Dongli hurried on the road for five days and five nights, and finally reached the provincial capital of Ninglu. After handing the jade pendant and the letter to the political envoy Wu Bu, the political envoy Wu Bu hurriedly called his staff to discuss whether to borrow food or not.

Dongli and the escort team rested for the night, and the next day, Wu Buzheng told them that he agreed to borrow food.

Dongli immediately sent the news back to Ganzhou Wei with the Eagle Falcon.

Daohua breathed a sigh of relief upon receiving the news.

Although she was 70 to 80 percent sure that the Wu Buzheng envoy would borrow food, but everything was subject to contingency, and she was not less worried these days.

After counting the remaining grains again, and making sure that they can support Dongli and others to bring the grains back, Daohua will go to prepare for the New Year with confidence.

This is the first year they have come to Xiliang, and she still wants to live a warm and lively life.

Thanks to Xiao Yeyang's annihilation of the Hundred-Man Cavalry Team in the Western Liaoning Province, the Western Liaoning people stopped a lot and did not dare to invade the Ganzhou defensive area again, but the other guards were robbed.

In previous winters, Ganzhou guards were at the front, and other guards had a much better life, but this year, they began to complain.

Guard Commander.

Many people in the guardhouse were waiting to see Xiao Yeyang's joke, and Xia Jianren went to the city wall every day to see the situation of the refugees.

Seeing him running so diligently, Fan Tong nodded, thinking, Old Xia Ping is a little smarter, but he is still good, and he still cares about the people.

On the city wall, Xia Jianren frowned as he looked at the refugees who were lining up in an orderly line to drink porridge below.

Now that the number of refugees has risen to 40,000, the Xiao family can still support it.

What's even more speechless is that they even provided decoction.

This is silver burning panic!

Seeing that there were still people building a straw hut, Xia Jianren didn't want to look anymore, he tightened his cloak, got off the city wall, and strode home.

Since the Xiao residence is so generous to the refugees, it will definitely not be stingy towards the generals guarding the border.

After returning to the mansion, Xia Jianren sent a letter to the frontier generals.

After the death of the commander, he and Fan Tong were almost all in charge of the guards. Fan Tong was a rough man who could only train troops, and he was in charge of food and salaries.

During the winter this year, the garrison did not give the frontier troops much food.

At this time, the army must be having a hard time.

Frontier Barracks.

After receiving the letter from Xia Jianren, General Cao Dan stood silent for a long time in the military tent.

This year, if the newly arrived town of Ganzhou Wei had not killed a team of cavalry in Xiliao, now his soldiers would definitely still be fighting against the people of Xiliao.

The army's food and salaries are not much, but everyone stayed in the camp and didn't move. It was enough to save a little.

Looking at Xia Jianren's letter, Cao Dan narrowed his eyes.

Over the years, he has dealt with the Wei Institute a lot, and he knows that Xia Jianren is a very calculating person.

He also heard about the porridge at the gate of Ganzhou Acropolis. Now Xia Jianren asked himself to go to Xiao Yeyang to ask for food, obviously not at ease.

Instinctively, he favored Xiao Yeyang.

Soldiers are like this. They admire people who are stronger than themselves. Obviously, in Cao Dan's eyes, Xiao Yeyang, who can destroy the people of Xiliao and make people in Xiliao fear, convinces him even more.

After thinking again and again, Cao Dan decided to go to Ganzhou City.

It is not necessary to get food, but it is right to complain more.

The last time he saw Xiao Yeyang, he knew that this person was not the playboy that everyone imagined who only knew how to enjoy. In his eyes, he saw the determination to destroy Xiliao.

I heard that he lived in the commander's mansion and took over the Ganzhou Guard, so he must have more contact so that he can get the military salary smoothly in the future.

Of course, if he can bring back food and let the soldiers eat better, he will be happier for a good New Year.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, Cao Dan entered the city of Ganzhou with several personal soldiers.

Xia Jianren has been paying attention to the movements of Xiao Mansion, and immediately knew that Cao Dan was looking for Xiao Yeyang, and immediately sent a message to the commander.

"The frontier troops have already joined in. Now, as long as the porridge at the city gate ends, Xiao Yeyang can be driven out of Xiliang."

Xiao House.

Daohua heard that the military counselor Bian was coming to look for Xiao Yeyang, and after asking the number of people who came, she asked the kitchen to prepare meals.

