Jinweiwei, Okayama Hundred Households Office.

Just as Dong Yuanxuan returned from patrolling outside with fifty soldiers under his command, a veteran guarding the gate stopped him: "Dong Xiaoqi, Lord Baihu just looked for you everywhere."

Dong Yuanxuan paused for a moment: "What is your lord looking for me?"

At this time, a general banner of Baihu Institute walked over, and said with some yin and yang: "Master Baihu is your father-in-law. It must be a good thing to find you. Maybe you will be promoted to the general banner."

Dong Yuanxuan glanced at the general flag and walked towards the stable with the horse, without arguing with him. After the horse was tied, he quickly walked towards the office of Baihu.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

Seeing his son-in-law coming, Liu Baihu immediately had a smile on his face, and when he saw the chill on his body, he poured him a bowl of tea himself: "Although it hasn't snowed in the past two days, the weather is still very cold. Come and have a fire."

Dong Yuanxuan took the tea, walked to the charcoal basin, and stretched out his red-hot hand: "Sir, the old king at the door said you were looking for me, what's the matter?"

Liu Baihu looked at his son-in-law, and thought to himself, he really deserves to be the son-in-law of the Hou family. Even if he is in trouble, his bearing is very comparable. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for my own daughter to marry such a person?

"This morning, someone came to Baihusuo to look for you."

When Dong Yuanxuan heard it, he thought it was another accident at home, so he quickly asked, "But at home."

Seeing that he was anxious, Liu Baihu quickly reassured him: "Don't worry, it's not your family, it's someone from Ganzhou Wei. I'll let that person go to dinner, and you'll see him after a while."

Hearing this, Dong Yuanxuan was instantly excited.

Jinweiwei is close to Ganzhouwei, and even if the information on the Baihu Institute is not well-informed, more or less some news has come over.

In addition, he married Liu Baihu's daughter, and Liu Baihu would tell him many things.

Years ago, he heard that the little prince came to Xiliang, in Ganzhouwei.

Liu Baihu took out a document from the desk, looked at Dong Yuanxuan and sighed, "When I first saw you, I knew you would not stay in our small place forever." past.

"Look at it, your family's order."

Dong Yuanxuan put down the tea bowl and took the order impatiently.

Seeing the excited son-in-law, Liu Baihu thought for a while, but still said, "Yuan Xuan, I know that you are a little wronged by marrying Xiaoman, but now she is pregnant with your child, I hope you will be able to do it in the future. Treat her well."

Hearing this, Dong Yuanxuan looked away from the order, looked up at Liu Baihu, saw the worry in his eyes, was silent for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Father-in-law, since I married Xiaoman, she is mine. Wife, I will naturally treat her well, please don't worry about that."

Hearing this, Liu Baihu immediately laughed, patted Dong Yuanxuan on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, I really didn't see the wrong person."

When the Dong family first came here, I didn't know who had offended. Every time something happened, my stupid daughter was a good-looking girl. Seeing how handsome Dong Yuanxuan was, she would help every time the Dong family had an accident.

In June last year, the old lady of the Dong family fell ill. After watching the silly daughter's busy schedule, he gave the Dong family the ginseng that the family treasured. In a fit of anger and desperation, he found Dong Yuanxuan and bluntly asked him to marry him. daughter.

Let Dong Yuanxuan marry his daughter.

But he had no choice, the silly daughter was trapped, and he could only find a way to fulfill her as a father.

I heard that the newly-arrived Zhenfu from Ganzhou Guard is the son of the king of the capital. Now that the Dong family has been transferred, he is afraid that he will turn over.

While talking, Bu Gandang came over after dinner, and when he saw Dong Yuanxuan coming back, he immediately clasped his fists and greeted him: "Master Dong!"

Dong Yuanxuan knew Bu Gandang, clasped his fists in return, and asked about Xiao Yeyang's current situation.

Liu Baihu watched from the side without interrupting, but seeing that Bu Gandang was very polite and respectful to his son-in-law, he couldn't help but worry.

The son-in-law is a dragon and a phoenix. If someone helps pull out of the quagmire, the future is limitless, but the stupid daughter doesn't even know a few big characters. Will she be disliked in the future?

Bu Gandang: "If it is possible, I hope the young master can leave for Ganzhou Wei as soon as possible. As soon as the first month is over, it will be February, and the spring ploughing will begin, and the refugees must be settled before the spring ploughing."

