There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 887 Chapter 887, recruiting troops

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the construction of the second important military town in Ganzhouwei began.

The construction of the important military town was hidden from Xiao Yeyang's side of the guard. Many of the guards' officials had other forces behind them. Before retaking Danhe, he did not want to make it known to everyone.

He knew that there were many people in Ganzhou Guard who refused to accept him, and there was nothing he could do. Although he had the appointment letter of the Protectorate of the Five Armies in his hand, his official position was too low.

Taking back the Dan River will be the first step for him to gain a firm foothold in Xiliang.

"Why are you frowning again?"

Daohua entered the study with a bowl of milk tea, and saw Xiao Yeyang standing in front of the sand table with his brows furrowed.

Xiao Yeyang took the milk tea in Daohua's hands and drank it in a few sips: "This milk has tea leaves, but it doesn't have the fishy smell, it tastes much better."

Daohua said with a smile: "You can drink it if you like it. After you came to Xiliang, you were busy every day. After a long time, no matter how strong your body is, you can't take it. In the future, you will have to drink a bowl of milk every day. it is good."

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "I listen to you."

Daohua smiled and continued: "Do you remember those two black-and-white cows? Let me tell you, our luck is really good. The cow gave birth to a calf within a few days of being bought, and then began to produce milk. , the milk tea you just drank was produced by that cow."

"The milk production of this cow is amazing. It produces 60 to 70 catties of milk every day, and of course it eats a lot."

Xiao Yeyang was a little surprised: "So many?"

Daohua nodded and raised her eyebrows proudly: "I have good eyesight?"

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua dotingly: "Yes, your vision is the best, otherwise, why would you like me?"

Daohua was amused, and Xiao Yeyang felt much more relaxed.

After joking for a while, Daohua looked at the sand table: "What were you worrying about just now?"

Xiao Yeyang's eyes fell back to the sand table, and he sighed, "I worry about horses, but also about soldiers." After saying that, he pulled Daohua towards the table and chair next to him, and sat down with her in his arms.

"Ganzhou Guard has about 1,000 horses, and there are 500 horses at the military camp. In addition to the 500 he bought from the Xiliao people last time, the entire Ganzhou Guard has about 2,000 horses. "

"I want to build a cavalry force of 5,000 people, and if I cut out the army and the guards to keep spares, I can only raise a team of 1,000 people, which is 4,000 horses less than I expected. "

"Also, there are not enough frontier troops."

"After Ganxuan Town is built, a group will be left to garrison the military town. After the second military town is built, another group will be left to garrison. At that time, there will be fewer troops that can be mobilized."

Daohua pondered: "This lack of horses, think of a way, we can still raise it, but this lack of troops."

When it comes to being a soldier, the common people are actually very resistant. Few people will take the initiative to join the military camp. Generally, when there is a shortage of soldiers in a war, the imperial court will force recruitment, but this method is not easy for Xiao Yeyang.

First of all, they just came to Ganzhou Guard, and their control over here is actually far from enough. Suddenly recruiting troops, if they don't get it right, they might cause trouble.

Second, there is no valid reason for conscription.

Third, openly recruiting soldiers must be reported to the command and envoy.

Fourthly, due to the years of military chaos and lack of food, the population of Ganzhouwei is not large. After conscription, some families are likely to have no prime-age labor.

Xiao Yeyang tapped his fingers on the table: "The frontier army on the Ganzhou Guard side, according to the regulations, is full of 50,000 people, and now there are only 40,000 people."

"I'm going to send a letter to the commander of Xiliang, and ask him to complete the frontier army. You can back up the gifts later, and I will let them send them together."

Daohua nodded: "Okay." After speaking, she paused, "After I came back from Bamu Town last time, I sent a letter to the capital and asked Qin Xiaoliu to send someone to bring tea here. Calculate the time, it should be It will be there at the end of this month.”

"Last time, the owner of the horse looked shrewd. You asked him to let him out and exchange tea for a horse. I think some people from Xiliao would like it."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua with a smile: "You think more than I do, but don't worry about it, now it's mid-May, the crops in your terraced fields are already growing very well, I think it won't be long before Someone will come to find me."

The other guards were far away and didn't pay much attention to Ganzhou guards, but the adjacent Jinweiwei and Lan Wuwei kept their eyes on this side.

The Jin Lingwei he brought over was sent to various guards to inquire about the news. He knew early on that the commanders of Jin Weiwei and Lan Wuwei were eyeing high-yielding grains.

High-yielding grain seeds are definitely not enough, and the two commanders will not wait until the autumn harvest grain production spreads before coming over to ask for grain seeds.

