There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 883 Chapter 883, Mutual Market

After listening to Su Hongxin's so-called hero saving beauty, Daohua didn't sympathize with him at all: "You men, when you see a weak and pitiful beauty, you are full of heroism, and you deserve to have a long memory."

Su Hongxin said with a sad face, "Sister Yan, I would be so pitiful without you."

Daohua ignored him, but asked, "Brother Su, let me ask you, you came to Xiliang, do your uncles and aunts know?"

Su Hongxin's eyes were a little erratic: "Well, I plan to tell my family after I come to Xiliang."

Hearing this, Daohua was speechless: "You didn't even tell your sister-in-law?"

Soon after the Yan family came to Beijing, Su Hongxin married the direct daughter of a local family in Zhongzhou.

Su Hongxin: "I can't tell your sister-in-law that she is pregnant. If she knew that I was coming to Xiliang, she would definitely threaten me with the child in her womb and not let me go."

Daohua was even more speechless, and looked at Su Hongxin with the eyes of a scumbag: "Brother Su, your sister-in-law is pregnant and you are still running out, so you are not afraid of her worrying about her fetuses or something?"

Su Hongxin was stunned for a moment, and then said weakly: "No, your sister-in-law is in good health. She is even more aggressive than you and Dong's sister. She won't be angry with herself for such a trivial matter."

Hearing this, Daohua was speechless: "Why are Yuanyao and I so savage? Brother Su, don't slander us here!" After speaking, she paused and said rudely:

"It's one thing for your sister-in-law to be healthy, but as the father of the child, you should be at home with your pregnant wife and unborn child."

"It's extremely dangerous for a woman to give birth. Sister-in-law needs your company and care. You just ran out like this. It's really irresponsible."

Su Hongxin knew that he was wrong, and scratched the back of his head: "Sister Yan, don't talk about me. In fact, I regretted it a little after I came out, but I have come to Xiliang, so I can't let me go back now."

Daohua shook her head. She didn't want to talk too much, so she said, "I'll ask the maid to prepare writing and ink for you right away. You can write a letter to go home to report safety."

Su Hongxin nodded quickly: "Thank you, Sister Yan."

Daohua asked the maid to bring hot water, and asked Su Hongxin to wash up again, and then asked Gu Yu to bring him pen, ink and letter paper: "Brother Su, Ye Yang is not here now, after you finish writing the letter, take a good rest, Ye Yang is back, and I'll have someone call you."

Su Hongxin got up and gave Daohua a bow: "Thank you, Sister Yan."

Daohua smiled: "You are my fourth sister-in-law's brother, thank you, please write a letter quickly, don't worry your uncle, aunt and sister-in-law." After speaking, she left.

"What, Su Hongxin is here?!"

As soon as Xiao Yeyang came back in the evening, Daohua told Su Hongxin's arrival.

Daohua talked about Su Hongxin's embarrassment when he came, and focused on how he was deceived: "You must not imitate him, I don't want a husband who is a beggar to come to you one day."

Xiao Yeyang listened and hugged Daohua with a smile: "Your husband, I won't be so stupid. If you want to lie to me, you have to have the ability and courage."

Daohua also thinks about it, Jin Lingwei pays attention to details in handling cases. It is difficult to deceive them with white lotus, unless they are willing to believe it.

"He said he came to join you, and he also said he wanted to be a general."

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "Su Hongxin and your fourth brother are the best friends. Since he was a child, he has been shouting that he wants to be a general. I think it was because his fourth brother went to the Navy, and he couldn't hold back."

Daohua: "Big Brother Su came here without telling the family, and fighting a war is extremely dangerous. I'm afraid that this matter will meet the Su family, so as not to have an emergency, it is difficult to explain."

Xiao Yeyang thought for a while: "Su Hongxin's martial arts are still very good. I will have a good chat with him and explain the danger of the battlefield to him. As for the Su family."

"Grandpa Su is not a forward-looking person. Since Su Hongxin has already come, it is estimated that he will not be allowed to go back."

Daohua nodded in agreement.

Xiao Yeyang then smiled and said, "Don't say it, it's really time for Su Hongxin to come."

"I'm going to build a major military town. Although Cao Dan is okay, but I haven't known him for a long time, and I can't trust him completely. Su Hongxin is here, and he's just standing at the barracks and watching for me. I'll go later. meet him."

Daohua: "Don't worry, he really suffered a lot this time, let him rest for a night, see you tomorrow."

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "Alright, I finally came back early, and I don't want to waste time on him." After speaking, he picked up Daohua and walked towards the bed.

