Beijing, Yan House.

After Li Xingnian came back from Xiliang, he told the steward to prepare the goods to be sold in Ganzhou Wei in the future, and then he came to Yan's house.

On this day, it happened to be Yan Zhiqiang's birthday. The Yan family was all at home, and the girls who were married all came back.

Looking at Li Xingnian, who had been darkened several times, everyone in the Yan family was sluggish for a moment.

Li Xingnian greeted Mrs. Yan with a smile, and then greeted Yan Zhigao and Yan Zhiqiang.

Mrs. Li knew that her second brother had just returned from Xiliang, so she quickly asked: "Second brother, is the climate in Xiliang so bad? You have only been out for more than three months, and it has been so dark. Then Yiyi and the others have been Wouldn't it be darker to stay in Xiliang?"

Li Xingnian smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, the climate in Xiliang is not very pleasant, but Yiyi doesn't run outside often, so it's actually fine."

Mrs. Li was not comforted, and her eyebrows were a little unfocused.

Mrs. Yan was more lenient than Mrs. Li. When her granddaughter was a child, she ran around the fields in the sun, and she was not as white and tender as she was.

Mrs. Li asked again, "Second brother, are Yiyi and the others okay in Xiliang?"

Li Xingnian nodded with a smile: "It's alright." After speaking, he handed Mrs. Li the family letter that Daohua brought back, "One is for Prince Ping's mansion, the other is for Duke Ding's mansion, these two letters I have to trouble you to send it."

Mrs. Li took the letter and sat next to Mrs. Yan with her daughter's letter to her family.

When Yan Zhigao saw it, he didn't lean over, but asked about what Li Xingnian had seen and heard in Xiliang.

Li Xingnian immediately recounted what he saw and felt along the way.

Everyone in the Yan family listened carefully. After reading the letter, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Yan pricked up their ears and listened.

Hearing that Xiliang was indeed as barren as rumored, and there were bandits, everyone couldn't help but worry about the lives of Daohua and Xiao Yeyang.

Li Xingnian saw that the Yan family's face was heavy, and smiled and said about the transformation of rice flowers into terraced fields and the purchase of pastures: "That girl, Yiyi, I really don't lose to any man, she can live well anywhere, Don't worry about it."

After sitting for a while, Li Xingnian followed Mrs. Li and Yan Zhigao to the main courtyard, and the others also came out of the courtyard of Mrs. Yan.

"I thought that the eldest sister was the best married among our sisters, but I didn't expect it to be the worst. In a place like Xiliang, the mountains and rivers are poor, even if Uncle Li's words are euphemistically, you can imagine that. How poor the side is."

As soon as she came out of Mrs. Yan's yard, Yan Yile said with some schadenfreude.

After Zhu Qiyun and Yan Yihuan heard it, they both frowned at the same time, and just as they were about to stop her from continuing, they heard Yan Yishuang's voice coming from behind.

Yan Yishuang came over with a big belly and looked at Yan Yile with a sneer: "Fourth younger sister, no matter how bad the elder sister's life is, the elder brother-in-law will still be hurting you. Bar."

"I heard that the concubine that the fourth brother-in-law took in the door not long ago was very popular with Mrs. Fang and the fourth brother-in-law. When I went to the banquet a few days ago, I heard that she was the fourth brother-in-law's Jie Yuhuan."

"Fourth sister, you are really big-hearted. The backyard is on fire, and you still have leisure to make irresponsible remarks here. I really admire you."

Saying that, he glanced at Yan Yile's stomach.

"It seems that it's all for the sake of family and sisters. Let me give you a piece of advice. Get a baby early. If you have a baby, maybe you can gain a firm foothold in the Fang family."

She had seen the concubine of the fourth younger sister, Funa, at a banquet in another house. She was a concubine who had just entered the family of a fifth-rank official in Beijing. Not only was she pretty, but she was also very clever. Humans can handle it.

Yan Yishuang was not looking at Yan Yile, who was so angry, and looked at Zhu Qiyun and Yan Yihuan: "Second sister-in-law, second sister, please talk to fourth sister."

After he finished speaking, he helped the maid and left.

Seeing Yan Yishuang leave arrogantly, Yan Yile was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, "What is so proud of her, don't think I don't know, there are several people in the third brother-in-law's room, why is she showing off in front of me? ?"

Yan Yihuan took a deep breath, and her words were no longer as tactful as before, and she said bluntly: "Just because she is valued by her mother-in-law and husband, because she successfully conceived the eldest grandson of the Xue family, and because of the people in the third brother-in-law's room. All of them are only through the room. Fourth sister, tell me, which of these have you achieved? "

Yan Yile was a little angry, and pointed at Yan Yihuan: "Second sister, even you are going to trample me? I have worked hard, but my mother-in-law doesn't like me, and my husband also turns a blind eye to me. Ever since that bitch entered the door, You never entered my room again, what do you think I can do?"

Seeing that Yan Yihuan was so angry, Zhu Qiyun comforted her with her hand and looked at Yan Yile calmly: "Fourth sister, what you are suffering from now is the cause you planted before. The Fang family is your choice. , Fang Shuo is also yours to marry."

Yan Yile fell silent, with tears in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, both Zhu Qiyun and Yan Yihuan felt uncomfortable.

Zhu Qiyun sighed: "Fourth sister, what the third sister said just now is not wrong. You don't have to fight with that concubine, it's just important to get pregnant earlier."

"As long as there are children, even if the fourth brother-in-law loves the concubine again, in the eyes of the uncle, he will not dare to spoil the concubine and destroy his wife."

Yan Yile suddenly became annoyed: "Don't tell me about the uncle, if the uncle and the aunt would come to Fang's house for me when the husband accepted that bitch, the bitch wouldn't be able to enter the house at all. The door, everything I am now, is caused by them."

Hearing this, Zhu Qiyun and Yan Yihuan were both deeply tired.

Zhu Qiyun looked at Yan Yile with disappointment: "Fourth sister, even without that concubine, your life in Fang's house will not be easy, so don't blame others here."

Hearing this, Yan Yile looked at Zhu Qiyun angrily, her face full of dissatisfaction.

Zhu Qiyun: "Fourth sister, today I'll just make it clear, lest you always deceive yourself, the way you marry into the Fang family is inherently disgraceful, Mrs. Fang is strict with the rules and is harsher on you, you should have a mentality before entering the door. Prepare."

"If I were you, knowing that my mother-in-law didn't like it, I would clamp my tail and be a man, but what about you?"

"After marrying into Fang's family, I quarreled with my sister-in-law above, and openly talked back to my mother-in-law, and treated the fourth brother-in-law's roommate, beating or scolding. If you're like this, which in-law's family would like it?"

"Come on, fourth sister, it's been almost a year since you married into the Fang family. What kind of person is the fourth brother-in-law, have you really not seen it yet?"

Yan Yile bit her lip and didn't speak.

Zhu Qiyun continued: "You married Gao into the Fang family. You should have known that his purpose in marrying you was not simple."

Yan Yile looked straight at Zhu Qiyun: "If the uncle is willing to help the prime minister find a position of real power, he will not do this to me. After all, the uncle is still to blame."

Zhu Qiyun didn't want to talk anymore, and said to Yan Yihuan, "I can't get along with her, you can talk to her." After speaking, she left with the maid.

Looking at her younger sister, who was at the tip of her horn and only knew how to blame others, Yan Yihuan didn't know what to say, she just looked at her worriedly.

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