There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 882 Chapter 882, Su Hongxin came to vote

After the ordnance was delivered, Xiao Yeyang did not let the transport team enter the city, but sent it directly to the frontier army barracks stationed in Ganzhouwei.

Cao Dan, the sergeant general, was excited as he watched the carriages carrying the ordnance drive into the barracks.

Because he had nothing to do with commanding the envoy in the capital, every time he reported the replacement of military equipment, he was rejected. The soldiers under his command had not changed weapons for several years.

Once, a team encountered the Xiliao people. Because the swords in the hands of the soldiers were too dull, the swords could not be pulled out after slashing the Chinese and Xiliao people. That time, only a few people from that team came back alive.

"Thank you Sir Xiao!" Cao Dan looked at Xiao Yeyang gratefully.

As soon as the person in front of him came, the food and military supplies were all dealt with one after another. He didn't care about the power change of Ganzhou Guard. He would listen to whoever was good at his soldiers and valued the lives of the soldiers.

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me, since I took over the Ganzhou Guard, it is my duty to build your frontier army well."

Saying that, he glanced at the soldiers who were training on the playground.

"Come on, accompany me to see how the soldiers are training."

As for Cao Dan, in addition to letting Jin Lingwei explore his roots, he also personally inspected it.

This is a general who has climbed up from the bottom step by step by military merit, and has no forces behind him. It is reassuring to use.

The military forces on the Xiliang side are more complicated than he imagined. Due to the neglect of the imperial court, there are many imaginations of self-respecting troops. It is like some local officials in the inland. The emperor is far away and feels that he is a local. The earth emperor.

He still has a long way to go to establish an indestructible and complete defense system in Xiliang.

Now, we can only manage Ganzhou health first, and the rest will be done step by step.

"I see that the soldiers are much stronger than when I first came here."

Xiao Yeyang and Cao Dan walked on the playground, slowly looking at the soldiers who were practicing.

Cao Dan said with a smile: "Thanks to you, Mr. Xiao, the soldiers can have enough to eat every day, and their energy will naturally come up."

Xiao Yeyang glanced at him: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, the soldiers will no longer be hungry." After speaking, he walked towards the military tent.

Cao Dan looked at his back, looked at the soldiers in training, and followed quickly.

Xiao Yeyang entered the army tent and stood in front of the sand table. He didn't turn around when he heard Cao Dan coming in, and said directly: "The area bordering Ganzhouwei and Xiliao is too wide, if the people of Xiliao come from somewhere It's hard for us to get there in time."

This is also the reason why the people of Xiliao dare to come and rob Xiliang every year. The sideline defense is too weak.

Cao Dan looked at Xiao Yeyang: "What is your order, sir?"

Xiao Yeyang pointed at the easternmost and westernmost borders of Xiliao and Ganzhouwei, as well as the position in the middle: "I plan to build three important military towns in these three places, what do you think?"

Cao Dan was very familiar with the area bordering Ganzhouwei and Xiliao, and nodded immediately: "If we really want to build it, it is naturally the best, no matter where the Xiliao people attack from, we will be able to get there quickly. .But."

Cao Dan looked at Xiao Yeyang hesitantly.

Xiao Yeyang looked at him and said, "If General Cao has anything to say, you are more familiar with the situation here than I am. I came here a few days ago to send weapons, and I also want to hear your opinion."

Cao Dan no longer hesitated, and said: "Master Xiao, if you really want to build a military town, the cost and investment may be very large, and this matter may be reported to the commander and envoy first."

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "No, I'll report directly to the emperor. As for the commander's office, after the construction is completed, just notify them, lest they cause trouble for me."


Cao Dan suddenly stopped talking, thinking in his heart, it's different if you have a backer, enough to do things. Heng!

"By the way, there is another question. The original size of my soldiers was 50,000 people, but in recent years, there have been some casualties. Now there are less than 40,000 soldiers left. Replenish."

"Forty thousand people gathered together, the defense ability is reasonable, but if they are scattered to three military towns, the defense ability will be greatly reduced."

Xiao Yeyang was silent for a while: "I know about this, and I will find a way to solve it. Now let's discuss how to build a military town in detail."

While Xiao Yeyang was staying in the military camp, Gu Jian was busy helping people at the Four Seasons Pharmacy, while Daohua was busier than the two of them, not only taking care of the affairs of Xiao's house, but also keeping an eye on the progress of the spring ploughing.

Dong Yuanxuan is also busy. After the refugee household registration is completed, he is busy looking for a place to resettle.

He cherished this opportunity so much!

The emperor did not pardon them, and he knew that unless he made merit, the Dong family would still be exiled sinners.

Since there are not many people who can use it, Master Dong and several adult males from Dong's family are all helping.

Fortunately, Xiao Yeyang acted very domineering as soon as he came over, and the guards officials did not dare to make any mistakes because of his identity.

