Mrs. Dong supported Mrs. Dong to stand at the entrance of the village, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law slowly walked home until Dong Yuanxuan was no longer in sight.

On the way, Mrs. Dong sighed: "If the little prince came a few months earlier, or if I didn't get that disease, Xiaoman is a good person, but she can match Yuanxuan." Her eyes turned red when she said that, "I wronged me. That is the grandson of Lanzhi Yushu."

Mrs. Dong also sighed, and she was somewhat uneasy about her daughter-in-law Liu Xiaoman.

The appearance of the daughter-in-law has the characteristics of a frontier person. She is tall, has thick and dark skin, has a loud voice, and has a wild and outgoing temperament. In terms of appearance, the facial features are more three-dimensional.

As for knowledge and upbringing, there is no way to talk about it.

Mrs. Dong is not harsh on these, but she is a mother and naturally hopes that her son will match the best.

Seeing Mrs. Dong wiping away her tears with a handkerchief, Mrs. Dong hurriedly said to comfort: "Mother, the marriage is destined, the one before Yuan Xuan has a family background and looks, but people can't. When something happens to our family, we will be with you. Yuan Xuanhe has left."

"Although Xiaoman has such and other shortcomings, he helped us when our family was in the most difficult time. We have to receive this love."

"Speaking of which, if the little prince doesn't come, our family may have to stay at the Hundred Houses House in Okayama. In addition, Yuanxuan has divorced again, and Xiaoman married into the house. If we really want to talk about it, it is our family who has climbed high."

Mrs. Dong squinted her daughter-in-law, but did not refute it.

Seeing that Mrs. Dong's expression was getting better, Mrs. Dong said with a smile, "If there is something wrong with Xiaoman in the future, you and I just need to tune it up a few times. Look at her now, aren't the rules much better?"

Mrs. Dong nodded: "I didn't say she was bad, that child is a warmhearted person."

Seeing Liu Xiaoman standing at the gate of the courtyard waiting for them, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't talk much, and speeded up a bit.

"You're pregnant with a baby, come in, don't freeze."

Ganzhou City, Xiao House.

Daohua was eating lunch with Gu Jian, and Xiao Yeyang was training at the guardhouse.

When the meal was about to eat, Gu Jian asked, "Yeyang wants to take over all the refugees outside the city?"

Daohua nodded: "As long as you are willing to stay, continue."

Gu Jian: "Ye Yang has to train troops and patrol the defense area again. Is he busy?"

Daohua smiled and said, "Xiao Yeyang sent a letter to Big Brother Dong. When Big Brother Dong comes over, he will take care of the resettlement of the refugees. This way, Xiao Yeyang can also relax."

Gu Jian also knew Dong Yuanxuan and nodded.

Daohua: "Xiliang has a vast land and sparsely populated. I have read the topographical records of Ganzhouwei, and most of the land here is deserted."

"For other guards, refugees may be a burden, but I don't think so. The land on the Ganzhou guard side needs a large number of people to cultivate, so that it can not only ensure the supply of military supplies, but also facilitate the development of Ganzhou guard. , kill two birds with one stone.”

Gu Jian nodded in agreement: "That's true. The court's support for Xiliang is not enough, and it is also restricted by traffic. If Yeyang wants to manage Ganzhou Wei well, he still has to be self-sufficient."

Daohua smiled and nodded: "That's it." Only by solving the supply problem can a complete defense system be established.

After eating, Yan Shouhou arrived just as Daohua met in the yard.

"Girl, Zhuangzi and the pasture have all figured out everything."

"On the side of Xiliang, villages can only be built in places with sufficient water sources, but most of these are controlled by the officials of the guardhouse, and no one will sell them at all."

"We want to buy, we can only open up wasteland and build another one."

"As for the fields, the good ones will be occupied by Wei as military fields."

"As for the ranch, some people sell it, but it's not very good."

After finishing speaking, he handed the sorted information to Daohua.

Daohua flipped through it: "Have you seen all of these in person?"

Yan Shouhou nodded: "I've seen it all."

Daohua thought for a while: "Tomorrow, you will accompany me to take a look at the field. Spring plowing is about to begin, so we must hurry up. By the way, have you finished all the farm tools I asked you to hit before the New Year?"

Yan Shouhou: "By February, a few blacksmith shops in the city should be able to drive out seven or eight hundred sets of farm tools."

Daohua shook his head: "Not enough." After thinking for a while, "Well, you can go to the warehouse to collect money later, and send five hundred taels to each blacksmith shop, so that they can find more blacksmiths to make them."

In addition to the farm tools she used, she had to prepare a batch for the refugees.

Yan Shouhou nodded: "The servant will do it immediately." After speaking, he turned and left. When he reached the door, he stopped and said, "Girl, when I was out of town to see Zhuangzi and the ranch, I noticed that some refugees seemed to be leaving."

Hearing this, Daohua's expression changed: "I see, you can go and do your work." After thinking for a while, she got up and walked towards the yard where Dr. Ge lived.

When Doctor Ge saw Daohua approaching, his face was full of surprise: "Is there something wrong with Madam?"

Daohua asked with a smile: "How is the preparation of the military medical department of the guardhouse?"

Doctor Ge smiled and said, "Master Xiao specially set up a yard in the guardhouse to be used as a military doctor's office. Now the craftsmen are building it according to the plan, and it should be completed in a few days."

Daohua: "In the future, with Doctor Ge in charge, there will be no need to worry about no one to heal the wounded soldiers and households in the frontier guards."

"I would also like to thank Madam for the medicinal materials provided. Without medicine, I would not be able to use it even if I had the ability to reach the sky."

Dr. Ge sighed in his heart, saying that his wife has surpassed the adult, but in his opinion, it is really a blessing for the adult to marry his wife.

If your lord marries someone else, you won't get such great support here in Xiliang.

Food and medicinal materials, no matter where they are, are hard currency. It doesn't mean that others don't have them, but they are given out unconditionally like Madam, and there are very few.

After a few words of greetings, Daohua entered the topic: "The refugees outside the city, my husband is going to take over and let them open up wasteland. To manage a land, the population is the foundation. With people, there will be taxes, and all kinds of commerce and trade will also be Get up frequently."

"The weather has returned, and some refugees have begun to leave. Except for those who have a home to return to, I want to keep them."

Doctor Ge: "What are your orders, Madam, please say so."

Daohua: "I want to ask Dr. Ge to go out to the city for a few days to see a doctor for free. The people who are responsible for the resettlement of the refugees will be here soon. At that time, under the official propaganda, most of the refugees should be able to stay. ."

Mr. Ge responded without thinking much: "I have been eating and drinking in the house for a while now. I should also go out to do something. The doctors and apprentices I brought this time will also be taken out to practice."

Daohua smiled and thanked: "Thank you Doctor Ge."

After the two talked for a while, Daohua left.

That afternoon, when Dr. Ge went to find Gu Jian to play chess, he told Gu Jian about Daohua looking for him, and sighed, "Madam is really a good helper."

Gu Jian smiled: "That kid Ye Yang has good luck."

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