The frontier army left with the food, which surprised Xia Jianren: "Even if you brought a lot of supplies when you came, it should be almost consumed for such a large-scale use of Xiao Mansion."

The staff next to him said with a smile: "It's better if you give it. The frontier army is a regular army. There is discipline there, and it won't easily cause trouble until it reaches the end. But the refugees are different. If there is no food, then Each and every one of them will work hard.”

Xia Jianren smiled: "That's true, the frontier army took away the food, leaving less for the refugees. Let's just wait and see how long the Xiao residence can last?"

After speaking, he pondered for a while, and said to his staff: "In this period of time, you should focus on the porridge shed. Once you run out of food, go and contact the sloppy skins that Mr. Wei found."

The aide smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, my lord, I will do my job well."

In the blink of an eye, it's New Year's Eve.

The New Year in the frontier is naturally not as lively as in the capital, but all the rice flowers that should be prepared are prepared, and the house is decorated with joy.

Daohua thought that all the servants in the house had left their hometowns and followed them to this remote and bitter place. Early in the morning, she sent everyone an extra three-month monthly report.

There were only her, Xiao Yeyang, and Gu Jian in the house. Although it was not lively, the three of them sat together, ate hot food, and chatted about the experience of coming to Xiliang. The atmosphere was extraordinarily warm and happy.

On the first day of the new year, after Daohua and Xiao Yeyang gave Gu Jian their New Year's homage, they watched the kitchen making roasted whole lamb, and after thinking about it, they called Laifufu and asked him to send two sheep to the porridge shed.

There are many herdsmen here in Xiliang. As long as you have money, you can't buy beef and mutton.

At the same time, on the city wall, Xia Jianren's staff did not accompany their family members, and braved the wind and snow to stare at the situation of the refugees.

When I saw that the refugee porridge still had minced meat in it, I felt a chill in my heart.

"Is the palace all so rich and powerful?"

Not enough porridge, but also meat?

"How much supplies did the Xiao family bring?"

According to the current situation, Master Tongzhi wants to drive Master Xiao away, but he is afraid that it will be a long way off.

Compared with the heaviness of the staff, the refugees were carrying thick porridge with oily meat and foam, but their eyes were a little red.

Many of them came to Ganzhou City with the mentality of using dead horses as living horse doctors. It was really hard to live at home. If there was no food here, then they could only find a place where no one was there. Buried in the snow.

Never thought that they actually survived.

Some elderly and children suffered from the cold, and after drinking the medicine, they also survived tenaciously.

Today, on the first day of the Chinese New Year, I also let them drink meat porridge!

"Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao are really good people!"

Some elderly people wipe their tears with their hands while drinking porridge. Many of them find it difficult to eat meat and fish even if they are at home for the New Year.

A few rogues who were hiding among the refugees and were going to take the opportunity to incite trouble saw this scene, and when they thought of what they were going to do, a faint sense of guilt rose in their hearts.

"Otherwise, shall we go?"

They are rude, but their conscience has not been completely lost. It is a bit difficult for them to harm a person who relieves the common people.

Popitou looked at the porridge shed, then looked at the soup that was being cooked next to him, and gritted his teeth: "As long as the new Master Xiao can make these people survive the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, we will leave."

"What will the commander say when we leave?"

"Xiliang is so big, if we don't go back to Liang, we won't do it anymore."

"Isn't the food issue resolved? Why are you still frowning?"

Daohua returned to the room with the herbal meal, and saw Xiao Yeyang sitting in front of the desk, wondering what he was thinking, put down the herbal meal, walked over, put one hand around his neck naturally, and sat on his lap.

Xiao Yeyang held Daohua's hand: "I'm thinking about military supplies."

"Although the imperial court doesn't pay much attention to Xiliang, but this is the border, and it still allocates a sum of money every year to train troops and replace weapons and equipment."

"After I came to Xiliang, I ran several defense lines, and found that the frontier army not only had yellow muscles, but also the ordnance in their hands was tattered. I don't know where the money from the imperial court went!"

