do it now."

After Tshou left, Daohua put on a cloak and went to Gu Jian's yard to have breakfast with him.

In the front yard, Governor Zhang Da saw Deshou pulling a few carts of food out, and his heart fell back to his stomach.

God knows how worried he is. He is worried that if Lord Xiao is not there, there will be no food. Without food, at least half of the refugees outside the city will die.

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