There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 895 Chapter 895, Harvest

News from the capital, Daohua can still get it from time to time, but she pays attention to current events and major events. Things like Yan Yile's married life are not within her scope of attention.

Entering August, Ganzhou Wei began to be busy with the autumn harvest.

Daohua paid special attention to the harvest of the first year, personally supervising his subordinates to count the yield per mu and the total harvest, and was very busy every day.

The five terraced fields that have been transformed have now become the most lively places in Ganzhouwei. The crowd watching the harvest in the terraced fields is full of hope.

Every year when the autumn harvest begins in Xiliang, the people of Xiliao come to loot property.

However, this year, the Xiliao people, who have always been invincible, turned their backs.

Xiao Yeyang divided the 5,000 cavalry into five teams, and patrolled back and forth every day. Whenever any Xiliao people who crossed the border were found, they directly killed them on the spot, which not only ensured the stability of Ganzhou Guards, but also trained the cavalry's combat ability.

Every day, the people of the border town can see cavalry on horseback.

Some people shed tears in excitement and choked: "The army of the guardhouse has finally begun to take the initiative to defend against the Xiliao people." Instead of waiting for the Xiliao people to rob them all, it was long overdue.

Ganwei Town, the second important military town on the Ganzhou defense line, has been initially built at this moment, and only the city wall is still being built.

At noon, the soldiers who built the military town flocked to the canteen in the town in batches.

"Captain, it seems that dinner is about to start. Let's go as soon as possible. It's late, so don't run out of food."

On the city wall, Wang Wu smiled and leaned in front of the head who was watching over their team.

When the captain heard Wang Wu's words, he glared at him with an angry smile: "Boy, are you new here?"

Wang Wu hurriedly nodded and pointed to a few clansmen behind him: "We are all newly recruited recruits. As soon as we were sent over today, we will come to repair the city wall."

The captain said with a smile: "Don't worry, the barracks will not be short of your food, we all eat in batches like this."

Wang Wu looked worried: "Then we eat later, can't we only eat what others have left?"

The captain is a good-natured person, and continued to smile and said, "Put your heart in your stomach, it will definitely fill you up."

Seeing that the captain was a good talker, Wang Wu asked with a smile, "Captain, why are you thinking of building a military town here?"

The captain said as a matter of course: "Of course it is to defend the Xiliao people."

Wang Wu still wanted to ask, but the captain patted his butt and stood up: "Let's go, it's our team's turn to eat."

Wang Wu followed the captain with his clan and walked towards the cafeteria.

The canteen is built next to the training ground. It is quite large, with complete tables and chairs, and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time.

After stepping into the cafeteria, Wang Wu looked at everything inside with a strange expression on his face.

The captain saw it and smiled: "Master Xiao pity me that it is not easy for me to be a soldier, and specially ordered to build this cafeteria, and also prepared tables and chairs. Like before, we had a meal, but we squatted in any place and started eating. of."

Looking at the soldiers and soldiers sitting at the table eating, Wang Wu nodded: "Then Sir Xiao really cherishes the soldiers."

The captain expressed his approval: "As soon as Lord Xiao came, our frontier army began to live better. We used to go hungry, but now we can eat all at once."

At this time, a few people had come to the window for the meal, and Wang Wu saw that the captain picked up a sea bowl from the bamboo basket, and led his clan to do the same.

Seeing that the captain came to an empty window and handed over the bowl, Wang Wu immediately handed his bowl in.

Soon, a full bowl of food was handed out.

A few thick buns, half a bowl of potato stew.

When the captain saw the potato stew, he was very happy: "You guys are lucky, we happened to eat meat today, let's go, let's sit there and eat."

The captain brought Wang Wu and the others to an empty table to sit down, and then turned to the side and filled a bowl of vegetable soup.

Wang Wu saw it and hurriedly followed suit.

"How is it, the barracks' food is not bad, right?" The captain asked with a smile how many Wang Wu, who was burying himself in hard work.

Wang Wu stuffed the steamed buns in his mouth and said vaguely, "It's not just good, it's really good, I'm at home and I can't eat meat once a year."

The captain drank the vegetable soup with a smile: "Our food is not the best."

Wang Wu stared: "Is this not good?"

Captain: "The food for the cavalry battalion is good. I heard that there is milk tea every day. Of course, they have to work harder than us. After entering August, they have to patrol every day. If you kill them, if there are many people, come back and report."