"Even the military households of the guardhouse, there are not many strong and powerful."

Saying that, he snorted.

"And I also found that there is a lot of passive defense in the border troops and guards in some places."

"How can they fight like this?"

"In the past two years, the Xiliao side has not been sluggish. Otherwise, the people from Xiliao will come and fight, and this side will not be able to resist."

Daohua didn't want him to frown: "Don't be too anxious, the situation here in Xiliang is not achieved in a day. We have just arrived in Xiliang, and things will come one by one."

Xiao Yeyang: "I know this too, but I'm worried that Xiliao won't give us time. The cavalry I met last time were all brave and good at fighting."

Said, looking at the rice flower.

"I have already handed the book to the uncle of the emperor. Please send the money for the military supplies to Ganzhou Guard directly here. If you don't pass through, you will command the envoys."

"The iron mine we discovered earlier was managed by Uncle Rui, and I bought a batch of military equipment with military silver."

"After the fifth day of the first lunar month, I will go to the guardhouse to select a group of military households and start military training. You will have to take care of the affairs of the house."

Daohua: "Don't worry, I will take care of the house together."

Shiqukou, the mountain pass where Daohua and his group were robbed by the Wang clan.

Wang Qi stood on the mountain and looked at the grain team passing by below.

Standing beside him, Wang Wu recognized at a glance that the people who escorted the food team were the escorts who had beaten him and the clan before him.

"Sir, it's them, they are the guards of the new Master Xiao."

"Honey, where did they get so much food? If only they could leave us a few more carts."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Wu was hit hard by Wang Qi on his head.

"You can't be too greedy."

Wang Qi looked at Wang Wu solemnly, until Wang Wu shrank his neck, then raised his eyes to look in the direction of Liangdu: "If you are greedy together, you will fall into the abyss."

Wang Qi quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the food team again.

The food team moved fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Wang Qi heard the news that Ganzhou City was serving porridge, and at the same time, he also saw the fact that the refugees flocked to Ganzhou City, and was very worried about that Mr. Xiao for a while.

But after seeing the food team just passed by, I put my heart down.

Such a generous relief for refugees, Mr. Xiao is much better than he imagined.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the refugees outside the city gate were extremely quiet as they watched horse carts carrying grain enter the city of Ganzhou. Their previously numb and hollow faces began to become lively little by little.

On this day, Xia Jianren happened to be on the city wall, and when he saw the long grain transport team, his jaw dropped, and he hurriedly called his staff: "Go and find out where the Xiao family bought the grain?"

After the staff left, Xia Jianren couldn't help but sighed, it was not easy to do what Master Wei explained.

In the guardhouse, Fan Tong couldn't help swallowing after hearing the news of the food team: "Master Wei is right, the prince of this palace may really have gold and silver."

In addition to being amazed, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Xiao family really stopped serving porridge, the refugees outside the city would probably cause trouble. Once there was trouble, he would have to take the guards to suppress and clear it.

For the people of Xiliao, he has no problem at all, but he really can't do anything to the desperate people outside the city.

All command envoys.

Wei Hongcai didn't wait for the news that the refugees in Ganzhou City were making trouble, but when he heard that Xiao Yeyang had brought another batch of food over, he felt depressed at the same time and became more and more afraid.

The master on the side glanced at Wei Hongcai's face, thought about it, and suggested, "Sir, otherwise, let's leave Ganzhou Wei alone."

"Xiao Yeyang is young and energetic. He must have wanted to do something when he first came to Xiliang. If we interfere too much, it will stimulate his fighting spirit, so it is better to let it go."

"The climate in Xiliao is bitter and cold, with cold winters and hot summers. The land is barren and supplies are even scarcer. When he can't bear it, maybe he will leave by himself."

Wei Hongcai frowned, "That's the only way it can be."

Xiao Yeyang's identity was there, and he also received news that the emperor's uncle and the newly-appointed Duke Fuguo also followed. He could make small moves in private to make Xiao Yeyang retreat in spite of difficulties, but You can't confront him head-on.

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