There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 881 Chapter 881, Spring Farming

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-February, the weather in Ganzhouwei began to warm up, and spring ploughing began to be carried out everywhere.

Guard Commander.

The thousand households of the five thousand households under Ganzhou Wei's jurisdiction have all come to collect the seeds. In previous years, Xia Jianren was in charge of these matters, but now the warehouse of the Wei institute was taken care of by Xiao Yeyang, he directly let the five thousand households I went to find Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang was watching the training of the military households with several officials of the guardhouse. He heard that the five thousand households had arrived, and looked at Fan Tong: "Master Fan, come and watch."

Fan Tong didn't expect Xiao Yeyang to call him, so he nodded instinctively: "Okay." After answering, he felt a little awkward. He had threatened to ignore Xiao Yeyang before.

Xiao Yeyang, he is not as old as he is, his qualifications are not as high as his, and his official position is lower than him, why should he let him listen to him?

However, after watching Xiao Yeyang's military training during this period of time, he has changed a lot about this arrogant prince of the royal palace who threatened to take over the Ganzhou Guard as soon as he came over.

After his training, the spirit of the military households is completely different from before. If the military households in the past were sheep with little aggressiveness, they now look like wolves.

He was still convinced about Xiao Yeyang's military training.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang who strode away, Fan Tong did not hesitate, took over the task of training troops, and stared at every military household on the field seriously.

"Xiao Yeyang is just a pacifier, do we really want to listen to him?"

"He is the eldest son of the king's mansion. Although he was demoted to Ganzhou Weilai, he can't be treated as a general pacifier. Haven't he seen other adults in the guardhouse make sacrifices to him? Let's just do it."

As soon as Xiao Yeyang came over, he saw five thousand households whispering, without greeting, and went straight into the commander's office.

The five thousand households saw each other, looked at each other, and walked in quickly.

In the room, Xiao Yeyang was looking through the military ration account books handed in by the five thousand households in recent years, ignoring the five people who came in.

The thousands of households looked at each other, and the eldest of them stood up with a smile: "I've waited to see Master Xiao, we are here."

Xiao Yeyang looked up and interrupted him directly: "The account book in my hand is the amount of grain handed in by the thousands of households under your control within five years. The court has regulations on handing over grain, I took a look, In the past five years, not a single thousand households have paid up to the standard of grain."

"Most of the best fields in Ganzhou Guard are designated as military fields, but you can't even supply the military rations for the frontier troops stationed here. I want to ask, how did you do it?"

Immediately, a thousand households shied away: "Master Xiao, you can't blame us for this. You just came to Ganzhou Wei, and you don't know the situation here. The food production here is really pitiful."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Yeyang threw the account book in his hand onto the table, and looked at the five people with a cold face: "You may only know that I am the prince of the royal family, and you may not know that I have Jin Lingwei commander Tong Zhi, do you think I will tell you this for no reason?"

Hearing this, the five thousand households were shocked.

Indeed, they only knew that Xiao Yeyang was the prince of the palace, and had never heard that he had been a Jin Lingwei.

Thinking of Jin Lingwei's prestige, the five people could not help oozing fine sweat on their foreheads.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the five people silently, until the five people looked tense, and they didn't care when they came in, and then continued: "I don't want to pursue too much about the past, but now Ganzhou Since Wei has been taken over by me, then you have to do things according to my rules."

It was the oldest Qianhu who reacted first and said quickly, "Master Xiao, I will follow your instructions in the future."

Jin Lingwei's investigations have always been invincible. Xiao Yeyang really wants to pursue it. Then the things they have done will definitely be enough for them to drink a pot.

The others came back to their senses and agreed.

Xiao Yeyang's expression softened slightly, that is, the news reported by Jin Lingwei said that these five military households were only greedy for some food, and there was no other major fault, so he was willing to continue to use them.

"The grains have been prepared for a long time, and they are all high-yield grains shipped from the capital. The land on the Xiliang side is a little barren, and the yield per mu may not be comparable to other inland provinces, but Xiaofu has also cultivated some. When the barren mountains and wastelands come out, when the autumn harvest this year, the best military fields must not be inferior to the barren mountains and wastelands.”

Five thousand households quickly said no.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the five people and continued: "I have prepared five high-yield grains. This year, the military fields under the jurisdiction of each thousand households are divided into five parts, which are to grow wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes and rapeseed respectively."

There are thousands of households showing their faces: "Master Xiao, we have never planted three of the five kinds of seeds you mentioned. What if they are not suitable for planting here?"

Xiao Yeyang: "If the harvest is not good because it is not suitable for planting, I will take the responsibility."

Hearing this, the five thousand households stopped talking.

Xiao Yeyang thought for a while, and continued: "The five who can climb to the position of a thousand households are also transparent people. You should know that as long as Ganzhou Wei is better and better, the benefits you will get will become more and more. More. As long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly."