In the living room of the front yard, Xiao Yeyang was obviously surprised when he saw Cao Dan, and immediately asked, "But the army is short of food?"

Cao Dan instinctively nodded.

Over the years, the guard has been in arrears with the military camp's rations, and every time he came to Ganzhou guard, he was almost there to ask for food, which became his subconscious reaction.

Xiao Yeyang's impression of Cao Dan was not bad. It was the first time he saw this person.

Obviously, the weapons and equipment are much behind the Xiliao people, but they didn't let the Xiliao people find it cheap.

"wait for me a while."

Cao Dan, who didn't say a word when he came in, stared blankly at Xiao Yeyang's back as he strode away.

It wasn't until the maid came in for tea that she regained her senses.

"General, please drink tea!"

The maid brought tea to Cao Dan, and then stepped aside to stand.

Cao Dan saw that the maid didn't look sideways or looked around, and quickly reached out and handed a plate of red bean cakes to the two guards behind him.

They came out after eating a bun today, and they were already hungry.

The personal soldiers glanced at the maid, and seeing that the maid did not look at them, they each quickly took three pieces of red bean cake.

The porcelain plate is not big, and a plate only holds eight or nine pieces.

Cao Dan saw that the soldiers had left him three pieces, so he picked up one piece and ate it.

As soon as the cake entered, Cao Dan's eyes narrowed.

The maid, who had been pretending to be an invisible person, saw Cao Dan's expression of enjoyment, she couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

Cao Dan was embarrassed, and immediately blushed.

He was born and raised in Xiliang, Xiliang is remote and bitter and cold, and there are people from Xiliao who are in trouble, so few caravans usually come here.

This has led to the scarcity of materials here and the extremely high prices.

Even if he is a general, precious things like sugar and honey are usually hard to eat.

This pastry is soft, delicious, and extremely sweet, and I can't control my expression.

The maid realized that she had made a mistake, and immediately withdrew her smile, and turned her eyes away again, as if the person who just laughed was not her.

Seeing the maid like this, Cao Dan didn't want to eat it, but he silently put the remaining two pieces of cakes into his pocket and drank tea calmly.

Fortunately, Xiao Yeyang came back after a while.

As soon as Xiao Yeyang entered the door, he said to Cao Dan, "I will give you five hundred shi of grain first. You insist on it first, and I will give it again in the middle of the first month."

Cao Dan moved his lips, hesitated for a moment, but still said, "If it's inconvenient for your lord, there's no hurry here at the military camp."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Yeyang interrupted him: "The rations of the soldiers are absolutely indispensable. If you don't have good physical strength, how can you fight against Xiliao?"

"The soldiers I saw last time were yellow-faced and skinny. If they really went to war, they would be the first to die."

Hearing this, Cao Dan felt a little moved.

Xiliang's grain yield was low, and he almost never received enough rations. Every time he asked for food, the guards would delay as long as they could, and the soldiers were often hungry.

Now they finally meet someone who will not lose their rations.

Xiao Yeyang: "By the way, I see that your weapons and armaments are also badly damaged. Has anyone replaced them for you?"

Cao Dan smiled bitterly: "Every time I report the change of weapons and military uniforms, I will command the envoy, and it will almost disappear."

Xiao Yeyang sank his face, thought for a while, and said, "Before you go, give me a list of the military supplies that the army usually uses."

Cao Dan glanced at Xiao Yeyang and nodded.

At this time, Defu walked in.

"Master, Concubine Shizi has prepared the meal, and it's time for dinner."

Xiao Yeyang got up and took Cao Dan to the hall for dinner, while the few personal soldiers brought by Cao Dan were taken to the next wing by Defu to eat.

Looking at the sumptuous meals on the table, several of the soldiers who followed couldn't help swallowing.

After eating, Cao Dan left with 500 shi of grain.

The personal soldier sitting on the horse hiccups said to Cao Dan, "General, the new Mr. Xiao is really a good person."

Cao Dan laughed: "The food for you is a good person?"

The personal soldier nodded seriously: "Yes, I am not afraid of hitting the people of Xiliao, but I am afraid of starvation."

Hearing this, Cao Dan felt a little nervous in his heart. He forced a smile and said, "Master Xiao also gave two cars of meat, and after returning, he also let other brothers have a good meal."

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