There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 870 Chapter 870, it's not a big deal

Xiao Yeyang came back on the afternoon of the fifth day when Daohua and his party went to Ganzhou City.

Daohua sat on the kang by the window and looked at the county annals of Ganzhouwei. There was no glass in Xiliang, and the windows were covered with oil paper, which made the room very dark even in the daytime. .

In the whole house, only the window side has the best light.

Therefore, even if the window is cracked with cold wind, Daohua can only sit here.

Daohua was watching seriously when suddenly a pair of strong arms stretched out from behind and hugged her tightly.

Smelling the familiar scent, Daohua put down the book, turned around and hugged the person: "Xiao Yeyang, you're back." There was undisguised joy in her eyes.

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua with a smile, and rubbed Daohua's face and neck with his face: "Miss me?"

Just as he was about to make out to get rid of his lovesickness, Daohua pushed him away with a look of disgust: "You haven't shaved your beard for so long, it hurts my face."

Seeing the red marks on Daohua's face, Xiao Yeyang reached out to help her and rubbed her: "I'm in a hurry to patrol the defense area of ​​Ganzhou Guard, so I don't have time to clean it up."

Daohua held his hand and sniffed his nose, then the disgust on her face became stronger, so she hurriedly called Gu Yu and Li Xia and asked them to prepare hot water.

"You have to wash up."

Xiao Yeyang hugged Daohua and didn't let go: "Then you have to help me."

Daohua glanced at him angrily: "Have you seen Master?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "The old man went out with Doctor Ge."

Daohua nodded, saw Gu Yu and Li Xia calling hot water, and quickly got off the kang: "You go to the clean room, I'll go get you clothes."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and walked into the clean room.

Two quarters of an hour later, after taking a bath, Xiao Yeyang's eyebrows lay relaxed on the kang with his head resting on Daohua's lap, while Daohua was shaving Xiao Yeyang intently.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang's frostbitten face, Daohua was very distressed. After shaving, she found the wound cream and carefully rubbed it on him.

"I'll make you a mask when you go back. Remember to take it with you when you go out in the future."

Xiao Yeyang nodded with a smile on his face: "Okay."

After wiping her face, Daohua checked Xiao Yeyang's body and applied medicine to some bruised and bruised areas.

The charcoal fire was burning vigorously in the room, the hot kang was warm under him, the tip of his nose was filled with the fragrance of his wife, and Xiao Yeyang, who was completely relaxed, slowly closed his eyes.

When Daohua finished the medicine, he found that Xiao Yeyang had fallen asleep.

For more than a month after stepping into Xiliang, he was running around every day. Even though Xiao Yeyang practiced martial arts all the year round, his body was a little overwhelmed.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang falling asleep, his brows were wrinkled, Daohua showed pity on his face, and reached out to soothe him.

During dinner, Daohua saw that Xiao Yeyang was sleeping soundly, did not call him, and went to Gujian's yard alone.

"Master, Xiao Yeyang came back this afternoon. He was not injured. He is fine. Don't worry."

Gu Jian nodded: "He must be exhausted during this time, let him rest well, by the way, make more medicated meals to replenish his body."

Daohua replied with a smile: "I will."

Xiao Yeyang slept until noon the next day and woke up. When he woke up, he heard Daohua asking for his birthday outside.

"Didn't you just allocate a batch of food for porridge a few days ago? Why did it run out so quickly?"

Deshou replied with a bitter face: "I don't know what's going on. These refugees outside Tiancheng are gathering more and more. The food that could have been used for half a month will be gone in a few days."

Daohua frowned: "There are too many people, no one is making trouble, right?"

Deshou shook his head: "No, everyone lives by cooking porridge, and dare not make trouble at this time."

At this time, Xiao Yeyang came out.

Daohua quickly got up and walked over: "Are you awake?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded, pulled Daohua to sit down, and looked at Deshou: "What's the matter with the refugees?"

I talked about the sudden increase in the number of refugees in the past two days.