Wang Wu nodded: "That's good, lest all the people from Xiliao be hit home, and we only received news here, and the rescue is not timely."

Captain: "Isn't that true? In previous years, Ganzhouwei was the most important place for Xiliao people to snatch, but this year, I haven't seen a single Xiliao person."

"You guys, work hard in the army. Every seven days here, we can eat meat once, which is no worse than living elsewhere."

Someone next to him knew the captain and pulled him over to eat. Only Wang Wu and a few members of the Wang clan were left at the dinner table.

"Brother Wu, it's really the right time for us to join the army." Needless to say, the food is enough to eat.

Looking at the clansmen who were happy because they had eaten meat, Wang Wu felt a little worried.

When they came to join the army, in addition to wanting to kill the people of Xiliao, they also wanted to help Mr. Xiao explore the abilities of Mr. Xiao. They thought they could pass news to Mr. Xiao after they came to the barracks, but they didn't expect the barracks to be so strict.

Wang Wu scratched his head, how should he deliver the news to Mr.

Ganzhou Guard Commander.

As the five thousand households successively delivered this year's military rations, the warehouses in the guardhouse were all filled with food.

In this regard, the officials are all excited.

Fan Tong sighed at Xia Jianren: "I have been here in Ganzhou Wei for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen the warehouse full."

Xia Jianren was silent and did not speak, and his heart was also shocked.

In fact, he didn't take the matter of high-yield grains into his heart. In his opinion, even if the yield was high, the barren land in Xiliang was here. If he could harvest more, where would he go?

He really didn't expect that the corn and potatoes were so high-yielding, not only drought tolerant, but also not picky about the land.

Xia Jianren looked at Fan Tong and said in a low voice, "Brother Fan, we have to tell Master Wei about this."

Hearing the words, Fan Tong hesitated: "Isn't it okay? The grain seeds were brought by Master Xiao, and it is he who came forward to say it."

Xia Jianren frowned: "Brother Fan, Lord Wei treats you well, why are you unwilling to do this?"

Fan Tong was displeased: "Old Xia, I don't like to hear what you say. If I was in charge of Ganzhou Wei, then I would naturally report to Lord Wei, but now I am not in charge. I don't want to be the one who makes small reports behind the back." After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Seeing this, Xia Jianren was so angry that he turned around and went back to the office room, and wrote a letter to Wei Hongcai, reporting the good harvest of Ganzhou Wei this year.

That afternoon, Xia Jianren's letter appeared on Xiao Yeyang's desk.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the letter and sneered: "Eating inside and out."

Defu stood aside and shook his head, that Mr. Xia was really stupid enough to take the initiative to send the evidence to the master. With this letter, the master can give him a charge of leaking secrets in the future.

In fact, there is no need for Xia Jianren to write a letter to inform, just relying on the word of mouth of the people, the good harvest here in Ganzhou Wei can not be concealed.

Jin Weiwei and Zhu Jianzhong smiled and sent off the commander of Jianzhouwei who came to inquire about the news, then turned around and went to the warehouse. Looking at the high-yield grains stored in the warehouse, they felt extra steadfast and satisfied.

Next year, next year Jinweiwei will also have a bumper harvest.

The commander of Jianzhouwei found out that Ganzhouwei had indeed had a good harvest, and immediately went to Liangdu to tell Wei Hongcai the news.

The next day, Wei Hongcai’s letter asking for grain appeared in front of Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang smiled at Daohua and said, "If it wasn't for the support of the royal uncle behind me, the high-yielding grains might not be able to protect them."

Daohua watched from the side and reminded: "If you write a little more tactfully, you say that there are not many high-yield grains, so you have to stay close to Ganzhou Wei first."

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "Don't worry, I know in my heart, now is not the time to meet the Wei family." After speaking, he paused, "By the way, those who buy grain seeds from the Four Seasons Grain Store in the future are best Also show the household registration of Ganzhou Wei."

Daohua said hesitantly: "Do you need this? Grain shops have limited purchase regulations. Even if the people of other guardhouses come to buy them, they won't be able to buy much. On the contrary, after they buy the grain seeds and plant them, they can still help them. We advertise."

Xiao Yeyang pondered for a while, then nodded: "That's fine."

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