Just as Xiao Yeyang was staring at the sand table, he had come up with a plan to exchange high-yield grains for the horses of Jin Weiwei and Lan Wuwei and the garrisoned frontier troops.

Of course, the premise is that after the military transfer order of the Five Armies Protectorate is issued.

Xiao Yeyang reported to the emperor about the plan to build a major military town on the border between Xiliang and Xiliao before he came to Xiliang. After the emperor heard it, he approved it. The side will agree.

Daohua saw that Xiao Yeyang had already made up her mind, so she didn't say any more. She usually wouldn't intervene in business affairs, but she did her best to prepare more supplies for Xiao Yeyang in case he needed it.

Although there were not enough horses, Xiao Yeyang did not wait and trained the cavalry team of 1,000 people.

Su Hongxin was also in it, because Xiao Yeyang and Xiao Yeyang had trained in the Ningmenguan military camp when they were young, and they were good at riding and shooting. After Xiao Yeyang's inspection, he made him a leader.

The promotion of officers and men depends on military merit. How far Su Hongxin can go in the future will depend on his own ability.

All command envoys.

After Wei Hongcai received Xiao Yeyang's letter, he was silent for a while, and then called some confidants over: "The Ganzhou frontier army is short of 10,000 people, Xiao Yeyang wrote to him and asked us to fill him up. "

Du Commander Yan Shi immediately snorted and said, "If he asks us to make up for it, we will make it up. Does this really mean that this is the capital, and everyone has to listen to him?"

"that is."

Two others followed suit.

Wei Hongcai looked at his master: "Master Xu, what do you think?"

Master Xu thought for a while and said, "Sir, Xiao Yeyang is a descendant of the royal family. He can contact the emperor directly. We can't ignore him or pass the buck like we do to others."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room fell silent.

Yes, if others come to ask for soldiers, they will ignore it. Anyway, the whole Xiliang is in charge of Master Wei, and there is no way to sue.

But Xiao Yeyang can't, he can stab the matter to the emperor.

If the emperor wants to know, it will be a big thing.

Wei Hongcai frowned: "Master, did you mean to make up for Xiao Yeyang?"

Master Xu hadn't spoken yet, and all those who spoke before spoke up again: "Where are the ten thousand soldiers going to gather?"

"Thank you for Xiao Yeyang's blessing. In the past, the Xiliao people mainly invaded Ganzhouwei and Jinweiwei in the western defense zone. Since he took someone to kill a team of cavalry from the Xiliao people, the Xiliao people now come to invade the east. The defense zone is here. At once, several guards bordering Xiliao will be involved, and now all guards are short of people."

Wei Hongcai was silent for a while: "Since Xiao Yeyang has written a letter, we can't help but respond." After speaking, he looked at Master Xu, "Master Xu, is there anything you can do?"

Master Xu didn't speak immediately. Thinking of the meeting with his friend Wang Qi a few days ago, he struggled for a while before raising his eyes to look at Wei Hongcai.

"My lord, it is definitely not acceptable to send troops from other places to Ganzhou Guard. But if your lord does not replenish the number of frontier troops for Ganzhou Guard, Xiao Yeyang will report it to the emperor, and your lord will probably be reprimanded. In my humble opinion, it is better to let Xiao Yeyang recruit troops on his own."

Hearing Xiao Yeyang recruit troops, Wei Hongcai showed reluctance on his face, but his confidants really thought it was a good idea.

Du Commander Xia Shi smiled and said: "Sir, isn't Xiao Yeyang very rich, let him recruit as many troops as he wants. In this way, we will not only need to recruit soldiers from other guards, but also block him. mouth, lest he make a small report to the emperor, killing two birds with one stone."

Wei Hongcai was silent for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement.

Xiao Yeyang really wanted to recruit troops. It was impossible for him to allocate money to Ganzhou Guard. He knew how poor the Ganzhou Guard was. If Xiao Yeyang wanted to recruit troops, he had to pay for it himself, even if he had a family. Wan Guan, how long can it last?

Master Xu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, Wang Qi, Wang Qi, for your suggestion, I violated my own ethics and gave Lord Wei such a bad idea.

I hope that the prince of the royal palace who came from the capital is really like what you said, and can make the lives of the people of Xiliang better.

Xiao House.

Xiao Yeyang received the reply letter from the commander and envoy, and after reading it, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Self-recruitment of troops, self-provided food and wages!

Xiao Yeyang sneered, Ganzhou Guard was the poorest among the nine guards, and he provided his own food and salaries, and the people who ordered the envoy wanted to empty him.

However, it also made things easier for him.

Before the coal mine was found, it might not be feasible to recruit troops, but the income from the coal mine is enough to support tens of thousands of soldiers.

There are not many chapters, but there are 40,000 words.

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