Xiao Yeyang frowned: "When I first came, there were only five or six thousand refugees outside the city, and it rose to tens of thousands in less than a month. It seems that some people don't want me to have a better life."

Daohua was surprised: "You mean that someone is driving the refugees to Ganzhou City? Who, why did they do this? We just came, and we didn't offend anyone?"

Xiao Yeyang sneered: "We didn't offend anyone, but because of our arrival, it may break the situation in Xiliang, and for some people, it is in their way."

Even though Xiliang is bitter and barren, in the eyes of some people, this is their sphere of influence, and no outsiders can interfere, let alone change.

Due to the lack of management of Xiliang by the imperial court, it may be their illusion that the rulers here have given birth to this land.

Daohua frowned: "If we can't get food to appease the refugees outside the city."

Xiao Yeyang took over the words: "Once the refugees make trouble, someone will definitely ask the imperial court to make a case, and then use this to drive me out of Xiliang."

Daohua listened, pondered for a while, and looked at Deshou: "You go with Gu Yu to get another batch of food, and make sure to appease the refugees living outside the city, and don't allow them to cause trouble."

Deshou glanced at Xiao Yeyang, and seeing that he had no objection, he retreated with Gu Yu.

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua: "There shouldn't be much left over the supplies we brought, right?"

Daohua nodded, and then asked Li Xia to bring the warehouse list and handed it to Xiao Yeyang for him to see for himself.

"Don't worry too much, I have already sent a letter to Qin Xiaoliu, but the capital is too far from Xiliang, and the food will be shipped in, it is estimated that it will take around February."

"With the current number of refugees outside the city, we simply can't hold on to that time. But as long as we survive this period of time, we will definitely supply food in the future."

Saying that, he paused.

"The refugees outside the city are not our family's business. Should officials and merchants in the city also come out?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "Xiliang is no better than other places, and Ganzhou Guard is the poorest sanctuary. Even officials and merchants don't have much surplus food at home. Let them take out the food, and they will be asked for it. life is the same."

When there is no trouble outside the city, they may not do it.

Daohua asked again: "What about the guardhouse? Isn't the military households usually in the fields, so there must be provisions in the guardhouse?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head again: "Military households will pay grain, but the grain output here is too low. Ganzhou Wei is the closest to Xiliao, and usually has to keep a frontier army stationed here."

"The last commander died because he was in arrears with the frontier army's food and salaries, was called by the frontier army generals, and was accidentally shot by the Xiliao people."

Daohua was a little tongue-tied: "Didn't you say that the commander was killed while patrolling?"

Xiao Yeyang sneered: "That's just to make it sound better. The people in Xiliang live so hard, in addition to the geographical climate and the reasons of the people of Xiliao, it is also largely related to the incompetence of the officials here. ."

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang: "Now that you have taken over the Ganzhou Guard, doesn't that mean that you also have to support the frontier troops stationed here?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded with a headache.

This time, if the frontier army was not concerned about his identity, and he led another group of Western Liao cavalry to annihilate, the frontier army would have come to Ganzhou city long ago.

Seeing that Xiao Yeyang's brows were knotted again, Daohua sat down and smoothed it for him: "This is not a big deal, if I lack anything else, I may not be able to help, but when it comes to food, how could I, a big grain householder, be short of food. . Food matters, leave it to me."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and looked at Daohua: "Didn't you say that the food won't arrive until February?"

Daohua smiled and said: "The capital is far away, there is no way, but we can find a place closer to borrow food, or buy food."

Xiao Yeyang didn't want to attack Daohua, so she didn't tell her that she might not be able to buy food at all in Xiliang.

Almost all the Nine Guards of Xiliang are all commanders, and the person who wants him to leave Xiliang the most may be Wei Hongcai, the commander.

However, people have weaknesses, and it is not impossible for several commanders to buy them.

Thinking of the news from Jin Lingwei, Xiao Yeyang decided to go out tomorrow to see the most unpopular commander Lan Wuwei.

As long as you subdue him, you should be able to get a batch of food.

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