There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 888 Chapter 888, Improve

As soon as the document issued by the commanding envoy to Ganzhou guards to recruit troops on their own, Xiao Yeyang sent people to post recruitment notices at the gates of the guards and outside the city gate.

After Fan Tong and Xia Jianren received the news, they both approached the notice outside the gate of the guard house, and looked at the content of the notice.

Fan Tong shook his head: "Okay, why do you think of recruiting soldiers? The guardhouse is so poor that the frontier army can't even provide food and salaries. Where can I get the money to recruit soldiers?"

For a long time, the food for the frontier army was provided by the Weisuo, but the army's salaries were allocated by the imperial court to the envoys of the capital, and they were distributed by the envoys of the capitals.

Now they all command the envoys to ask the Ganzhou Guards to recruit troops and provide their own food and wages. Does that mean that the food and wages must be provided by the Ganzhou Guards?

Xia Jianren squinted at Fan Tong, who had a worried face, and sneered: "What are you worrying about? Today's Ganzhou Wei is not yours and me, but the newcomer from Wupin Xiaozhen. I don’t have money, but Xiao’s house has it, Xiao Zhenfu wants to recruit troops, and the money matter will naturally be resolved by him.”

The disapproval on Fan Tong's face became more and more obvious: "I know that the Xiao family is rich, but the daily consumption of the army is very large. How long can the Xiao family support?"

Xia Jianren smiled and shook his head: "Never mind, this matter has nothing to do with you or me."

Hearing this, Fan Tong was a little dissatisfied: "You and I are the commanders of the Ganzhou Guards. How can we have nothing to do with recruiting troops? No, Xiao Yeyang may not understand the consumption of the army, I have to persuade me. persuade him."

When Xia Jianren saw it, he quickly grabbed Fan Tong: "Xiao Yeyang must have recruited troops to gather 50,000 frontier troops. What's the use of talking about this?"

Fan Tong frowned immediately. He knew that the number of frontier troops stationed at Ganzhou Guard was not enough. He even urged Master Wei to do so, but Master Wei stopped him every time.

Now all the envoys have issued this decree of self-recruitment. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Xia Jianren saw that Fan Tong's face changed, and there was a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He really couldn't understand why Master Wei valued Fan Tong more, he and Fan Tong, was it because he was stupider?

Xia Jianren ignored Fan Tong, and his eyes fell back to the notice again.

The deep reason why Lord Wei asked Xiao Yeyang to recruit troops, he understood that recruiting troops cost a lot, and when Xiao Yeyang couldn't afford it, maybe this pampered prince of the palace would feel frustrated and leave Ganzhou Wei voluntarily.

Lord Wei still wanted to squeeze Xiao Yeyang away.

Xia Jianren laughed heartily when a lot of people gathered around shortly before seeing the notice.

The life here in Ganzhouwei is poor. In order to save food rations, some people still let their family members join the army even if they know that they may die in the army.

Not to mention that the guardhouse is now recruiting soldiers. In addition to managing meals, it also pays salaries. There will definitely be many people who come to join the army.

I hope that Xiao Yeyang will receive more soldiers, so that he can leave Ganzhouwei and Xiliang earlier.

Xia Jianren no longer thought about recruiting troops, and walked to the guardhouse. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw Chen Qianhu from Ganxi Qianhu Station walking out with a happy face.

"Chen Qianhu, why did you come to Ganzhou City?"

Seeing Xia Jianren's expression, Chen Qianhu paused for a moment, then smiled and greeted him: "Master Xia."

Xia Jianren glanced at the place where Chen Qianhu had just come out, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Zhenfu came looking for you?"

Chen Qianhu nodded and didn't say much.

When Xia Jianren saw it, his expression changed slightly, and he sighed inwardly: Xiao Yeyang's method is really good, and the thousands of households in the Qianhu Institute were gathered up so quickly.

"I see your face full of joy, is there something good?"

Chen Qianhu hesitated for a while, knowing that Xia Jianren was the commander behind him. After thinking about it, he said vaguely, "I just came here to report the planting situation to Master Xiao."

