There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 896 Chapter 896, prepare for battle

All command envoys.

Wei Hong only knew that Xiao Yeyang would not easily hand over high-yielding grains, but he knew that he was still very angry after seeing Xiao Yeyang's rejection letter.

"This Xiao Yeyang doesn't take people seriously! My lord, we can't just forget about it."

Wei Hongcai glanced sideways at the speaking official: "Then what do you think should be done?"

When the official choked, the person standing behind Xiao Yeyang was the emperor, and they really couldn't force it.

Wei Hongcai didn't expect the officials to come up with any good solutions, so he looked at Master Xu: "Master Xu, what do you think?"

Master Xu was silent for a while, and then he replied, "Sir, Master Xiao has a good reason for rejecting it. Let's just wait."

Wei Hongcai frowned: "How long will it take? Is it possible that after the people in Ganzhou Guard have planted high-yielding grain seeds, other guards can follow suit?"

Master Xu lowered his head and said nothing.

The high-yielding grains were brought by Xiao Yeyang, and it was naturally Xiao Yeyang who had the final say on how to distribute them.

Wei Hongcai also understood only one thing, if Xiao Yeyang was just an ordinary official, even if he was a son of a noble family, he would have a way to convince him, but he was a son of the royal family, and some methods could not be used unless it was a last resort.

"You all retreat." Wei Hongcai waved away the crowd in annoyance.

After Master Xu withdrew, he left the commander and envoy of the capital and went straight to the largest teahouse in Liangdu.

"I thought you were out of business today?"

Wang Qi stood up with a smile and sat down to meet Master Xu.

Master Xu smiled and said, "It's rare that you came to Liangdu and invited me again, why didn't I come?"

After the two sat down and drank a cup of tea, they began to talk about their respective situations. As they talked, they talked about the high-yield grains of Ganzhou Wei.

Wang Qi: "The corn and potatoes that Xiao Yeyang brought are indeed high yielding. I mentioned to you that the clan members had a chance to have contact with Mrs. Xiao, and Mrs. Xiao gave some food seeds. This year, I don't have to worry about the clan's hunger any more. stomach."

After hearing this, Master Xu looked a little surprised: "You said so, it seems that the high-yielding grain is indeed suitable for promotion in Xiliang."

Wang Qi nodded: "As long as corn and potatoes can be popularized in Xiliang, the people of Xiliang will be able to end their hunger."

Master Xu was overjoyed when he heard it, and then sighed: "Before, Mr. Wei wrote to Xiao Yeyang to ask for high-yield grains, but I didn't help me with the idea. It seems that after I go back, I have to think of a way to popularize the high-yield grains. Come on."

Wang Qi: "It's not that Xiao Yeyang doesn't want to promote high-yield grains. I think he wants to use high-yield grains to achieve certain goals."

"Not long ago, Lan Wuwei and Jin Weiwei both got a batch of high-yielding grains. As far as I know, they should have made some kind of deal with Xiao Yeyang."

Master Xu frowned: "You mean to let me leave it alone?"

Wang Qi nodded: "Through my inquiries and observations during this period of time, everything Xiao Yeyang does in Xiliang is beneficial to the people of Xiliang, which may not be in the interests of the Wei family. When it comes to high-yielding grains, it is estimated that they will only be planted in military fields, and if the common people are concerned, they will not care.”

Master Xu stopped talking. He knew Wei Hongcai better than Wang Qi.

Wei Hongcai wanted to squeeze out Xiao Yeyang, this idea has never stopped, but now he just hasn't found an opportunity.

Master Xu looked at Wang Qi: "Where do you want to protect Xiao Yeyang everywhere?"

Wang Qi smiled and did not deny it.

Master Xu sighed: "Actually, that's fine, because of geographical reasons, the people of Xiliang have had a hard life. In recent years, the people of Xiliao have become more and more excessive. If Xiao Yeyang can really change the status quo, I am also willing to worked."

Wang Qi looked at the pedestrians on the street: "Let's wait and see."

At the beginning of September, when the textile factory was built, Xiao Yeyang called Li Chenzhi to the study and gave him a drawing with a cap and a military coat on it.

"Before winter, make as many hats and uniforms as possible, and I will send all the cotton collected by the guards to the textile mill."

Li Chenzhi knew that this was the clothes for the frontier army, so he carefully put away the drawings, and said solemnly, "When I go back, I will immediately recruit people to rush to work."

The Li family also has its own textile factory in Zhongzhou. Li Chenzhi is very familiar with this aspect, but within three days, hundreds of nearby women were recruited to start processing cotton and making military coats and caps.

In mid-September, Li Xingnian and Qin Xiaoliu again escorted a large number of supplies to Ganzhou City.

Several stores bought by the Li family in Ganzhou Wei have already been laid out, and they can be sold as soon as the supplies are placed.

Li Xingnian knew that Li Chenzhi was busy with the textile factory, so he opened the shop with his steward.

On the Xiao Mansion's side, Daohua was also watching the supplies go into the warehouse.

The weather in Ganzhouwei started to get cold when it entered September. Daohua knew how difficult it was to travel in the snow and ice last year, so he ordered Qin Xiaoliu to send the supplies he needed, lest the people below him suffer.

Time slipped away little by little, and into October, snow began to fall on Ganzhouwei.

In Ganwei Town, Wang Wu and all the soldiers had just finished training on the playground when they heard the sound of hooves, and after a while, they saw a group of cavalry enter the city gate.

Looking at the cavalry uniformly wearing military coats and caps, Wang Wu and others all looked envious.

"The clothes and hats look very warm, if only we could have them."

"I heard the guerrilla general say that we have it too, but we haven't done it yet, and we will send it to us when we make it."

"It's better for the cavalry. If there is any good thing, they will use it first. See, the sabres on their bodies are all new."

"I want to be a cavalry too."

"Come on, the cavalry are all selected by Master Xiao one by one. I heard that the requirements are very high. Not only must they be physically strong, but also have some kung fu."

Wang Wu listened to everyone's words and squeezed to the captain's side: "Captain, Sir Xiao is here again today. Has he come too frequently during this time?"

Captain: "Winter is a period of high incidence of invasions by the Western Liao people, so Lord Xiao naturally patrols more frequently."

Wang Wu: "But during this time, even our training has become more frequent." After speaking, he lowered his voice, "Captain, are we going to fight?"

The captain squinted at Wang Wu: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, all you have to do is train well, really want to fight, and survive from the hands of the Xiliao people."

Wang Wu's heart bulged, and although the captain did not answer directly, he did not deny the war.

At the end of October, more than 20 carriages carrying military uniforms and caps drove into Ganwei Town.

Wang Wu got the new clothes and put them on immediately: "This new cotton coat is warm."

A few days after the new clothes were issued, Wang Wu found that the food had improved. Before, he could only eat meat once in seven days, but now he can eat it once in two or three days.

This gave him a bad feeling.

Sure enough, two days later, the captain came to the barracks with a heavy expression and told everyone explosive news.

"The cavalry found that there are large-scale Xiliao people in the direction of Yunlian Mountain. Everyone must be ready for battle recently. As soon as there is an order from above, we must quickly reinforce."

Hearing this, everyone was tense.

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