There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 889 Chapter 889, the Li family caravan arrives

"Second uncle, why are you here?!"

Seeing Li Xingnian suddenly appearing in front of her, Daohua's face was full of surprise and surprise.

Li Xingnian smiled and glared at his niece: "Why, are you not welcome?"

Daohua hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, and said with a smile: "Nothing, I'm just too surprised, I really didn't expect you to come here, Uncle Er."

Having said that, he smiled and blessed his body to Li Chenzhi behind Li Xingnian, "Third cousin."

Li Chenzhi smiled in return: "Cousin Yiyi."

"Second uncle, third cousin, sit down!"

Daohua helped Li Xingnian to sit down: "Are you tired from this journey?"

Li Xingnian nodded: "The road here in Xiliang is too difficult to walk, and there are few stations. I always feel that I am in good health, but this time I can't stand it."

Daohua said with a smile: "In the past years, the court in Xiliang has hardly managed it, which has led to the lack of infrastructure construction here. Xiao Yeyang has all these problems in mind, and will gradually improve in the future. ."

Hearing this, Li Xingnian leaned forward a little, and his voice was a little lower: "Yiyi, listening to you, Ye Yang is planning to stay here for a long time?"

Daohua smiled and nodded, thinking: Even my uncle felt that Xiao Yeyang was only temporarily demoted to Xiliang and would leave soon. No wonder other people in Xiliang felt the same way.

"Since I'm here, it's natural to do some work." After speaking, he sighed, "Xiliang has a lot of problems, the defense is not perfect, and the people live in poverty. Xiao Yeyang also wants to do something for the people on this land. Your own meager power."

Li Xingnian nodded and leaned back on his chair: "I have come here all the way, and I have also discovered that the economy here is indeed very sluggish."

"This inconvenient transportation will definitely hinder the development of the economy and attract caravans. Also, when you come here to do business, safety is also a big problem."

Saying that, he paused.

"I brought your third cousin here this time because last time the little six steward went back to Yan's house to report the safety of your parents. Your third cousin just went over to say goodbye and listened to the side, knowing that there is no business here. Team contacts, I just want to come and have a look.”

"It's also a coincidence. I returned to Beijing from Yuezhou in April, and I happened to meet the little six steward who wanted to send tea to you, so I came with your third cousin."

"We came here this time, firstly to see you, and secondly, to inspect the situation here."

Hearing this, Daohua's eyes lit up.

If you want to build Xiliang, you must be inseparable from the development of the economy, and the development of the economy is inseparable from the caravans that come and go. Only when the goods are circulated can the life of the people of Xiliang be gradually improved.

Xiao Yeyang's current focus is on defense construction, and he can't take care of other things for the time being. If the Li family's caravan can come to Ganzhou Wei, it will help them a lot.

Daohua looked at Li Chenzhi: "Third cousin, aren't you in charge of the Li family's business in the capital? Why do you still want to come to Xiliang to see?"

Li Chenzhi said with a smile: "There are many forces in the capital, and the business sector is actually almost divided up. The Li family can only open a few more stores in the capital, while Xiliang is still in the undeveloped stage. Here, there are more opportunities.”

Hearing this, Daohua looked at Li Chenzhi in surprise. She didn't expect the third cousin, who usually doesn't talk much, to be so business-minded and ambitious.

Li Xingnian sat on the side and drank tea with a smile, without interrupting.

Although Chen Zhi is the son of the eldest brother, he is the most like him. Both Chen Yi and Chen Liang have good abilities, but unfortunately they lack some courage. The two can keep the Li family's family business, but they cannot expand the Li family's business territory. .

As for this kid Chen Zhi, he is more ambitious and bold than his two older brothers, probably because he has two older brothers on top of him, he has less worries and dares to take risks.

Daohua looked at Li Chenzhi: "Third cousin, you have seen the conditions here, and the situations that uncle just mentioned are true, even me, I don't dare to guarantee that everything will go well for you here. ."

Li Chenzhi smiled: "Cousin Yiyi, risks and opportunities coexist. If I want to be the first person to drink soup and eat meat, naturally I have to take some risks."

Hearing this, Daohua didn't say much, neither persuaded nor resisted, but said with a smile: "Uncle, third cousin, you have a good rest in the past two days, and I will let someone show you around."

Li Xingnian nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Daohua: "By the way, uncle, you just said that you came back from Yuezhou, so do you know that my fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law are all ok?"

Li Xingnian smiled: "Okay, of course, it's not that you don't know your fourth brother's temperament, plus you have a good kung fu, now you are very happy in the navy, and your fourth sister-in-law is also pregnant."

Daohua's eyes widened: "The fourth sister-in-law is pregnant?"

Li Xingnian nodded: "It seems like three months have passed since I left. After I went back to Beijing and told your mother about this, your mother immediately asked two old women who are skilled in medicine to take care of her."

Hearing this, Daohua was relieved, the fourth brother must be very busy with the Navy, and the fourth sister-in-law has no one to take care of it, which is really worrying.

The Su family should also know by now that Aunt Su will definitely send someone to take care of the fourth sister-in-law.

Immediately, Daohua chatted with Li Xingnian about Guangdong Province.

"Uncle, the weather in Yuezhou is hot and there is plenty of rain. When you go to Yuezhou next time, you can tell the fourth brother to let him try to grow double-cropping rice in the village."

Li Xingnian: "Double-cropping rice?"

Daohua nodded: "It's just two crops of rice a year."

Li Xingnian looked suspicious: "Can it be done?"

Daohua smiled and said, "You can't tell if you try it. Yuezhou has long sunshine hours and high temperature. Early rice starts to be planted in mid-to-late March, and can be harvested in mid-to-late June."

"It is a waste to leave the fields empty after that. It is better to turn over and plant late rice. As long as the planting is completed before the beginning of autumn, the harvest can be completed before the frost falls.

Li Xingnian wrote it down seriously: "Okay, next time I arrive in Yuezhou, I will tell your fourth brother the news. No one thinks too much food. If it can be done, your fourth brother will definitely make a contribution."

At this time, Gu Yu came in and said that Xiao Yeyang had returned.

Xiao Yeyang knew that Li Xingnian brought Li Chenzhi to Ganzhou City, so he put down his work and rushed back from the guardhouse.

Li Xingnian was Daohua's uncle, and Xiao Yeyang hurried back, not only to value his wife, but also to respect his elders.

Sure enough, upon hearing Xiao Yeyang's return, Li Xingnian's smile deepened.

Soon, Xiao Yeyang strode in with a smile, greeted Li Xingnian with a fist, and nodded to Li Chenzhi.

After Xiao Yeyang chatted with Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi for a while, Daohua looked at the sky, got up and said, "Uncle, Master should be back from the pharmacy now, you and the third cousin will come with us to give him peace. ."

Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi hurriedly got up: "Is the old man in good health?"

Daohua smiled and replied, "It's tough, you'll know when you see it."

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