Ganzhou Wei is the poorest of the nine guards in Xiliang, and Ganxi Qianhu Station is the poorest of the five Qianhu Stations of Ganzhou Wei.

In previous years, even if the military households of the Qianhu Institute in Ganxi fought their lives, after turning in the military rations, the remaining food at most can hang the lives of the military households, so that people will not starve to death.

But this year is different. The grain seeds grown by Master Xiao during the spring ploughing are really drought-resistant and high-yielding. Thinking of the gratifying crops in the fields, Chen Qianhu smiled again.

Chen Qianhu was happy, but Xia Jianren frowned quickly, and turned to look at the sign outside the gate of the guard house.

He had forgotten that because of the high-yielding grains brought by Xiao Yeyang, this year's health center's harvest would not be much worse.

With food, you can raise soldiers, no wonder Xiao Yeyang dared to recruit soldiers.

Is it wrong for Lord Wei to let Xiao Yeyang recruit troops on his own?

With this thought in mind, Xia Jianren shook his head, even if the grain harvest was good this year, given the situation of Ganzhou Wei, how much more grain could be harvested, Xiao Yeyang would definitely not be able to support the army.

Well, definitely.

In the guardhouse, all the officials felt that Xiao Yeyang's recruitment was not a wise move. He couldn't, because the consumption of the army was too great. Even if he was the prince of the palace, he would have time to spend his money.

However, after half a month, the guards officials gradually realized that something was wrong.

The reason is that there is a honeycomb coal factory outside the city gate of Ganzhou.

People in Xiliang use coal for cooking and resisting the cold. Once the briquettes came out, there was no need to publicize them. Everyone immediately saw that the briquettes were much better than the briquettes they usually use, and they rushed to buy them.

Officials also use it at home. When I asked about it, I learned that the honeycomb coal factory was actually opened by Wei, and I was stunned.

In just half a day, the news spread throughout the entire guard commander.

After Xia Jianren heard about it, he was stunned for a while: "Xiao Yeyang found a coal mine?"

coal mine

Xia Jianren was shocked, if Xiao Yeyang really had a coal mine, then it would not be a problem to feed tens of thousands of soldiers!

No, this matter has to be reported to Lord Wei immediately.

It's a pity that the servants sent by Xia Jianren were captured by two dark guards not long after they left Ganzhou City.

Xia Jianren and Fan Tong were both from Wei Hongcai. After Xiao Yeyang came to Ganzhou Wei, he found out.

He didn't want to let the people on the commander's side intervene in what he was going to do, so he would naturally guard against these two people.

Stone curved mouth.

Wang Wu saw another long line of transportation passing by the foot of the mountain, so he hurriedly went to find Wang Qi.

At this moment, Wang Qizheng was standing in front of the wasteland reclaimed by the Wang clan, looking at the lush green crops in the field, with hope shining in his eyes.

It has only just entered June, and there is still some time before the autumn harvest, but looking at the growth of the crops in the field, he can already imagine the scene of this year's bumper harvest.


Wang Qi heard Wang Wu's cry, looked away from the crops, and walked towards him: "What's the matter?"

Wang Wu gasped: "Sir, follow me to the top of the mountain. Another convoy of supplies has passed by the foot of our mountain! I saw that the person who led the team was the one who delivered food to Xiao's residence before."

Hearing this, Wang Qi smiled and said as he walked, "What's all the fuss about?"

Wang Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Don't you want to know what you brought here this time?"

Wang Qi's expression paused: "No matter what you give, Xiao Mansion will ultimately benefit the people of Ganzhou Wei."

At this time, the two passed the clan's house and saw that the clan was using briquettes to boil water. They saw that the briquettes caught fire in a short while, and both of them suddenly smiled.

Wang Wu: "This honeycomb is really much easier to use than briquettes, and the price is cheaper. When I went to Ganzhou City last time, I should have bought more."

Wang Qi made an "um", and the briquettes turned into honeycombs. It seemed simple, but it was improving the lives of people in Xiliang little by little.

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