In addition, officials also wanted to see the harvest of high-yielding grains. With the assistance of Mr. Dong, the former governor of Zhongzhou, the refugee resettlement went on smoothly.

Time passed little by little, and by mid-March, the two barren hills transformed into terraced fields had all been cultivated.

Daohua asked Yan Shouhou to kill a few sheep, and let the people who helped with the work during this time have two good meals.

"Cultivation is over, continue to transform the barren hills."

Daohua looked at Yan Shouhou, who had lost a lot of weight and blackness: "This year is the first year we came to Ganzhou Wei. All kinds of things are pushed together. It's hard work."

Yan Shouhou hurriedly smiled and shook his head: "It's a small blessing to be able to do things for the girl."

Daohua glanced at Gu Yu: "Bring the string of South Sea pearl bracelets I got earlier."

After Gu Yu found the pearl bracelet, Daohua handed it to Yan Shouhou: "After you came to Ganzhou Wei, you have been busy outside and have no time to accompany your daughter-in-law. Take back this pearl bracelet and give it to your daughter-in-law. Bar."

Yan Shouhou grinned suddenly. The girl rewarded her with jewelry, which is more face-saving than rewarding silver. This is the girl's value and recognition of herself.

Yan Shouhou took the pearl bracelet with both hands: "Thank you girl for the reward."

Daohua: "Go back and get some repairs, and you'll have to watch it after the slopes are rebuilt."

Yan Shouhou resigned.

As soon as the person left, Daohua thought of Xiao Yeyang, who had been traveling to the border army camp in recent days, and walked to the kitchen to prepare a pot of medicinal food for him.

As soon as Daohua arrived in the kitchen and put the ingredients and medicinal materials into the pot, the concierge hurriedly came over: "Madam, there is a beggar outside, claiming to be the adult's companion, no matter how hard you try to drive him away, Right now they are shouting to see you outside."

Daohua was stunned for a moment: "Beggars? Companion?"

Isn't Xiao Yeyang's companion reading Brother Dong, where is another one?

"Did he say what his name was?"

Concierge: "He said his name is Su Hongxin, the elder brother of your madam's sister-in-law."

Daohua's eyes suddenly widened, and the people in the kitchen looked at the herbal meal, and walked towards the gate of the mansion: "Why is Brother Su here?"

Seeing that Daohua really knew the beggar, the concierge felt a little stunned, but he was relieved to think that he and the other concierges had also dealt with the beggar.

Soon, Daohua came to the mansion gate.

Looking at the man lying on his back under the stone steps, with disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and his face so dirty that he couldn't see his face, Daohua couldn't help blinking.

Is this man really Big Brother Su?

Su Hongxin, who was so hungry that his hands and feet were weak and had no strength, heard the movement at the door, turned his neck with difficulty, and saw Daohua standing in front of the mansion, his eyes burst into tears.

"Big sister Yan, I finally see you~"

This singing harmony with crying and joy, the volume is not large, but the end sound is pulled long, making those who hear it shiver.

"Come on, go and help Big Brother Su into the mansion."

Daohua came back to her senses and saw that many people on the street were looking this way, she quickly ordered the concierge to help Su Hongxin into the house.

in the living room.

Daohua looked sluggishly at Su Hongxin, who was holding a chicken leg in one hand and wiping away the food on the table in the other hand, his cheeks bulging higher than a hamster, and swallowed.

"Brother Su, eat slowly, it's not enough, I'll let the kitchen do it." Then, worried that he was choking, he scooped a bowl of chicken soup and handed it over to him.

Su Hongxin took a big sip of the chicken soup, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, before swallowing the contents, he said vaguely, "Sister Yan, you don't know, this time I've made a big mistake. already."

Daohua watched Su Hongxin's eyes instantly filled with tears, her eyelids couldn't help jumping, and she asked, "Brother Su, why did you come to Xiliang?"

Su Hongxin touched his shiny mouth again with the back of his hand: "I heard that the little prince has come to Xiliang, and I'm here to rely on him."

After speaking, he drank another sip of chicken soup, then burped, and said, "Seeing that your third and fourth brothers are getting better and better, especially your fourth brother, who has become a naval general."

"As for me, I am still accomplishing nothing in Zhongzhou."

Said with an angry face.

"Your fourth brother is really not loyal enough. When I was a child, I agreed with him that we would become generals together, but he left me behind."

"On the side of Xiliang, don't the people of Xiliao often violate the border? My grandfather said that when the little prince came to Xiliang, he would definitely not return without success. I'll come here."

"My little prince, your third brother, fourth brother, and eldest brother Dong grew up together. It doesn't make sense. They are all strong. I am the only one who is weak. I will also come out to fight."

Daohua was silent for a while, and then asked again, "Then why did you do this?"

Hearing this, Su Hongxin suddenly became discouraged: "Don't mention it, my lord, I was tricked by a woman."

Then, Su Hongxin cracked his hero to save the beauty, but was deceived by the beauty and talked about all the entanglements.

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