"I think the medicated meal you gave me tonight is very good. I am full of energy now. I will continue to make it in two days."

After breakfast the next day, Xiao Yeyang met Su Hongxin.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang staring at him with a smile, Su Hongxin felt a little awkward when he thought that he was tricked into begging all the way: "Little Prince"

Xiao Yeyang interrupted him: "There is no little prince here, either call me by my name or Sir Xiao."

Su Hongxin is very good at climbing up the pole. He hadn't seen each other for a few years, and he didn't feel any strangeness with Xiao Yeyang, so he sat down to Xiao Yeyang with a smile and said, "Yeyang."

Xiao Yeyang glanced at him and shook his head with a smile. Speaking of which, Su Hongxin's personality is very similar to Wen Kai's, and it's no wonder that they were good friends when they were young.

"The letter from home has been delivered?"

Su Hongxin nodded: "Send away."

Xiao Yeyang: "You came out without telling your family. If Mrs. Su wanted you to go back, I wouldn't dare to keep you."

Su Hongxin said confidently: "No, I came out to improve my future, and my grandfather can only support it."

Xiao Yeyang smiled. Although he welcomed Su Hongxin's arrival, he still reminded him: "You came all the way, you should have a deep understanding of the hardships on Xiliang's side, and you really want to stay here. ?"

Su Hongxin: "Of course, I came here because I didn't want to stay at home and do nothing. Seeing that everyone has their own things to do, I have to catch up."

Xiao Yeyang patted him on the shoulder: "You come, I'm very welcome, I just came to Ganzhou Wei, there are a lot of things to deal with, but there are not many reliable people at hand, you can just come here to help I."

Su Hongxin immediately puffed up his chest: "You know my ability. When I was training in the military camp of Governor Guo, I was not much worse than Wen Tao and Wen Kai."

Xiao Yeyang nodded with a smile, and told him about building a major military town: "I plan to build three, but the middle one is at the foot of Yunlian Mountain, where it was occupied by Xiliao, and now only The left and right defenses can be built first.”

"Two military towns, I may ask you to station one in the future."

Su Hongxin was very emotional when he heard it. He didn't expect Henry Zhang to use him so much when he came: "You can rest assured and leave the errand to me, I will do it well."

Xiao Yeyang continued: "After you repair for a while, I will send you to the border army barracks to help me keep an eye on the construction of the military town, and secondly, by the way, I will have a good relationship with the soldiers in the barracks."

"If you want to be a general, you can't have the hearts of the soldiers."

Su Hongxin: "I know all this, so don't worry."

Xiao Yeyang thought for a while, and then said, "Yuan Xuan is also in Ganzhou City. I'll take you to see him later."

Su Hongxin didn't have any surprises after hearing it. The Dong family was exiled to Xiliang. Now that the little prince is here, he has the friendship from his childhood, so naturally he will not ignore it.

"Okay, I haven't seen Big Brother Dong for a long time."

Seeing Su Hongxin, Dong Yuanxuan was also really happy, and he couldn't help thinking of his childhood in Zhongzhou.

Since Xiao Yeyang and Dong Yuanxuan were very busy, the three simply sat for a while and then separated.

When they parted, Dong Yuanxuan invited Su Hongxin to be a guest at his house, and Su Hongxin agreed immediately.

Ye Yang gave him a few days to repair, and he happened to learn more about Ganzhou Wei's side from Brother Dong.

A few days later, Su Hongxin went to the border army barracks.

This guy has a straightforward personality. When he arrived at the barracks, he was like a fish in water, and he quickly became one with the soldiers. Even Cao Dan also valued Su Hongxin very much.

After Xiao Yeyang found out, he was relieved a lot.

Daohua thought that Su Hongxin's wife was pregnant, and she might be worried about Su Hongxin, so she first sent news to the Su family with carrier pigeons and reported safety.

Zhongzhou, Sufu.

When Mrs. Su received the news from Daohua, her heart finally fell back to her stomach, but when she thought that her son went to Xiliang, Xiliang would fight with Xiliao at some point, and she was a little worried.

After Mrs. Su knew about it, he was silent for a while, and said, "Hongxin wants to go out, let him go. It's safer for the little prince to be there than to go elsewhere."

Thinking of the past few teenagers, now each has his own future, the old man doesn't want his grandson to be too mediocre.

"Hongxin's daughter-in-law is still pregnant. Hongxin left without saying a word. The child must be aggrieved. You should take more care of her."

Mrs. Su nodded: "Daughter-in-law knows."

Time flies, and it's mid-April in the blink of an eye.