The five thousand households quickly said: "I will listen to Master Xiao's orders."

Xiao Yeyang looked at them: "I hope you don't disappoint me." Saying this, he got lucky, "Take five thousand households down to collect the seeds."

Five thousand households walked out of the door and couldn't help but exhale.

What a shocking aura, is this the son of the royal family?

Defu smiled and waited for the five people to relax, and then led them towards the warehouse, talking continuously along the way, the fields where high-yielding grain seeds were planted, and the yield per mu would be as good as possible.

The five thousand households were very enthusiastic when they heard it. They have been greedy over the years, but as Xiao Yeyang said, as long as Ganzhou Wei is getting better and better, they will get more and more benefits.

On the other side, in Xiao Mansion, Daohua also handed over the prepared seeds to Yan Shouhou.

Today, two barren hills have been transformed into terraced fields. The terraced fields have distinct lines, and rows of terraces spread down from the top of the mountain, which is particularly spectacular.

"Sow first, and the other three barren hills will continue after the spring planting is over."

Daohua ordered Yan Shouhou and went to the pasture.

Forage grass has a short growth cycle, and it grows very vigorously in less than a month.

Because the forage yield is relatively high and its regeneration is strong, Daohua asked Cao Chuan to buy more lambs and calves, as well as adult cattle, sheep and camels.

Cao Chuan hired more than a dozen experienced herdsmen to work in the pasture. With them watching, the cattle, sheep and camels quickly adapted to the pasture, and no serious illness occurred.

This time, Daohua brought another batch of forage seeds from the space, and after handing them over to Cao Chuan, Cao Chuan asked someone to plant them.

"In the future, this pasture will be handed over to you to manage. When the second batch of pasture grows, you may buy some cattle and sheep, depending on the situation. Don't buy the camel cubs. It is enough to keep a hundred adult camels in the pasture."

Daohua looked at Cao Chuan: "By the way, are there any horses for sale?"

Cao Chuan nodded: "Yes, but very few. Most of the horses are in the hands of the guards and the army."

Daohua: "If you see something suitable, try to buy as many as you can. The supplies here in Ganzhouwei are scarce. In the future, you will have to run inland frequently, and horses are indispensable."

Cao Chuan nodded in response.

With the increase of cattle and sheep, the pasture became lively little by little. The nearby pastures were very envious when they saw thousands of cattle and sheep running in Qingyang Ranch.

"You said, will the Xiao residence not sell us grass?"

"Probably not. High-yielding grain seeds are all put up for sale. There's no reason not to sell pasture seeds."

"It's understandable that the Xiao family has only arrived at Ganzhouwei for a few months, and there are not many seeds."

Stone curved mouth.

Wang Qizheng was leading the tribe in the spring planting, and Wang Wu suddenly ran over: "Sir, come with me, I have found something here."

Wang Qi glanced at the excited Wang Wu, and just handed the seed bag in his hand to the clansman, Wang Wu eagerly pulled him away.

"What's the matter?"

After walking some distance, Wang Qicai asked.

Wang Wu didn't answer, he dragged Wang Qi and walked forward quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, the two came to the back half of the mountain.

"Sir, look at those people."

Wang Qi looked down the mountain, his pupils tightened a little.


Looking at dozens of carriages full of ordnance, Wang Qi couldn't help being shocked.

Wang Wu pulled Wang Qi: "Sir, where did you say these weapons were sent?"

Wang Qi has returned to his senses, observed the transport team, and said, "Sent to Ganzhou City."

Wang Wu's expression lifted after hearing this: "Sir, I think so too, those people are not from Xiliang's side at first sight."

"First, a large amount of food was shipped here, and now such armaments have been shipped. It seems that Mr. Xiao didn't come to Xiliang and then went back."

"Sir, you go to him, he is the son of the king of the capital, and he will not be afraid of the Wei family."

Wang Qi squinted at Wang Wu: "Say wind is rain, let's not talk about me going to seek refuge, whether they will accept it or not, it is the person and ability of Mr. Xiao, I have to watch it first."

Wang Wu was anxious: "Sir, with your ability and knowledge, how could Master Xiao refuse to accept it? Didn't you say it before, do you want to assist someone who has the ability to change Xiliang?"

"I think that Mr. Xiao can do it. Our Wang family has been suppressed by the Wei family to this point. Now all the people have been reduced to hiding in the mountains to have a place to live. We must seize the opportunity."

Wang Qi sighed, the former Wang family could be as famous as the Wei family in Xiliang, but because of their disagreement with the Wei family, they were suppressed by the Wei family for decades.

Thinking of the clansmen whose population is withering and cannot even guarantee food and clothing, Wang Qi's heart is also very stressed: "Look at it again."

After saying this, no matter how much Wang Wu persuaded Wang Qi, Wang Qi didn't say a word until the delivery team at the foot of the mountain left, and he turned around and went back to continue farming.

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