Dong Yuanxuan looked at Liu Baihu: "Father-in-law, my soldiers."

Liu Baihu waved his hand: "I'll arrange this, you go back and let Xiaoman and the others pack their things, don't let Ganzhou Wei wait for a long time."

Dong Yuanxuan looked at Liu Baihu and said with gratitude, "Thank you, father-in-law."

Marrying Liu Xiaoman, his father-in-law spoke with some coercion, but he didn't feel much reluctance in his heart. If it wasn't for Xiaoman's repeated help, his grandmother and mother might not have survived.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, I will take good care of Xiaoman."

After saying goodbye to Liu Baihu, Dong Yuanxuan took Bu Gandang to Dong's house.

The Dong family lived in a village under the jurisdiction of Hundred Households in Gangshan. Dong Yuanxuan and Bu Gandang rode their horses for half an hour before arriving at the village.

Except for Mr. Dong, the men of the Dong family went to repair the city wall.

In the house, Mrs. Dong was looming on the loom, and Mrs. Dong was sitting on the kang with the pregnant Liu Xiaoman.

Hearing the sound of the courtyard door opening, Liu Xiaoman leaned over to the window, saw Dong Yuanxuan entering the courtyard through the oil paper, and immediately smiled, "Grandmother, mother, Xianggong is back."

When Mrs. Dong heard this, she immediately stopped weaving. As soon as she walked to the door to open the door, Dong Yuanxuan strode in: "Why are you back at this time?" Seeing Bu Gandang standing in the yard, she was stunned, "Then person is?"

Dong Yuanxuan introduced with a smile: "Mother, Commander Bu is the man of the little prince."

Hearing this, Mrs. Dong's eyes lit up, and when she saw the order handed over by her son, she immediately took it and looked at it, and then quickly walked to the front of the kang and said to Mrs. Dong, "Mother, the little prince has come to Xiliang, and wants to take us Transfer to Ganzhou Guard."

When Mrs. Dong heard it, she took the transfer order, and after reading it, her eyes were red.

After the Dong family accident, she kept holding a sigh of relief in her heart. She was so unwilling. Even though her son and grandson were so good, they were affected by the family and were exiled to such a bitter and cold place.

Not only do you have to do the dirtiest and most tiring work, but you also have to be bullied by others.

She is old and dead in this place, but her son and grandson are still young, especially since she is about to have a great-grandson soon. When she thinks that her great-grandson will also live in a bitter cold place, her heart is unbearable. .

Now that the little prince is here, as long as he is willing to give the opportunity, with the ability of his son and grandson, he will definitely be able to make a future for the Dong family.

Mrs. Dong and Mrs. Dong looked at the transfer order repeatedly with excitement, Dong Yuanxuan saw his wife sitting beside him at a loss, walked over and said, "We are going to Ganzhou Wei soon, go and pack two sets of clothes for me and go out, I have to leave today. ."

Liu Xiaoman knew her husband's family background and knew that she knew little, so she didn't go up to ask more at this time, but quickly got off the kang and went back to the house to pack up.

Mrs. Dong recovered from her excitement and looked at Dong Yuanxuan: "Let's go today, so anxious?"

Dong Yuanxuan nodded: "There are tens of thousands of refugees gathered outside the city of Ganzhou. The little prince wants me to take charge of the resettlement of the refugees. I will go first, but you don't have to worry. Grandfather and grandmother are old, and Xiaoman is pregnant again. Go slower."

Mrs. Dong nodded: "Would you like to call your father back?"

Dong Yuanxuan shook his head: "No need, it's a few miles away. It's troublesome every now and then. I'll go talk to my grandfather and leave. When my father comes back, you can give him the order, and he'll know everything."

Dong Yuanxuan went to see Mr. Dong, and when he came back, Liu Xiaoman had already packed his clothes.

Taking over the burden, looking at his wife's slightly worried eyes, Dong Yuanxuan pushed the broken hair from her forehead behind her ear: "Help me take care of my grandmother and the others, and take care of yourself and the child in your belly. Soon, we will We can meet in Ganzhou Wei."

With a simple sentence, Liu Xiaoman's heart was soothed.

"Don't worry, Xianggong, I will take good care of the family."

Dong Yuanxuan nodded, and after saying goodbye to Mrs. Dong and Mrs. Dong, he walked away on horseback.

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