Under the construction of the frontier army, the important military town in the westernmost frontier area of ​​Ganzhou Wei has begun to take shape. After Xiao Yeyang inspected it, he improved several places and then returned to Ganzhou City.

"Pack up, I'll take you out for a walk."

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang in surprise: "Do you have time?" After coming to Ganzhou Wei, Xiao Yeyang can be said to be a busy spinning top, leaving early every day and returning late.

Xiao Yeyang stepped forward and sat down with Daohua in his arms, and said with a smile, "Didn't you say you wanted to go shopping before you came to Xiliang? I'll take you out now, are you still not happy?"

Daohua hurriedly retorted: "Why am I unhappy?" After saying that, she took a closer look at Xiao Yeyang's expression, "Are you really going to take me out for a walk?"

Seeing Xiao Yeyang nodding, Daohua immediately got up and ran to the screen to change her clothes.

When Xiao Yeyang saw it, he smiled and shook his head. At the same time, he felt a little guilty. After coming to Ganzhou Wei, he didn't accompany Yiyi very much.

In Ganzhouwei in April, the temperature is neither too high nor too low, so it is the best time to go out to play.

Daohua changed into a light and comfortable dress, and also changed Xiao Yeyang into a set of regular clothes, and then left the house happily.

The carriage went out of the city gate and ran straight to the north.

Daohua was lying in front of the car window, looking at the vast and empty land outside, smelling the fresh air, she wanted to lie beside the window and yell.

Seeing the bright smile on Daohua's face, Xiao Yeyang smiled and hugged the person back: "Be careful of the headache. When I'm done, I'll take you down on horseback for a run."

Daohua immediately turned to look at Xiao Yeyang: "I knew it, you definitely didn't take me out for a walk."

Xiao Yeyang pecked her red lips with a smile and explained: "There are less than 1,000 military horses on the Ganzhou Guard side. I want to form a team that can resist the Western Liao cavalry and can fight quickly. Not a good horse."

"I asked someone to contact a horse dealer in Xiliao. Today, I'm taking you out for a stroll, and I'm here to buy horses, killing two birds with one stone."

Daohua glanced at her mouth: "I know you're not so busy."

Xiao Yeyang hugged Daohua tightly, his face pressed against Daohua's cheek: "When things are on the right track in Ganzhouwei, I will definitely accompany you."

Daohua smiled and said "um": "Then I can wait."

It didn't take long for Daohua to notice a dry river outside the carriage: "Is this the Dan River?"

At this time, Xiao Yeyang sat by the window, hung up the car curtain, and looked at the depleted river outside and the surrounding desolate and desolate land with a serious expression.

"Yes, this is the Dan River whose source was cut off by the Xiliao people."

"Did you know that it was originally an endless prairie, because the tributaries of the Dan River flowed through it, and the water and grass were abundant. It was a natural horse pasture."

"But after the source of the Dan River was occupied by the Xiliao people, this side gradually became deserted. In addition, the Xiliao people often came here, and the herdsmen dared not come to graze. The horses we need can only go west. Liao merchants to buy."

Daohua raised her eyes and looked at the snow-capped mountains that were connected to the blue sky in the distance, and then said, "We must grab Danhe back."

Xiao Yeyang squinted his eyes: "Sure, if you want the Xiliang army to have a strong combat capability, you must have horses. As long as we grab Danhe back, we can build our own horse farm."

As soon as he arrived, he asked the frontier army to build a major military town on the east-west defense line of Ganzhou. In addition to improving the defense system, there was also a main purpose, which was to retake the Danhe.

Without sufficient water sources, even if there are high-yielding grains, the harvest here in Ganzhouwei will not be too high.

After a night of rest at Beiwan Hundred Households under Ganzhou Wei, at noon the next day, Xiao Yeyang and his party came to a border town on the border between Xiliang and Xiliao.

Xiao Yeyang took out the curtain cap and tied it to Daohua himself: "This border town used to belong to the jurisdiction of Xiliang, but later Ganzhou Wei's management and control ability was not enough, and many people from Xiliao came in. It has become a mutual market place between Xiliao and Xiliang."

"Xiliao's materials are even scarcer than that of Xiliang. Although there are few caravans in Xiliang, they are not completely absent. The tea, silk and porcelain brought by the caravans are very popular here."

"As for the Xiliang side, you also need to buy Xiliao horses and furs. As for the mutual market situation in the border town, you turn a blind eye."

Daohua: "It's better to standardize management."

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "I will in the future." When he takes back Danhe, builds three important military towns, and builds a defensive line, he will take back the original territory of Xiliang.

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