There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 871 Chapter 871, borrowing food

The huge city of Ganzhou has only a few grain shops. In order to ensure the continuous supply of grain in the city, Daohua did not send people to buy grain from the grain shops in the city, but sent people to other guards to buy grain.

Ganzhou Guard Commander.

Fan Tong, who had just returned to the city for two days, found out about this, and shook his head in disapproval: "You really have a lot of money, and you use money to buy food to help the refugees."

On the other side, the commander Tong Zhi Xia Jianren sneered at the side: "People are happy, you can do so much."

Fan Tong is a rough and reckless man, Xia Jianren looks quite a scholar, but the fox eyes on his face often show the light of shrewd calculation.

Fan Tong was a little dissatisfied: "Old Xia, don't speak rude words here, you clearly know that without the approval of Lord Wei, they would not buy food at all. But there are more and more refugees outside the city, and it is really about to make trouble. Can you and I sit still?"

Xia Jianren smiled and said, "Why not? He Xiao Yeyang wants to take over Ganzhou Wei, then let him solve it himself."

Fan Tong frowned: "I understand that you want to embarrass Xiao Yeyang, but the people are innocent. And Mr. Wei also said, don't let us fight him."

Xia Jianren: "Who wants to fight against him? We just don't pick up the slack. If Xiao Yeyang comes to the guardhouse, we will do whatever he tells us."

Thinking that there were already 30,000 or 40,000 refugees outside the city, Fan Tong couldn't help sighing: "I knew that when I was back, I wouldn't have spread the news of cooking porridge outside the city."

Xia Jianren listened and sneered: "You reckless man, is it possible that you have to disobey Lord Wei for a Xiao Yeyang?"

Fan Tong kept his head down and did not speak.

He had a faint feeling in his heart that this was wrong, but he was used to obeying orders and couldn't think of a reason.

Xiao House.

"Girl, the price of food in the city has risen!"

In the hall, Yan Shouhou reported the news to Daohua.

After Daohua heard this, the teacup in her hand was heavily placed on the table.

Yesterday, Xiao Yeyang said that some people didn't want to make them feel better. She didn't feel it deeply, but today she just sent out the people who bought food, and the price of food went up. She could clearly feel the strong malice.

This is when they are fat sheep, they want to come up and take a bite, and then kick them out of Xiliang.

Yan Shouhou glanced at Daohua: "Girl, if the grains of other guards also rise, should we continue to buy grains?"

Daohua: "Continue to buy, but. The amount of grain purchased each time is controlled within a hundred stone."

Yan Shouhou frowned: "If this is the case, I'm afraid it won't be able to support the government's expenses."

Daohua: "Do as I say, and you don't have to worry about the rest." She didn't expect to buy much food in Xiliang.

Yan Shouhou nodded and quickly retreated.

As soon as he left, Bi Shi brought Dong Li over.

Dongli bowed to Daohua: "Prince Prince, do you have something to ask for your subordinates?"

Daohua nodded: "Now there is a shortage of food in the house, I want you to go to Ninglu Province with two hundred guards."

Ninglu Province is next to Xiliang, and grains are shipped from there, and they can arrive in half a month.

Dong Li: "Concubine Shi wants me to buy food?"

Daohua: "It's not buying grain, it's borrowing grain."

The further north you go, the lower the grain output, and the more expensive the price of grain will be. Dozens or hundreds of shi of grain are nothing, but more than 10,000 shi of grain will cost a lot.

Although Xiao Yeyang didn't say anything, but through inquiries and reading during this time, she knew that there were nearly 50,000 frontier troops stationed on the Ganzhou Guard side, plus the refugees outside the city, the food consumed every day was a terrifying figure.

If you have to rely on spending money to buy these, even gold and silver will not be enough.

Dong Li frowned, feeling that Daohua was a little whimsical, and reminded politely: "Prince Prince, life is not easy with Ning Lu, they probably won't lend us food."

Daohua took out a piece of jade pendant: "Envoy Ning Lubu is a member of the Dudu of Wu. You bring this jade pendant, and you are from the uncle of the emperor, he will definitely meet you."

Dong Li took the jade pendant and saw the word 'Wu' on the jade pendant, and then he remembered that when he was in Zhongzhou, the prince concubine saved Dudu Wu's life.

Daohua continued: "Of course, this is just a stepping stone. It's not enough to ask Ninglubu to borrow food." After speaking, she handed over another letter.

Dong Li took the letter: "This is?"

Daohua said with a smile: "I have inquired that Wu Bu has served three consecutive terms in Ninglu, and he has not been able to be transferred back to Beijing, mainly because of his poor political performance."

"Ninglu's situation is better than that of Xiliang, but it's not much better. The output of grain has not been high, there is no grain, the population can't increase, and there are no people. Where will the taxes and achievements come from?"

"You tell him that as long as he agrees to borrow the grain, I can return the grain to him in April or May next year, and at the same time, give priority to providing Ninglu with high-yielding grain seeds for three years."

Although high-yield grains have been promoted for some years, Daxia has a vast territory, and there are not many provinces allocated to each year.

After Dong Li heard this, his eyebrows slowly stretched out, and all the provinces with high-yielding grains were rushing to ask for it: "As soon as the subordinates report to the old man, they will immediately lead people to leave."

Daohua smiled and nodded: "I have people prepare dry food and gifts for the Wu family's daughters, remember to take them later."

Dong Li nodded and stepped back.

Daohua had already told Gu Jian in advance, and when Dongli went over, Gu Jian agreed.

Doctor Ge was also there, and when he saw Dong Li leave, he was a little worried: "Can I borrow food?"

Gu Jian smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Not to mention the promise given by the apprentice, just because the person who went there is Dongli, Wu Buzheng has to give some face.

The master behind Dongli is the emperor, and now he is serving the newly released Duke Fuguo, and there is also a Prince Ping mansion. As long as the Wu Buzheng envoy still has the heart to climb up, he will help.

I have to say that apprentices are very good at choosing people.

Lan Wuwei was next to Ganzhou Wei, and Xiao Yeyang went back that night.

Daohua saw that his brows were wrinkled, and she didn't ask Lan Wuwei's envoy to borrow food, she just said about Dongli's sending to Ninglu to borrow food: "Don't worry, I will definitely get you food. ."

Xiao Yeyang hugged Daohua: "Fortunately, you are here."

After taking over the Ganzhou Guard, he has to take care of defense and civil affairs. At this time, it is deeply touching that his power is limited. In addition, there are not many people around him, and there are still people who are restricting him everywhere. .

Daohua hugged Xiao Yeyang back: "We are husband and wife, we should help each other."

Xiao Yeyang rubbed his forehead: "The situation on Xiliang's side is more responsible than I thought, I originally thought that Lan Wuwei's commander would not be taken seriously and could be used for his own use, but they were not moved at all. "

Daohua rubbed Xiao Yeyang's temples, thinking that they had to face the covetousness of the Xiliao people, and felt that her head also ached.

All command envoys.

Wei Hongcai looked at the message from the commander of Lan Wuwei, and there was a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The master next to him said with a smile: "Xiao Yeyang thought it was in the capital, and thought that anyone would sell his face as the prince of the royal palace."

Wei Hongcai hummed and said, "Pang Guang is so acquainted this time, but it's not for us, but he thinks that Xiao Yeyang came to Xiliang just for pretence and will leave soon, and he doesn't want to join in."

Master: "No matter what, as long as it is beneficial to adults, it is a good thing."

Wei Hongcai smiled: "Find a few scumbags to mix in with the refugees, and as long as the porridge is broken, let them incite the refugees to make trouble."

Master: "This subordinate will make arrangements."

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